Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

hey lovely! hows everything going? hope you're feeling better on the MS side!! hope hunter is sleeping better for you so you can get some sleep! hope the bleeding has still came to a stop. glad it was only a little bit...definitely sounds like IB or some old blood to me!

I will update later with a bump pic! and try and get a good pic of the scan pic! theres a 3d one and a normal one but the 3d one is kind of blurry because of the way he was facing during the ultrasound!

wrestlemania was so much fun last night! it was a lot of walking though so by the end of the night i was a bit cranky because my legs and feet hurt sooo bad. we went to a nice asian restaurant for was good but i really really wanted raw tuna so bad! i settled for boring old chicken lol. but they had these amazing biscuits filled with duck that we ordered and duck is my favorite mmmmm! it stayed pretty warm most of the night...only got a bit chilly the last hour and a half or so that was nice! and i had some hot chocolate!! my little boy was going crazy during the show! he mustve loved the fireworks and the loud music hehe. we bought some cute wrestling onesies too! and a wrestling bib! i was so excited because i couldn't find any online when i looked a little while ago!! all in all it was a great day! we went to the hotel to see if we could see some wrestlers but we missed a lot of them. i guess we got there a little too late and didn't know how long wed have to wait for some stragglers to pull up so we didn't bother and just left. and i passed out on the car ride home i was so tired haha.

my dog is driving me nuts! she is seriously all over me! crying when i leave...following me everywhere...laying on me all the time...constantly in my face kissing me lol. she's literally laying on my leg as I'm typing this. i think she can smell the baby. its cute but geez!
well hello there. Feeling really good today no more bleeding since yesterday afternoon which I am hoping is this end of it now and not another 14 weeker like hunter!!
I don't have any nausea or anything at all today which has been good because I have got a lot done. My new ergo baby carrier came and oh my god it is so much better than the baby bjorn!! I hung out all the washing with hunter on the front of me and it would have usually killed me with the bjorn but the ergo is just so damn comfortable!!!
Hunter sleeping hasn't really improved but I have been going to bed earlier which has helped and I am just stopping myself from getting frustrated with him and just taking it slow. Last night he only lasted an hour in his bed and I couldn't get him back to sleep but I think that is because I breastfed him before he went to bed last night rather than a bottle and I actually don't think I have enough milk because as soon as I gave him a bottle he drank it rolled over and just went to sleep but who knows I am beyond thinking of reasons why he doesn't sleep now I think I just need to move on and try the best I can.
Yesterday he was so naughty I had to go to the hospital to have my anti d shot for the bleeding and we had to wait quite a while so he was a bit frustrated but he wanted to play with this truck on the floor out in the hallway and it was really loud and there were people there so I tried to tell him he could only play with it on the carpet but no hunter didn't want to so get high pitched screamed, cried and kicked his legs around like an idiot about 5 different times. The stupid nurse was like tutting and looking at me shaking her head (what a bitch as if she hadn't seen a kid do that before!)
any way lol so we got home and it continued into pouring water all over the floor and a few other things and when I took things off him or told him off he hit me on 2 separate occasions!
so I put him in a time out in his room and the poor thing balled his eyes out! it was so sad sitting outside his door listening to him and after a minute he was crying that much he threw up (as usual) and after that he just layed on my chest and sobbed and fell asleep I felt awful but it needs to be done..

I actually facebook stalked you and josh haha and saw the 3d pics on his facebook page so damn cute!!! but still need bump pic hehe

im glad you had a good time at wrestlemania the photos looked great on facebook!
I bet it was good to go out and have a good time! and how cute about the wrestling stuff for bubs

afm I have been walking almost every day and pretty much eating rabbit food lol and I have lost 3kgs woop woop!
I need to lose weight desperately while I still can I don't want to be a whale by the time this lovely Christmas baby arrives!

