Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

welcome thestarsfall! :hi: you can absolutely join us!! we both definitely understand how frustrating long cycles can be! have you tried anything to shorten them?

awww kirstie what a cute little bloat/bump! hehehe

glad hunter is feeling better!! and no bleeding for you! thats awesome! mmm chicken curry soup sounds GREAT! I'm in the mood for spicy stuff right now which is weird cause i always hated spicy things lol. Josh and I also had a nice dinner last night..i was craving olive garden and actually got out early enough from work to make it there in time and it was sooo good ! haha

12 weeks is not far away for you!! thats so crazy ! I'm so unbelievably excited for you! I'm sure mick is excited too! can't wait for your cute fbook announcement!!

so this girl came into my work...she was probably my age a little older. she gave me her business card and said she owns her own business and wanted me to come check it out. I'm always open to new opportunity and definitely don't want to do restaurant work for the rest of my life so told her i would. I'm not really sure what she does but she said i will basically be working for myself and ill work at my own pace. its all online too. were meeting up on tuesday so she can talk to me about it a little more but i think if it works out it'll be great to make some extra money while I'm on maternity! well see!
Yep I am on day 3 of no bleeding!!! I am so excited about that! I think I am going to start walking now seeing as I haven't bled. Poor hunter even though the hastro has gone the cold has seem to got worse he woke up in hysterics last night and cried for a good 40 minutes we ended up having to take him for a walk but when we got back he went straight to sleep and he snuggled in with mick and did not wake once until about 3 this morning it was great!! He is really a daddy boy at the moment it's great it's giving me a break! Like this morning as soon as hunter woke up he sat up looked over to the
Other side of the bed and was saying dad poor thing.

I know 12 weeks is really not that far away I am already half way there that's crazy! I have been thinking about changing the top and gluing a pic of the scan to a top with a flap over the top and above it writing I asked Santa for some special this Christmas and getting him to lift the flap and doing a video but still not to sure.

What is Olive Garden I have heard of it??
That sounds very exciting about the job opportunity working from home is definitely easier and it would be great for you to still be able to earn some cash while not at work.

I just heard about the Boston explosions no good those poor people!!! It's always awful seeing that stuff on the news. :(
yeah i don't know whats wrong with people!! i heard a poor little 8 yr old boy died :( we also had a bomb scare outside of a hospital like 20 minutes from where i live! I got mixed reviews..i heard they defused the bomb..and i heard it was just a bag with somebody's belongings so I'm not really sure what happened there. This world is just crazy anymore! so sad!

3 days of no bleeding!! wahooooo! great to hear! hope it stays that way! i really need to start walking too! I've stayed between 18-20 lbs weight gain over the past 3 weeks I'm hoping my body starts leveling out and just the baby grows and not my butt anymore! haha.

glad the gastro is finally gone! hopefully the cold will subside soon too! thats nice you're getting a bit of a break though I'm sure you need it right now!

Olive garden is just an italian restaurant. they have them all over the country..i figured you probably had one over there but i guess not. they have really good salad and breadsticks yumm!

aww i think a video is such a cute idea!!! that'll be awesome! can't wait to see it if you do!
okay so the first pic is the one i told you i was going to post last week! and the second one is from today. i took them in the same shirt to see if there was a difference and holy hell i popped in the last week!!


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I can't really remember much before I was on the pill other than there were 2 cycles right before the pill that were messed up and like 50 days and like 40 days and then I got on the pill. But before that they were pretty regular I think. It was like around a month and a week when I would expect my period, and I never really kept track other than if it was getting more than a month and a week I would start freaking out but it would eventually come.

They got nice and regular on the pill other than one month missing my withdrawal bleed because I had missed a few pills that month.

I haven't tried anything to get them regular though. I wouldn't know where to start.
Mandi: I know crazy crazy world there is some awful photos floating around in Facebook at the moment!! I just don't understand war or anything like that its the world leader or the country leader that they don't agree with so why is there always innocent people or childreb that end up being the ones losing there lives its not cool!

Yay I know how exciting about no bleeding! I have a good feeling that its going to stay away and we actually got to have some sexy time lol which was great but I felt so guilty after it thinking what if it makes the bleeding come back but all good so far!
It will probably be just your belly that growing but don't be surprised if your ankles fingers and face swell lol it is the dreaded curse of the 3rd tri! Well not for all there is the lucky few and let's just hope your one of them lol.

