Any solo mum's out there?

Looks like I've missed a lot!

Spuds mama: omg!!!!! Massive congratulations I'm so excited & happy for you :happydance: here's to a happy healthy 9 months remember to keep popping in to visit us here tho

Melody : Your timing sounds good everything crossed for a quick
2ww and a bfp!!!

Goodluck In vivo hope this is your month!!!!

Keebs: everything crossed for O and good timing

I sense a lot of baby dust flying around this thread and I having a feeling about this month I can't quite put my finger on what it is but I feel it will be important :thumbup:
Emma :hugs: Digi tests are a lot less sensitive than frers, hopefully nothing more than this. I read about one lady who got a positive frer and her blood same say came back at 6.5 :shock: Can appreciate how worried you must be but still early, hope to see some lovely lines yet :flower:

Have you tested yet C2H?

Melody and Invivo tww buddies :friends: yay! Right now you may both have a tiny bundle of cells frantically growing and dividing inside you :happydance:

Your story makes me smile every time I read it Rags

Afm, still no o. Have kind of written this cycle off, think the maca may have messed with things to the extent that it's going to be an anovulatory cycle :dohh: Still an outside chance an egg will make a bid for freedom today but even so most :spermy:have probably expired by now. Yesterdays opk was negative so not trying for another donation, don't want to waste his time when I have no real idea what's happening.
SpudsMama I was reading through your blog, I could definitely see a faint line in the first test. I hope they get darker! I'm so excited for you but its understandable that your weary about getting too excited, after what happened in May :hugs: Keep us posted.

fairytales87 Thanks hun. I hope you're doing well. I know what you mean, there's just something about this month. A friend from another forum just got her BFP too. She'd been trying for 10 months, same amount of time as me.

Keebs Hehehe I love the way you put that. Just think... there really could be something going on down there as we speak. Dont give up on this cycle just yet. I o'd on cd37 a couple of times before. I hope the macca hasnt messed up this cycle. Fx you o soon!! I'm the same as you though. I hate the thought of wasting my donors time. I'll only call if I'm 100% sure. My mum's like "just stock up on donations, just in case" hahaha weirdo.

Nothing much going on with me. I'm 2dpo today (possibly). I got my temp shift but like I mentioned to invivo, I had a drink Saturday night and my temp is always high the day after, so Im not sure if it is a real thermal shift or one caused by alcohol :dohh:. So im 1 or 2 dpo lol. I'm hoping i o'd no earlier that Saturday evening, as I inseminated Saturday morning. Not feeling very good today. I'm unusually sick. Not sure if it's something i ate, but i just feel weak, nauseous and just generally gross. I'm not reading into it as I know it's too early.

Anyway I hope we get some more BFPs this cycle woop woop! :happydance:
Child2Hold, did you test yet? I'm looking forward to more good news.

And Spud, digis are notoriously insensitive. I wouldn't read too much into the negative, just keep peeing until you find one that works! The whole TTC business is extremely stressful, those early positives included. Hang in there! Two separate FRERs can't be wrong, right?

Keebs, I'msorry this month isn't working out so far. What is it that makes you think that the OPK was wrong? Is your donor flexible enough to give a donation at short notice when you do get your positive? It's times like this that I feel jealous of the ladies TTCing the old fashioned way, with all those very useful sperms on tap! :haha:

Rags, that's a lovely story. I can just feel your need to tell *somebody*.

Melody, whether you O on Saturday or Sunday I'm still calling us cycle buddies!! I hope your feeling unwell is down to Early Pregnancy Factor, some women are particularly sensitive to it. I feel very positive this month and I'm having to fight the urge to be *too* positive and get my hopes up.

This week is the calm before the storm for me, sandwiched between the anxiety of timing insemination around my variable O and the sheer insanity of the second half of the 2WW. I'm planning to enjoy it while it lasts.

Where can I learn more information about SI
I'm so clueless :dohh::blush:
I didn't have any tests at home but didn't want to leave the house. Got tests now. Will test in a little while. :dohh: :wacko:

ETA]/B] Tested and :bfn:. No more testing unless :witch: is late.
C2H :hugs: I hate those, still holding out hope you get your positive.

Emma Are you testing again? Everything crossed :flower:

Invivo IT's not that I think the opk is wrong so much as I thought my body may have tried and failed to ovulate (due to starting the maca). Temp rise this morning so hopefully ovulated yesterday :thumbup:

Lots of:dust: to you and Melody I really do think this will be a momentous month. I didn't even know about early pregnancy factor. Every day is a learning day :haha:

Still feel like I am out, but 5 days pre o has a 5-10% chance (assuming I get a decent lp...last time I ovulated day 20 it was a measly 9 days). On the plus side I feel much more accepting so if needs be should be able to move on to the next cycle without drama.

Fairytales The known donor websites are a good place to start, I liked pride angel but think there is similar inforation available on them all... then it was a case of following links and googling bits and pieces. that's how I stumbled on BnB.
Yep, tested again with a FRER this morning and got this:


Not altogether happy because it should be a lot darker at 15dpo with first faint lines being three days ago!! AF is due today too :wacko:
InVivoVeritas Hehe yes we are cycle buddies 100%! I love your take on things. I think a few of us had a strangely good feeling about this month. I hope we get more BFPs :happydance: I'm like you, trying not to get too excited. This tww is killing me already. I just want to skip forward in time. The Susana yesterday was weird. I hope it's a good sign, although i'd say it's way too early.

