Any solo mum's out there?

Had my IUI today. First, again, numbers are not in my favor. My dream baby daddy only delivered 4 million post wash, 65% motility. Lower than the 6 million I had the first time and lower motility. My baby daddy may look hot but he isn't acting so hot. I need to find out exactly how much was in there pre-wash, especially since they guarantee 15 million. So we'll see.

My regular doc and nurse are on vacation so one of the fellows performed it. It actually went smoother than when my regular doc did it. Plus, my best friend was in the room and as soon as the doc and MA walked in, we told them we were setting the mood and I played Marvin Gaye's "Let Get It On" while she was doing the IUI. Everyone thought it was hilarious!

We took pics of the vials and the doc for a baby book. What a way to bring in a baby!
Thanks guys! Like Melody said - onwards and upwards. Planning another week of ttc soon - so that's good. Unfortunately it's my last week of work next week till after christmas - so i wasnt able to get time off. Catching ovulation might be trickier this month :(
But the good news is - my trip to australia may be post poned until may - so if it is, then i may not be out for jan/feb after all :)

I looked into the geritol over here - and the closest thing i could find was something called floradix. But i might look into it over summer anyway, the idea of all the extra nutrients sounds good on its own :)

That's such a cool idea taking photos of it all lovelymo! Will be so cool to look back on in a baby book :)
I really hope this round is successful for you!! That's funny the song you were playing, would've lightened the room! Baby dust and luck! :)
Mo sounds like you were able to keep the whole process light! Lol Marvin Gaye. I hope this one takes for you, even if the post-wash count was lower than expected. You're in the tww now! :D

How are the plans going for your next cycle KN? I know what you mean about timing, and getting time off work. I have to travel to my Donor, but not sure if I can get the time off this cycle. However, I do have a back up who lives close to me. He's actually quite perfect on paper, and in person. I'm seriously considering using him instead for this cycle and any further ones, if i need him.
Mo sounds like you were able to keep the whole process light! Lol Marvin Gaye. I hope this one takes for you, even if the post-wash count was lower than expected. You're in the tww now! :D

How are the plans going for your next cycle KN? I know what you mean about timing, and getting time off work. I have to travel to my Donor, but not sure if I can get the time off this cycle. However, I do have a back up who lives close to me. He's actually quite perfect on paper, and in person. I'm seriously considering using him instead for this cycle and any further ones, if i need him.

My plans are going well - my ovulation is meant to be around the end of the upcoming week - but since im confirming with an ovulation tester for the first time its a bit more touch and go. I did manage to get Thursday off though - and then of course the weekend - so im hoping i have a later ovuation rather than an earlier one this month!!

And oh yepp - how far do you have to travel? Is it far? My donor lives out of town too - approximate 45 minutes, but he travels in to me - and has no problems with that. is easiest for both of us. So im quite lucky. Goodluck though, with it all - If he's prepared to help you and it can take away one stress of travel too - then i say go with it! :)
Aww I hope you o as planned. It's so tricky planning these things. But you are very lucky that your donor is only 45 mins away and will travel to you. My donor is quite far. About 2 hours on the train and he can't always travel.

I might not be able to inseminate at all this month! My cycles seem to be going mental. The last one finished earlier than it should and if my opks are anything to go by, I o'd today! :/ I'm pretty sure its that Vitex im taking. The good thing is, it seems to be regulating my cycles down from 40+ days to 28/30. The bad news is its making it damn near impossible to plan anything.

I'm reviewing a new possible donor who lives in the same town as me, so I'll keep you posted. Fingers crossed for all you ladies this month!
Should be fertile by now - but the testers not reading as fertile yet, so we're holding off - hoping it'll come. Could be why my periods have been so late. Maybe they haven't been late at all, my ovulation has been! Got some egg white cm though - but im not sure why thats there and yet im not fertile. Is the Vitex that chaste tree stuff? I was thinking of buying some last night when i was reading up on it a bit. Have you had any adverse reactions? Would you recommend it in terms of regulating cycles? They say it can take 3 months for the effects to settle in properly for ttc. All the best for your ovulation Melody! Did you manage to get some attempts in at all?
Hopefully an in town donor can help you! It is so much easier, I mean 45 minutes is a hassle - but as you said, At least he's there whenever i need him - and he's really good. There needs to be more guys like him around for all the other single ladies!
I'm dying in the 2ww. I am trying to remain positive but I took a test 6dpo and 7dpo and of course, BFN. I know, I know. Way too early. But still! I have absolutely no symptoms at all! Not even made up ones.

It's now 8dpo (at 3am) and I am not going to test again until 10dpo (Saturday). I really don't want to see AF!
I'm dying in the 2ww. I am trying to remain positive but I took a test 6dpo and 7dpo and of course, BFN. I know, I know. Way too early. But still! I have absolutely no symptoms at all! Not even made up ones.

It's now 8dpo (at 3am) and I am not going to test again until 10dpo (Saturday). I really don't want to see AF!

Oh the dreaded 2 week wait!! Stay positive, drink heaps water - and hopefully the baby dust will bring your baby wishes!! Praying for you!!
I find it so hard to go by symptoms, noone in my family have felt symptoms until about 9weeks - so just coz there's no symptoms - you could still be!

All the best though! Let us know when you retest - or if there are any changes between now and then!! :).
Thanks!! I'm going to retest on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. Still holding out hope to see that BFP!
Hello ladies!!

