Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Anointed that my lively is a most definite bfp!!!!!!! I would be taking a frer to see that lovely line but I say your preggers Hun!

Bella: I have already tried well why don't we just change it around lol but he won't budge but I do love the name I will just have to let it grow on me :)

I'm sure I will see them on him soon enough anyway lol I don't think it will be long.
Yay to the clear outs!!!! I had my clearout whilst I was in labor for like the first 2hrs it sucked but I was glad I didn't shut myself while pushing :rofl:

The rash is really good he isn't on any cream just steroids and we have a appointment with the skin specialist this afternoon to see if they can find out what it is but they think its an allergic reaction to something. I said to him he is going to have to change his diet and everything to stops these attacks from happening because ending up in hospital and now a week off work from this reaction he needs to be careful.

Yeah I have seen all my family now other than my brother who got put in jail last week :( he has his court case next week to try and appeal to get bail if he agrees to court ordered rehab and a curfew (I don't know if that's how you spell it lol) but I got to see my nephews yesterday which was great they have grown so much!!! It's really sad because the eldest always remembered me because I was there so much for the first yr of his life but I have only seen the little one twice and he doesn't know me :( it makes me feel so sad.

We are going to the markets this afternoon with my mum sister and the kids which wil be nice they have amazing Turkish pides there yum!!!!

This baby should so come today! There is slough waiting now thank you lol to many good indications that he will be here for soon for him to not be!

Hunter had a bad night last night but I don't mind he has been sleeping through the nigh for 3/4 nights now so I really don't care about one night he still stayed in his bed till 6:30 but omg my back is killing me! I have been having awful cramps still not contractions just a lot of really bad cramps and bad pain to go with it I really should have already bought one of those belts but I keep forgetting.

Well I best be off to have a shower also to get ready for the market I hope I come back to some news :)
and it looks like a possibility you may have O'd cd 25...your temps shot way up after that!!

Others keep saying the same thing, that I possibly O'd on CD25. My temps were ridiculous so I just stopped.
annointed- yeah hun def looks like O on cd25, but your temps are all over the place...could that be from the clomid? I'm surprised after seeing the 3 higher temps you didn't get crosshairs on FF though. eeeek I'm so excited for you!! are you going to test again in the AM??? !!! :happydance:

kirstie- I'm trying to go to the bathroom everyday so i don't go when i start to push!! :haha: i think thats what I'm worried about more than a lot of things hahaha.

glad the rash is better! hopefully mick can go back to work soon even though I'm sure you don't want him to leave!

ohh no I'm sorry about your brother being put in jail :( i hope its nothing too serious and that he won't be in too long. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but what did he do?

I understand about your nephews not knowing who you are :( with my brother not talking to me and living 9 hours away i never see them and when i do they have no clue who i am either. but its still nice to spend time with them when i get the chance to!

eeee sorry about the cramps! hope they ease up for you soon. did you tell your MW about them at all? hopefully she's not worried about it.

I'm having this weird obsession with spaghetti-o's at the moment. i hated them as a kid and the other night i was at my friends out and she heated some up and it looked and smelled sooo good, so i went out and bought some the other night and now can't get enough lol.

sorry about hunter having a bad night...but like you said its only one night and he's been doing so good! I'm sure hell have a good night tonight !

no new news here unfortunately! i hate this waiting game!
annointed- yeah hun def looks like O on cd25, but your temps are all over the place...could that be from the clomid? I'm surprised after seeing the 3 higher temps you didn't get crosshairs on FF though. eeeek I'm so excited for you!! are you going to test again in the AM??? !!! :happydance:

