Any solo mum's out there?

Still have my Fx for you darkriver.
dodgegirl I feel your pain. Same thing happened to me. After years of saying yes my first option found himself in a relationship and I never heard from him again.

Well, tonight I have a donation set up. I am a nervous wreck. Ugh!!!
Still have my Fx for you darkriver.
dodgegirl I feel your pain. Same thing happened to me. After years of saying yes my first option found himself in a relationship and I never heard from him again.

Well, tonight I have a donation set up. I am a nervous wreck. Ugh!!!

ohhhh wow that is exciting! ! Thinking good thoughts for you! !! Is it an at home insemination?
Happy New Year!!!

May 2015 be the year of the BFP :flower:

Fingers crossed for you Darkriver

Welcome Dodgegirl :hi:

Not long now Caite :happydance:

Good luck C2H, hope this is your lucky cycle.

I'm due AF tomorrow,if she's a no show I'll test on Sunday.Not testing has been such a relief. Got the urge to test at 8 DPO but really, I only want to see a distinct 2nd line so the desire to not test was far greater. Don't know if it will be easier should af arrive, but so far so good :thumbup:
Goodluck Keebs I hope you get two gorgeous lines on Sunday!!!!
Very excited about the next step I made today towards making this motherhood a reality! I have my fertility intake appointment next Tues the 13th then after that I will meet with my dr and she will give me the go ahead on the IUI! I am saving money and hope to start my 1st IUI in march/ April? Depending on how long it will take me to find a donor sperm ! Think I will use nwcryo bank in Spokane Wa. ? Very excited and nervous :)
keebs - Good luck!!! FX :dust:
dodgegirl - Yep. At home inseminations for me.

I think I'm not gonna test unless AF is late. Let's see if that'll actually take. :haha:
Happy New Year Ladies! :dust: Babydust is the only kind of fireworks display I'm thinking about this year lol.

I hope you're all had a great Christmas and a lovely nye. Both of mine were very chilled. Just how I like it. I even stayed in on new years eve. Just watched some movies with a friend and had a few (a lot of) drinks :haha: As I mentioned before, I took this cycle off. The stress of my fertility problems and ttc in general really got to me, and I hit a bit of a low. So I thought it best to just sit that month out. And boy did it help! I had a relaxing December. I feel rejuvenated and optimistic about the coming months.

I'm currently on cd17. I might have o'd. I dont know. Didnt check lol. I did take the soy so I'm expecting af on the 14th of Jan. So if all goes to plan, I'll be going full speed with my first cycle of 2015. TTC ninja whoahhh :ninja:

Now for the shoutouts :laugh2:

darkriver Sorry you had a bad Chrismtas. People really can depress and stress themselves with this holiday. I decided a few years ago to do absolutely nothing for xmas. No decorations, no gifts. Just tv and snacks. Never been happier lol. I hope you've got some good news for us. Af is due today/tomorrow? Lots anf lots of babydust coming your way hun :hugs:

Keeeeebs Aww you remembered about the trip :kiss: Yeah an autumn baby would be lovely. I adore baby knits. I actually have these soft knitted booties I was supposed to give to my cousin years ago for her baby but forgot lol. Who knows, maybe I can keep them for myself hehehe. You crack me up. Im with you on the feeling crazy thing :wacko: I've been getting tiny womb contractions on and off for months. It's most likely a random spasm or yet another misleading af symptom, but when im alone i imagine it's a baby kick :rofl:

I am praying to all the Gods, even the ones I've never heard of that you kickstart our 2015 BFP streak with some great news tomorrow. Pregnant until proven otherwise :rofl: love it! Well done you for not testing! Fx hun. But if this isnt your month, at least we get to be ninjas again woohoo lol. :dust:

Child2Hold Eeeeek you got your donation! Awesome news! :happydance: Here's to a stress free tww... easier said than done I know lol. Good luck hun <3

Caite Glad you had a great Chrismta.s I think it's some sort of universal law that you must stuff your face on December 25th until you cant breath haha. So not long for you. If it doesnt happen for me in the next couple of months, looks like we'll be clinic buddies. I'm planning on Spring ivf. Cant wait to have you join us :hugs:

dodgegirl Welcome! :hugs: I'm glad you found this thread. The urge to be a mother is something you just cant explain to others. It's a shame your boyfriend doesnt share your dream, but it seems like you are well on your way to getting that bfp! Sounds like you're doing the right researchand having all the appropriate tests. I cant wait to hear more about your ttc journey :hugs:
It's been a long time coming, Melody, but I'm definitely starting this year! FX you'll get your BFP before you have to go down the IVF route. What have you decided to do about IVF, just in case you do have to do it? I'm glad that having the month out has really helped. From what you all write on here, TTC is so stressful.

