Any solo mum's out there?

LunaBean, congratulations! Enjoy every minute of the next nine months and keep us posted on how it all goes with you.

Melody, I'll be sending you all my good thoughts tomorrow. I know several women who had IVF work on the first try after years of TTC with nothing. I'm so excited for you --make sure to come back tomorrow and update, we'll be waiting to hear.

Keebs, you're right; it is pants, especially when last time went so smoothly for you. All we can do is keep plugging away and try not to let the process flatten us emotionally.

Me, AF came a day early which means that my insemination was a day late and I missed O by not starting OPKs early enough.

Anybody else have irregular cycles? I can ovulate anywhere between cd12 and cd19, which is destroying my attempts to figure out when to inseminate. With my work commitments and my donor's (not to mention the fact that he's 100 miles away), I need to schedule insemination in advance. Out of 5 tries this time I've completely missed O on 3 of them (one 5 days early, two a day late). And at my age I don't have that many chances to waste!

This cycle the plan is to schedule two tries, first on cd12 and then, if I haven't O yet, on cd16. I can't keep double tries up for long, though -- I don't have that many holidays to take from work and my TTC hotel/travel budget is close to wiped out.

Okay, whinge over. Maybe this will be month.
Good luck today Melody excited to hear how it goes.

Invivo my cycles are all over the place too. Two donations is a great idea, I'm biased though because this is my plan too :haha: Fingers crossed for us both :flower::flower:
Congrats Luna!!!!!!! So exciting !!
Hi to everyone else :)
Sorry ladies I don't get much time to get on the actual computer instead of my phone on this forum, so just now getting on here...

I think I will just try and update on this thread only instead of trying to keep up with others, because this one applies to me the most !

Melodyy, how did your appt go on friday?

InVivoVeritas yes, my cycles can be anywhere from 26-29 days. This week is crutial to when I start my period, which could be anywhere from this thursday to next tuesday.

keebs, what does your saying mean "this is pants" LOL i'm not quite sure what that means ! haha. Also, how do you like the TTC hypnosis CD so far ? That's great, I've never heard of one. I think I remember you from the last time I was active on here a couple years ago, and if I read your post right, you are TTC #2 ?

Sorry if I missed anyone, trying to play catch up. I will try and be better on what's going on with everyone !!

AFM I bought my vials last week !! Wow what a huge step ! This feels so real now. I bought 4 vials, as European Sperm Bank was having a special on their donor of the month, buy 2 get 2 free, and I liked him ! I hope I will have enough for #2 but we'll see.

Well I am on CD22. AF may come between CD26-29 as I mentioned above. I have a feeling it will come closer to CD26 as my mood swings are awful, especially today, I had a huge breakdown and sobbed. For no stupid reason. UGH..... but I think this is the first time I am looking forward to AF coming, and know it will be the last time I look forward to her awful face. The reason I'm looking forward to it as this month I am doing my first IUI ! Wow so crazy. This tuesday the 10th I have my appointment with the fertility nurse to get the consent forms signed and she will go over everything with me to insure I get the timing down. But I feel I am prepared as I have been testing the last 2 months. I'm not using an actual RE's office, it's just my OBGYN giving me the ok to proceed and then working with the fertility nurse. Timing the IUI is ALL upto me. Very stressful, yes but I am confident I know my body and I won't miss it. I would have loved for the timing to work out for a March 17th insemination for St. Patrick's Day since I am from Ireland originally, but I'm just happy I'm finally starting this journey again ! :happydance:

Ok sorry for the ramble ! :dohh: I hope everyone is well and can't wait to read everyone's updates on how they are doing.... hugs ! :hugs:
Melody, how did the appointment go? Hope you've got all sorts of exciting good news for us.

Keebs, hope this plan works for both of us! Are you inseminating this week? My first try is next Sunday.

DodgeGirl, welcome back! Your first proper TTC month; you must be so excited. Will the fertility nurse do the actual inseminating for you? Hopefully you'll be able to save those extra vials for next time. Keep us posted!!

Me, I'm CD7 and getting ready to start OPKs on Thursday. The earliest I've ovulated is CD12, but I'm ready for it this cycle.

Good, fertile thoughts to all of us this month.
Hey DodgeGirl you must be super excited to be starting at last, I hope your appointment went well. How much leeway do you have with IUI timings?

'It's pants' just means it's bloody awful :flower:

Not sure about the ttc hypnosis, I keep falling asleep :haha: but I defo need something to help with the stress. Looking at maybe going for some reflexology to help with this too.

