Any solo mum's out there?

Naw haven't quite caught up on everything after my long break - but a huge congrats to you invivo & keebs!! A day apart even! Woohoo! Wonder who'll go first - and what gender the two bubs are going to be! :) Am praying for super sticky beans and a wonderful & 9 months :D
AFM I had my counseling session at the clinic. It went really well. The lady was lovely. I was a bit nervous. I kept panicking about her being the only thing that could stand between me and my baby. As if i was going to accidentally say something insane, and she would just stamp a big fat 'rejected' on my forms haha. But no, it went swimmingly :spermy: lol. She was quite the feminist, which definitely helped. She totally supported my decision to start a family on my own. We basically talked about everything that had gotten me up to this point, and then she explained what will happen next. She also gave me some book suggestions, and alternative parenting groups to join.

So now that that's all over, the next thing will be my nurse's appointment. I had to wait a week after seeing the counselor before I could even book it. Apparently, legally they have to give you 7 days to seriously think about your decision lol. Luckily I have a lot of tww's under my belt, so a 1ww was piss easy :haha:. I'm booked in for the 22nd of April. At the nurse's app i will have a bit of a check up, sign some legal documents, and pick my donor. Then that's me done until I get back from Dominica, then it's baby making time! :happydance:

I'm glad your session with the councilor went well Melodayy. I know exactly how you feel though about spending most of the time worrying that I would say something that might make her say that I wouldn't get treatment - I so wish I'd realised that this wan't what it was about before I went in as I feel I wasted the session a bit at the time. It wasn't until the end of the session when I relaxed enough to realise that it was an opportunity for me to talk to her openly about some of my fears. I was told at the end of the session that I was welcome to come back to her at any point during the process, in the end I didn't (as I had my mum to talk to if I needed an ear) but it was lovely to know that the door was open if I wanted.
The 22nd of April is so close, I'm very excited for you. In the end I didn't have any say in which donor I had, the clinic choose based on compatibility. Good luck, I'll be watching your story with bated breath.
Melody, great to hear that everything's going so well for you! I'm not surprised that you were defensive in your counselling session, but it's great that you came out of it feeling supported and with some avenues to go forward with. Not long now!!!

Rags, I think it's a great thing to have somebody to talk through the pros and reservations about going it alone. I could have done with that before I made the decision to have LittleMan -- I probably would have decided on him sooner!!

KN, welcome back :)
Hi everyone! I'm a single mother by choice. I have a 15 month old who's fantastic :) I'm also pregnant --- almost 8 weeks. Yay! Always looking for support groups/buddies single mothers. Best of luck !!
Keebs & In vivo: massive congratulations I'm so happy for you both
such amazing news!!!!!!
I hope you are both keeping well x

Melody:How amazing you are starting treatment soon
Your clinic sounds great & very much like the one I chose
I can't wait to follow your journey

Mom2Madison: Welcome :flower: this thread is full of amazing ladies who
will be a great support I look forward to following & sharing your journey with you

Update from me: I still very much feel mentally & emotionally broken
after the loss of my little angel however my cycles and back but not regular and I'm just now working on getting myself back together and saving for more treatment
How's everything going guys??

Welcome mom2madison :) - invivo & keebs just got their bfp's too - so arent far behind! Congrats on yours, and welcome :) xx

Fairytales - Aw hugs, its only normal to feel the way you do hun, definitely a traumatic experience; just know we're all here for you xxx
Hey everyone! Got a bit of exciting news. My first IVF cycle has been moved up to... well... I started on Wednesday! :haha: I went for my nurse's appointment. She asked how i was, and I said "just got my period so im in a bit of pain". She then went "well do you want to start today?" :headspin:

Apparently because of my pcos, I have to do a 'short protocol' ivf cycle, which can only be done when your natural cycle begins. And because my periods are often 60 days apart, it was either start right then, or wait God knows how long. So yeah, i started a process called 'stimming', where I inject myself in the morning and evening. I have a scan on Monday to see how my follicles are doing, then scans every few days until egg collection. My nurse thinks this will most probably happen as early as the 4th of May! I was worried about my holiday, but if all goes to plan, I'll be about 8 weeks gone when i fly out lol. I'm still in shock, and getting my head around all the meds, but so far, so good.

Rags I was a bit like that in mine. The sessions really are just to make sure you are ok, and that you don't have any concerns. I was on edge until the end of mine too, and i realised, she was just there to ensure that i was ok. I only had 3 donors to choose from in the end, one of which only had one slot left. I'm kind of glad though, because i think having too many options would make my head spin. Thanks so much for your encouragement. I'll be sure to keep you posted. :hugs:

InVivoVeritas Yeah i was really lucky. The counsellor was really supportive and understanding. I hope you're ok hun. Thinking of you <3

Mom2Madison Welcome! Aww a little one and another on the way. It's nice to see that it can be done on your own. So that makes 3 pregnant ladies in our little group. I hope you enjoy yourself here <3

fairytales87 Thank you hun. Yeah i really landed on my feet with this clinic. I really hope that you can get onto this crazy train with me. I know it must be so hard recovering from a loss. But you are strong, and you will come back fighting :hugs:

K.N Well you know how im doing hun hehehe. :happydance: Just sitting here, trying to grow some eggs. What about you? :kiss:
:hugs: Fairytales87

Melody Oh my gosh!!! What a total bolt from the blue, how exciting :happydance: So pleased for you. Hope your scan goes well today :flower:

Mom2Madison Hi :wave: and congratulations :flower:
Aww thank you hun. I'm pretty excited myself :happydance:

But how are yooooou? Gosh, im so chuffed for you. I have a constant smile on my face. I hope baba is snuggling in nicely :hugs:
Hi ladies! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I'm well. Not as much morning sickness as I was having last week. This pregnancy seems very different from my first one. But I guess they do say every pregnancy is unique. I haven't told anyone in my family yet- other than my mom. When is a good time? My doc says everything looks great but I just have a fear that if anything goes wrong, I'll have to tell everyone that I'm no longer pregnant....
Hi ladies! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I'm well. Not as much morning sickness as I was having last week. This pregnancy seems very different from my first one. But I guess they do say every pregnancy is unique. I haven't told anyone in my family yet- other than my mom. When is a good time? My doc says everything looks great but I just have a fear that if anything goes wrong, I'll have to tell everyone that I'm no longer pregnant....

Hi Mom. They do say every pregnancy in different, I'd enjoy the not to much morning sickness bit while I can as you don't know if it might get worse.

I know what you mean about when to tell. I really didn't want anyone to know (apart from mum) until after my 6 week confirmation scan, I did in the end tell my immediate family and 2 very close friends sooner than I had intended though as I knew that they would be the people there to support my if the pregnancy didn't progress. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Eeeeeek Melody 4th of May. Is it egg collection day yet :happydance: Hope all is going well.

I am doing well, just hanging in there until my apt 21st May when hopefully I'll get a dating scan and see all is well. Lots of nausea and tiredness this time round. Really cruel joke from mother nature that you feel your worst when it's too early to tell anyone why :haha:

I'll tell family and close friends after the scan (if all is well) and then hopefully will have a nice neat bump like last time so can wait to tell work around 20 weeks (otherwise CN will aler my shifts to reduce my pay on mat leave) :thumbup:

Hope everyone else is well :flower:
Keebs: I'm hoping you feel so sick etc is because wee baby is behaving and doing as it should!! I can't wait to hear that your dating scan has gone well & all is ok. I'm intrigued by your work changing your shifts what do you do?

Melody: I just caught up on your blog can't believe how close you are getting to T day!! Following your journey has given me the kick up the butt I needed to get on the IVF train & Ive contacted my clinic :happydance:

Caite & KN: where are you ladies & what's happening with yous?
Hope your both well:flower:
Mom2Madison Glad you're doing well. It must be nerve wracking deciding when to tell people, but I'm sure you'll know when the time is right.

Keebs May 4th came and went. My follicles weren't growing as quickly as thru thought, so they upped my meds and I went in for my egg retrieval yesterday! :happydance: I'm currently recovering at my mum's. Aww I'm glad you're doing well. I hope the next few weeks fly by so your scan can give you that added reassurance that all is well.

fairytales87 Aww thanks for reading my blog hun! Yep, I finally went in for my retrieval yesterday. Just waiting to find out when I'll be going back for the transfer. I'm so glad that you've contacted your clinic!!!!
Melodyy I hope you are feeling ok today? I'm so pleased to hear the retrieval went ahead - from what I gather it's really normal for follies to take longer to grow than expected on a first attempt, no one really knows how you will react to the meds and they always like to start with a lower dose rather than over stimulate and find you need to abandon the cycle. I look forward to hearing how everything else goes for you and am sending you best thoughts and loads of baby dust. Xx
Aww thanks Rags. Not feeling too bad. I'm just really bloated. But they retrieved 15 eggs, and from those, 12 fertilised! They'll update me on monday to see if ill be going in for a 3 or 5 day transfer.
12 from 15 is fantastic! I've everything cross for a good result on Monday.
Eeeeek. This is it!!! I cannot believe you have 12 potential babies out there Melody :happydance: so excited for you and can't wait to hear about their progress. Everything crossed :dust:
Keebs: I'm intrigued by your work changing your shifts what do you do?

Sorry, missed this before. I am a nurse and get extra pay for working weekends and nights. My mat pay is based on what I earned the 6 months running up to 25 weeks so. However I have discovered it is not the wages dept that works this out it's the CN so I'll be getting basic pay regardless I suspect.

How are you? So excited to hear you're following in Meoldy's footsteps. Hope it's as quick for you too :flower:
Waiting...waiting...waiting... I'm only waiting for my cycles to return and the waiting is killing me! Doesn't bode well.
I had my first period since quitting bcp about two weeks ago and got really excited that I could try my first insemination, and then realised it would be better to wait a few cycles so I could figure out my cycle and ovulation and when to order my goods. So I figure I'll need at least 3-6 months to know what's going on internally. That feels like a lifetime away! I know that's such a ridiculous statement, but having waited so long to TTC, now it's within reach I can't bear the wait....

Melody - wow! I can't believe you're so close! Good luck for tomorrow!

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