I hadn't even thought about this yet until another lady on a thread I go on mentioned it I have no idea what I am going to do with hunter while I am in labor because mick will obviously be with me so I hope that some sort of family will come and look after him. definitely not michaels um she is fucking hopelesssss!! she makes me so angry I seriously don't know how she did it with her kids.

lol about your dog but they do know you are pregnant a dog can actually smell the hormones being released from your body before you even know you are pregnant! I find that pretty amazing!
my eldest dog use to lay next to me with his head rested on my belly constantly it was so damn cute!!
so glad to hear about the bleeding thats great! ill be keeping my fingers crossed for you that it stays that way and you don't have to keep getting shots and worrying over it! you're lucky so far about the nausea too! then again it is early haha. sorry to hear about hunter not sleeping so well still! hopefully its just a little phase he's going through and will soon turn around. do you just bring him into the bed with you then? lol about the bitchy nurse...youve had a lot of those lately ! but seriously like they've never seen a kid throw a tantrum before? her children must be "perfect!" I think it was good you put him in a time out though! it is really sad he throws up though poor thing!

so great you lost all that weight!!!! I'm happy for you!! eating rabbit food is never fun...but I'm sure you feel much better about it! i need to start eating some too haha. but nope today i ate fried perogies instead with cajun seasoning yumm! (if you don't have perogies in aussie they're pretty much just dough filled with cheese and potatoes)

I saw a thread awhile back about that! will your mom be in town you think to watch him when you go into labor? lol about your MIL. You just might have to bite the bullet on that one though if you don't have anybody else to watch him!

haha i love that you Facebook stalked me and josh!!! bump pic will come tomorrow! i was doing too much today i didn't really have time. I had a bit of a breakdown to josh today when he got home from work. I need him to realize I'm 22 weeks pregnant and can't keep doing everything by myself. don't get me wrong he does do some things...but i literally cleaned the entire house tonight. he doesn't have to worry about paying any bills whatsoever ... he just pretty much hands me his checks and i take care of everything (I'm better at handling money) lol...but when he does have a hold of the bank card he literally just spends money ...i don't even know on what !!
So I told him tonight "I'm not going to sit here and be his mother anymore. Im 5 months pregnant and have to beg him to help with the dishes and clean the bathroom. Im up and down the stairs carrying laundry baskets and I'm constantly cleaning up after him all the time. I told him I don't even want to give him the bank card anymore because he just spends tons of money on god knows what and I'm almost to the point of saying keep your checks and you can start splitting everything in half with me and then maybe you'll see what you're doing. Im trying to save money for when I'm out of work because we can't live off of his income alone and i don't get any kind of maternity pay. and god forbid what if something happens earlier than planned? I told him I don't want to resent him for not helping me and i don't want to have to beg him to clean the house 10 years down the road. but whats going to happen when the baby gets here? am i going to have to do everything?"

sorry to rant ... this isn't even my hormones i just don't feel like he understands !! don't get me wrong i love him and want to be with him and I'm very happy but its getting to a point now where i can't be doing everything and i shouldn't have to! so i felt i need to nip it in the butt now and hope he starts changing. if not...i don't even know?!

okay rant over sorry!!!!

PS- you changed your ticker!!!!! :happydance: love it!
I know I am hoping the bleeding and the nausea stay away lol that would be great!!! It was so nice today to be up and doing things and not feeling sick or am I going to bleed again I had a really good day!
I hope it is just a phase with hunter but honestly who knows with that kid!
haha about the perogies nah we don't have them here, there is a lot of American things we don't have :(
I have been feeling much better eating better as well and walking every day its so nice to be active and its so good when your pregnant I still jogged till I was 20 weeks with hunter and then after 20 weeks walked right up until the day I went into labor which was 40 weeks and 6 days!!
The mil is pretty out of the question the 3 times she has baby sat him have been a disaster! the first time she lasted 45 minutes and then called me and said she couldn't handle him anymore then, then the second time it was after half hour she said you need to stop what your doing he has just exhausted me I cant do it, then on my cousins 21st she kept him awake till 1 in the morning which is when I stepped in and put him to sleep because she said she couldn't do it so I will definitely have to pay for either micks younger sister who is amazing with him or my mum but she leaves for England on the 20th December so we will have to work it out closer to the time I think.

I know hun it is really hard I struggled with that one really really badly!!! I think because men don't have to go through the physical changes of carrying the baby around and realizing how much harder everything is they don't sympathise. I would have loved to have got mick one of those fake pregnant bellies for mic to wear for a few days and see how it feels! unfortunately in most cases even when baby comes along you still do have to do everything ( not in all cases some men are great) and the money situation sounds exactly like Michael!!! it is so damn frustrating if only they could see all the bills and rent and the expenses of living and realize that money is really needed and shouldn't be blown! mick buys things for his game on his iphone all the time and it infuriates me.

