Any solo mum's out there?

Hello ladies, mind if I join you. I am mummy to a gorgeous little girl, conceived via sperm donation and yep I am (and was single). I found lots of single parent threads but none for those who planned to have a baby alone. Good to see a thread that I fit into.
My dd turned 1 on Boxing Day. I have such a strong desire to have another. I can't believe how strong it feels. It's even stronger than before I had my dd. Maybe it's because I have never known a love so great. I always knew I would love her but WOW....
My issues are that I am not in work at the mo but I am studying and taking courses in order to improve my job prospects when I do return to the working world. I need a job that provides for us since child care costs are so expensive and I hate relying on benefits etc. I want to provide for my own family. The second issue is that i am 36 and am worried that time will run out for me. I also have concerns about raising 2 children on my own. I do have help from my mum at weekends but I don't have much other support.
Forgive me for not reading the whole thread but have any of you ladies got more than one child? How is it caring for more than one?
Hi Oxygen. Welcome to our thread. I can't be of any help to you, I'm afraid, as I'm still WTT.
Well girls just an update on me!
After saying I wasn't continuing to try
I got two lines today!!!! Not strong ones & not with fmu so I will
wait and do a digital with fmu!! Xxx

Eeeeeeeeeeeek, how exciting fairytales. Huge congratulations! :hugs::happydance::yipee:

About time a :baby: came along in here! Can't wait for the bfp pics :flower:
Hi oxygen :hi:

I'm ttc no 2 also and want it so much more this time... I think it's hormone related, that and I want it for my dd as well as for me now.

lol, you are still a spring chicken at 36. That was when I concieved 1st time round, I honestly don't believe fertility plummets quite as rapidly as they make out. Abortion rates for ladies in their 40's outstrips those in their teens, plus, before birth control became the norm the ave age ladies concieved their last child was around 42. You have time for a whole brood of kiddies yet :haha:

Welcome, excited to share your journey with you. Hope it's a short one :flower:
Well girls just an update on me!
After saying I wasn't continuing to try
I got two lines today!!!! Not strong ones & not with fmu so I will
wait and do a digital with fmu!! Xxx

This post made me smile today earlier when I read it ! Just now got a chance to reply. So awesome girl ! Excited for you !! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

and Oxygen, welcome !!! yes there are more of us than you may think ! check out I have connected with many others on there too ! good luck to you girl..
Oh Fairytails, so excited, how amazing. X
Hey ladies! Oh how I've missed you! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I've been away for so bloody long. I think the the toll that ttc was taking on me wasnt finished when I last posted. Just needed a bit more time out. I havent been blogging either.

Still been trying since i last posted, last cycle was a no no and this cycle im ready to go right now! like nooow! But my donor isnt available this weekend :cry: (How cute would it have been to concieve on Valentines day lol). Oh well. At least Im actually ovulating! But wht I've really been focusing on is getting ready for IVF! I couldnt bare sifting throgh all the sites abroad or in other cities. Dont know how you do it Caite :kiss: I have decided to go with the Oxford Fertility Clinc, and I have my consultation on the 6th of March :happydance:

Two quick shout outs lol

Fairytales OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I actually nearly screamed when i read your last post :yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee:

Keebs I really really really hope that those lines get darker. I couldnt see that af had arrived on your chart so i am seriously praying for you hun. Got everything crossed :kiss: [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

Anyway I wont write too much. I've missed a lot and would be here for days lol. But I just wanted to say that you have all genuinly been in my thoughts almost every day. You women are some of the strongest I know, and you keep me sane. I hope you have all been ok. Hope ttc hasnt stressed you out too much. Welcome to the newbies. You'll love it here :hugs:

Lots and lots of babydust :dust:
Hi there everyone -- and Melody I still seem to be on the same schedule as you!!

I've had a few months of emotional recovery and I'm ready to jump back on the wagon from this cycle. Donation scheduled for Thursday 19th, which should be 2 days pre-O. Not as good timing as I'd like, but better than nothing.

How has everybody been while I had my head under a rock?

Fairytales, that's fantastic news!!! Any updates on that BFP?

Oxygen, welcome. I have three children (youngest via sperm donor, older two from a previous relationship), and I'm insane enough to be trying for one more to add to the menagerie. My girls are 16 and 13, andwith them getting ready for college and leaving the nest, I wasn't ready to give up on the role of Mam just yet. It can be difficult juggling work, and good childcare's a must, but it adding one more to the mix hasn't made life particularly harder. It's so worth it when I hear huge gales of laughter coming from the next room, or when LittleMan's tired and crawls onto his sister's knee for a cuddle.
InVivoVeritas Hey hunnie. Hehe we do seem to be on the same schedule. :haha: As you can see i was hiding under a rock too. Aww so you've got your donation today! I hope it goes well. I know it is 2 days before o but remember that sperm can survive for up to 7 days, and a lot of women convie when they inseminate days before ovulation.

Good luck hun :thumbup:
Welcome back Melody and Invivo :flower: :hugs: Totally understand the need for some time out.

