anybody doing slimming world?

Yep we all have bad days but tomorrow is another day ;-)
I have been good again today and even turned down a offer of going the pub for a few drinks even tho im bored out of my mind cos dh at work till tuesday nite. Really wanted a glass of wine but never so well proud! lol. Also trying to not drink often now other than the odd glass of rose with a meal, as i really want to get pregnant this mth or next mth.

I am having some syn free rice pudding for supper and a glass of no added sugar cordial.
Watching 'the holiday' and chilling.
Looking forward to going to get dh a bday gift tomorrow and a nice card so will be walking round the shops and getting some cardio in ;-) hehe

Good morning ladies :)
Hope we are all surviving the bh wkend. lol.
I got up bright and early and ate some syn free pancakes for brekky, and this time i got them spot on and they actually tasted very similar to a actual pancake!! woohooo.

I am going shopping for dh's birthday gift soon so thats at least a 15-20 min walk towards my bronze body magic :)

I am going to cook chicken pasta with homemade sauce for tea tonight cos dh is coming home for the night from work :)

I'm staying in with Megan today- the weather is pants! Luckily there's no bad food in the house, so I've got no choice but to be good today :winkwink:

AQ - enjoy your walk!
Evening everyone! Well i've weighed myself and i was 17 stone 3lbs on my scales before i went on holiday and no i'm 16 stone 13lbs!!! Can't believe it!! Unfortunately the SW scales weigh me at a couple of lbs heavier than mine but i was 17stone 4.5lbs last time so it looks like i haven't gained :happydance:

Hope you enjoyed your walk AQ, and managed to get you hubby a nice present!

We've gota busy week this week so i need to sort out my meals for the week.... i find it so much easier to stick to that way! Its BIL birthday tomorrow so we are seeing DH's family for the arvo. Weds is weigh in day and thurs dh has to go for a meeting with the job centre in the town next to ours and i will be shopping for a dress for a wedding we are going to saturday. I cant believe i have left it this late to get something! Oh well wish me luck!

I've had a really odd day, feel quite down. I'm enjoying the diet (sorry, food optimising! lol) and i'mloving the results. I'm just so annoyed with myself that i got so big... and i'm quite impatient waiting for things.... it feels like 4 stone is just soooo much to lose and i only have 12 weeks free at SW and i don't know what i'm going to after that! Sorry for the downer, just needed to get that out!!

Had egg on toast for brekkie, pasta n sauce for lunch and having chicken rice and peas for dinner. Haven't had nearly enough fruit though or drink.
I been good today. (I think!!)
Shredded wheat and a kiwi fruit for brekkie.
no morning snack
ham salad for lunch (w. a small -approx 0.5syn- portion light coleslaw since i don't really like it much!!)
strawberries during afternoon
gammon, fresh pineapple, peas & sweetcorn and potatoes for dinner.
well ive just been to weigh in and ive lost 5 and a half pounds whoop :happydance: thats 15 and a half in 2 weeks so ive received my stone sticker i was so chuffed and the sw people are amazed at my progress i even over heard someone in the quee saying to her friend thats the girl who lost 10lbs last week made me feel good :blush:

hope everyone else is having a good bh and we havent got too many syners xxx
well ive had 3 days off the wagon :0( Weighed myself this morning and had stayed the same so am hoping will have maintained at least this week!! Giving myself a kick up the backside to get back on it. Food shop being delivered tommorow and have made sure i haven't bought anything i shouldnt be having!! Just need to make sure i stick to plan this week. Glad everyone is doing well!!
Pink- yep i managed to get dh a nice pair of white foster grant sunglasses and a gorgeous turquoise t'shirt from office so im happy with the gifts :)
Ooh cant wait till london!! we are off on wed and im going to be taking some mug shots and fruit with me for the room so i can have syn free brekky and snacks and then try to choose carefully when we eat out. Except on the thursday which is my dh's 30th bday, as we are going into china town for a meal and then clubbing in soho so probs have a few syns then... lol. I should manage to dance it off if my back stays ok...