You will know what is right for you when the time comes if you need to make a decision but like you said you love him, I went through this a lot with mick and I think its because when your pregnant your realize the importance to growing up and saving money and things that need to be done around the house but the men just don't change everything else does around them and you would think they would catch on but some just don't.

I love mick but I hate how lazy he is and such a money waster but I just think to myself are those things really that important and to me there not I just had to find an outside way of controlling the 2 and things started getting better, like I stopped cleaning the house all the time because I was sick of having no help but now I have the house clean every day and if there is things I need mick to do I set everything up for it and all he has to do is do it. Also the money thing he doesn't get a bank card at all he gets an allowance every week on 100 and if he spends it all its his problem and it works most of the time. when he wasn't smoking he always had money carrying over to the next week but not so much now with all the smoking which he says he is quitting as of tomorrow so we shall see.
Speaking of smoking how is that going?

and I know how cute is the ticker its Christmas theme!

omg its micks last night tonight so I am home alone which I don't mind I do it every 3 weeks for a whole week but tonight I was bathing hunter and our t-hub which is like an ipad turned on itself and started playing music which was creepy but then like 2 hours later after I had already turned it off I was laid in bed and it turned itself on again!!!! needless to say I am freaking out.
I forgot to add my skin is soooooo bad this time round!!! I had gorgeous skin when I was pregnant with hunter and this time it's awful! I have always had really good skin and very rarely get pimples and I never wear make up unless I am going out out but for some reason it is discussing! I am going to have to invest in some serious face washes this time round :(
oh geez sounds like the MIL is out of the question lol! hopefully micks sister can help out! what did she do when she had kids just hand them over to other people when she couldn't handle it anymore? haha. thats great you're not feeling sick though and the bleeding has stopped! now thats its nice out i want to start walking too! i wish i was a morning person i would take walks before i went into work but i don't see that happening anytime soon lol. where i live though i can walk to different restaurants and shopping its so nice in the summertime! i met up with a friend yesterday that lives close by and we walked around a bit and i was huffing and puffing by the time we made it back to her house lol.

good to know I'm not alone in our men being lazy!! i probably did over react a bit now that i think about it but it was just so frustrating as I'm cleaning everything knowing that he never does. well see how this weekend goes...he knows i want to start on the closet getting it ready for the baby so hopefully saturday ill come home from work and it'll be done. but i doubt it lol. I guess ill just have to learn to deal with it! starting an allowance might be the next step for josh too!! freakin men lol

I'm starting to finally feel the baby kick from the outside!! he's moving so much more now and i actually watched my belly poke out the other day when he was kicking me! it was so amazing!! but every time i put my hand there he gets stubborn and stops. i can picture him laughing at me when he stops :haha:

smoking is going good...i still slip up here and there but nothing major at all. Its probably still one of the hardest things. i hope after the baby comes i can not go back to a pack a day!!

sorry about your skin! I've dealt with bad skin my whole life unfortunately but since I've been pregnant its cleared up which is great! old wives tale but I've heard girls take all of your beauty from you so maybe you're having a girl this time round!!!
I honestly have no idea what she did I know that she had here niece around there like every day but she also just use to put the kids in there rooms let them cry and walk away hence the lack of emotion and massive brick walls up by all the kids!
Well bleeding returned and with some nasty cramps but it has stopped again lol I have a scan today at 11:30 but if they can't find anything I have to go to port Augusta which is a 3 hours drive to have scans done!

Yeah I love living close to places so you can just walk its so much better than getting in the car I think! And haha about the huffing and puffing lol it's only going to get worse as well :(
I love morning walks to but no one will go with me that early!

Oh yes freaking men lol mick and I had quite a big talking last night because I was out on bed rest yesterday and he did nothing!!! He couldn't be bothered cooking so we had Chinese which I didn't want at all I wanted something cooked and he had 2 hours to think of something and take out was the only option for him :( and then he left the kitchen a pig sty and then left me to put hunter to sleep while he snored next to me!!! I was soooooo frustrated. Oh and last night he said I could have a sleep in yet hunter woke up an hour ago and he did get out of bed with him till 10 minutes ago so there was no way I could get back to sleep then asks me to look after hunter while he cooks breakfast lol god damn men! Oh well rant over shit happens I guess! Hopefully josh has done the wardrobe or at least helps and who cares if you over reacted you were upset at the situation and your pregnant things tend to get on your nerves a little easier lol.