Hope the insemination went to plan yesterday Invivo, I'm sure I saw stats that implied 2 days before O was more likely to result in a pregnancy than any other timing. Of course stats are so easily manipulated who really knows. Everything crossed for you hun :dust:

Can't believe your apt is so soon Melody, where the heck has all the time gone :shrug: Bummer about missing out this cycle, but hopefully not long now until you are cradling your wee one in your arms :dust:

As for me, alas AF arrived 3 days after positive test. Wasn't in a great place for a while but back on the crazy train again and currently 9 dpo. Feeling quite zen about it all at the mo (hope that lasts :haha:), no urge to test at all (which is very new for me). Absolutely no interest in going through the pain of a chemical again so maybe that's why.

Saw my GP who basically told me I need to try for a year... (not sure he realised I was 40, as he did a double take on his screen when I mentioned it). Agreed to do day 21 bloods but not day 3 :shrug:. It's a start I suppose.

Have started listening to a ttc hynosis CD, keep falling asleep so no idea if it's working, and tentatively exploring the option of IVF with donor eggs. Pretty surprised by my reaction to the thought of donor eggs, so many moral dilemas,fingers crossed it doesn't come to that.

Hope everyone is well :flower:
12 DPO and negative test :cry: was so much happier in my bubble of ignorance :dohh:
Keeeeeebs :kiss: I'm so sorry you got a negative, but i'm still holding out hope :hugs::hugs:

I know. I cant believe my app is next week! I'm shitting bricks lol. This isn't how i imagined my ttc journey would go at all. A year and a half down the line, and nothing to show for it. But i know it takes some women so much longer, and I'm so grateful (thanks mum :haha:) that i have the funds to go private. Im not even bothered about missing a cycle, cause i just know ivf is going to work!

I hope you're doing ok hun. I have everything still crossed for you<3
Melody, what day next week is your appointment? I want to send you all sorts of good thoughts. I'm really excited for you -- make sure to let us know how it goes.

Keebs, so sorry about the chemical -- they're soul-destroying. Keep the faith, and if donor eggs is what it takes then so be it. There's so much more to being a parent than shared genes.

Me, I think the witch is due mid-next week, but I had no positive OPK this month so I'm assumind the cycle's a bust. I haven't even been symptom spotting, which is something very new for me. I know anovulatiory cycles aren't unusual at my age, but with so few chances left I'm frustrated to lose one more.
Hey, can I join? Im single, gay though, and used a donor for my 3 year old (after 2.5 years and 6 mc), two mc after him now Im 9dpo using the same donor and had a fainttt bfp today, but may be a chemical knowing my luck, damn testing early!!
Hey, can I join? Im single, gay though, and used a donor for my 3 year old (after 2.5 years and 6 mc), two mc after him now Im 9dpo using the same donor and had a fainttt bfp today, but may be a chemical knowing my luck, damn testing early!!

Welcome LunaBean, and I hope congratulations too. I'll look forward to hearing about you darkening BFP line and how it all goes with your growing family.
Thanks! Darker tests today and positive at doctors :)
Congratulations LunaBean :happydance: here's to a happy and healthy nine months :flower:

When do you think you'll tell your son the exciting news?

Just a few days now Melody, what happens at your consultation? Can't wait to hear how it goes :flower: I really think this is turning into a lucky thread at last :happydance:

Awww, I hope you are wrong Invivo and there is a stealth baby implanting and growing strong right now. Maybe thinking you haven't ovulated (when you have) is the single ladies version of 'relax and forget about it'. Keeping everything crossed for you :dust:

As for me, well I'm on cycle no.8 now. This is pants.
InVivoVeritas Aww thanks hun, It's on Friday! :happydance: I hope you did o this month, and maybe it was just missed by the opks. Don't worry about annovulatory cycles though. Most of mine were anovulatory until I started on the soy etc, and I just turned 30. I dont think it's an age thin.g Sometimes it can just be due to stress. But yeah, i have everything crossed for you :hugs:

LunaBean Welcome! So nice to have you here. Im so sorry to hear about your mcs, but you have such a positive attitude about everything. I really really hope that this bean sticks. Lots and lots of sticky baby dust for you :dust:

Keebs Eeeek i know, only two more days until i start another emotional but hopefully rewarding journey. :happydance:

Awww hun i know how you feel, seeing the cycles rack up... it can just get so depressing. If someone would have told me that a year and a half down the line i;d still be ttc, i'd have laughed in their face lol. But i think you're righ,t our luck must be changing. We will get our BFPs ASAP!!! :hugs::hugs:

AFM My consultation is on Friday and I am shitting bricks!!! I'm so nervous. This is really happening. And as im going private, i know i wont be waiting around for long. I could potentially be in the begging stages of IVF by next month! :shock:

I'm scared ladies. This is my last option (biologically). You hear so many upsetting stories of women going through 5/10 rounds of ivf and it never working. I really hope this works. x

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