Any solo mum's out there?

Melody, 12 is a fantastic number! Sending every one of my good thoughts to you tomorrow. Keep us posted!
mom2madison - aw that's totally understandable; the worry etc. I think ill be the same when i do get pregnant. Just that "what if" - i dont know if there is a best time, just whenever really feels right in your heart. Have you had any scans or drs appts since your last one?

melody - I'm honestly so excited for you hun, i know ive expressed my excitement on wordpress; but im just so glad - 12 seems so good from everyone else who have been down the ivf route and i pray so much that one of those 12 turns into a little bubba for you!

keebs - i was just looking at your ticker; and cant believe you're 10 weeks in already! Can't wait to hear how your next appt goes and for you to get your scan etc.

fairytails: woohoo for contacting your clinic! such a big thing huh, even just ringing them for me was huge to start with!

as for myself; well just trucking on as normal hahaa. nothing too new to report - im meant to be fertile but no symptoms yet - so just waiting for them too appear (if they do!) so i can get things under way! My sister had her second baby yesterday - a teeny wee girl! Was talking with her midwife when my sister was in the shower, she was telling me how amazing id be as a mother; and asked if ill have kids of my own - i just politely said yeah i hope so, if only she knew hahaa. Didn't want to get into the big pcos rant! As a mw she would understand what it is of course - but not the chit chat you want to be having at 4am when your sister has just had a baby! Luckily she changed the subject quickly lol. So proud of my sister and so stoked to have a new neice, i love her so much already! But my ovaries are aching hahaha.
Hey ladies. So the bloated and sore feeling continued up until my transfer which was yesterday!!! :happydance: The nurse said my ovaries looked huge lol. Sadly only 2 of my 12 little embies made it :cry: but all you need is one. I was just hoping ot freeze some, but everything happens for a reason :D I transferred both of them! hahaha. I know I'm mad. The nurses thought i was insane but i just went with my gut. I honestly feel like only one will take. Anyway im officially 1DP5DT and time is going soooo slooowly :wacko: Thanks so much for all your support and well wishes.

KN Ugh, I know that feeling. Just as you think you've got to grips with how your body works, even just a little bit, it goes and does something (or not) out of the blue. I really hope you O soon. Hopefully this cycle is the one! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

How's everyone else doing? <3
:happydance: Congratulations Melody :happydance: how many to transfer is a very personal decision but I think I'd have done the same. Sorry the others didn't make it and everything crossed this is it for you :flower:
Hi Melody - I think I'd have transferred the 2 as well.
When is your official test date? I hope the bloating subsides soon and that you ahve some distractions planned for the next couple of weeks? Xx
I'm single and considering assisted conception... not for any other reason except that I'm single, any thoughts? Should I?
Melody, I think you did right -- keep us posted on how you feel over the next few days. Exciting times for you!!!

Babycakes, welcome! The decision is a very personal one, but if you choose to make it you'll be in very good company here.
I was really calm after my transfer, but late last night I finally started freaking out lol. I could very well be pregnant! What if i get twins? I asked my mum to keep one :rofl: It's reassuring to see how many of you would have chosen to transfer both as well :hugs:

Keebs Thank yooooooooou :hugs:

Rags My official test date is the 24th. I'm going to try my hardest to not test before then, but who am i kidding lol. I'll definitely wait as long as i can though. The hcg from the trigger can remain in your system for 12 days. I've got a few cinema trips and meditation classes to hopefully keep my mind off things.

InVivoVeritas Aww thanks hun. I hope you're doing well :hugs: I'm ok. I have to keep remembering that the progesterone pessaries i am using often mimic pregnancy symptoms. I feel a bit nauseous, and my boobs are incredibly sore!

Babycakes92 Welcome to the best thread on here lol :hugs: No one can tell you if you should have a baby. Like Vivo said, it is a very personal decision. However, choosing to have a child on your own is so common these days. I had to see a counselor before having IVF, when she found out i was single, she didn't even bat an eye lid.
Lol lots Melodyy, I can imagine your mums face when you asked her to take one!!

