Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

glad you made it to melbourne safe hun!!! enjoy your time there!!

unfortunately not in labor yet :( Im not even trying to look for signs anymore lol. Im definitely getting some mild contractions here and there but its all false labor. hopefully it turns into something soon! my next appointment is on tuesday the 13th so well see if theres any change to my cervix at all!

hope you and mick are feeling okay from the scabies and the cream is working for you guys! and hoping hunter didn't catch it too :hugs:

yeah everybody keeps telling me you totally forget everything you went through in pregnancy and labor once the baby is in your arms. I really can't wait for that moment. and i will try my best to not let the pain take over! and joshs sister told me the same thing about the c section, she said she did nothing her whole pregnancy (she was young and really didn't know any better) and she ended up with a section.

lol about you not peeing until you're about to burst! I do that too sometimes, but I've found myself letting it get so bad that i start dreaming about water or fountains or that I'm peeing and i wake up just in time to almost peeing the bed :rofl: luckily i havnt done that hahaha so i just try and get up now and pee even if the urge isn't too bad lol.

so are you in melbourne for good now for awhile? is mick staying there with you or going back to work next week?

its so nice to be done with work! i don't think it will hit me until wednesday though when i don't have to go back in since the next 3 days are my usual days off. I got a couple more presents from some of my regulars it was really sweet. now i have some more baby washing to do lol. gives me something to do today though! and later me and josh are going to the fireworks. its the last day of musikfest and they always set off some awesome fireworks! I havnt been able to go in years I'm always working so I'm excited :)

hope you're having a great time !!!
had another contraction about an hour ago and nothing again since!! errr so frustrating!!!
another post :haha: you lost some of your plug?? i know it can regenerate but its nothing to worry about this early right?
Well boo for having these teaser contractions! Chase is not being very cooperative :)
I think it's a good thing though your body is getting in some good practice.

Soooooo in the damn scabies factor it's not scabies lol. My lumps went away yesterday so mine was definitely dermatitis and mick put the cream on and he had no difference and then had an allergic reaction to it when washing it off the poor thing. So we went to the dr again today down here and they were so much better so much more thorough! So apparently they think it is possible a bad allergic reaction to something so he has been put steroid antihistamines till Wednesday when we have a follow up because it should have made a difference by then so fx he will be fixed otherwise I have no idea what they are going to do! It's a little worrying to be honest.

I'm sure you will do your very best at coping the best you can but it is very hard sometimes when you are in pain and don't ever be disappointed if you choose an epidural or any other form of medication but also make sure you are 100% happy with the decision sometimes the nurses will try to force there opinions on you so make sure you stay strong and true to yourself :)

:rofl: I do the exact same about the dreams but I also have not peed the bed yet haha that would suck so bad if either of us did lol. I'm not going to lie i have already done the occasional trickled myself when sneezing or coughing.

I am in Melbourne for about a month now which is pretty exciting!! Not to sure what mick is doing yet it depends on what happens with his skin because work won't let him back till he is clear in case of an outbreak so we will know after Wednesday I would say.

How was the fireworks?? I bet it was nice to have some time together especially as you are usually working at that time.
It will definitely hit you after the normal 3 days but I must be really nice! You deserve a really good rest or even just time to yourself after working so hard!!!
That's so lovely of your regulars it must be nice to feel appreciated :)

Yeah the plug regenerates and nothing to worry about although I don't know what is going on but I have been having contractions on and off a few times today so I'm not to sure what is going on I am a little worried so might just see how the next few days go but it could also just be from being cooped up in the car for so long it's all just tense and unwinding.

Sooooooo excited we have our gender scan on Wednesday so I really hope that we can find out the sex. I am getting my 20 week scan done again as a second opinion I just feel more comfortable after our experience with the health department up there lately so it will be good to have the scan all over again but at the same time not also.

