Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Hollllllyyyyyy craaaaappppp just put of curiosity took a test and bam 2 lines!!!!!!! I am pregnant!!!!!!!! Omg omg omg omg!!!! Lol sorry I am just in soooo much shock!!! And I am a little worried if I am far along or not considering I haven't had a period in 2 months but I highly doubt it. I think I was spot on with ovulation being 2 weeks ago tomorrow!!!!! That means it will be due 1 day before hunters 2nd birthday!!!!
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

i was going to say take a test too!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! PICTURES PICTURES PICTURES!!!!!!

Kirstie im soooooo happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think you should worry about timing from what i remember you took a test while you were gone...but id say that was about 3 weeks ago? eeeeeeeeekkk!!!!!!!!

this deserves a lot of these guys :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:
i just want to keep posting I'm so excited for you hahaha! were BUMP BUDDIES!!!!
going to bed...ill be looking forward to your post tomorrow!!!! :happydance: !!!
I know it is crazy!!!!!!! I seriously cannot believe it!!!

The picture isn't all that great for some reason it wouldn't pick up! But it is a hell of a lot darker in real life! I am off o the doctors in 20 minutes for a scan and because of the bleeding and not knowing how far I am I have to have the anti d.
I will reply to all that you wrote earlier when I get back and have calmed down lol.

And oh my god I laughed soooooo hard when I saw all the ninjas hahahah funny shit!
righto so been to the docs and had it confirmed as well as another test that is much darker!!!! I will upload later. but I am definitely up the duff and how exciting that we are actually bumo buddies!!! It would be nice to have a girl this time but definitely wont be disappointed if its a boy!
on a bad side though one of the reasons I tested was because yesterday I was feeling so off and last night felt really really sick and today the smell of dinner instantly made my mouth water and made me want to hurl!!! but I am hoping that the early nausea is a sign that I wont get sick lol as last time I had nothing til I was 7 weeks and bam it was all over red rover!!!!
I am sooooo freaking excited but also nervous it is going to be a new challenge having 2! I am just goin to have to crack down and get hunter into a really good routine before baby comes and I think I will definitely enrole him in one day a week day care so I have a break with the baby otherwise I might be bald by the time the baby is 3 months lol.

now to reply to your earlier message
I love love love lion king!! that was what I wanted but it wasn't girl/boy neutral it is such an awesome theme and I love America they have such a bigger range than here! its so good now that we have hunt and seek because we have such a wide range of things available to us now!!
on that subject you must look at our page at these new gorgeous soft toys we got called hug and hides omg they are adorable!!
and finding nemo for the bath time is super cute I never even thought of a theme for the bath so that's something I will think about this time!

the carriers really are great especially if you get a baby that doesn't like a pram which is quite common its so much better on your back. and bargain if someone gets you one in the registry! just let me know hun and I am happy to help.

ah ok so pack and play would kinda be like our porta cot and jungle gym in one lol its so ridiculous how there is so many different names for it all!

and to the mick and I part hahahah we obviously are getting along a lot better hehehe

it will definitely be your hormones hun you will go up and down constantly well I know I did one minute I would want him cuddling me and near me and the next couldn't stand to be near him or just wasn't that interested lol but its all the baby doing it haha.
One thing I will say and its what my sister told me is doooo not resent him once the baby comes (which I did lol) its very hard well it was for me to accept that my whole life changed for the baby yet the mans life doesn't really at all they do the same normal work eat sleep routine they did before and for people like myself it was not an easy thing to take but with a lot of stern wording to myself I snapped out of it and moved on.

lol to the af section as that little witch wont be around for quite some time now!!!!
I cant decide if I want to completely stop breastfeeding or if I just let hunter decide himself now because in only another 8 months I will be breastfeeding all over again oh godddddd it will be like 4 years almost of my life breastfeeding all at once!!!!! that seems crazy!!

so true about the kids couldn't have said it better myself!

I seriously cannot believe I am pregnant how does that even happen lol no period for 2 months yet fall pregnant that is just crazy and very very lucky!!
5 months versus over 3 years get in I am so wrapped we didn't have to wait!
ahh look at those beautiful LINES!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!! how did the doctors go? did they do a scan? was it too early to see baby? do they have any clue how far along? (judging by your line looks like you were spot on with ovulation 2 weeks ago though!!) and what'd they say about the bleeding??? sorry 21 question i know!!!! haha I'm so just happy for you!!!

ohh I'm sorry about almost throwing up :( hopefully you don't get too sick this time but its all worth it in the end!!!!

looking into baby care might be a good idea! even if only for a day it will give you a nice little break and time to bond with the baby too!! oh i better hunter will be so excited when he finds out!!! have you told mich yet by the way?

im glad to know the ups and downs even towards my relationship are normal!! i feel so bad though. everything he does annoys me right now! haha poor guy :( I think that might be hard for me too when the babies here and nothing in his life changes! but ill remember that thank you!!

you mustve literally not ovulated the entire time you were gone until 2 weeks ago!!! its like your body was waiting for mich to be there!!!! eeekkkk this is great!!!
Yep doctors went good she did a scan and it was showing 3 weeks and 6 days so 4 weeks today!!! I have another scan in 2 weeks to make sure everything is growing ok given my history. I can't believe it this definitely does not feel real!!!!!