I really had my fingers crossed for twins when I was waiting for my confirmation scan - I figured that as I didn't really know how hard it would be to raise one baby I'd just get on with it if there were two and would just assume that this was how everyone did it. Part of me would still have liked to have the two now, but that's more about me being to old to try for any more. I found myself playing the lotto last week, the thought was that if I won enough money not to have to worry about work then I could go through IVF to have another baby. Oh well, no millions coming my way so will just get on with what I have and be grateful for it (as I've far more than many people have - just need to remind myself sometimes).

Sorry went off on a tangent there, one of those days. x
Rags :hugs: gratitude for the things you do have and mourning/desiring the things you don't are not mutually exclusive :hugs: I secretly hoped for twins first time round as well, for pretty much the same reasons.

Melody Ack! 24th is aaaaaaages away :brat: that would be like 16 dpo... who can hold out that long? How are you holding up so far?

KN Congratulations on your new niece :flower: I hope you get to prove what an amazing mummy you will be very soon :hugs:

Invivo :hugs: has :witch: arrived yet? Keeping everything crossed for you :dust:
Rags Hehehe i go off on tangents all the time. I did used to day dream about twins, but now I'm just hoping for one healthy baby.

Keebs I know it's aaages away. I must admit... i did cave and tested on sunday, which would make me 4dp5dt( 4 days past my 5 day transfer). I saw the faintest faaaaaintest second line :wacko::wacko::wacko: But let's not get too excited now. The reason why they tell you not to test until at least 10 days post transfer, is because you could still have hcg floating around your system from the trigger injection.

I was quite shocked when i did the test, and have kind of been walking around in a daze. I could be pregnant right now, and the test could have picked it up so early because im having twins :haha: But it could also be left over hcg. So at the moment im calm because like Schrodinger's cat, im in both a state of knowing and not knowing haha.

Roll on sunday! :happydance:
Hahaa how are you calm Melody! I'd be forcing myself not to bounce off walls - even though they say that it can take awhile for the hcg to go down after trigger hahaa. Roll on Sunday for sure!!
I dont know hahaha. Everyone around me is having a meltdown. My mum keeps crying, and my best friend texts me every morning "so so so so so" hahahaha.

I will definitely keep you informed. I tell you what though... if i am pregnant, I really dont want to leave this group lol :cry:
hahaa you dont have to leave!! its not just for ttc - its to support each other; right through! Parenthood included <3.
KN: Congrats on become an auntie & check your ticker 8months to go eek!!!!!

Melody: Omg!! I know they say it can still be left over trigger but I would still be
flying on cloud9 Im buzzing for you to test and finally see a bfp you seem to be handling this like a total pro xx
OMG! Everything crossed for you Melody, are you being good now and waiting until Sunday? I am bursting to know if that line is getting darker :happydance:
Oh I forgot lol :dohh: had my dating scan today. All is well and seemingly on track. I declined the downs screening but the sonographer did say they always eyeball the NT regardless of consent and it didn't look enlarged :cloud9:
Thanks for the wishes on becoming an aunt again everyone :) Baby is doing well - very small though, and getting smaller - nearly ended up in neonatal today; but the midwife gave my sister the option to try formula first though. to fatten her up. She was born 5lb12oz, dropped down to about 5lb6oz ish - and lost more weight at her weigh in today, but im not sure how much. Hopefully she fattens up sooner!
My best friend had her baby too - he'll be a week old tomorrow. So exciting for them; but night times are hard when I lay in bed and get thinking lol. Just have to tell myself - I'll get my turn one day!

Fairytales: hahaa - i realised i had forgotten to change my ticker on here! My treatment spot got bumped up two months so now begins feb next year. I changed the ticker on my blog, but forgot to change it here lol. How are things going with you anyway hun? x

Keebs: o0oo glad that all is going well for you. You'll be glad to be moving into that 2nd trimester soon! Have you been caught down with morning sickness much?

Melody: 2 days longer till testing. I'm on cloud9 for you, and hoping soooo much that there are two sticky lines. I'm having a hard time telling myself that your test could just be from the trigger, so i dont even know how you're doing it hahaa.

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