How are you feeling pregnant wise? It's so close to the end!! Are you uncomfortable yet? I remember not really feeling extremely uncomfortable other than at night and not really that over it as much as people expected me to be lol. I hope your not to uncomfortable there is nothing worse!
I am already uncomfortable lol so I hate to think how I will feel at the end!
well thats good its not scabies! I wonder what the allergic reaction was from though, if thats even what it is! hopefully you guys get some answers soon and mick can go back to work! I'm sure you guys are missing out on a lot of money right now :/ yayy for being in melbourne for a month though! thats exciting!!

ahhh i can't wait until wednesday now!! well it'll be tuesday for me so not much longer of a wait :happydance: i hope you guys find out for sure what you're having a baby cooperates! and another 20 week scan! thats exciting!

lol I've definitely sneezed/coughed and peed too!! and this past month i notice sometimes pee just trickles out of me out of nowhere and i can't stop it haha i hope that stops after the baby is born!

i am pretty uncomfortable but like you said its really only at night. during the day I really feel fine, but i dread going to sleep its just painful and annoying more than anything!

Yeah I'm happy the contractions are happening, i know my bodies getting ready and its giving me an idea of what kind of pain I'm in for. A couple of my friends told me they never even had any BH or contractions while they were pregnant, so i guess its a good thing. I woke up at 7:45 this morning, ate a piece of cake that joshs mom gave me yesterday lol, laid back down in bed and had 3 contractions in a row! I barely even got a 30 second break between them. Id say i had 3 within a little less than 10 minutes. I was ready to stay awake and start timing but again they stopped. I think he's going to be here in the next couple days, but well see!!

ohhh definitely keep an eye on your contractions! i hope they stop, but go get checked out if you get worried!!

Yeah the fireworks were really nice. Kind of disappointing they only lasted maybe 10 minutes. i remember other years they at least went for a half hour or so, but it was nice to get out and do something like that before the baby comes. we ran into a group of friends from my work too so we were walking around with them for awhile too.

yeah about the nurses, ill definitely be putting my foot down for what i want. I am definitely getting the epidural, i made up my mind on that part. Joshs mom told me a lady she works with, her daughter just had her baby, she had a 28 hour labor and pushed for 3 hours, turns out the baby was stuck and they had to do an emergency c-section. the baby was blue by the time they got it out of her!! she was only 4 days past her due date and they induced her?! obviously the baby was in distress, why did it take them 3 hours of her pushing to realize the baby was stuck! i would've been pissed. I won't let myself go over 2 hours of pushing, if i need a c-section so be it, id rather my baby be okay than try that hard for a vaginal birth. I just couldn't believe it! luckily I'm not delivering at that hospital I've heard such horrible things about it!
I know this not knowing is killing us! It's really frustrating especially because we can't see any of our family and friends until we get an answer and see some results!
And definitely losing out on a lot of money it sucks we are going to be behind on bills this month for sure!

I know I can't wait either this time tomorrow I will only have an hour to wait woohoo!!!

Lol it does stop after birth it's just from the pressure of the baby. As long as you do your pelvic floor exercises you should be fine. I don't do mine as often as I should and I can't tell they are weak :( I am doing them right now lol I don't ever remember to do them.

Yeah I think he will be here in a few days as well your body is doing all the right things :)
I bet it is frustrating you a little that they are not progressing into anything and just teasing!

Well no more tightening/contractions thank god I really just think my uterus was irritated from the drive. It was strange though.

Glad you had a good time at the fireworks it is good to get some things out if the way before baby comes and have some you time. Was the food nice?

Well at least you have a plan in place of what you want that's always a good thing. That is terrible about the ladies daughter!!! It's awful hearing horror stories. I wouldn't have let myself push for that long I would have stopped and said there is something wrong. The poor thing having to go through all of that to only end in a c section. That was like a friend of mine same thing happened but baby was stuck before she started pushing and then she bled out really bad when she had the c section and had to have a few pod transfusions. Sometimes dr make such bad choices especially when they are under staffed.
I hope your hospital is good and you have a great experience.

