Any solo mum's out there?

Keebs Aww thanks for having such faith in my temps cause i sure dont :rofl: They took a nose dive this morning so I think we all know what's coming lol. Well... I say nose dive, but my sleep was interrupted a lot (had to let my bloody cat out at 6am :growlmad:)

I hope you managed to stay away from those tests at work hehe. I dont know how you do it :o Love your outlook on things though. I really really hope this is your month, but like you said, if you get a normal length lp, you can count this as a good cycle :hugs:

Vivo :nope: I dont wanna believe it. Well you know what I'm going to say... it's not over until af rears her ugly head, but I know how you must be feeling. I still have my fx for you. When is af due? It's Saturday for me. I dont think im going to test anymore. My temps are climbing down anyway. :cry:
Well sadly this was not a good cycle. Pesky witch arrived today, not feeling too bad at her arrival as I was pretty much expecting her but am sooooo frustrated at her timing :brat: yet another 8 day lp. Was really hoping the maca would have helped. Not sure if donor will be free this month either, fingers crossed.

So sorry for the bfn Invivo :hugs: they are soul destroying. You are only 10 dpo though right? Not out of the running just yet. Still holding out hope for you :flower: Not sure why but I don't think I'm going to get my bfp until after you get yours... so really holding out hope :haha:

Melody this ttc business stinks at times :hugs:, I hate that feeling of impending af and yet still hoping against hope she doesn't arrive. Was there much of a drop today? I've been overlaying my pregnancy chart on yours and the later temps are pretty similar (doesn't mean much but still gives me that glimmer of hope... I swear I'm as excited for you guys as I am for myself) :haha:
Aw Keebs, sorry to hear about the :witch: turning up. I had a very short LP when I was TTC my second daughter and I went with a combination of Agnus Castus and progesterone supplements (I've always had progesterone issues). Have you considered seeing your GP?

Really hoping that your donor will be able to manage a quick donation. Missing a month is hateful. And I really don't think I'm going to get my BFP before yours! I'm starting to wonder if my age is a factor here. I'm 42, and there's every chance that my window has closed for good.

Melody, AF is due on Saturday, same as you. And how was your temp this morning? I'm not seeing a big drop on your chart so far, just some ups and downs. How are you feeling today?

For me AF usually turns up at 13dpo, so I don't plan to test again either. I did have one cycle back in February where I had a 22-day DPO -- that was the start of my cyst. That one drove me nuts with no :witch:, continuing early pregnancy symptoms and continual BFNs. In some ways having her turn up on time is a relief (when I'm getting BFNs at least), because it means no messed up cycle.
Sorry to hear AF arrived Ladies. Its so tough isnt it. I just started crying because someone posted a scan picture on facebook. Sigh. This wait is already killing me.
:witch: She's heeeeere.

Yup af got me this morning. I knew she was on her way since Thursday so it it's no real suprise but still disapointing. This was try number 11 so i'm hoping 12 the magic number :haha: Anyway back on this crazy baby making train. Let's go!

Keebs Aww you're so sweet. Lol I thouhht i had the ss under control but I realise now that I spent every day from like 3dpo scrutinizing charts on ff and comparing them with my own. That's basically symptom spotting in my eyes :haha: Sorry your lp was so short again :hugs: I struggled with that for a while. Kept getting 6 and 7 day long lps. Vivo is right about the chastberry/vitext. It definitely helped with that. Although it does take a few cycles to truly start working. I hope the macca statrs doing it's thing. Onto the next cycle we go :ninja:

Vivo How you doing cycle buddy? I saw from your blog that af got you too. So sorry hun :hugs: The symptoms really seemed promising this cycle :growlmad:

darkriver Thanks hun. Aww it can be crap seeing all those pregnancy posts cant it? Hope you're feeling better :hugs:You know there's this app that can replace ttc words and pictures on facebook with stuff about bacon lol.
Darkriver, :hugs:. It's a hateful feeling when you're ready for a baby but the universe and everything in it is conspiring against you. Be good to yourself, and surround yourself with people who understand if you can (easier said than done!).

Melody, I'm so sorry about the :witch:, I really thought that this was your month. I love your attitude, though -- back on that horse and see what next month brings. We'll get there!!!

Me, I'm really disappointed that AF showed this time. It was an odd cycle for me -- my symptoms usually start to die down about 11dpo, but this time they're still here even now. I did get my hopes up (as usual!), but I'm getting used to disappointment by now.

Onwards, to next time.
Invivo Sorry the :witch: turned up, I hope you are indulging in something fabulous and forbidden (in pregnancy) tonight :hugs:

Age is such a worry then ttc, and yet decades ago women were consistantly popping children out in their forties. I just don't think that fertility plummets after 35 for everyone, most people probably experience a more gradual decline. Having already conceived in your forties is surely a positive that your fertility is delcining slower than most. :dust: for next cycle :hugs:

Melody Darn :witch: just doesn't know when she's not wanted (her social skills are appauling frankly!). So very sorry she turned up :hugs: I too thought this was your cycle. Guess you get to go to your party now though... hopefully heavily pregnant and requiring a Dr letter to fly :thumbup: Here's to an August baby instead :ninja:

Darkriver Waiting is hard :hugs: I hope you too are indulging in something fabulous this weekend.

