Any solo mum's out there?

KN: I hope the little one starts to gain a few lbs soon and can avoid the NNU:flower:
That's great news your treatment is sooner :happydance:
I know what you mean about lots of new babies & night time thinking
I've got 3 friends due 1 in July 2 in Aug & my sister announced she's due another baby & her date date is 3 days and what would of been mine:cry:
So while I'm happy for them I have to admit at night in my bed
I have shed some tears a few times but then feel like a horrible person it's
not easy being us sometimes but we will get our little miracles soon:hugs:

Keebs: Thats great news your scan went well I hope your keeping well

Melody: I hope your holding up good & times not standing too still
& I forgot to say yesterday your not allowed to leave us if you are pregnant none of you ladies are :haha: seriously though I hope you all stay posting here :hugs:
Hey girlies. Well in true ttc fashion, I tested again last night (8dp5dt) :wacko: There's still a fricken line there!!!! The hcg should be well out of my system by now so..... lol. I cant tell if the line is any darker. I am beginning to get a bit excited/freaked out, but I'm trying to keep my cool. Will update you on Sunday :thumbup:

fairytales87 Aww thanks hun. This is the first time ive ever had line porn :haha:, so i think im just in shock, which is keeping me calm. Aww I'm never leaving this place haha. How are you anyway? Have you looked into any clinics? Besides Oxford, where I'm at, I've also heard good things about Hammersmith in London.

Keebs Aww dating scan, it's all moving so quickly! i'm glad everything looks good hun. Hopefully i'll be joining you soon :cloud9:

K.N ~Hahaha thanks hun. I think it's pretty obvious :blush: But i just cant say the words out loud. I'm waiting for my blood test so i can actually stop holding my breath haha. Might pick up a clearblue on the way home though lol. Cant believe you're scheduled for ivf next feb!!! That will just fly by!
Melody: I know what you mean when I tested I was
so convinced it would be negative but tested just to be sure then when I saw to lines read the instructions to be sure that meant pregnant then repeated the words oh s**t & oh f***k to myself all the way from my friends house back to mine :haha:

I've looked at my IUI clinic again & 1 other but I'm not sure they will treat me as a solo mumma want to be as they are essentially an nhs clinic but do treat private patients so I'm unsure what to do

while your trying to stay calm
I'm sooo buzzing for you to test tomorrow:winkwink:
Melody, I want to know why the *hell* we haven't *seen* these lines yet?! I miss line porn!! :haha:
Gah wrote a big message and then deleted it. Damn it lol. Was feeling so mad, i accidentally clicked "back" instead of send lol. Duh. hahaha.
Anyway - I was messaging you all what I was mad about; coz well just having a vent lol. Just coz I need too. And noone else will understand my frustrations. Have a "friend" who's decided that she's going to take her mirena out and try for baby #3. All good and well. Didn't think much of it. Wished her well and good luck. ((Keep in mind she's one of the very few people who know about my place on the ivf list, my pcos and all my decisions etc.)) Anyway she randomly tells me she is going to get funded treatment because her dr promised her it a few years ago, and that apparently I know nothing about the NZ fertility funding system. (which offers you 3 rounds of govt funded treatment. BUT if you have 2 or more kids, you don't get any). AND you have to have serious fertility issues. I struggled to get funding even with PCOS. She has 2 boys, and has a terminated pregnancy too.

THEN she tells me she thinks she's infertile. Because 2 months has passed and she's not pregnant yet, and her periods have been late the past two months. She had a mirena for 4 years, isn't that normal? hahaa i dont know much about the mirena. But im sure it must cause some hormonal changes. Next she has the cheek to ask me if PCOS is "catchable" and if she's caught it sometime since she's known me and not realised.... -.-'

Hahaa but it doesn't end there..... She then decided to ask me for my metformin (i happened to mention the other week i wasnt using it anymore due to the side effects), ask for spare ovulation tests and pregnancy tests, and then ask for my fertility notes so she knows how to get treatment (even though she'd already made out that i know nothing hahaa). She got mad at me when i told her no to all of the above. Metformin is a prescription drug, I go through that many ovulation and pregnancy tests that "spare" doesnt exist hahaa. annnd my notes are confidential lol!