I know I am so glad the gastro is over he had his first solid pop in like 4 days today lol.
It was definitely nice to have 5 hours straight last night while he slept with mick! And I don't think his cold will stick around for long well I hope not anyway.

I lovvvveeeee Italian food I am such a pasta person and I love Italian salads also! Definitely don't have them here but they are mentioned in movies quite a lot that's why I knew about them but couldn't think of what type of good they were. Breadsticks is also something that is not big here but I see is in America lol we don't really have anything that is a big thing here other than mainstream Maccas KFC things like that. Do you have red rooster or cold rock?

Yeah I think I might have to do the video I think it would be cute also!

And oh my look at your bump (which as you know I already commented on Facebook lol) and you really have popped in the last week it's like Pringles once you pop you won't stop!

Ps: all this talk of good has made me so hungry for a delicious steak I think lol.

Thestarsfall: I'm not 100% on whether or not this will work for regulating your cycles but maybe try a b complex that helps with your literal phase and things so hopefully it will help with cycles. So you are still on the pill?
Well hello strangers....this girl's back from her break...and guess what??!!

positive HPT.jpg


And OMG Mandi, you're having a boy! Congrats!! And what in the world, Kirstie....congrats!!!! This is nuts!! I have made an appointment with my OB for a scan on May 14th. I am 4 weeks and 3 days today! This is unreal!:happydance:
Thestarsfall: I'm not 100% on whether or not this will work for regulating your cycles but maybe try a b complex that helps with your literal phase and things so hopefully it will help with cycles. So you are still on the pill?

No, sorry, I forgot to answer that part. I've been off the pill for almost a year now. My cycles seemed to even out once that first one off of it, but then stress over Christmas may have thrown it all off again.

I think I'll look into supplements that can help. Thanks for the B-complex advice.
omg izzy!!!!!! i swear to everything i was just going to ask about you!!!! i was actually going to stalk you and see if you were back or not yet :rofl: congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg this is so great!!!!!!!! so happy for you!!! we can all be bump buddies now!!!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee:
Thestarsfall: I'm not 100% on whether or not this will work for regulating your cycles but maybe try a b complex that helps with your literal phase and things so hopefully it will help with cycles. So you are still on the pill?

No, sorry, I forgot to answer that part. I've been off the pill for almost a year now. My cycles seemed to even out once that first one off of it, but then stress over Christmas may have thrown it all off again.

I think I'll look into supplements that can help. Thanks for the B-complex advice.

i was off the pill for over a year and my cycle were still wonky and all over the place! they started to calm down to a 35-40 day cycle but sometimes i would skips months and whatnot. Your body might just still be adjusting but i agree the B complex will probably help regulate a little better!
Mandi: I know crazy crazy world there is some awful photos floating around in Facebook at the moment!! I just don't understand war or anything like that its the world leader or the country leader that they don't agree with so why is there always innocent people or childreb that end up being the ones losing there lives its not cool!

Yay I know how exciting about no bleeding! I have a good feeling that its going to stay away and we actually got to have some sexy time lol which was great but I felt so guilty after it thinking what if it makes the bleeding come back but all good so far!
It will probably be just your belly that growing but don't be surprised if your ankles fingers and face swell lol it is the dreaded curse of the 3rd tri! Well not for all there is the lucky few and let's just hope your one of them lol.

I know I am so glad the gastro is over he had his first solid pop in like 4 days today lol.
It was definitely nice to have 5 hours straight last night while he slept with mick! And I don't think his cold will stick around for long well I hope not anyway.

I lovvvveeeee Italian food I am such a pasta person and I love Italian salads also! Definitely don't have them here but they are mentioned in movies quite a lot that's why I knew about them but couldn't think of what type of good they were. Breadsticks is also something that is not big here but I see is in America lol we don't really have anything that is a big thing here other than mainstream Maccas KFC things like that. Do you have red rooster or cold rock?

Yeah I think I might have to do the video I think it would be cute also!

And oh my look at your bump (which as you know I already commented on Facebook lol) and you really have popped in the last week it's like Pringles once you pop you won't stop!

Ps: all this talk of good has made me so hungry for a delicious steak I think lol.