Aw yay about him kicking I use to love that feeling and it's always the way in the beginning that they stop when you try to feel! I started feeling movement from the outside at 17 weeks with hunter he was very active! I have a video of my belly and it looks like an alien was about to break through the skin at any minute lol. It's so strange!!
Not long and it gets to squishy in there for them to move as much but when they do its so uncomfortable like a foot in the ribs for 3 days or in hunter case a bum in the air lol he use to stick his bum right up and you could see it come out and then move side to side lol it was so painful!

Oh sorry you have always had bad skin but bonus for it clearing up whilst pregnant! I had such a glow with hunter so maybe it's a boy thing! I hope your right about the girl stealing all the beauty as I would love a girl but of course I would be happy with a boy. I do feel completely different this time but that doesn't really mean anything lol it's going to be so hard not to find out!! Hunters 3d scan there was no way it wasn't a boy even though we didn't know the sex you could definitely tell it was a boy!

It's was at 24 weeks
omg what a cute picture!!!! how did your scan go today? i hope everything went good and if you got any pics post them!! hopefully you didn't have to drive 3 hours away!

ugh sorry about mick!!! i guess its just a guy thing and they'll just never understand!! it'd be nice if for once they could just take the initiative without us having to tell them what to do all the time! what would they do without a woman in their lives??? hehehe . and your sooo right about things getting on our nerves easier! I have no filter anymore...i just say whatever i want to say whenever i want lol. which could be the reason my manager and I went at it tonight at work ...oops. he was being mean though in my defense haha. him and i are like brother and sister though so its okay.

thats so cool you got a video of your belly!! i can't wait till i can do that!! I'm not looking forward to the rib thing though...being short of breathe is already sucking haha.

are you planning on finding out the sex by the way? and did you find out with hunter because you wanted to or just because it was so obvious? i don't think i could go through an entire pregnancy not knowing if it was a boy or girl! i already feel more connected knowing theres a little boy in there :)

i can't wait to see your bump pics btw when the time comes!!! I took one yesterday i just have to hook my phone up to my computer and upload it on here for you. but i will i promise!
Scan went well we have a little sac lol so baby is growing but I am still bleeding and I am starting to get frustrated!!!! One doctor told me I should go and have my progesterone tested in case in needs supplements but my baby doctor said I'm that's not necessary I don't know why he told you that! It's so frustrating I wish I could just have a clear answer!!!

Yeah it is definitely just men I think they are all the same apart from a few exceptions but they are usually prissy men and I am not really into that lol.
That's good that you have that kind of relationship with your boss! It would make it so much easier when you have a problem and know that you will be ok at the end of a blow out!!

No we never found out the sex with hunter we just thought it was a boy by the picture but there was still the unknown as to it could still be a girl. I loved the surprise and we will have a surprise again this time I already have all the neutral stuff anyway but oh my god I just order there gorgeous hand made pram liners that come with matching blankets and matching strap covers there grey with giraffes on them I am so in love!!! I am so glad I bought the second seat for my pram now and I put a layby on a whole ago for cloth nappies for when we eventually did have another baby and I'm glad I did it so early because we will need them now! I wanted to use them with hunter but they are so expensive here and Mick and I would fight all the time about it because he didn't want to do it even though he doesn't do the washing lol

Oh yes I am not looking forward to the lack of breathing at all! Or the really uncomfortable night sleep with a giant belly lol.

Well usually with your second you show faster so it wk t be to long I'm sure!

It's couch potato days for hunter and I this weekend as I am bleeding a bit more than I have been (but I have still been walking every night ) naughty I know! And hunter has gastro and a cold! It sucked so bad this morning I had changed his nappy and before I even got chance to put another on he went all over the carpet it sucked!!