Goog luck for Sunday Invivo, inseminating on mothers day has to bring extra luck surely :flower: Everything crossed for you :dust:

I had a donation on Saturday and another today but not hopeful. Temps stayed high for a long time after AF and OPKs are all over the place. Clearly my hormones are a mess, had to force myself to go for todays donation, I honestly could see it all far enough right now.
Hi girls
Sorry it's taken so long to update but I just couldn't face making this post
My little popett didn't make it however my miscarriage has not been handled properly & I was basically treated horribly and left to get on with it all I'm shattered both physically & emotionally at the moment:cry:

I hope everyone is doing well I will try to keep up with you all best I can
Love hugs & baby dust xx
Oh fairytales I am so very sorry :hugs::cry::hugs:

No one should have to face such a traumatic loss without compassion and support. I hope you are able to take the time you need to heal <3:flow:<3
fairytales I am so very sorry....

keebs I don't have much leeway at is all upto me to time it right. Once I get my smiley on my OPK, I call in and schedule my IUI for the very next morning. A lot of pressure yes but my cycle is pretty regular and the last 2 months I've been able to get a positive OPK.

"it's pants"=Bloody awful. Funny ! I sometimes forget that most girls on here are from the UK. So much lingo is different than here in the US !! Are you about 2DPO now ? I am not looking forward to my 2ww at ALL!!!! :wacko:

InVivoVeritas you asked if my fertility nurse will do the insem, no another doctor will do it at a different clinic, that's where they do all the insems.

melody still waiting to hear about your appointment.... :)

Hope everyone else is doing well!

AFM I am waiting for AF to arrive so I can count down the days to my 1st IUI....
fairytales, I'm so sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself and give yourself the time you need to heal.

Keebs, you're not out until the witch turns up, and with two inseminations you're bound to have a decent chance. It's soul-destroying, though -- especially with the pressure of knowing that our time is running out. Hang in there.

dodge, are you into your cycle yet? Exciting times!

Me, I am noping for extra universe brownie points for inseminating on Mother's Day. OPK says I won't ovulate before Sunday, so I'm really hoping that this month I'll be where I should be timing-wise at least.
When is mothers day over there? Ours is in May! Yes I'm pretty happy today is CD1! !! Whoohoo let the countdown begin !!
Hey everyone! :hugs:

Sorry for responding so late. Work has been crazy, and then I got the flu. So I've just been in bed for the past several days :cry:

My consultation went extremely well! The place is so swanky. It looks more like a spa than a fertility clinic. There was an unnecessary waterfall everywhere i turned :haha:

The consultant was lovely. Really positive, caring and understanding. Nothing like that man i saw at my local hospital. She thoroughly explained all of my options, and listened to what I had to say. She strongly suggested i go with iui, but it just isn't for me, so we settled on IVF.

I also decided to go with a donor from the clinic. It just makes things less stressful, and safer. My donor has work and a child of his own, and is only available early mornings during the week. Because im using a donor, i have to have a counselling session, which is next week. Then I'll have my nurse consultation where i get paired up with a donor. After that treatment starts! I might have to delay treatment till the end of June though, as i will be on holiday for most of that month, and the whole process takes just over 2 months.

Anyway that's where I'm at! Very excited. :happydance:

invivoveritas Like many of the other ladies here, i also have irregular cycles. The longest was 60 days, andthe shortest was 11 :wacko: So you're not alone. I have sooooo much faith for this cycle. It has to be a good sign that you inseminated on mothers day. Lots of baby dust for you :dust:

Keebs I know how you feel. Sometimes it's like whats the point of getting the donation today. But every month is a chance to see those two magnificent lines. I have everything crossed for you hun :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

dodgegirl I'm so excited for you! it's all happening so fast. I was going to use the Euro sperm bank. Didnt know they had an offer on :D. Good luck with your iui. I'll be sending lots and lots of baby vibes your way. I hope it's a St Paddy's day insemination too hehe :happydance:

fairytales87 My god, I am so utterly devastated for you. I'm sorry you had to go through such an ordeal, that was made worse by the lack of support you received. It sounds horrendous. You are so strong. Thank you so much for allowing us to share in this journey with you. We are all here for you. <3
Melody, that's fantastic news! I was worried based on your rubbish consultation with the local guy. Sounds like this place is much more professional. Roll on June -- it will be here before you know it!!!

Are you planning to continue with your donor between now and then or save all your energy for the big guns?

Keebs, I know exactly how you feel. My donor was five minutes late today, and it was almost a relief to think that I'd have to scrap this cycle through no fault of my own. Hang in there.

Dodge, a big woohoo for cd1!! Today is Mother's Day here, so that's a really good omen for your try this cycle.

Me, I had a great day where my kids spoiled me rotten, inseminated as planned, and had a positive, smiley OPK to make the day perfect. For once my timing's exactly right this cycle.
DodgeGirl Woohoo for a new cycle, bet it goes pretty quick from here :flower: Everything crossed for you :dust:

Melody Great to hear it went so well, this is when it matters really. Hope you are on the mend from the flu now :flower: Strange they were so keen for iui when statistically it is meant to be no better than well timed sex (donation in your case), think you made the right choice.