Oh man. I was fuming lol!! some friend hahaha. But seriously. Is pcos contagious. What do you even say to that lol! "yes it is. I'm a walking giver of pcos instead of chicken pox"

ANYWAY. How'd the testing go Melody?? I came on first thing today after work to see if you had posted hahaa. I'm so hopeful for you! If it's unsuccessful.. do you get another shot at it?? How does it work over there?? My fingers and toes are all crossed! I can't wait to hear how it all went today!

fairytails: Is treatment really expensive where you are? It sucks that treatment funding is based on judgements ae :( Especially when so many couples that go through it end up breaking up anyway. I hope they accept you and your decision so you can get your wee miracle <3 :hugs:

Hope everyone is ok <3
Melody: I know what you mean when I tested I was
so convinced it would be negative but tested just to be sure then when I saw to lines read the instructions to be sure that meant pregnant then repeated the words oh s**t & oh f***k to myself all the way from my friends house back to mine :haha:

I've looked at my IUI clinic again & 1 other but I'm not sure they will treat me as a solo mumma want to be as they are essentially an nhs clinic but do treat private patients so I'm unsure what to do

while your trying to stay calm
I'm sooo buzzing for you to test tomorrow:winkwink:

Fairytales, where are you in the UK? I am in Scotland and didn't get a second glance at the NHS clinic I attended (Ninewells in Dundee). Like the clinic you are considering Ninewells treat NHS and private - they also do a mixture of both, I paid for the sperm donors expenses and any stimulation/trigger medications but all of my clinic appointments, scans, tests etc where through he NHS. I could have applied to be fully funded but as I'd originally thought I'd need to go private I was happy to pay. There was no skipping the queue though, private and NHS people went on the same waiting list when it came to donor sperm or eggs.
I know that different health trusts have differing policy - I called the clinic and asked one of the sisters if they treated single women before I approached my GP for the referral. You should be fine to do the same thing - call, speak to the clinic manager or member of senior nursing staff and just ask if they treat solo women, better than waiting for an appointment and possibly being disappointed by what your are told.

Meloddy - just catching up with posts after we've been at Alton Towers for the week. Find I'm buzzing more waiting for your result than I was when I came off of 'Rita'. I have everything crossed for you and butterflies in my tummy. ALL MY BEST WHILE YOU FIND OUT YOUR NEWS.

KN - I'm pleased to hear that your date has moved forward a couple of months. I know how it feels when you seem to be constantly waiting but it will come soon, honest. I can't believe you started this thread over 2 years ago, look how much has changed in all of our lives in that short time. Your bundle of joy will come and you will immediately forget all of the waiting around. My son recently asked me why I hadn't had a baby before I did. My answer - because it needed that particular egg and that particular sperm to make you and you are exactly what I was hoping for. Your body is just waiting on the right follicle to bud and release the right egg to make the baby that is the one you will always have wanted. Xx
KN - OMG!!!!

Must have been posting mine at the same time as you were putting yours up - again OMG!!!!!

PCOS CATCHING!!!!! She sounds like a right piece of work.

It is so painful and difficult when you take someone into your confidence about something so private only to find that they are maybe not the person you though they were. I'm so sorry for you. I completely agree with your decisions not to pass on medication (or information). You know how personal fertility journeys are, it's one thing to ask for an opinion on a choice or path your are taking, it's very different to hijack someone else's journey and treatment plan. I hope you manage to resolve this in a way that lets you keep your friendship if it means an awful lot to you, otherwise there comes a time in many friendships where the memories you have from the past are better than any you will make in the future and it's better to walk away. I've lost a couple of people in the last 7 or 8 years who had been in my life for a very long time but it came to a point where we were causing each other more heart ache than joy, I occasionally regret them not being in my life now when I think back to the times we had a long time ago but then I remember how things were in the end up and I know that my life is better than it would have been had we remained as we were.
Wow KN I am so sorry :hugs: and really quite cross on your behalf. We all become a little self centred when ttc I suppose, but your friend was rather taking the biscuit there :growlmad:

Curious that she has been ttc for two months but has yet to remove her coil, a self defeating enterprise I'd have thought (I'm no expert though) :shrug:

I assume that as she knows about your ttc journey this was totally out of character for her, at least I hope so because you definitely deserve better support from your friends.