No happy dance yet. Everyone keeps saying that it looks like I Od on the 25th and sure nuff on the 25th, DH and I BD'd. I took another test a few hours later and it was negative. Could be a false negative but who knows. I go in tomorrow for a blood test so I hope to find something out next week. Thinking back, I have had some weirdness going on. One morning I woke up vomiting. It seems like a yeast infection is trying to come on but I have been taking homeopathic pills to prevent yeast infections, however this is stranger than normal and not shaking like I expect it to. Its not full force either. Just on the brink if that makes sense. I probably get them once every two or three years. I have had an increase in CM thats been going on for about a week and it smells different. Not yucky, just different than my normal smell. So really, :shrug:. No tender BBs, somewhat emotional, a deep sense of contentment. :shrug:
yeah i definitely know what you mean, i just got over my first yeast infection either, luckily i caught it right away so it was just on the brink too. I won't happy dance until we know for sure then lol :) i definitely had a huge increase in CM before i got my bfp too. please keep us updated on your blood results and if you take another test in the AM! id be really shocked if that test was a false was a good line and nice and pink for an IC
oh wanted to say keep an eye on the smell, if it does start to get worse it could be BV and thats noooo fun at all
hope everybody's okay..its awfully quiet ...and I'm awfully bored sitting at home for a week now lol

anyways i think I'm starting to have contractions in my back? I'm not really sure but they are coming and going every 10-20 minutes or so, and sometimes radiating to the front causing some cramps. not sure if this is just normal pregnancy back pain but ill be keeping an eye on it :)

hope you ladies are doing well :flower:
Hello everyone. So I took another at home test this morning with FMU and I took one this afternoon around the same time as yesterday, negative. I'm still not shaken yet because of this other weird stuff going on with my body. I had my blood drawn today so hopefully I have results by next week Tuesday. I'm not telling DH anything. If I am a BFP, I'm going to tell him with a nursery, literally.
Bella: lol I hope it works! My biggest fear was pooping while pushing so I was happy when I cleared out during labor. You never know you may do the same. I think alot of women are to scared to go for a pooh while in labor maybe of the fears of pushing baby out but I think with my ibs I had no choice it was coming no pushing for the poop needed lol.

The rash actually turned out to be eczema thank god but the type it is has no known cause or preventative :( they gave him a cream that had been proven to help but no prevent like others but just glad it's not something serious and contagious.

He was waiting for a new court date as his last one was adjourned and last weekend went out and got down for breaking and entering. I am about to go to bed so I don't have time to write down the whole story as I typed it out today and my computer froze and deleted everything I wrote grrrrr lol I had written so much! He is in jail till the 22bd then has court and we will go from there but personally it's the best place for him at the moment.

It is really sad about the nephews but like you said it's great the time that you do get to spend with them :)

I think the cramps are actually just bh and they are worse because its pregnancy #2 and the problems I have had with my stomach muscles. I bought a support band and it was great on my belly but terrible in my bladder :(

Haha that's funny about the spaghetti o's it's strange how things change while pregnant! I have hated fruit loops my whole life but have eaten them heaps this pregnancy so weird! It's nice to really enjoy something though hey! And it's not exactly bad for you either.
We have had so much take away since being here :( and it was so nice to have salad twice today for lunch and dinner I don't feel as half as crappy and who knows all the shitty food oils be the cause of my ms being bad the last few days.

Hunter had a terrible night last night and ended up in with us after waking like 5 times in 2-3hrs and it sucked but back in his own bed tonight sound asleep and he will be staying there. It feels so good to be over the aww I miss him in our bed stage! I hated every minute of it last night with him in our bed and I think he did he was so restless tossing and turning!

It was nice today mick and I took hunter down the park and played for about an hour he had such a good time and it was nice for mick to spend some time with him he also played trucks with him and they had a bath today tonight and were in there for ages giggling its so cute when they spend time together!
We are off to the indoor pools tomorrow before mick leaves which will be nice but sad to see mick go back home especially for hunter he loves his daddy so much!

I am going to spend some time with my family this week which will be good I just have to make sure there is a bed for hunter where ever I go the twist it will be such a waste of time confusing him as to whether or not he should be in bed with me again.

Afm I am feeling ok my belly is starting to get bigger and show more in the front now rather than like a giant tire the whol way around lol the extra tire around my back is killing me! It is not a good time at all.

I could imagine you are getting bored Hun lol but hopefully not to much longer. Is there not friends that you can go out and have lunch with during the week or a few friends to make different plans with to pass the time?
I hope the contractions keep coming and he makes his appearance!

