Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

week sorry hunter stayed up so late for you! hopefully he's sleeping through the night !

lmao about the cantaloupe ! somebody said that to me last night haha. josh and I went to dinner for his bday at his old restaurant and i ate soo much i like blew up haha and his boss said it looked like i was hiding a cantaloupe in my shirt. (in a cute way he said it lol)

So weird your cycles are getting longer again. I swear they were just getting back to normal! maybe your stressed and didn't even realize it! I'm sure this month will do a world of good for you :) are you going to test at all ?

sounds like you have some fun weekends coming up for you!!! i hope you have a great time!!

i am definitely in no mood to work today. I don't think i ever am anymore lmao i think its ever since I've been pregnant i just hate going to work. I literally just want to sit at home on my couch all day haha so lazy!

I'm so sorry I haven't replied I have been crazy busy with hunter being sick and trying to see everyone and doing birthday stuff for my cousins 21st lol.

Yeah don't know what is going on with my cycles still no af and high temps! But who knows!!!!!! I'm sick of guessing lol.

Definitely in for a big weekend this weekend and it will be my first time ever being away from hunter for the night so pretty nervous about that!

I am all better now and so is hunter but need to have his asthma sorted out so back off to the doctors in about halfa.

We have some nice cool weather coming our way which I am very excited about its been so warm!

How are you feeling?
yayyyyy i missed you!!! haha! so happy you're both feeling better thats great!! sorry about the asthma though thats no fun for hunter I'm sure :nope:

i bet you're excited for the cool weather!! this whole week has been sooo nice out it feels like spring is here I'm so happy. hopefully the snow and cold is all done and over with and you can have it all now! lol

hope you have fun this weekend! Im sure it'll be hard being away from hunter but you're going to have a great time!!

I'm feeling good! thought i was getting sick this morning i felt like total crap but once i got up and started moving around i was fine so fxd I'm not getting sick! I'm going to take a bump pic later today sometime so ill make sure to post for you!
Yes please send the cold our way!!!! We are in desperate need of it!
Yay bump pic I feel like its been forever since I have seen one!!!

I can't wait for this weekend hopefully hunter isn't to sad with other people!
I can't believe your 18 weeks already
havnt taken a bump pic yet but i PROMISE i will tomorrow!! I can't believe I'm 18 weeks already seems to be going soooo fast!!

i hope you have a great time this weekend!! i bet you need it! and hunter might be sad but he'll get used to it if you let him be babysat more often!

they're calling for snow now on sunday errr!! I'm totally sending it your way hehehe!

have AF showed up for you yet? i feel like this is a really long cycle for you? maybe you ovulated way later than you thought!
18w bump pic from today <3 and me and my chihuahua Bailee hehe


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Yayyyyyy look at that beautiful bump!!!! It has definitely popped a lot more than the last photo!!! So damn cute and so is the pic of you and your pup lol.

Had a great night last night but unfortunate my mother in law is not a great babysitter and I was still having to watch hunter all night grrrrr!!!
But we are all hung over in bed today lol.
Hunter is almost completely off the boob! He doesn't have any feeds at all during the day and he is only having like 2 at night.
It is so cold here today and so lovely to be laid in bed listening to it rain!!
No af for me as yet but I honestly don't think I have ovulated at all this month! My temps have been so all over the place but this is what Happened before I had hunter I use to some times I wouldn't get a period for like 4 months because I didn't ovulate and I guess it was just me having wishful thinking that it wouldn't be like that again :( I have taken a few tests in the last 3 days and all negative and af is almost a week late so I would have definitely had a line by now especially as the last time mick and I had sex was 22 days ago lol
Ohh nooo I hope it's not 4 months until your next AF!!! but also hope that this month of relaxation has done you a world of good!! Can't believe hunters almost off the boob! That must be so weird for you!!

I'm glad you glad you had fun this weekend! You deserved it ! Except that you were still kind of watching hunter lol. I'm just excited for my 2 days off Tom and Tuesday!

My parents are coming up for Easter I'm so happy! My mom will be there for my gender scan now and help with my registry :) :)

I def feel like my bellys getting bigger now :) it's so exciting!

When do you leave to go home ?
So here I am almost over a week late and still no af! I have had really really light link when I wipe for almost a week now so either something is going on or I didn't ovulate and this is af because of that. It's so damn frustrating!! I wish I would just get af rather than having to wear a pad for barely anything at all it's uncomfortable lol.
On a brighter no mick gets here today, we have been heaps of stuff and I can take it all back on my own so he has come to help me take it back yay!!!!
It's going to be so good to get home!! Although I do like the sounds of rain at night which I will definitely miss.
It's 4:17am here and I was just woken but thunder that shook the whole house so going to take me a while to get back to sleep I think :(
Hunter didn't have a feed the entire day yesterday or to go to sleep last night! I can't wait to get home and get him back in his own bed! It's been torture having him in the bed with me while I've been here my body is just so sore from having him in my arms!