Definitely all worth it I mean I don't want to be throwing up all the time but if means I get another gorgeous baby out of it then hell bring on the vomit lol

Yeah definitely will be considering the one day a week daycare even if its only 3 hours it's still something!
I told hunter last night I was kinda singing in his face saying your baby be a big brother your gonna be a big brother and because I was being silly he got all excited ram up and down the hallway screaming and then chased me and was boring my legs lol it was pretty cute!
Yeah mick was here yesterday when I found out and I called him at work after the scan it was so cute he got home this morning from night shift got into bed and rubbed my belly! Naw so cute lol
Yes ups and downs are sooo normal! I'm sure he understands you are pregnant and things will get better!
Yeah I must not have it is just pure luck sometimes with me I think. Both times I have fallen pregnant it has been the same way no stress deciding to have a break and stress free having a good time! And I suppose all the sex we have been having obviously helpless lol I just can't believe I have the same (well 1 day apart) due date that is crazy!!!!!
woohooo so happy everything went good at the scan!!!! and 4 weeks yayyyyyy!!!! i can't wait to see scan pics when the time comes around !! :happydance: and that really is crazy its practically the same due date!!!! what is your exact due date anyway? I'm bad at calculating that stuff haha...december 11ish?

well hopefully the MS stays away for you this time!! I'm still getting nauseas here and there...mainly if i don't eat or have a headache like tonight ugh!

oh i forgot to say earlier i saw the hug and hides and they are sooo freakin adorable!!!! I'm going to have to compile a list together eventually and get it you to order some things :)

I gained 15 lbs already!!! is that bad for 21 weeks?? i don't feel like i gained that much....but i think my butts growing right with my bump hahaha! and i keep telling myself my boobs are at least an extra 2lbs to make myself feel better lol!

random but i can't help but wonder if anybody's actually sat through and read this whole thread before...or if we have any stalkers ! lol :coolio:

update with progression i wanna seeeee it!!!!
I know and I took a digi today as well and I got a pregnant lol feels so not real!!!! I am actually a little nervous lol.
Yeah due date is either the 12th or 13th which the 13th is my younger sisters birthday and the exact due date for hunter and guessing by how light my test was at first yesterday I would say more like the 13th.

nausea was quite bad today and on tonights walk we had to cross the road when I got to the bakery because the smell made me almost instantly puke :( but oh well I have been through it all before so it wont hurt at least I know what to expect.

I know they are so so adorable I love them! I have already sold 4 to my friends here lol they are just so cute!!
and yeah when ever your ready hun you just let me know.

well 15pounds is 6.8kgs and that is pretty average!!! I had put pn 4kgs by 21 weeks last time but I threw up every day all day lol so I think that is right on track but from now on is when the weight really starts to pack on as this is when the baby grows the most and puts on its fat.
I am soooo scared of putting weight on this time but I think I am going to have to speak to my doc about how much exercise I am allowed to do as dancing today gave me cramps for like 2 hours but there is a lot of body rolls and ab movements so I guess that's why!
and haha about your boobs im sure there going to get much much bigger!!!!
I really when my milk came in just after I had hunter and it was seriously like I had a boob job!!! they are so rock hard and full of milk they sit right up there lol it was great while it lasted!!!

hahahhaha I know some of the things we write would give me people a good chuckle I think! there is over 900 posts though I couldn't be bothered to sit through and read them all lol but it would be interesting to know!

I will send a pic now f the digi :)

gosh I am so going to have my hands full trying to juggle a new baby a new business and my energy ball of a son! I just hope he cuts down on the aggression before the baby comes! I am going to have to watch him like a hawk lol.
Omg I am soooooo damn tired but by the time I have gotten into bed every night and done hunt and seek work I am over tired and can't sleep!!!!!! I haven't been able to get to sleep till after midnight every night!!! This sucks!!
On a brighter note here is my beautiful digi
:happydance: what a beautiful word to see!!!! :happydance: this is soooo exciting!! don't be nervous!!! you're going to get to do one of those cute pregnancy reveals too where like hunter is wearing a shirt that says "big brother" and wait to see how long it takes for everybody to catch on hehehehe (if you plan on it anyways)

sorry about the least you havnt puked yet! hopefully i didn't just jinx you haha. sometimes i felt i wouldve just felt better if i had thrown up rather then dealt with the nausea though!!

you're definitely going to have your hands full!! I'm sure hunter will calm down a bit and i doubt he'd be aggressive towards the baby! are you going to keep up with the website when the baby comes or have other people help you more with it? you probably havnt even thought that far ahead yet but just a thought.

and lol about the boobs! my friend told me to take a picture of them after i have the baby so i remember how nice they are hahaha

that makes me feel better that 15 lbs is average. but like you said nows the time where I'm really going to start gaining.....i should probably lay off the taco bell :haha:

have you told anybody beside mick that you're pregnant? or are you two keeping it to yourselves for awhile?
I know such a beautiful word lol it's gone now :( I wish they stayed there forever!!!
I have already told all my immediate family but for Facebook announcement will definitely be having him wear a top!!! I think I will just get one of his black ones and use fabric paint and paint it on my self that should be fun hehe

I would much prefer the puking than the nausea also I hate the nausea and today it was sooo bad I barely ate all day because the thought site and smell of food instantly made me feel so sick :( but oh we'll I will get over it as I will have a beautiful bundle of joy at the end.