Anointed: so sorry about te negatives but hopefully you get some good news from your blood test! That test looked so promising!
As far as the smell I would just keep an eye on it sometimes if your hormones are having a spasem it can happen or maybe even the clomid is causing it? But like Bella said it could also be bv but hopefully not hopefully it clears up soon.
What do you mean surprise him with a nursery lol I'm not very good at catching on do you mean you will set up a whole nursery? If so that would be a crazy surprise I'm sure he would be exstatic!
Hey guys - I wanted to introduce myself. I've been reading through some of the posts and so much of it resonates with me.

I'm 30 - we got pregnant immediately last year after coming off the pill and the timing ended up being dreadful because of my work. We made a really really horrible and difficult decision not to proceed with the pregnancy and based a lot of our decision making on doctor advice (Oh no worries, you'll get pregnant as soon as you try again, you're healthy, no problems!).... waaa waaaah.

I bled for almost two months. My hormones were all over the place and the termination affected my thyroid (I'm hypothyroid) so badly that I had irregular cycles from then on. Add to that - just when my cycles were looking to come back "online" i had a cyst that burst and it knocked me off again.

We have been open to conceiving now for about 10 months. We live in two different cities too because of my work which makes it even harder to officially "try". I think that's why we are "NTNP" rather than "TTC" because we DID TTC for about 5 months and I was distraught every time i got a BFN or my cycles didnt happen properly. DH decided that we had to change our outlook for my own mental health.

I WISH my cycles were ok - I've done everything - followed a good treatment regime. I'm not PCOS or low Prog. I WAS Hyper and they had to bring down the meds for my thyroid. I was tracking but would get so disheartened i had to step away from the chart and BBT for a while lol. This time 'round we were in the same place for five days around the time i was theoretically meant to O. We had sex every day except one and the last day before I had to leave town I got a VERY POSITIVE line on the O-Kit. We hammered one out one last session, I rolled around like a turtle on my back willing my body to absorb and be friendly to every last little wriggler and now are hoping for the best.... again, my DH warning me before i got on the plane "if it doesn't happen, no big's not like we can really try" AUGH.

I used to be bang on 29 each cycle. Now I'm around 36ish.... ish because I honestly have no idea any more and rely on the O Kits if we are in the same place. I know I'm lazy but it's hard to stay excited about something when you feel like a massive failure at least once every 30 days.
Anointed: so sorry about te negatives but hopefully you get some good news from your blood test! That test looked so promising!
As far as the smell I would just keep an eye on it sometimes if your hormones are having a spasem it can happen or maybe even the clomid is causing it? But like Bella said it could also be bv but hopefully not hopefully it clears up soon.
What do you mean surprise him with a nursery lol I'm not very good at catching on do you mean you will set up a whole nursery? If so that would be a crazy surprise I'm sure he would be exstatic![/QUOTE]

Yep, that is exactly my plan. Surprise him with a full nursery. Yeah, I know its crazy but I want to go all out simply because I know he wants to have children so yep, a full nursery.
Hey guys - I wanted to introduce myself. I've been reading through some of the posts and so much of it resonates with me.

I'm 30 - we got pregnant immediately last year after coming off the pill and the timing ended up being dreadful because of my work. We made a really really horrible and difficult decision not to proceed with the pregnancy and based a lot of our decision making on doctor advice (Oh no worries, you'll get pregnant as soon as you try again, you're healthy, no problems!).... waaa waaaah.

I bled for almost two months. My hormones were all over the place and the termination affected my thyroid (I'm hypothyroid) so badly that I had irregular cycles from then on. Add to that - just when my cycles were looking to come back "online" i had a cyst that burst and it knocked me off again.

We have been open to conceiving now for about 10 months. We live in two different cities too because of my work which makes it even harder to officially "try". I think that's why we are "NTNP" rather than "TTC" because we DID TTC for about 5 months and I was distraught every time i got a BFN or my cycles didnt happen properly. DH decided that we had to change our outlook for my own mental health.