I had been looking for a thread like this! I am a single mom and my ex got custody of my DD. (that's a long story, but basically I was lied to and tricked). Anyway, my DD talked about having a brother or sister and it got me thinking. I have done so much research and came across a donor site that is free. Finally found a donor and he has the :spermy: shipped to me overnight. As of right now, currently waiting on a fedex to get it here. According to my Clearblue, it's time! I'm anxious to get inseminated. This will be my 3rd try. I'm so hoping it will work this time. Last night I bought some preseed to help with the process since I hear it does help. However I do not have a syringe, (didn't think about it while I was at the store) so I will probably just wash the vial carefully and then just dump it in directly and then put my cup in right after. The last two times, I had poured the sample into the cup and pinched it to insert it but the semen would leak out. Last time, it was almost half the sample! I cannot afford to waste a single drop! So I'm going a different route.
KN I think that is the same stuff. I haven't had any negative effects from it but I really think it is regulating my cycles. So even though its upsetting that I've missed yet another month :(, at least hopefully the time i need to wait each month will be shorter!

It looks like I o'd on the 4th which was cd18. I usually o on cd27! My cycles usually last 40 days so I'm excited to see if af shows on the 28th day :O

Have you o'd yet? Your donor sounds lovely. We definitely need more guys like that. The in town one I spoke to has just had his std tests done, he should get the results in about 10 days. so hopefully [-o< we'll be set for January! I hope you o soon if you haven't already. I wanna see that BFP! x

Lovelymo How are you feeling? The tww can drive you insane. I was testing every day from like 8dpo lol

Kedwards Heeey welcome:hi: Everyone's lovely here, hope you enjoy the thread. I use softcups too as well as syringes. I was thinking of putting the spermies right into the cup but it sounds like that's a bit tricky. I really hope it works for you this cycle.

Are there no suitable donors who are a bit closer to you?
Hey girls!

At the airport this am, headed home to Jersey for a couple of days. POAS stick this am on 10dpo and BFN. Granted, the urine was diluted due to me drinking a Big Cup 4 hours before but not even a hint of a line. Stark white.

So instead of packing my other Wondfo's, I packed some pads to greet AF. Not calling it totally over yet until I see the witch's evil face but I'm sadly given up for this month. And to make matters worse, I haven't heard back from my doctor's office in regards to my now-soon-to-be-ex-donor's post-thaw count. I emailed them almost a week ago!

It is a perfect time to skip town.
Melody: Oh yeah - I was looking at buying it, might look at it for the new year :). See if it helps at all.
Wow 10 days early! Will be interesting to see/hear - let us know! All the best for you! Hopefully once your cycles get regular - and shorter, you'll have more luck!

Lovelymo: Aww, Don't give up till you see AF! Fingers crossed for you! Wanna see some BFP's round here! Maybe skipping town will relax you and you might have more chance! They say when you relax more - the chances are higher!
All the best anyway! Lots of baby dust to you too! Keep us posted, and if nothing else - enjoy your break :). As for you drs - wish they'd get back to you, put your mind at rest more!

Kedwards: - As Melody said, Welcome to you :) Everyone is lovely! We all have our own little journeys - but the one common thing, is we're all single ladies ttc :D Sounds like a tricky road with your ex - I'm sure you dd would love a little sibling! How old is she? :). Goodluck with it all this month! Would be lovely to see you with a bfp straight off as well!! :D

As for myself, Well I'm going with my instincts rather than my ovulation microscope! Lots of ewcm the past 2/3 days - so don't want to miss ovulation!! Inseminated today - but for some odd reason, a lot came straight back out - so I'm hoping that some of it managed to get in and around my cervix so the little swimmers can get up. I'll be inseminating tomorrow too. Officially have begun the tww now again :).
Thanks, K.N. By the way, how long are you laying down after you inseminate? Are your hips elevated?

I get IUIs done and even though the sperm is directly put into my uterus, my office still has me lay down for 30 minutes afterwards.
Thanks, K.N. By the way, how long are you laying down after you inseminate? Are your hips elevated?

I get IUIs done and even though the sperm is directly put into my uterus, my office still has me lay down for 30 minutes afterwards.

I lay down anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour - usually have my iphone, and lay there playing games - so time gets away easily enough :). I always did have my hips elevated - but then a friend who went through the same thing pointed out that with your hips elevated - it can bring the sperm down behind the cervix rather than on it - so now i tend to lie on my side, or just put a towel rolled up underneath so its a slight raise.
Sounds like you're doing it right!! Wishing us all lots of baby dust!

AFM, I'm still not testing! Lol! Don't want to see that stark white NO! I'd rather see AF (not!). Period is due on Wednesday so I'll just wait until Thursday if she is absent to test again.
Hello all! I am excited to join you! I'm 35 and planning on being a single mother, at least in this stage of my life. I though about it for 5 years and after my last relationship fell apart (we were planning on having a baby), I figured I can do this better on my own.

I had my first iui yesterday and am crossing my fingers! I did Clomid cd 3-7, triggered on day 15 with Ovidrel. I had an ultrasound cd 15 and had one follicle at 20 and the other 16.5. I had a sonohystogram and polypectomy a couple of months ago so all is clear and good now. My fella had a count of 24 million after wash with 86% fertility. All looks good!

I'm having the blood test on the 19th and am going to try not to poas at all, if I can last. I feel pretty zen about it all and not too anxious.
Sounds like you're doing it right!! Wishing us all lots of baby dust!

Yeah hopefully :). If I'm unable to lie down for the full 40ish minutes that i do - i often just retreat to the couch and sort of half lay half sit there for awhile. Have had no successful BFP's though. Here's hoping for December though.
Officially begin my 2ww as of today.

Also welcome to you as well Frenchtoast! Fingers crossed for you! So glad others are finding the post now :).

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