Thestarsfall: I'm not 100% on whether or not this will work for regulating your cycles but maybe try a b complex that helps with your literal phase and things so hopefully it will help with cycles. So you are still on the pill?

sexy time! woohoo! i don't know what that it is anymore :blush: poor josh...i just have no drive right now :( I'm sure it'll come back eventually lol.

ps i love that were fbook friends :happydance: i did post the pics on here first for you to see though before Facebook hahaha. I've never heard of red rooster or cold rock! are they italian restaurants too or fast food type chains? I'm a huge pasta person too...i just can't stay away from it !

glad hunter finally had a real poop! yayy!

ps im not looking forward to the swelling! i feel like i won't be able to escape my feet from swelling but hopefully my face and fingers!

hope everybody had a wonderful day! we have a group back again hehehe
Lol aw I'm sure it will come back and then it will go again and then you aren't aloud for 6 weeks after the birth lol it sucks for the men hehe but they have to deal with it I guess!!

I know me to!! It's amazing how you can get along with someone so well from the other side of the world!! Red rooster is a chicken and chips place that do like roast chicken and strips and random but they now do seafood lol and cold rock is an ice cream place that you can choose as many ice creams as you want and they have this frozen board that they put it on then you choose mixers like brownies or Oreos or any kind of chocolate or candy and they smash it into the ice cream and mix it together it is amazing!!!!!!! I love it so much!
Oh and Ben and Jerrys Ice cream here is 11.95 for a small tub it is ridiculous.

So I am day 4 of no bleeding woooohoooo I think it's finally over and I can now start enjoying being pregnant even if I do have nausea lol.

Yeah you are probably right about your feet especially with working on them all day but fx you don't swell any where else!!

I actually had a great day yesterday I had a friend come over we had lunch played some Xbox lol and talked about crap for ages it was great and then the little man went down for a nap and then I also napped and we didn't wake up till 5:20 which was pretty late but he obviously needed it! I know I did.
kirstie did you miss izzys post??? i won't spoil...go back a page!! go back a page!!!

and yes we do have that but we call it cold stone!!! haha. its sooo good and I'm not even a big ice cream fan!! we don't have anything similar to red rooster though.

it real is crazy to get alone with somebody so well that you've never met and lives across the world! its fun though!

thats good you had fun yesterday! its always nice to have a girls day combined with a much needed nap later on :haha: a friend and i actually went out for lunch today too. we got mexican food which I've been craving for some strange reason too lol. I want to take a nap now but I have to go meet up with this girl in 2 hours to talk about her business and i don't want to be all sleepy while we chat haha
i should probably check my spelling before i post :blush: **it really is crazy to get along** lol
Omg omg omg I did miss the post!!!! Congrats izzyyy!!!!! I have been thinking about you heaps over the last couple if days thinking of how you were getting on and by the looks of it you were getting it on hahahha. Wow I can't believe we all got our bfps and we can now all be bump buddies yayyyyy so excited right now!!!
It is crazy but I also think its fun it's good to have a break from your usual friends!

How did your meeting go?
And Mexican omg yum I love Mexican!! I think I might have tacos for dinner tomorrow night now.

I've been soooooo tired the last 2 days mick been amazing he has come home from work both days done the dishes fed the dogs and cleaned the lounge room! It's been great!
It was so cute tonight I was trying to get hunter to sleep he rolled over into his own cot grabbed his teddy and went to sleep! So so cute.

I am seriously in so much shock about izzy! So funny that it happened the same way for both us and its so true when your not trying its more likely to happen!
I will hopefully have some scan pics for you all on Friday not that there will be a whole lot to see lol
I'm having spotting this morning, and my test is still really light.....I'm so nervous:(
how heavy is the spotting izzy? can you call the docs and see if they can get you in sooner for bloodwork? :hugs: keeping my fingers crossed that everything is okay !!

kirstie so glad mick is helping you out!! what a great hubby you got there :thumbup:

the meeting went okay. it was with a company called Amway. you may have heard of them because their all over the country. i wish they would've told me that because i probably wouldn't have gone but in the same I'm still considering trying it out. you basically own your own business and sell their products to other people. eventually you develop a "team" and people that buy from you find people to buy from them and so on...kinda like a pyramid. i dunno I'm on the fence about it still
I'm bleeding now - my bean isn't sticking...just another one to add to the books for me
Oh izzy I'm so sorry is there anyway you can in for a scan because they should still be able to see the sac at least or bloodwork just to make sure. I bled with hunter for 14 weeks and I've just spotted with this one for 2 weeks and some times I had a bit of bleeding. How heavy is the bleeding?

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