I WISH my cycles were ok - I've done everything - followed a good treatment regime. I'm not PCOS or low Prog. I WAS Hyper and they had to bring down the meds for my thyroid. I was tracking but would get so disheartened i had to step away from the chart and BBT for a while lol. This time 'round we were in the same place for five days around the time i was theoretically meant to O. We had sex every day except one and the last day before I had to leave town I got a VERY POSITIVE line on the O-Kit. We hammered one out one last session, I rolled around like a turtle on my back willing my body to absorb and be friendly to every last little wriggler and now are hoping for the best.... again, my DH warning me before i got on the plane "if it doesn't happen, no big's not like we can really try" AUGH.

I used to be bang on 29 each cycle. Now I'm around 36ish.... ish because I honestly have no idea any more and rely on the O Kits if we are in the same place. I know I'm lazy but it's hard to stay excited about something when you feel like a massive failure at least once every 30 days.

Welcome and wish you lots of baby dust. :dust:
Hey guys - I wanted to introduce myself. I've been reading through some of the posts and so much of it resonates with me.

I'm 30 - we got pregnant immediately last year after coming off the pill and the timing ended up being dreadful because of my work. We made a really really horrible and difficult decision not to proceed with the pregnancy and based a lot of our decision making on doctor advice (Oh no worries, you'll get pregnant as soon as you try again, you're healthy, no problems!).... waaa waaaah.

I bled for almost two months. My hormones were all over the place and the termination affected my thyroid (I'm hypothyroid) so badly that I had irregular cycles from then on. Add to that - just when my cycles were looking to come back "online" i had a cyst that burst and it knocked me off again.

We have been open to conceiving now for about 10 months. We live in two different cities too because of my work which makes it even harder to officially "try". I think that's why we are "NTNP" rather than "TTC" because we DID TTC for about 5 months and I was distraught every time i got a BFN or my cycles didnt happen properly. DH decided that we had to change our outlook for my own mental health.

I WISH my cycles were ok - I've done everything - followed a good treatment regime. I'm not PCOS or low Prog. I WAS Hyper and they had to bring down the meds for my thyroid. I was tracking but would get so disheartened i had to step away from the chart and BBT for a while lol. This time 'round we were in the same place for five days around the time i was theoretically meant to O. We had sex every day except one and the last day before I had to leave town I got a VERY POSITIVE line on the O-Kit. We hammered one out one last session, I rolled around like a turtle on my back willing my body to absorb and be friendly to every last little wriggler and now are hoping for the best.... again, my DH warning me before i got on the plane "if it doesn't happen, no big's not like we can really try" AUGH.

I used to be bang on 29 each cycle. Now I'm around 36ish.... ish because I honestly have no idea any more and rely on the O Kits if we are in the same place. I know I'm lazy but it's hard to stay excited about something when you feel like a massive failure at least once every 30 days.

Hi and welcome! So sorry about the abortion it must not have been an easy decision.
It is so hard and frustrating having irregular cycles you just never know what is going on!

It must be hard living in another city to your partner I spend a month away from my husband every few months and I miss him like crazy!

Have you tried anything like b complex or vitex yet they are ment to be good. I tried the b complex and that helped my cycles especially my luteal phase.
Ttc can be such a hard time emotionally and physically at times, but I must say when I started to relax is when I fell pregnant. The womens cycle doesn't deal well with stress so as hard as it is just try to relax and not take every month as a huge disappointment rather think of it as just one step closer to being a mummy.
I hope that it doesn't take you much longer and you can start enjoy the ttc journey as frustrating as it can be at times.
Anointed I think it's a great idea! It will be helpful also get it all out of the way at once lol.
When do you get your blood results?
hi everybody! we have a couple people in here now yay! welcome vivian! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, please don't beat yourself up over it. it was the right decision for you at that time in your life and thats what matters. I do hope you can get your cycles sorted out and get a BFP really really soon! I feel like if you and your DH can work on the distance a little bit, you might have a better chance at conceiving and being able to track your cycles and not stress if you will be around each other during fertile windows and whatnot.

anointed: sorry about the negative :( had any luck with tests since then??

kirstie- sorry been MIA all day! my mom came into town early so spent the night with her last night and all day today we were bumming around and then went out for dinner at my uncles pizza shop and now watching the wrestling pay per view me and josh ordered!