Here's to your up comming BFP and a super cute snuggly baby next March(ish) :dust::dust::dust:

Invivo Perfect timing :happydance: glad you didn't have to abandon the cycle and no need for a 2nd donation :wohoo: Everything crossed for you too here's some :dust: and some more :dust: and well, maybe just a touch more for luck :dust:

I ended up getting a 3rd donation yesterday after positive opk Friday and Sat :wacko: this cycle has pushed me to my limits. TMI alert
My cervix has been open for a week, I mean wide, gaping open since last Sat. Usually only like that 36 hours at most :growlmad: No idea why but hard to put a positive spin on it. Finally closed today with nice temp rise so hopefully in tww at last :flower:

My sis has passed on her unused opk's, soft cups and a new tube of concieve plus. Hope it's one of those lucky passes where I never need to use them because I'm already knocked up :haha:

Cara is obsessed with babies still, keeps telling me I have a baby boy in my tummy, or sometimes a baby chicken :rofl: she reckons she has a tiny baby in her tummy too so I'm not too impressed with her prophetic powers sadly :haha: She is getting quite irate at my failure to provide a brother or sister to date.. how to explain the complexities of it all to a 2 year old escapes me I confess :wacko::haha:

edited to add: Just wanted to qualify that my dd has no idea I'm actually ttc at the mo.
InVivoVeritas Aww thanks hun. No it was quite the opposite experience to dealing with that guy :growlmad: I've decided to just wait until my treatment now. I know I could probably fit a few more tries in, but after 14 cycles ttc I am beat! I just want to rest my mind and body until the next leg of my journey. Plus it's really starting to get to me that my donor is usually only available weekday mornings, and it's too stressful to try to find another one at such short notice.

It sounds like you had THE perfect mother's day! :happydance: Aww and a + opk to top it off. I really think this is a good sign hun. Cant wait to hopefully have some good news in 2 weeks :hugs:

Keebs Yeah i know. I guess iui does work for a lot of women, i just personally didn't feel it was the right option for me. My ovaries aren't easily tamed.

That's crazy about your cervix. Our reproductive organs love to mess with us though. I once got + opks for 7 days! However, with the temp rise today and your closed cv, it sounds like you inseminated at the right time! :happydance: You and Vivo are tww buddies. This month feels magical :dust:
Keebs, that's brilliant news! I'm so glad that your OPKs finally lined up so that you could get a good insemination. Because our other two were born at the same time I can't help feeling that we're both going to get our BFPs the same cycle this time too.

Melody, a rest before you ramp up into IVF sounds like a brilliant idea, especially with your trip coming up. You can lie back and relax without the feeling that you're letting good cycles slip away.

I think you're right -- March is going to be a very good month.
Hi ladies. Still not pregnant. I will be having an insemination in may.
Room for a little one?

I've been lurking for a (long) while and trying to decide if I had the guts to try to become pregnant as a single person and as the planets have aligned it seems like it really is the right thing for me, so here I am.

A little bit of info, was ttc with my ex for about 2 years with absolutely no luck. We never got tested to see if there were fertility problems, and I still don't know if there are any. I'm now 30, single and mid way through a law degree. I'm on cerazette for painful periods and thus haven't had a period for almost a year. I intend on making the jump and stopping taking the pill tomorrow and starting on prenatal vitamins.

I'm really just at the beginning stages of this whole thing, I don't know how soon my periods will come back so have no clue when I'll get to inseminate.

I'm also stuck on how to choose a donor, I've been looking at the usual clinics (Cryos, European sperm bank, Xytex etc.) and am leaning towards Birmingham Women's Fertility Centre as obviously it's much closer to home and the cost for a donor sample is only about £100 more than getting some sperm shipped in. But then obviously it's tempting to try and find a local donor who won't cost me a penny, that way there's more money for baby things (fingers crossed i'll need them.) As for known donors, I work in a male dominated environment, there's men everywhere and I can think of a few who would be willing to donate, I just can't convince myself it would be a good idea to approach any of them to help me become pregnant. This is so hard!

Anyway, sorry for the long introduction, I apologise for the tendency to ramble on! I'm really excited about getting started on this baby making journey!
Welcome back, Darkriver. Good to hear that you're breaking out the big guns -- really hope it does the trick for you. Keep us posted!

Cinderella, good to have you here. Exciting times for you; you have all your choices yet to make. If I'd planned to go through a clinic I would have gone with a clinic's donor, but as I chose at-home insemination I found a donor on a donor registry website. The first guy I tried wasn't good and really messed me about, but the second one was exactly what he said he was and I've got my gorgeous LittleMan to show for it.

Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.
InVivoVeritas/B] Thanks for the welcome!

That post seems to have kicked me up the bum, it seems real now that I've admitted that it's what I want.

So, I've joined a donor matching website. Have already found 3 profiles that are really promising. I haven't contacted anyone yet but it's early days. They're close in proximity and willing to do several donations per cycle so that's some food for thought. I'm also not as scared as I thought I would be about approaching strangers for something so intimate! lol

Anyway, I'm now researching how I want to inseminate; pre seed, ovulation sticks, temp charts, soft cups etc. etc.... there's so much to consider!

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