Well it is freezing here!!!!!! It's a top of 16 here today but only 11 and micks parents want to have fish and chips on the beach because they say this is nice weather lol this is very cold weather!!!! It still might be nice though so we will give it a go, at Lear there will be hot food in the cold weather.
id say thats a little too cold to be on the beach!! thats about 50/60 degrees in fahrenheit if I'm doing my math right lol...way too cold!!

yup definitely a tease with the contractions starting and stopping! makes me wonder if ill take it seriously when it actually does start and its time to go to the hospital lol. I'm so glad your contractions stopped though! mustve been from being cooped up in a car for a long time i agree

yeah thats gotta be frustrating not being able to see any friends or anything right now ! hope you get some answers soon as to what it is! but at least you have your scan to look forward to tomorrow!! :happydance:

yeah the food is great at musikfest...thats mostly why i go! the 'aw shucks' corn is so amazing...they put on this seasoning i don't even know what it is but its delicious lol. i had some funnel cake too, and a hot dog. i was bad yesterday lol.

well my mom found out today she has pneumonia. she's been sick all weekend and finally made it to the doctors today and got antibiotics but she's so miserable i feel so bad for her. if Chase comes in the next couple of days she definitely won't be able to come, which obviously i wouldn't be mad, it just sucks because she's been looking forward to meeting him and being at the hospital for so long! so hopefully she gets better soon, or even chase holds off for a couple more days as much as i hate to say that! lol
It actually wasn't to bad we decided to go down and it was cold and windy but not as bad as I thought. Hunter loved feeding the birds it was definitely nice to get out of the house!

Lol that would not be fun if you didn't take it seriously but maybe at the same time it could be a good thing at least you wouldn't have the omg I'm about to have a baby thought if you fobbed it off!

I know so looking forward to the scan!! I hate how long they take but I definitely want the second opinion.
It will be nice this time hunter is being babysat so mick will actually be able to stay and enjoy it with me :)

Omg yum are they like giant corn on the cobs? At the Melbourne royal show here they do these grilled corn on the cobs that are basted with butter the whole time as well as some herb seasoning and they are sooooooo amazing!!! I love corn on the cob.
And there is no harm in being naughty you only have 3 days left before you are past your due date I think you deserve to be naughty :haha: treat yourself Hun.

Aw so sorry about your mum Hun that is awful! :( that must be hard for both of you!! I hope for both your sakes that he does actually hold off. Is it her first grandchild? I hope she has a quick recovery and be able to see chase as soon as possible.

Hunter has been so well behaved since we have been here and omg last night he slept in his bed till 5:45 this morning with only 1 wake!!!!!!! Yay so so excited it was such a good sleep. He went down at 10:30 woke at 2:35 and then again at 5:45 when he climbed into bed with me and then we got up at 7:30 I am so proud of him lately he is growing up so much and just turning into such a good little boy.
hey girl! glad you had a good time at the beach and it wasn't too cold!! i bet hunter had a blast feeding the birdies :cloud9:

a couple more hours i think and you'll be at your scan!! i can't wait to hear all about it and find out for sure if its a boy or a girl!!! and so good mick will be able to enjoy it with you this time!!

and yup huge corn on the cob with tons of butter and seasoning! sounds similar to what you guys have actually!

nope not the first grandchild, my brother has a boy and a girl. she's on day 2 of 5 on the antibiotics so just a couple more days and shell be feeling better. she's hoping he comes this weekend, either way shell be up it just may not be in time for Chase!

wow so good on Hunter for only waking 1 time until 5:45!! :happydance: and he's not even at home which is a great thing i think if he's sleeping that well and not in his own bed! aww I'm so happy for you , you have to be so proud!