I'm hoping to get started late spring/early summer time. At Christmas, I could just picture Christmas this year, and telling my family. That would be absolutely amazing! There's possibly some permanent hours coming up soon where I'm banking, so that would be great. I'm throwing myself in to preparing for a baby - I'm being more careful with money and I'm going to get as fit and healthy as I can be (although I drank far too much new year's eve!). I'm even starting researching everything again, in detail. I'm pretty certain I've found the clinic I want to use. Flights are cheap over there, hotels aren't too bad, and the actual IVF is really reasonable compared to over here - and they have anonymous donation, which is what I want. But I have just realised that I would have to spend about 5 days over there, which I never really realised before. But I guess with everything I probably should have realised that!
:witch: arrived in a timely fashion, so no testing for me. Totally gutted, and only a 9 or 10 day lp to boot. Really starting to worry this will never happen, I turn 40 this month :argh: :help: :ignore:

Have asked donor if he's willing to have one more try, then I'm off to the Doc as that will be 6 months and time is not on my side.

Not one cycle has been consistent, from ov dates, to symptoms during tww, to lp, to how af presents :sad2: I think I am broken :wacko:

Will reply properly tomorrow as typing this on my kindle at work and it's nigh on impossible to get anything down without kindle changing it :growlmad:
Af due to day and I have a big fat negative. Have my headache that I get before AF arrives and feel rubbish. Still no sign of AF
Good luck C2H, hope you manage to hold out on the testing and get two lovely fat lines for your trouble :flower:

Things seem to be moving along nicely Dodgegirl what is the intake appt about? Will they do tests or just general history and stuff?

Melody So pleased to see you back :friends: I had a quiet Christmas and NY too (was working Christmas, and asleep by ten on hogmanay :haha:) Aside from the working part is was perfect.

It seems wrong that ttc is so stressful given that stress makes ttc even harder :dohh: Hopefully your refreshed and rejuvenated ovaries pop out the golden egg this time, still plenty of time for an Autumnal baby :cloud9:

Caite Oooooh, exciting... which country have you chosen (or do you not want to say yet)?

Well, af lasted all of 1.5 days, just very light spotting now :growlmad: Clearly I am just not fertile at the moment.... of course, my irrational ttc madness doesn't see this and thinks :test: it's utterly ridiculous but I am ashamed to say I did test and got a lovely pink evap for my trouble (nada at 5 mins, thin pink line when checked again about 40 mins). So essentially I have put myself right back into that limbo land of hope over reality.

Reality chances are: 99.9% not pregnant / 0.1% pregnant
Hope sees: 99.9% not pregnant / 0.1% pregnant
Darkriver - sorry about the AF symptoms and the negative test. :hugs:

Keebs - I'm with you in that I saw that and thought 'ooh, maybe...'

I'm planning on going to Denmark. They have anonymous donations there, which is what I want, and they treat single women, which is obviously what I need. The prices are so much cheaper than the UK. They have a package where they will treat you up until 3 cycles or a birth for about 36500 koronas (or something spelt like that) which is about £3800. Sperm costs about 1500koronas, which would be about £150. And then extras to IVF are reasonable, such as ICSI cost about 3000koronas (£350). Obviously there's the cost of medication, but that would be the same cost here or there. And then the flights and hotel on top, but flights are so cheap, and there are reasonable hotels. Though everything I have read about Copenhagen says it is quite an expensive city.

I'm going to wait until May or June and then hopefully start the process. I think I can have my first consultation over the phone. There is a scan on day 19-23, which I would imagine could be done over here in the UK (otherwise that would be an extra flight and possibly an extra night in a hotel), and then obviously going over there for the egg aspiration and transfer.

They can transfer back up to 3 embryos - I'm still thinking about maybe having 2 transferred back.

I did look at a few other countries. Some don't treat single women, and some of the clinics (from the website) made me feel uncomfortable, so I ruled them out.
How long would you wait to test after you miss a period.Day late now.
I got a little bored at work today when waiting for patients. I started reading some of the fertility and maternity patient leaflets. It felt naughty but exciting to be reading them 'from the other side.'
caite I'm so excited for you!! Soon!! :happydance:

darkriver So did ya :test:? Or did :witch: get you? I'm sooooo curious.

I want my wait to be over. Why must we wait for everything? AF, wait ~2 weeks, insem, wait ~2 weeks, and find out if you begin a new cycle or wait ~40 weeks for gift. Waiting sucks.
I take it you're in your TWW then child2hold? How many days til testing?
caite Testing is bad. LOL I don't wanna test. But 10-12 days to AF.

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