Hahahha about the waddling mick says the waddling come first then the arm snap which he is referring to as when you get the hand on your hip or back when walking lol.
Omgggg this bleeding is such torture!!!!! I have been trying to keep my cool and not get upset but it is awful!!! I have started bleeding more and I am feeling like it is not going to be a good outcome :( I just want to break down and cry!!!!
oh no don't feel that way!! try and stay positive!! are you having red blood or any clots? maybe you should call your doctor for some piece of mind just in case :hugs: did your other doctor already check your progesterone and thats why he said not to worry about it? I feel like if you need supplements for progesterone you would've already needed them by now no?

i tried making it on here last night but for some reason our cable and internet went down...not really sure why i guess maybe the rain and wind could've done it. On a good note I came home last night from work and josh vacuumed, changed the litter and did the dishes! and he had a surprised cowboys football stuffed animal for me that he had his aunt make! it was so cute! ps- not into the prissy guy thing either lol

cudos to you for not finding out the sex! I'm not sure i could do it! maybe for our next one well leave it a surprise but then again if its a girl I'm going to want pink stuff! haha. so your going to do cloth diapers this time around? sometimes i have to re read because you use different words then we do but I'm getting better at figuring them out! "up the duff" and "layby" haha its cute!!

oh nooo about the gastro!! poor hunter he was just sick too :( :( i hope he gets better soon! and you too!

i forgot to say before i was laughing really hard about your iPad turning itself on! i would've been so freaked out too but it was pretty funny reading about it haha
Sorry about my rant last night I was really emotional lol obviously! But no clots and yeah it goes from link to red. No one has checked my progesterone the doctor I got my hcg results from wanted me to have it done when I saw dr Wendy but she said no I don't need it. I took another digi and it says 3+ now so it's definitely growing I was just really down yesterday obviously hormones!
We have been up all night with hunter vomiting and diarrhoea as well as a cold and a high temp so we are all pretty tired!

Oh that's so good he did all that just when you start to doubt them they strike back and surprise!!! That's so cute about the stuffed animal at least he is putting in effort thumbs up for josh lol.

Yeah I don't mind about being organised so it doesn't bother me finding out and I like to have the surprise when it's born but it makes it no less special either way I don't think I think it's just personal as to what you like. Haha sorry about the words I always forget we have a lot of slang words as Aussie (lazy really) lol but yep definitely using cloth this time it's so much cheaper and I don't know why but I actually like it.

Hahahaha I could definitely see how it was funny but it sucked!!! I haven't even turned it back on yet and micks not on nights anymore lol.
don't be sorry! rant away! i just did the other day to you too lol. thats what were here for! plus were probably both emotional wrecks right now so why not be together ?! :) I'm glad to hear theres no clots though id say thats a good sign! and also the digi getting higher :happydance:

and yes it was very nice to come home to that! they do strike back! but for how long? haha.

i hope hunter starts feeling better soon! usually gastro only lasts a couple days right? hopefully hell be over it soon but having a cold on top of it I'm sure isn't helping at all poor little guy!

I think using cloth diapers is a really good idea. Personally not for me, but I also don't know too much about it but the fact that its cheaper! but more laundry to do! well its cheaper in the US , you said they're pretty expensive by you.

works starting to suck a lot. my feet hurt so bad by the end of the day and i can tell my tolerance towards guests isn't very good. i wish i could afford to just stop working now and live off of joshs income for the rest of this pregnancy lol.

i think you've told me already but whens your next doctors appointment? and will you be getting another scan at that one or not quite yet? ahhh i can't wait for pictures!!

josh finally got to feel the baby kick! last night in bed he was going crazy so josh had his hand on my tummy for a while. I think it freaked him out a bit hehehe
Lol I had a little giggle at the emotional wrecks together so true and it's great to not be alone when your so hormonal!!!

Yeah I think bubs is quite comfy in there now just making it known that he/she is there lol not nice but oh we'll at least I'm pregnant!!! Mick keeps saying its a girl now because of what you said about they steal your beauty lol because I swear every day I wake up with a new pimple and even mick said he remembered my skin being flawless with hunter.

So true about for how long! Bloody Michael has not done a thing today even though he stayed home to take care of me and hunter all he did was wash the doona that threw up on and that's it! And again because he couldn't be bothered cooking surprise surprise take out lol sooooo annoying!!!

They are an initial expensive up front cost but in the long run much cheaper. I got all the nappies I will need from newborn to 2 years for just over $400 and here a box of nappies is $33 and usually go through that a week!!! So much more cost affective and the washing part doesn't bother me because I just put them in a big bucket soaking and then after a few days do a load so it's not to bad. Your washing will pretty much double when babies gets here anyway because they sometimes go through like 3+ outfits a day :(

Aw so sorry work is getting hard for you but I could imagine it would be being on your feet all day you poor thing!
It's a good thing you are still working though it was such a shook for mick and I when I was written off work at 4 weeks and then only worked for 6 days between 14-17 weeks so good on you for still working I wish I could have!!