Hoping it's good news Melody that second bfp is very encouraging. Keeping everything crossed, so excited for you :flower:

Fairytales I didn't think clinics got to make 'moral judgements', hope it all works out.
KN: omg I'm sorry your friend was so bold like that no wonder
your mad I hope she gets herself together and apologises to you!!
To answer your cost question 1 round of IVF at my iui clinic is £7000

Keebs: How are you keeping?
I already had one clinic tell me they won't treat me as a single woman

Rags: Its amazing the difference in trusts your clinic sounds really good

Goodluck today Melody :hugs:
Gosh Fairytales, that is awful. There is quite a big thing up here about not being able to discriminate for anything based on religion, ethnicity or life style choice. I'm not saying that everyone would agree but it means that if it is on offer to one person it has to be offered to anyone else. The cost is also far less, I paid £250 per IUI and £350 on medicated cycles. I know that IVF is more but it is considerably less doing it when you only have to pay part of the process. I hope you get good news from the clinic you are looking at now.
I know I haven't been active in this thread but thought I'd pop in to tell you my good news! I got my bfp! Found out while we were on our Caribbean cruise! Waiting for my 1st scan it won't be for a couple of weeks. EDD will be end of Jan. It doesn't seem real to me quite yet, feels very surreal! And yes I will be raising it alone with lots of family support! It only took 2 IUI's :)


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I'm pregnant. Lol. I've kind of known for ages. I've just been in shock/denial but yeaaah haha.
IMG-20150523-WA0002.jpg :haha:

I'm still in shock. 2 years in the making. I honestly never thought this day would come. My mum cried lol. Bless her. I tested last night and after seeing the two lines, I put it down and proceeded to get excited about Eurovision lol.

KN Your friend sounds really clueless and inconsiderate. I know that two months can seem like a long time to an otherwise fertile person with two kids, but when you've been in the game as long as us and spoken to other women struggling to conceive, I even feel blessed that it took two years.

Fairytails Hahaha you know how I feel then. I'm still in disbelief. Aww I hope your clinic is sensetive to your needs and are ok with you being single. My first con sultan was dreadful, but oxford are amazing.

dodgegirl Omg cogtatulations!!!!! :happydance::happydance: Wonderful news!!! I'll be due end of Jan too. Aww wonderful. Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months xx

Just want to say a massive thank you to all of you! Keebs, Rags, Fairytales87, Spuds mama, Vivo. You gals have really kept me going. It's so sweet how we all route for each other and get so excited. Sorry I didn't post sooner.
Wow, Melody, congrats!! Such exciting news!! And Dodge too, this thread feels very lucky at the moment! A very happy and healthy nine months to you! (I'm using far too many exclamation marks, I know) but yesssss!
Omg omg omg!!! Massive congrats my lovely
Absolutely over the moon for you:happydance::happydance:
Hope you have a happy healthy 9months:hugs:
:wohoo: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! Huge congratulations Melody and dodgegirl :happydance:

So pleased for you both, lovely lines ladies! Here's to a happy and healthy nine months for you both xxx

That's pants Fairytales I hope your current clinic is more open minded :growlmad: Keeping everything crossed for you :flower:

I'm good thanks, still getting nausea off and on and super sensitive to smells but all is well.
Meloddy and dodgegirl how fabulous for both of you!!!! So delighted and excited for you and the next part of your journey. Enjoy every moment - morning sickness is quite glorious when you've been trying the way you have! Lol lots.

I look forward to your updates and scan results - wonder if either of you have twins on board. Xx
Yay yay yay yay YAY!! Isn't it strange how we can be so happy for someone we barely know?! :haha: Huge congratulations :hugs:
I legit. just got way too carried away and put my sperm in my basket (not a euphemism) ready to pay up, spurred on by everyone's success and the fact that after two periods post bcp I think I ovulate on the 8th of the month which is only two weeks away and I'd be able to catch this cycle...... But then, no. Stop. Take a breather. I think October is sensible for me. I'm not a fan of sensible ordinarily, but at £350 a month, I really have to be!
So, in short, I emptied my basket of sperm and bought some ovulation strips instead. I might even look into charting, just give me something to do between now and then!

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