well had my appointment today and i think it went pretty well! Im 1 1/2cm dilated, 50% effaced and babys head is -3 so just starting to engage i think! she also said my cervix is low and soft! :happydance: And I take back what i said last week, the doctor i had today i really really liked!! she said she hopes i go into labor on saturday because then ill see her lol she was really nice. we talked about birth control after the baby is born and i decided to do the depo for now and if i don't like it, its only 3 months and i can change to something else after that if i want, and they'll give it to me right away after i deliver. If I make it that far, my next appointment is next tuesday. Well then discuss induction, which will happen 1 day or 2 after my next appointment ! so worst comes to worst, chase will be here by next week!! but I'm thinking (hoping) i won't need to be induced!!
well it is definitely a boy!!!!!! the penis was very very defined!!!! he is perfect on dates thank god hunter was 23 and a half weeks I think it was at 20 weeks so its nice to know this baby is normal size even though hunter ended up normal. Only 2 kidneys and placenta is still low. We asked the tech today what the reason for the c section was and she said as you dilate if its low lying the placenta will rupture and the baby will die :( she said it looks like mine will move up but we have to just wait and see! The next 10 weeks are going to be torture lol. It was so nice to not have hunter running around and screaming and mick and I could just relax and watch the baby moving around yawning and things :)

I so want one of those corn on the cobs now lol I will have to make some in the next few days yumm!!!!

it will be good your mum can make it! hopefully she is all better by the time he makes his arrival.

omg I know he is doing so well and last night he slept through the night and then climbed into bed with me at 6:30 this morning I cant believe how well he is doing definitely very very proud!!! Its weird I am getting more sleep than I have in nearly 2 years and I am so tired :(

yay glad your appointment went well and another 1/2 a cm that's awesome!!! So chase isn't engaged yet? that's great at least you have had 2 great drs the hospital must be good :) I hope you go on your own but if you get induced then so be it it has to happen sometimes. Arrrgggghhhh that would be great if she was right and you went this weekend I just want to see what he loos like!

we went shopping today after we found out what we are having and got some cute little outfits for bubs and I am just having a look online now at a Christmas outfit I so excited to be able to put a gender to bubs now lol. I said to mick I really think we should name his landon but mick wants to choose this one as I made the final choice on hunter grrrr I like to get my own way with names lol.

have you had any spotting again after this check?
yayyy a boy!!! :happydance: so happy for you! :) (I like Landon too) lol hopefully he just gives in and agrees with that name! haha. I'm glad you guys had a great experience though and could enjoy it without hunter being around!

nope no spotting after this check, just really crampy! i thought the cramps would be gone but its 10am now and they're still pretty constant. getting some more contractions too. :shrug: his head is engaged but just the tiniest bit, like the first notch of engagement. which I'm happy with , at least hes not floating!

omg thats so scary about the placenta! i didn't realize the baby could die like that! heres hoping that it moves up for you and you don't need a c-section!!

lol i want some more corn now too!!

ohhh christmas outfits!!!! so exciting!! little boys are so cute to dress up! i have a little suit and tie outfit I'm hoping will fit him for christmas! i think its 3 months but i have to check so might be cutting it close

well I'm off to eat some breakfast ill ttys hun !
Yeah it was really nice to be able to enjoy it together and yep I hope he gives in as well lol.

We don't get told things like the -3 station or anything like that lol I always see it on one born every minute and deliver me but we don't get that I suppose because we don't get internals until we are overdue.
I hope the cramping keeps going and you go into labor this weekend like the dr said!!!

Yeah I know it is a bit scary I had no idea that is what happened either its pretty full on :( I hope she is right in saying that it looks like it may move up but the only thing that concerns me is usually the placenta attaches at the top of your uterus and mine attached in the middle :( I am sick today so sorry if I repeat things I have already wrote lol.

I know I live Christmas outfits! I am going to get both boys Christmas pjs and then an outfit for either just baby or both not to sure yet. I remember when we were kids mum use to buy us all a Christmas tshirt and earrings that either flashed or played music lol as well as a Christmas hair tie and socks we are a huge Christmas family it's going to be weird this year as my mum will be in England and she is the Christmas buff.

We are on the way to my dads bakery for some lunch not that I will be able to stomach anything today I don't think :( it's a real bad with ms today but I had full cream milk in my coffee yesterday by accident and it has made me so ill! I can only drink lite milk otherwise I usually throw up and get a very upset belly.