Im so fed up and so annoyed. tomorrows 4 days overdue :( I'm uncomfortable and in pain and i can't bend over because i feel like I'm squishing chases head and it hurts lol. if i walk to long i feel like his head my just fall out! i really don't want to be induced but it sure seems to be heading that way :( people are pissing me off and telling me to take castor oil and its annoying and i don't want anything to do with that stuff after hearing it can put baby in distress and cause them to poop in their amniotic fluid! i know its not the case for everybody but why would i take that chance? :wacko:

i had an emotional breakdown last night when my mom posted a picture of me on fbook from earlier that day. i looked like a 12 yr old fat kid. i know its just my hormones but i balled for 10 minutes, at least josh was there to hug and kiss me lol.

glad the rash was just eczema! I don't know if you guys have it over there but try the neosporin body wash and lotion if you can find it in the drug store. I know over here it used to be by prescription only but they now sell it over the counter. josh suffered really bad eczema on his hands and it seriously worked wonders.

oh geez sorry to hear about your brother, but if you think thats the best place for him to be right now then it probably is!! hopefully things get better for him soon.

sorry about hunter having a bad nights sleep. he's been doing so well though in his own bed, that a couple bad nights are okay! and yes I'm sure its nice to be over the awww stage of him not being with you lol

aww you talking about mick and hunter giggling makes me so excited to see josh and chase together :) so cute!!

well ill try to keep up as best i can, it might be hard with my mom here to get on here a lot but i definitely will either way
No that's ok it must be nice to have your mum there now!!! And pretty cool about your uncle owning the pizza shop.

Aw you poor thing it really is hard when you get overdue especially when everyone keeps asking have you had the baby yet and oh you should try this. I don't think you will go more than a week over though because of all the pressure I will be bummed for you if you do go more than that!
Keep lots of positive thoughts and try to relax about it as much as its a pain he will come when he is ready to come (hopefully lol) but you have definitely not failed if you have to be induced.

Aw I'm sure you don't look as bad as you think but emotions definitely do run high when your overdue I think because you go your whole pregnancy thinking your baby will be here by this date and it is definitely a let down when you have to keep waiting and I'm that waiting it feels like you won't ever see the end! Glad josh was there to give you some comfort though :)

I will have a lol at the chemist for what your talking about hopefully they have it here!

So hunter is sick and has slept bad the last 2 nights lay night I couldn't even get him in his bed to sleep :( but ism still not giving up he is back in there tonight and hopefully will stay there! He always gets sick when we come here but it is seriously freezing!! We have the heater in the back room where we sleep on 32c and I am still sleeping in long sleeve pjs socks and 2 Doona's :( I haven't been in weather this cold in a long time!
I think I am going to start slowly taking hunters dummies away so it is gone before Phoenix is here and that way he will be weaned from boob our and dummy! That would be amazing!!! I'm not to sure at what age they stop having a milk bottle though I think it's like 2?? But I think I will leave hunters till a bit after his second birthday.

Aw it really is the most amazing thing seeing your partner and his son together! It just melts my heart the bond that they have!!
Poor hunter already misses mick so much he was sitting at the back door today for a while just calling out daddy so we did some video chat and then a few hours later I was taking photos of him face on so he could see himself and he thought I was going todo video chat again done was calling daddy daddy it was so cute but really sad when he spoke to him to say goodnight he started crying the poor thing.

Don't stress to much Hun I know how busy it can be with family around especially as chase could come any day now!

Afm: I feel like my belly grew over night last night lol but god I am feeling like a fatty I have eaten so much junk it's not funny but I have made a decision as of tomorrow no more junk I am going back to my healthy eating and fruit and things for snacks like at home! There is so much choice here and micks parents always have bad shit stocked up in there cupboards its so hard today no where as at home I don't have any junk in my cupboard at all unless on the odd occasion that mick and I get a great for ourselves but its usually gone that night so there is way to much temptation here lol.
I am sooooo tired at the moment this cold weather is killing me not being able to do anything we don't really own clothing for this kind of weather and you step out and you freeze your ass off so we haven't been going outside much the poor kid is so bored but I am determined to go outside and watch him run around tomorrow with the dogs here and let him blow off some steam.
I hate when ever I come here tht my dad and my sister don't make any effort at all to come see me! If I don't drive up to them and see them then we don't see each other and then I am a bad person for not making an effort! Like this week I am diving up there Wednesday for dinner with out hunter so have to come home then I am driving up Thursday morning and staying there the night and now my sister wants me to drive up there again on the sunday to do something up her way so that would be 3 trips up her way without one to one see me so frustrating!