How were your 2 days off? I bet it was great and relaxing for you!!! You must really feel the need for days off now getting to the halfway mark!!

That's so exciting about your parents coming next week! Such a lovely moment to spend with your mum when you have the scan!!! My sister was there with us at the 20 week scan but it wasn't all that great for me that's when we found out that hunter had the 3 kidneys!
But I'm sure everything will be just perfect for you and hopefully baby cooperates and you get a nice shot of what little one is.

Your belly is definitely getting bigger! I can't wait for an updated pic! It will be such a dramatic change from here on in this is the half of the pregbancy the baby does all the growing the first half is just for building organs and what not so the belly is going to grow grow grow hehe

We leave to go home on Tuesday so not to much longer and as much as I love my family I just want to be home I miss my puppies and my bed and my lifestyle!!
The only thing I won't miss is being bored but I am going to start taking hunter to story time and things like that so hopefully it will start filling up my day!
hi kirstie!! happy to hear from you :happydance: !!

im so sorry AF is messing with you :growlmad: is that what happens when you don't ovulate? just spotting forever? hope you get some answers soon with that!!!

I'm sure you'll be so happy to be back home and in your own comfort zone and environment. its always nice to get away but even nicer to just be home sometimes! ohh how i miss thunderstorms! can't wait for them to start again! I hope hunter sleeping with you every night doesn't mess up him sleeping in his own bed again when you guys get back home!

my 2 days off were great! and yes in desperate need of them now lol. on monday i met up with a friend of dinner who i havnt seen since december because she went out to california for a few months so that was really nice to see her. she plans on moving out there eventually though. and then tuesday i did some shopping and then met up with a few friends from work. were trying to get together a game night every week but not many people showed up but it was still a lot of fun!

work tonight was good though they let the other bartender go home early and then i got slammed so it was nice to make some extra money since its been so slow all month!

SOO excited for my parents to come here! its so hard being away from family! people don't understand what its like when they can see their parents anytime they want!

I figure ill do another pic at 20 weeks after my appointment! Im sooo hoping that baby cooperates!!!Im definitely feeling the growing pains again i think! I felt them a lot in the first trimester and it seems I'm starting to feel them more again! I'm waiting to wake up one day and just be huge hehehe!

oh and I've been looking at all your adorable stuff you've been posting on your Facebook page!! so wish i could buy some things!!
hi kirstie!! happy to hear from you :happydance: !!

im so sorry AF is messing with you :growlmad: is that what happens when you don't ovulate? just spotting forever? hope you get some answers soon with that!!!

I'm sure you'll be so happy to be back home and in your own comfort zone and environment. its always nice to get away but even nicer to just be home sometimes! ohh how i miss thunderstorms! can't wait for them to start again! I hope hunter sleeping with you every night doesn't mess up him sleeping in his own bed again when you guys get back home!

my 2 days off were great! and yes in desperate need of them now lol. on monday i met up with a friend of dinner who i havnt seen since december because she went out to california for a few months so that was really nice to see her. she plans on moving out there eventually though. and then tuesday i did some shopping and then met up with a few friends from work. were trying to get together a game night every week but not many people showed up but it was still a lot of fun!

work tonight was good though they let the other bartender go home early and then i got slammed so it was nice to make some extra money since its been so slow all month!

SOO excited for my parents to come here! its so hard being away from family! people don't understand what its like when they can see their parents anytime they want!

I figure ill do another pic at 20 weeks after my appointment! Im sooo hoping that baby cooperates!!!Im definitely feeling the growing pains again i think! I felt them a lot in the first trimester and it seems I'm starting to feel them more again! I'm waiting to wake up one day and just be huge hehehe!

oh and I've been looking at all your adorable stuff you've been posting on your Facebook page!! so wish i could buy some things!!

Just realised I never sent my reply how rude of me!!!!

When I use to not ovulate I just wouldn't get a period I never really spotted but maybe it's different this time! Who knows!!

We leave tomorrow and counting the minutes!!!!
Definitely not looking forward to going back to the heat but like you said it's much nicer to go home lol.
And I also hope it isn't to hard getting him back into his own bed when we get home! Not looking forward to that!

Glad you had a good 2 days off!! It would have been nice to see your friend after so long!!
And I love games lol I would love to go to a game night!!!