Naya- well done hun! very good x

Well i couldnt b arsed making myself any tea as iv felt tired all day, so i just had some slices of ham, pickled onions and crabsticks and then some pineapple and a mullerlight for dessert.

Going shopping tomorrow for stuff for a packed lunch for the train journey on wed and some fruit to take etc as altho i will let my hair down a little, i want to keep the damage minimal. lol xxx
Morning all

Firstly WELL BURLOODY DONE Naya69 thats amazing!!!!! you must be so pleased!

M<y diet went tits up yesterday as went in laws and they did a roast an d then i was given a glass of champagne £260 bottle worth lol and there it went. Then I got home and was annoyed with hubby so i ate my weight in pizzas from the freezer lol.

BUT weighed myself this morning and it said 17.2 and iw as 17.7 last week at home so i have to have lost! must have been the champers

OH and one of my sister in laws (hubby is one of 10 kids) said to me "you look different have you had your hair cut?" and i said "nope i need it cut tho" So she went "oh my god you've lost weight! Well done that girl" hehehehehehx
That's a fab loss Naya! Well done!

I lost 1.5lbs this week - not too bad given the galaxy and BBQ incidents!

Start weight - 172lbs / 12st 4lbs
Loss this week - 1.5lbs
Total loss - 3.5lbs
Current weight- 168.5lbs / 12st 0.5lbs
Hey girls, you are all doing very well, congrats on the weight loss all of you. I feel like a failure now as I have put 1lb on.........but when I look back at my diet sheet I am over on my syns by 21 :dohh:, which means the galaxy bar and crisps I had pushed me over the edge!, But musn't lose focus, yesterday was the beginning of a new week, I do my diet sheet Monday to Monday and I am weighing in Fri or Sat.

I know my syns have gone over, but this week I am going to limit my carbs and try and do the red day approach mixed with extra easy on some days.... does anyone have any comparisons of success on red day v extra easy v green days???? Also decided I need to up my free food, so apart from the choc donut yesterday I decided that I would eat more fruit in the day and make sure I have 2litres of water.

Yesterday -

1 crumpet - 5 syns
lunch - bacon, fried egg and beans
Dinner - lamb curry and boiled rice. (curry is syn free as homemade with tinned tomatoes, lean lamb fillet, peppers, mushroom, spinach and curry powder, chilli, ginger and coriander.)

Snacks - doughnut - 12 syns :blush:, apple

Today - :happydance::happydance::happydance:
b/f - 2 weetabix and skimmed milk
Lunch - cod fillet and mushy peas
Dinner - Either Stuffed Aubergine (with salad) or Chicken and Bacon Salad

Snacks - Natural Fat Free Yoghurt, Satsuma, Apples

Fingers crossed girls, I have 14 days (2 more weigh ins) I am hoping I can lose at least 4lb before my hol, this will let me reach my half stone goal, which I really think I deserve! Scared of losing my diet focus, I just really want to get to 11stone before we baby try and I am so close.................:cry::cry:
Hey girls, you are all doing very well, congrats on the weight loss all of you. I feel like a failure now as I have put 1lb on.........but when I look back at my diet sheet I am over on my syns by 21 :dohh:, which means the galaxy bar and crisps I had pushed me over the edge!, But musn't lose focus, yesterday was the beginning of a new week, I do my diet sheet Monday to Monday and I am weighing in Fri or Sat.

I know my syns have gone over, but this week I am going to limit my carbs and try and do the red day approach mixed with extra easy on some days.... does anyone have any comparisons of success on red day v extra easy v green days???? Also decided I need to up my free food, so apart from the choc donut yesterday I decided that I would eat more fruit in the day and make sure I have 2litres of water.

Yesterday -

1 crumpet - 5 syns
lunch - bacon, fried egg and beans
Dinner - lamb curry and boiled rice. (curry is syn free as homemade with tinned tomatoes, lean lamb fillet, peppers, mushroom, spinach and curry powder, chilli, ginger and coriander.)