I hope you have some more news on your contractions next time you post xxx
MS again ? :brat: stay awayyyy!! hope you feel better! no more whole milk for you!! lol. No but really, i hope you can keep some food down!!

yeah i had to look up the -3 thing myself. I knew it meant baby was engaged just wasn't sure how far. Im surprised they don't even check you guys for dilation at all over there! i mean they only did it twice to me here, and i guess it doesn't mean much of anything but it helps with my curiosity if I'm progressing at all lol.

No news on contractions. I get them mostly at night when I'm sleeping and they're pretty painful but they don't turn into anything. And they must not be that bad because i always fall back to sleep ! He's been so quiet today though. I feel movements they're just not the same...he must be running out of room in there!

i just got back from a little fair, I went with joshs mom and sister. I didn't really want to go but i figured walking around some couldn't hurt, better than sitting inside and doing nothing all day. But i have like constant BH when I'm on my feet like that so it was kinda uncomfortable, now I'm home relaxing and all crampy. ugh i wish things would get a move on!!

On a bright note, your one week away from V-DAY!!! :happydance: thats so exciting! i feel like your pregnancy is flying by!! and mines just at a standstill lol.

well i hope you feel better! keep your fingers crossed i go into labor and have Chase on my due date :) lol
yeah ms eventually died down today thank god!!!! I really just think it was the full cream milk that set it off because its been pretty good.

I dunno over here they say there is no point doing anything invasive like that I asked when I had my appointments with hunter. It would be nice for you to know what is goin on though lol at least you have some idea.

I hope for you that you have him on your due date and there is no more waiting!

we spent the afternoon at the bakery and it was nice I love my dads food!
just going to have a chilled and early night tonight probably watch a movie or something!

you should have some spicy food for dinner try and get this kid out lol.

do you have a take hoe outfit for chase when you leave the hospital? if so you should post a pic.

It really is flying by! I feel like 10 weeks is not even that fair away to find out whether or not I am having the c section before I know it it will be here!

HAPPY DUE DATE!!!!! that's pretty exciting.
I use to get a lot of Braxton hicks every time I walked as well towards the end it is uncomfortable but they are doing your body good lol its not the nicest pain in the vajayjay when it happens.
yeah I remember hunter was really quiet at the end it would definitely be very squishy for them in there not much room at all.
so mick chose his name and its phoenix landon denman what do you think? I like it but I am so stuck on landon its so hard to think of another name lol I think maybe I will have to get it in my head for a few days and see how it sits.
ohhh i really do love that name!! i wonder if he'd switch to landon phoenix denman and make you happy ? :winkwink: I love it though!!

I have a couple outfits picked out lol...2 newborn and 1 0-3months, and a couple onesies in case we stay longer than expected, and a couple sleepers. not sure which one i want to bring him home in yet! they're all packed but ill take a pic later and post them :cloud9:

glad the MS is gone! :happydance: and that you had a good time with your dad!

i seriously feel like my period could start any minute! the cramps and contractions are getting stronger...can my body just do something already!!!! :brat: my cat this morning was climbing in the bassinet and the crib meowing...maybe she knows something lol

hows everything going with the rash? did the creams end up helping?

hope your getting to spend some time with friends and family a lot too :hugs:

well I'm off to take a shower juuuust in case something starts today lol ill ttys
TMI but i went to the bathroom twice today within a half hour! :happydance: i hope its part of a clear out!! :happydance:
Hi, I've been gone for a minute dealing with this pain from my accident. Anyways, still dealing with it. But I have a question for you all. I'm on CD35 and doctor is ready to start me on provera to head into my 3rd cycle of clomid increasing dosage to 150MG on CD 5-9. On my first cycle at 50MG and my second cycle at 100MG, I had labs on CD 21. Results were that I did not ovulate. So I'm technically still in my second cycle of Clomid where I took 100MG. I was told to take a urine preggers before starting the provera. Well I did and these are the results. What do you think?


  • PregTest8.15.2013.jpg
    49.2 KB · Views: 4
if thats not a bfp i don't know what is!!!!!!! I think you should try a FRER to back up that IC though! :happydance:
and it looks like a possibility you may have O'd cd 25...your temps shot way up after that!!

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