I definitely understand the being away from family people take advantage of the time they have rather than cherish the way they should as people like us don't have that extra time!!!

Can't wait for the pic update I'm sure there will be a huge difference by then! There already was with the last pic!!!

We had hunter at the hospital twice yesterday with really really high temps so mick and I are both knackered!!!! We have had (well I lol) have had like a total of 6-7 hours in the last 48hrs and that is broken!! I feel like shit!

Definitely not looking forward to the long drive home tomorrow I just wish it was one direct flight straight from Melbourne to home!! So spewing they cancelled the expansion on the mine because they were building a big airport to do direct flights interstate which would have been awesome!!!

How are the growing pains?
heyyy! hows hunter feeling?? is he still having high temps? hope not :hugs:

well you and mick should be home by now!!! hope the drive went okay! i bet you're happy to be home with him now!!

the growing pains are okay!...i thought i was getting sick but I'm thinking now its just allergies. I've never had them in my life but they've been horrible the past 2 years in our area so i was bound to get them. I don't "feel" sick i just have a gross drip in the back of my throat and an itchy throat.

so hows AF? did it finally show up or is it still messing with you?

Back to work tomorrow for me but I got sooo much done today! Got the second round of my sequential screening bloodwork. washed my car, cleaned my house, did the dishes and laundry! (nesting already?) bought some more stretch mark lotion haha. all in all was a good day!

hope alls well with you :) :)
Yes hunter is all better now thank god!!! Poor thing was sooo sick it was really strange!

We are back home now after a whole screw around with the airport for 3 hours which sucked but been home 2 days almost back to normal.

Had a huge fight with my sister today though as found out she has been smoking ciggarettes and bong in my house while we've been gone!!! I am so upset that she doesn't have enough respect to do something like that to me :(

Wow 20 weeks already I can't believe it!!! It has seriously gone soooo fast and you have your gender scan next week right? How unbelieving exciting!!!! I can't wait to hear the news!!!!!

It sounds like you had a very productive day!!! I loves the nesting part the house always stayed so clean and organised lol you feel like you have endless energy I think!!!

Still no af for me 1 mote week and I haven't had it for 2 months!!! I definitely think I will go to the doctors next week if it hasn't.
oh geez i can't believe your sister would do that!! did she think you wouldn't find out? or did she not even try and hide it? :nope: your son lives there she needs to realize that can be harmful to him even if he's not in the house! sorry that happened !

i can't believe AF hasn't came yet! your cycle were doing so good for awhile there! hopefully it comes before next week so you don't have to make a trip to the docs.

I've been super sick the past 2 day. thought it was allergies but i was wrong. I'm up all night coughing and sneezing and blowing my nose :( i even left work early today...luckily their was an extra person scheduled today.

anatomy scan on monday!!! wooooo!!! and my parents will be here tomorrow i can't wait to see them!
I honestly don't think she cared about whether or not I would find out!! She is just disrespectful but thankfully I don't have to deal with it any more!!

I know it sucks about af!! I have cramps all time yet no af it is pretty crappy!! Hopefully they can just give me something to start it!

Oh no so sorry your sick that is no good at all!!!! Hopefully it clears up soon!!

Yayyyyyyyy I can't believe it's here already!!!!!! That is sooooo crazy time is flying by! And even more do exciting that your parents are going to be there!!!! It will be such a good week for you!!

Ohh and happy Easter!!!!!
It was so good for hunter to be old enough this year to be able to do an Easter egg hunt! It was so cute he was squealing he was that excited lol bless him.
Although it sucked a bit when I went to mothers group we had another egg hunt but they had got there kids these plastic eggs that open and put stickers, cars, balloons and fruit and poor hunter only had chocolate eggs to find that I didn't even let him have but 1 lol it sucked there kids were all excited to find this big eggs filled with goodies!!! They only told me about it yesterday and I didn't have the time to get to the shop because hunter was sick so that sucked! I wish I had of known earlier :( I felt like such a bad mum lol
ITS A BOY ! ITS A BOY! ITS A BOY!!! (if you didn't already see on Facebook haha) :happydance: !!!!!

My parents left to go home now but they stayed for my scan and helped me finish up most of my registry :) eeekkk this is so exciting!!!

hows everything going for you?? and don't feel like a bad mom because of the easter egg hunt! if I were hunter I would definitely want chocolate eggs over anything else ! :haha:

still no sign of AF?? oh geez :(
I did on Facebook first but yayyyyyyyy that's sooooo exciting!!!!!!! Boys are such good fun!!! It's so great to finally know what your having lol.
Now you can start buying things and think about names and nursery themes oh how exciting I'm so jealous lol.