Snacks - doughnut - 12 syns :blush:, apple

Today - :happydance::happydance::happydance:
b/f - 2 weetabix and skimmed milk
Lunch - cod fillet and mushy peas
Dinner - Either Stuffed Aubergine (with salad) or Chicken and Bacon Salad

Snacks - Natural Fat Free Yoghurt, Satsuma, Apples

Fingers crossed girls, I have 14 days (2 more weigh ins) I am hoping I can lose at least 4lb before my hol, this will let me reach my half stone goal, which I really think I deserve! Scared of losing my diet focus, I just really want to get to 11stone before we baby try and I am so close.................:cry::cry:

I am sure I have gained this week! Just get back on it and be good. I hope I can.. I am very pleased though although have a long way to go!!

The doughnut sounded worth the syns though lol
well ive just been to weigh in and ive lost 5 and a half pounds whoop :happydance: thats 15 and a half in 2 weeks so ive received my stone sticker i was so chuffed and the sw people are amazed at my progress i even over heard someone in the quee saying to her friend thats the girl who lost 10lbs last week made me feel good :blush:

hope everyone else is having a good bh and we havent got too many syners xxx

Well done :thumbup:!!
Sorry girls I havent been on been very busy.

Got on my own scales last night and war 15st 6 so hoping for another 3lb loss.

Weigh in tonight. Will update once I have been.

Hi girls :)

Cocoa well done on the loss :)

Kitty- u will soon get back on track and im sure u enjoyed the lil blowout ;-)

MrsQ- ooh looks promising for a loss! good luck.

Magpies- good luck for your weigh in later!

Well i have been super good for a change and wrote down everything that has passed my lips all wk, so i am hoping for at least 3lb lost tomorrow as that takes me to 17.7 so hoping i have as i have been soooo good! i am going to london tomorrow with dh for his bday so will probs of gained next wk... lol.

Oooh dh and i were watching the tele last night and he always rests his head on my thigh and he did it last night and said he couldnt get comfy cos my thigh bone was hard on his head!!! yaaaaaaaaaay. Not felt my thigh bones in years!! lmao

Today i had 2 shredded wheat with milk for brekky (hea and heb) and for lunch i had a mug shot and a muller light. Making syn free chicken curry with rice for tea and im making a packed lunch for tomorrows train journey so i dnt stuff up completely :)

good luck with your weigh in magpie

ive had a yogurt all day been so busy doing the gardening and minding my friends little boy and that was some exercise i was sweating.

got a nice chicken broth in the slow cooker smells and tastes delish if anyone wants me to put the receipe down i will no probs its so easy to make and syn free on extra easy x
Naya just read back and seen your loss!! 5.5 lbs!! That is fab you should be proud of yourself. How much have you got to lose in total?

in the past 2 weeks ive lost 15 and a half pounds iam so chuffed only started slimming world on the 17th :D

chicken broth

you will need:

1 medium chicken
chicken or veg oxo cubes round 10 to be on the safe side
mixed herbs
salt and pepper
and some cobs the partialy baked ones are the best

how to make it

*take one medium chicken place it in a pan of water just enought to cover the chicken and leave with lid of to boil for around 45 mins or once the chicken is falling apart.

*cut up all your veg you will need carrotts, swede, parsnips,potatoes, and a onoin if you like i dont bother with the onion tho but its up to you.

* add a mug full of red lentils this helps to thicken the mixture also add salt and pepper and a sprinkle of mixed herbs.

*once the chicken is cooked take out the chicken and check the water for bones or bits of fat and skin then pour over your veg ect. add more water if needed.

*once your chicken is cooled take all bits of meat of it and scrunch up with your fingers so theres not big chucks and add the chicken to the mixture.

*get some stock you can iether use chicken or veg both tastes just as yummy and crush in a bowl oxo are syn free. keep adding the stock to your pan or slow cooker till you think its tastes how you like it i used 7 to 10 cubes for a big pan full but its how you like it. then put the lid on and leave to cook but keep stirring.

* should take about 45 mins extra to cook and tastes so nice i made this by accident i was trying to make chicken soup but ended up with broth just gave some to my friend she said its the nicest shes tryed so thats good :thumbup: serve with your warm cobs and its heaven and you can freeze it :D


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