How are you feeling?

fairytales87 There's a thread on here that's pretty good for just general information. But yeah if you're looking for info on donors then the sites Keebs suggested are good. I've also been on

But if you have any specific questions, just ask us. We'll be more than happy to help in anyway we can. I've been inseminating for nearly a year and I'm still learning new techniques.

Child2Hold Sorry you got a bfn hun :( It's so hard not testing but then when you do and it's negativ,e you just feel bummed, even though you're not technically out yet. Fx af stays away! :hugs:

Keebs Thanks hun! I hate the wait. It drives me crazy lol. I really hope you managed to catch that egg! :hugs:

SpudsMama I hope it gets darker!!! How are you feeling today?

AFM 2/3dpo today and feeling really really agitated. I'm not very hopeful about this cycle anymore but i think that's mainly because of my mood. Everyone is pissing me off and im just angry lol. Hopefully it isnt pms...
I am stepping in tentatively. I am a single mum who has a one year old and became a single mum 4 months ago. I have made the descision to never date a man again (I am bisexual) but I want another child so will be becoming a solo mummy.

I will be going to a clinic (quiet cheap near me) and doing that route, but I have to wait a year due to being unemployed and unhealthy.
Bummed but excited I can keep trying. I'm not stopping until I get a :bfp: no matter how long it takes.
darkriver Welcome :flower: Great to have you here. I know a year seems like a long time away but we have had other women wtt in this group for about that length of time and it always goes quicker than you'd expect. Feel free to keep us posted on your progress. Everyone is lovely here. <3

SpudsMama Just read your blog, I am so sorry it's looking like a chemical :sad1: please let us know if anything changes. Thinking of you :hugs:

Child2Hold Loving the fight in you. That's the spirit! Remeber, we're ttc ninjas woooaaah! :ninja:

How's everyone else doing? Vivo, how you holding up? KN I know you're dealing with a lot at the mo but you're still in my thoughts. Hope you're ok :hugs: Hope everyone else who hasn't spoken in a while are doing ok <3

AFM I have no idea what's going on with my chart! :wacko: 3/4dpo and my temps have taken a nose dive! What does this mean? :cry: I've been reading about a 'second estrogen surge' whatever that is. Maybe it's that... I dunno. Hope is slowly going out the window this month. I'm still super emotional too.
I have found out I might have to get a cardiologist letter to proceed. I am seeing her in feb (so six months before the treatment begins.) so i will ask her then. Anyone keep what there doing a secret? I have a blog but am keeping the identifying details out as I dont jinx myself.
Welcome Darkriver

Melody: I'm not sure what the temp drop means but I'm still keeping everything crossed for you!!!

Spuds mama: :hugs:

I hope everyone else is holding up ok and keeping well

Afm: I'm officially aboard the IUI roller coaster & utterly terrified yet excited
Wow, I turn my back for five minutes and this thread just takes off!

fairytales, for me the biggest element of SI is finding the right donor. I recommend Pride Angel too, but if you do choose to explore SI as an option, take your time and explore your options.

C2H, I'm sorry to hear about your BFN. You're not out until :witch: shows, though. Plus there's always next month.You're on the bandwagon now!

Keebs, I'm glad it looks like O did happen inside your window. Time to settle in to the 2WW and drive yourself insane with symptom spotting. The reason I asked was that I had a cycle earlier this year where I had a +OPK but didn't ovulate until 9 days later. It's left me paranoid and untrusting of OPKs. What DPO do you think you're on now?

Spuds, I'm really sorry to hear about your suspected chemical. You have all my good thoughts :hugs:

melody, sounds like a secondary oestrogen surge to me. Have you ever Googled oestrogen dominance? There's a known link with PCOS and it can have a big effect on your mood. Hang in there, it's much too early to count yourself out yet.

Welcome darkriver, sounds like you know exactly what you want and how to get it. I hope you stick around this thread, there's a lot of support here.

Me, there's nothing at all going on here yet. I'm 3dpo and the 2WW is stretching out forever in front of me.
In vivo: Thank you I admire all your knowledge and I'm grateful for your advice I'm not sure I'm brave enough for SI but it would be an easier option for me given my job etc.
I hope the TWW speed up. I remember buying tons of test and when I got the positive at 12dpo I couldnt believe it. Its so hard waiting. This year is going go slow for me. However I have began losing weight so theres a start.
Quick note from me while LO eats lunch... I started bleeding today so it was definitely another chemical. I'm taking November off because I don't want to be due on or around Phoebe's birthday. Fingers crossed for a Christmas BFP, a sticky one!!
Quick note from me while LO eats lunch... I started bleeding today so it was definitely another chemical. I'm taking November off because I don't want to be due on or around Phoebe's birthday. Fingers crossed for a Christmas BFP, a sticky one!!

Aww hun I am so sorry. Hugs:hugs:

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