As for me, I doubt I'll go the the Dr, she'll just tell me to stop breastfeeding. I've been taking vitex since June so suspect it's the prolactin thats causing my problems. Really torn now as still loathe too force dd to wean for an eventuality that may never happen, and yet I worry that if she doesn't wean I'll never be able to sustain a pregnancy. 8 days is just not long enough, the lining has probably already started to deteriorate before the egg is out of the tubes :dohh:
I am not. I am more concerned where my AF is. I am two days late. Not had sex in two months and no sign of my period. I have been emotional today, but hope thats down to tiredness. We used protection and i came on two weeks later so I dont know.
Have made the decision to start now. Hopefully making the first step at the end of next month.
Pah. The first donor tried Ni. I was like no thanks. I have found one who is very fertile lol. He is prolific and has several successful donations and looks like a little boy I dreamt about.
Yes i am a single mom. :) I am ttc my 3rd child. and just did an artificial insemination today.
darkriver It's disgusting how many keep pushing NI even when search specifically says AI. Makes me wanna grab a shovel and bash their heads in. Then I remember I'd do horrible in jail.

Welp. I think I missed my LH surge. No +OPK yet and I should've ovulated already. Blood HCG came back negative which I knew it would. Dr said it was still early when I did it and asked if I wanted to POAS. I was like I'm good. Now to wait for either +OPK or new cycle.
darkriver Aaaaargh, it makes me so cross when men pull the NI card late in the game. My donor half heartedly tried it on the day of donation... I'd been clear about AI all the way along and he still asked if I'd like AI, AI plus or AI extra. I had no idea what he was even talking about, suspect the look on my face said it all :haha:

Hope your new one is a keeper :thumbup:

I confess I had a bit of a flash back to a donor I encountered, whom I would definitely have described as prolific, when I read your post. However, you seem really comfortable with yours so I very much doubt it's the same one. fingers crossed for you.... sooooo exciting :flower:

2kidsplusttc3 Yay, good luck! How are you holding up during the tww?

Child2Hold lol, even harder to concieve in gaol so defo not worth it. I am amazed at how cool and collected you are about all of this ttc business, a bit envious too :haha: Hope you are just having a late surge :flower:

As for me, I take back all I said about Maca and even temps. Mine are all over the place, it's ridiculous. Giving it one more cycle before I pack it in. Feel guilty because I know you are supposed to wait 3 months for most things, but I am very conscious of the march of time here. Big 40 in January eeeeep!
Keebs The guy I am talking to hasnt pushed for NI. Accepts my choice. He is honest and I have to admit when I first get his message I was a bit taken back due to the length. However what reassured me was that he has had checks, no diseases. I was honest up front about my own health and he was okay. He has been in the newspaper and it also helped we had a chat and he was straight up and honest. I had a good feeling.
keebs Me? Calm? :haha: It was a late surge (only by a day) but wasn't able to get a donation in due to work. :hissy: Now awaiting AF so I can attack next cycle with a vengeance.

Anybody taking Super B Complex or B6 vitamins? This cycles I started taking Super B Complex and am seeing an increase in CM. I looked it up and B6 helps with progesterone. It seems like I did something good inadvertently.
Hi girls

It's been a month since I've been on here! I've just been so busy with work and everything. Anyway, I thought I'd come and have a quick catch up with you all.

Spudmama - I'm so sorry :hugs:

Darkriver - I'm planning on keeping things secret. My family are not pro-fertility intervention at all. They think it is very unnatural. I tell them it is, but so is the medication they are happy to take everyday. I don't even plan on telling them how when/if I am successful. I won't lie, but I'll just let them make their own assumptions.

Fairytales - I'm panicking about things already, and it's months until I start. At the moment, my biggest worry is the logistics of going abroad for treatment.

I'm looking forward to next year, I'm really excited about it. After Christmas, I'm going to start doing all the things I can to prepare my body for pregnancy. I know I should be doing them all know, but I started it last new year, and then TTC got postponed (again!) and I just sort of lost my motivation. And besides, I'm so busy with work and outside of work commitments that I barely have time to do anything at the moment.
darkriver Aaaaargh, it makes me so cross when men pull the NI card late in the game. My donor half heartedly tried it on the day of donation... I'd been clear about AI all the way along and he still asked if I'd like AI, AI plus or AI extra. I had no idea what he was even talking about, suspect the look on my face said it all :haha:

Hope your new one is a keeper :thumbup:

I confess I had a bit of a flash back to a donor I encountered, whom I would definitely have described as prolific, when I read your post. However, you seem really comfortable with yours so I very much doubt it's the same one. fingers crossed for you.... sooooo exciting :flower:

2kidsplusttc3 Yay, good luck! How are you holding up during the tww?

Child2Hold lol, even harder to concieve in gaol so defo not worth it. I am amazed at how cool and collected you are about all of this ttc business, a bit envious too :haha: Hope you are just having a late surge :flower:

As for me, I take back all I said about Maca and even temps. Mine are all over the place, it's ridiculous. Giving it one more cycle before I pack it in. Feel guilty because I know you are supposed to wait 3 months for most things, but I am very conscious of the march of time here. Big 40 in January eeeeep!

I am hating the tww!!! It is driving me nuts!!!!! ahhh....
Hi ladies!

May I join?

I'm also single, 34. Ended my engagement with my fiancé in September and I have no desire to date. I do have a desire to be a mommy. I've been seriously considering using donor sperm and my ironically, my ex-fiancé has said he would think about donating to me. If I use someone I don't know I am thinking I should do IUI, but I'm very confused about the cost. I know insurance doesn't cover it, but how much is the actual procedure? The prices I see vary widely.

Thanks for the help! Thanks for letting me join! :flower:

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