Well I don't really have much other news on any the baby front this middle part is not exciting at all lol other than pheonix just sleeps alot but when he is awake the movement is so strange it's moreover he is stretching than kicking lol but he definitely uses my bladder as a punching bag which is not fun!

I am off to get some sleep now hunter is sound asleep in his own bed thank god! Ttys Hun
Anointed I think it's a great idea! It will be helpful also get it all out of the way at once lol.
When do you get your blood results?

I'm not sure. Hopefully sometime today or tomorrow. But DH received bad news this weekend. His grandmother's kidneys are not working and shes not doing well at all. She basically raised him so he's very worried. I'm trying not to stress but seeing him upset isn't helping. Im going to make a 12 hour drive to go meet up with DH so we can go see about his grandmother.
anointed good luck with your blood results ! I'm sorry to hear about DHs grandmother...hope all turns out okay :hugs:

awww yeah i bet Hunter got sick from the weather change. seems like such a drastic drop in cold weather you went to so quickly. Hope he feels better soon and hopefully you don't get sick along with him. good for you for sticking to trying to keep him in his bed though. And I think your right about the milk bottles..age 2 sounds right to me but i really don't know for sure. Oh I bet its going to be a tough one to wean from a dummy and a bottle but a good idea to have it done by the time Phoenix is here :thumbup: And that must be so hard on him being away from his daddy :( good for video chat though!!

hehe i saw your belly pic on Facebook its so cute!! you've definitely popped :)

I'm sorry about your family not making any effort to see you at all..youd think they'd be excited and would want to spend as much time as possible since they never see you! I know how you feel, my parents and I got into a fight back in April (well it was more my hormones telling them how i felt) because they always come up here for weekends, ill request off of work and see them for maybe 2 hours because their so "busy" seeing friends and whatever else. I had enough last time and kind of freaked and cried lol. I think they got the hint because they ended up staying another day and spending it with me. I hope your family tries to see you hun !

gotta be hard to eat healthy when your around junk food!! Just stick to it and go get yourself some healthy food and cook for yourself :thumbup: you can do it!!

almost VDAY for you btw!!! :happydance:

AFM: was having contractions 20-30 minutes apart for a good hour and a they've pretty much stopped :( I'm so hoping they pick back up because tomorrows my doctors appointment and I'm going to push for an induction tomorrow night. well see how it goes.

Josh also got his whooping cough shot today (a little late but at least he got it). the doc lectured him and made him go get bloodwork done for cholesterol and start eating a healthier diet because josh mentioned to him how his dad and dads brother both had heart attacks in their mid 30s. so the doctor said it could be hereditary and got josh all freaked out lol, but for good reason! so he's fasting for 12 hours and after my appointment going to get his bloodwork done.

other than that not too much new here either! ill keep you updated on my appointment tomorrow and let you know what they say about induction. and if i just so happen to go into labor night ill message you on fbook :)
Anointed: so sorry to hear about dh grandmother I hope all goes well!

Bella: I think I am getting sick :( I have a really sore throat but that's it so I am hoping it doesn't run into anything but I usually get sick when he does!

I sure have popped! I feel like its just a little more than popped though lol I feel like I've grown to 40 weeks in the space of 2 haha and omg the heartburn that has come with it is awful! At night when I roll over the acid comes up into my throat it's awful.

Yeah I have said stuff to my family last time I was here and it didn't make a difference! I haven't heard from my dad since I have been here other than if I call him or the day we went to his shop! Will be seeing him for the next 2 days but I still feel like its not enough but grrrrr it just makes me so angry why wouldn't you want to see your daughter and your grandson?? At least your parents listened to what it ment to you it must have made you feel better about the situation!