I am getting to the 6 week mark now and boy morning sickness is really starting to get to me! Every little smell or thought of something yuck makes me instantly gag it sucks lol.

So my next appointment is on Wednesday and I have a scan then I would say if I don't stop bleeding I will have one every week until they are happy with how things are going.
So excited I booked in with my hospital so it will be good I am

Yay that's so exciting that he finally got to feel it it's such a special time for you guys it's an amazing experience the first time!!!

Omg I just did so many sales for hunt and seek its 11pm here and I should so be in bed but I am so excited!!! I posted our stuff on my local kids facebook page and it went mental!! So so excited lol hunter and mick have been asleep for almost 2 hours and here I am working away on the laptop! I'm going to be so busy when the new one comes along!

But it is definitely off to bed for me now considering I have had no sleep the last 48 hours.

hey! hope you got some sleep last night! hows hunter feeling? I'm sure having a cold on top of gastro is just no fun at all :( hopefully he's not throwing up anymore though!!

yayy i can't wait for your scan!! hopefully you can actually see bubs this time and maybe get some pics!!! i can't believe you're already almost 6 weeks!!! do you plan on announcing at the 12 week mark?

I think $400 for the startup of the cloth diapers is nothing compared to what you would pay for regular diapers! and you're right laundry is going to triple anyways haha. I have a regular that came in and gave me like 5 boxes of diapers...size 1. and she's going to give me some size 2's also when her granddaughter doesn't need them anymore! i know 5 boxes isn't a lot but its definitely a good start for newborn diapers i think! especially since they grow out of them so quickly from what I've heard anyway.

woohoo for all your sales with hunt and seek!! it seems to really be starting off well! and it'll be good for you to be able to still pull some money in too when the baby comes!

I hear ya about the takeout! josh was a cook for so long in a kitchen but to come home and cook for us is like pulling teeth lol. and if he doest cook its usually nothing healthy but oh well what are we gonna do? men. lol.

work was fun tonight for some reason. We got really busy and i love the rush so thats probably why. I got stuck there till almost 1am though ugh. I have to be back there again at 10am so going to head to bed for the night ! hope you had a good day!
Yes hunter is feeling much better!! He only threw up once last night but we are all still very tired but I'm sure it will get better each night!

I will try and snap a quick pic if we can get one, my doctors scan is real old school so pics aren't ever really that's good but hopefully there will be something we can snap. :)
We have already told all our family and close friends but to the rest we will be announcing on Facebook at 12 weeks. Which really doesn't seem that far away lol.

Yeah it really is nothing compared to the amount you spend in the long run. That's awesome that a lady brings you in nappies though take all the freebies you can get lol. Sizing in nappies is different here we don't have sizes we have like newborn toddler walker crawler lol so strange they make it so complicated!!

Yes very exciting about the business and yeah it will be great to be able to still stay at home and bring money in at the same time!!!

We actually had a nice dinner tonight I made this chicken curry and rice soup yesterday for hunter it's so easy but tastes amazing and I always make a huge pot so we can eat it for a few days so it was good to have something cooked!

That's good that you enjoyed work and it's always so much better when it's a busy one because there is better atmosphere and the time flys!

No bleeding today so hopefully that's the last we have seen of that but who knows we can only hope!
Hey, just wondering if I can join this group...

My cycles, I thought, were getting better after being on the pill (had 2 in a row that were 29 days!) but then nope, jumped up again to over 40 days. Last one was 39 so I hope they're coming back to a more reasonable timeframe. It just sucks when you're done AF and the app I have says "37 days until next period" which is like...ridiculous.

NTNP yeah, but there's a lot of time that preventing wouldn't be preventing anything anyway.
Welcome thestarsfall of course you can join we definitely understand the frustration of irregular cycles. Have you always been irregular? I could never take the pill always made mik but also never made my cycles regulate either! But that was due to my hormone imbalance though. How long have you been ntnp? And are you still on the pill? If you want to try and keep on track of your cycles I would start charting either by temps or checking your cm so at Leah you know where you stand in your cycle after a few months. When we were actually ttc it drove me insane before I charged and got to know my cycles better but after having my first hunter and finally getting af back no chart on this world could have kept up with my cycles lol they were so wacky!!!!
And mandi god ol mighty 6 week bloat!!!

I am already in maternity pants because I am soooooo damn bloated so much worse with the second lol.

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