Yeah everything is good besides the usual hunter not sleeping and has still been in our bed since we got home but I set up the Porta cot last night and it has music that it plays and he slept pretty well between 8:30-5:30 this morning he woke 4 or 5 times I think which is pretty good. Then lazy me pulled him into bed with us and even though I had my alarm set for 7:15 to try and get back into routine we slept till 9:45 lol so bad he has been so out of wack with going to Melbourne and coming here I thinks it's going to take a while to get back to normal but I have to make sure we get up early tomorrow and do the right thing.

Mothers groups are always so competitive anyway it's all about what my child can do the most and oh really my child has been doing that for ages! It's so frustrating!

Still no god damn af but I think I may have o'd on cd 44 which was 12 days ago so Hopefully in 2 days af will show but honestly who fricken knows!!! If its not here by Friday I am going to the doctors!
don't be jealous you're going to get your baby soon i can feel it!!!!!! i know your having a shitty cycle this month but its okay they're going to get better. hopefully you did O and won't have to go get anything to jumpstart AF!

and lol for sleeping through your alarm ...I do that all that time :blush: I'm not a morning person at all. thatll change soon! haha

I can see how mothers groups can be frustrating! I'm going to look into them here and see if we have any but I'm not sure id want to deal with the competition like you said.

i can't wait to stat buying stuff! we've got a crib but I'm not in love with it so were going to take it back and get a different one. we also got a pack and play today ! and some random sports teams outfits lol
Oh no definitely not jealous in that way jealous of the decorating lol. I would love I be pregnant but I feel pretty content right now but lovvvveeee the decorating part! I painted little canvas boards for hunters room when I was setting it up.
Have you thought of themese or anything like that it were you waiting to find out what you were having??

As crap as my cycle is I must say its nice not having af for such a long time lol.
Hopefully my body will start to sort itself when I start losing some weight! That's what happened last time so fx I can get my ass into hear and fix that!

There is plus sides to mothers group it's great to always have someone to have a play date with and there is definitely always one that you will become close with!
I think it's quite common for people to be competitive with there children but I don't see the need hunter will be what ever he will be if he's no Einstein I don't care because he is special to Michael and I and I'm sure what ever he does he will be amazing and happy instead of pressures into being something they don't want to be which is what a lot of the mums do, some of them have there children doing cut and paste making fishes and animals and things at this age but I think this is an age to have fun not being pressured to learn things ahead of his time, but again difference in parenting I guess.

I don't know if you were thinking of buy a baby carrier or not but we can get ergo baby carriers really cheap through our supplier if you wanted to order one? They are the number 1 us and aus baby carrier they are really good!
Have a look into it and let me know.

What is a pack and play? I haven't heard of that, but I am sure we have them they will just be called something else lol.

I think the time mick and I had apart did us a world of good!!! We seriously haven't been this happy in such a long time!!! It feels like when we first got together just having a laugh all the time and oh my god so much sexy time lol. In the past 2 weeks there has only been like 4 days where we haven't its crazy!
For the most part I think were sticking to a lion king theme!! Had no intentions of doing lion king until we walked into babies r us and everything was just sooo freakin cute! so i picked out all the lion king bedding and decor to go with it for my registry! and also the swing that we put on there is lion king :) it sucks that we don't have a whole nursery to decorate it'll just be the corner of our bedroom haha but thats okay for now! and then i picked out finding memo bath theme !

ooooh we did put a carrier on the registry! if nobody gets it for us at the baby shower then i will definitely order one from you! I think they're so cute and seem to be helpful!! so ill keep you posted on that for sure!

pack n plays are basically just portable play pens! you can fold them up and bring them with you so the baby/toddler has somewhere to sleep or play ! when we had that hurricane here in october and my friend spent the night thats what her 15 month old slept in.

thats so great to hear about you and Mick!! distance really does a world of good for people!! I'm happy to hear you guys are doing so well! in both aspects of your life hehehe :winkwink:

I can't say Josh and I are doing "bad" but things just feel weird right now. I think its just me and my hormones to be honest. I don't want much to do with him right now haha. Its not even anything he did and I feel bad. I just keep telling myself its hormones and things will change soon!

Id have to agree with you on the part where its nice to not have AF!!! lol its going to be awful when she finally returns again after 9 months...or longer i guess! I do hope she comes back for you soon though... we have to be bump buddies sooner or later even if its only for a month :haha:

I agree with you on not pressuring your kid to learn so early. They have their whole life to stress about learning and school and the real world...why not let them enjoy their life while they can!!

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