Hunters pretty bad with other kids and babies around 10 months, when I was in Melbourne he but his 9 month old cousin so many times! I felt awful but there isn't much else I can do other than tell him off but it doesn't make a difference! I am hoping that after being in daycare he will learn to get along with other kids and not bite or pinch (which he has just started doing)
I am going to go see my maternal health nurse on Tuesday and see if I can get some info on sleep training and will also aske her about the biting and pinching hopefully she has some answers for me. It's 11:40 here and it has just taken me 3 hrs 40 minutes to get hunter to sleep :( so I need to do something!!
I can't do the cry it out method because I feel awful for doing it to him and 2 he gets that worked up he vomits and chokes! I don't know how people do it .

Hunt and seek I will still do I will probably just take about a 2 week break and get zoie to take over everything and just email or message me with all the orders for my end and I will just have them ready for pick up. But after that I will just do what I am doing now and that is research and finding stock at night as well as ordering and then promotion and Facebook and things during the day when kids are asleep.

Lol yep boobs is a true story!

We have taco bills here lol so strange just the same as Burger King is hungry jacks why not just keep them the same name!!
But I am sure you will be fine with the weight you are tiny anyway!

Well it's off to get some sleep before my son wakes again.

aww sorry about hunter not getting to sleep for so long! I think the whole biting thing is a phase...ive seen and heard a lot of little kids do it. mostly boys I've noticed. I think you're right once he's around other kids at daycare he should learn to get along with other kids. He's probably just not used to it right now!

I hate that the word disappear from the digis!!! it makes you want to keep peeing on them to see the word haha.

so funny about the taco bills and hungry jack! i don't get why the name can't stay the same either? haha. taco bells is going to really be the death of me though...i loved it before i was pregnant and now if i crave it i have no choice but to go out and get it lol

well i hope you got some good sleep! its beautiful out today and i have to be at work in an hour and a half :( I'm so happy its finally spring though!
Well I hope your right! I think daycare and other authority figures putting him in line will be the bet thing for him.

Haha that is so true they should definitely invent one!!

I know aren't cravings the worst it is literally like the world will end if you don't get what it is you want! I remember I would never be satisfied unless I had a milo at least daily and the worst I craved chocolate sundaes which you can't have because of the bacteria in them it was torture.

Yep finally got some sleep and I had a really productive money but I think maybe a bit to productive as I started bleeding this afternoon but it has all stopped now went to the doctors and he was useless he didn't even know if they did pregnancy tests then when he found one he came in and said its negative and I'm like unmm it can't be I took one 3 hours ago and it was positive!! Then he says well it does say to wait 4 minutes so we will wait and see if a line comes up lol what a dickhead and of course a line came up!
I have to get hcg bloods and anti d on Monday buttttt I have some nice tests to show you

The weeks have gone up!!! Woooohoooo I bled for 14 weeks with hunter anyway so not really fussed but it would have been nice to have a different pregnancy
oh yayyy!! beautiful lines!!! and movin on up to 2-3 weeks!!!! :)

what a stupid doctor! he probably didn't even dip the test the right way lol! did they do anything else for you or just send you on your way? I'm glad the bleeding stopped though. hopefully you won't bleed for too long throughout this one!

one more day of work for me and then we go to new york tomorrow for wrestlemania!! its gonna be awesome! we found out the hotel that the wrestlers are staying at too so were going to try and go to the hotel after the event and see if we can get some autographs lol. I'm just praying it doesn't get too cold at night since the stadium is outside!
Yeah pretty stupid doctor!! I don't think I will be going back to that doctor any time soon!
I have woken up this morning with bad morning sickness so I'm not to stressed about yesterday I haven't bled since yet. I really hope it was just the ib making its way down and just took its time lol or just a bit of blood decided to get through! I don't want to have to go through all the bleeding and shots again.

Yay how exciting about wrestlemania for you and that would be awesome if you got some autographs!!!! And yeah hopefully it is isn't to cold but in saying that I use to love going to the footy when it was really cold and getting all rugged up and having a hot chocolate!!

I am soooooo tired! Hunter not sleeping at night and being up the duff sucks! I constantly feel like I have no energy and I can feel myself getting lazy because I'm so exhausted like I haven't cooked dinner in 2 days but I am getting my act together and cooking stew today which I'm pretty excited about I loveeee veggies.

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