Well I did really well with my eating today spaghetti on toast for breaky pumpkin carrot and potato soup for lunch that I made from scratch it was so nice! And then mum cooked veggies and roast chook but I ate mostly veg yummm and I feel so much better other than the heartburn lol.

I know only a few more days till v day! You know I didn't even know about that till this pregnancy lol funny you can still be learning after your first.

I hope you do go into labor on your own! They will probably give you a induction date tomorrow anyway as I was going to get mine the day after I went into labor lol but I went on my own so you will probably have amend date within the next 3 days if not tomorrow night. Omg if you go between now and then it even if you get induced tomorrow night it feels to soon lol even though you are overdue I feel as though you shouldn't be that far along as the pregnancy has just flown!!!! I bet it doesn't feel that way for you though!
That's good that josh is having that sorted now rather than later, hopefully it comes back all good but if not at least he can get a hold of it early on Nd reduce the chances :)

Omg I keep forgetting to get hunters bloody 18 month injections and every time I remember something comes up last time we got distracted with micks rash and now he is sick so I have to wait, I am hopeless!

I got my mummy skills on today and went down to the fabric shop as they had a sale on and bought some fabric for the photo shoot for when pheonix is Norma dn some fabric to make him some blankets which I made one of them today and it looks so good! It's a minky kinda materially on one side with black and white zig zag stripe and cream minky dot on the other side it looks so good! I will take a phoo tomorrow and post it I am so in love with it! I am going to buy some think embroidery cotton this week end and stitch his name in the corner in a blue I also have a chocolate brown for minky that I will make a blanket for him as well. Mick got all upset and said hunter is being left out and that I have to make him one as well so will probably be getting some more fabric and making him the same as the zig zag but blue and white instead of black and white and stitch his name as well. I kinda don't see the point because he won't im use it he is to old now but if I make him a big one to put on his bed it will look nice and he can use it when the weather gets warmer I suppose even the one I made for pheonix is really big but I think I have caught the crafty big again and will start making heaps of things especially because I know he is a boy this time! I also thing I will get some small canvas boards and paint hunters sailor wall pics I have been looking to buy them and they are like $20 each when you can buy the canvas boards for like $4 each and then paints for like $10 for all 3 canvas pics so it will be much cheaper and more fun :)
Omg I can't wait for tomorrow nights dinner outing French food bring it on! So excited it sucks being in Roxby with no culture restaurants our family are such goodies and when we lived here it was pretty much a fortnightly sometimes weekly think to have a food night at my dads or go out to somewhere new for dinner but we are all great cooks and love to cook so we usually had big feasts of a certain food like Mexican or Moroccan or what ever we chose and all bring something or spend the day at my dads preparing I miss it so much I sometimes feel like I was kinda the rock keeping my family together and now that I have left they don't really see each other anymore and definitely don't do there foody weekends except for when I am down its sad :(

The heating has finally been fixed here thank god!!! But now the weather is starting to pick up a few degrees but nothing to nice lol and then I check homes weather and they have 27 and 28 over the weekend lol we have a cold 16 and showers.
When I was driving home from my mums I have to do 50km in a 80km zone because I could barely see out my windscreen the rain was bucketing that much and while we were having dinner there was some hail, I seriously couldn't tell you the last time I drove in rain lol felt a bit inexperienced.

Well I hope you either go into labor or get an end date by the time I get up tomorrow I am off to try and get some sleep with this awful heartburn and my poor little man coughing his lungs up next to me the poor thing but at least he went to sleep in his bed :) he lasted in there last night till about 3 so hopefully tonight he can do a full night but if not I'm not to fussed I like to be comforted while I'm sick as I'm sure he would also the poor wee thing it's awful seeing them sick and so tiny.
Lots of good baby labor vibes your way my love ttys
I'm going to reply more later to your post but wanted to update for now. at appointment this morning I'm 3cm 80% effaced and -1 engaged so his heads pretty low. she stripped my membranes and it hurt like hell...was so uncomfortable i kept tensing up and moving my legs. BUT I've been having contractions consistently since i left for about 2 hours now...and their between 7-10 mins apart. I'm so hoping it worked! ill reply more later to your post and keep you updated if i go in!

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