Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

How do you post the "lilypie and babybump" things? sorry random question, but idk... lol
I wasn't going to go in depth and read all of the almost 1,300 replies on here, but my fiancee and I are not trying, but not preventing pregnancy after 3 miscarriages in our first year and a half of trying. I am considering trying fertibella, has anyone heard of or tried this before? I am new to this site, but just trying to reach out to anyone who has had problems with fertility. A few years ago I had gotten my levels checked, and I had extremely low progesterone, less than 1 (10 or better is needed to conceive and carry to term). I did 4 months of Clomid and it brought it up to a 5 (I think, it's been like 5 years since I've done this with my ex-husband), and then we decided to add Metformin to the mix and it brought it up to an 8. I've had an ultra sound done and it showed everything normal, no cysts, no blockages or anything, so I'm hoping once I can start taking either the Fertilbella that it will help with getting my progesterone up where it needs to be. My fiancee and I looked at GNC today for progesterone cream and natural pills to help also, the creams (lasts 60 - 90 days) was only $12, but the 30 days worth of pills was $34. The Fetribella is $40 a month. If anyone has tried this company before, any insight to it would be great. I've read a lot online like there's a 65% chance of it working within the first 2 months. We want to start trying again in December just because we both had gotten laid off for a while, and are both just starting back to work. Thank you to everyone who can give any insight :)

Hey and welcome. Firstly so sorry about your losses it's a tough time for anyone who has them :( I actually suffer from low progesterone myself and my levels were at 2.2 so was just a little higher than yours but not even close to healthy conception standards. I tried a thing called chase tree through my naturopath which brought it up to 8 I think it was but as soon as I went off it because I had bad side effects they went straight back down but not everyone has those side effects. I haven't hear of fertibella what does it do? I have heard great things about the progesterone cream and was actually thinking of using it when we were going to start ttc again but a little surprise pregnancy came along lol.
It took us 3 and a half years to conceive our first and I have no idea how it happened it was just luck as with this baby. I always thought I was never going to have kids unless I did fertility treatment but I guess there must be a random month or two that my progesterone is high mine being march that's when both mine were conceived.
I would try temping and charting your cycles that was the best thing I ever did it tells you if your progesterone is staying high enough by your temps. If you have really low temps that's the low progesterone but if you get a normal looking chart one month it means the progesterone is working for what ever reason. That's the only helpful tool I can suggest as I never got round to trying the progesterone cream.

These were the things I either used it were offered

•chaste tree (you can get this in a tablet or liquid form)
• charting your cycles with a bbt thermometer
• progesterone creams
• progesterone pessaries (this is a script from your doctor that you insert vaginally)
I hope this was helpful for you and I hope that this gives you hope as I have a beautiful boy and a baby on the way even with my low progesterone.
If you just click on mine or type them in google and when your done creating it use the bbcode version copy that. Then when you go into your profile click on user cp and then edit signature and late the code there and save :)
im not gonna lie i love ALL of the names you picked out! I think maddox is absolutely adorable!...landon was on my list of names also!! and of course Chase i love too haha. I like the top too more than Jagger. I like the name Jagger but it reminds me of that song "I got the moves like jagger" haha but i do like the name!! and I don't care if you steal Chase from me because I definitely almost stole Hunter from you ! :)

I think you can totally do it with the weight! you've only gained 5 so far and you're halfway done so gaining only 11 more sounds about right! Hopefully the puking stops though and you can start eating normally again!

Woke up to contractions last night! nothing I could time though because they were so irregular and I really don't know what I'm looking for. They felt like strong period cramps? I'm guessing they were contractions? I figured if they were real I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep and I could. But they lasted most of the morning, and pretty much stopped by the time I got up. Now Im sitting here after work and feeling more cramps and stuff. Im happy I'm getting them because I really feel like my bodies preparing pretty well for labor!

We have this festival every year called muskiest and its going on right now. We live right down the street from it so for the next week and a half we get to watch all the piss drunk people act like idiots. Its the only time of the year that you can walk around outside and actually be drunk in public, and walk from bar to bar with beer and liquor and not get arrested lol. It was a lot of fun when i was like 16 but now I only go for the awesome food they make. Just hope i don't go into labor and get stuck in musikfest traffic!!
Yeah I love them all to its goin to be a tough decision!!! I just asked mick and he doesn't really like Maddox :( hahaha about the song I never thought of that it just always reminded me if mick jaggers big mouth although I do like it. I actually have a friend who her youngest is chase as well but I will only be having it as a middle name so I hope she doesn't mind as you said you don't. I always feel weird having others people's kids names for some . Our original boys nAme before we chose hunter when we first started trying which was the same time as my sister was xavier Oliver and my sister hasn't told us her baby names and then when her son was born and she named him that we were devoed lol and then our second choice for our next boy was Nate but my friend who just had the baby took that we have no luck lol.

Yeah I am hoping I will be able to do it. I have good faith that I will. Now that I am not on rest I will be able to walk alot more thank god! Well if this ms goes away anyway. I really hope that it will go away my sister for some reason thinks that all my pregnancies are like gets and she's like oh it will pass in a few weeks that's what happened to me but she never once threw up with either of her pregnancies she just had nausea with her second and nothing with her first so I don't see how she can compare lol.

Ooooo yay I think it's your body getting ready and your right it is a good thing it usually helps with your cervix making progress. I didn't start gettin any of that till I was almost 49 weeks I thought I was going to be pregnant for ever lol. I can't wait I feel like these last few weeks of yours are dragging!!!! Do they feel like theya we for you also? Yeah I would say its like severe period cramps but in saying that I didn't really have mild contractions as soon as mine started pretty much they were 5 minutes apart so they were pretty intense but the few I had tht stopped before the real labor started were like bad period pain mixed with sharp stabbing pains.

That sound a pretty cool about the festival we don't have anything like that here :( I always see all these things about the week long festivals in America and we only have like 3 day festivals that are held out in the forest area lol no where near normal living areas.
Omg that would be terrible I hope you don't go into labor while its in could you imagine trying to get through all those drunk people while being in pain????

Have you thought about what your going to do as far as labouring at home? Are you just going to stay at home until you possibly can't bare it anymore?

So haha we are on our way to port augusta (3hrs away) we decided to drive half the way to Adelaide tonight so we will have more time with my mum tomorrow. So mick and I were talking and I was saying oh I'm just so horny lately and it's frustrating me because its always only when he wants it and then all of a sudden while his driving starts playing around lol and before we know it we are pulled over on the side of the road getting jiggy while hunters asleep hahaha. We were to loud and ended up waking the poor kid up so we had to stop and keep driving but it was fun to be spontaneous for a change. We use to do all kinds of crazy things before we had hunter and then because he is always around and we are always trying to be quiet it just got boring and it took a long time for me to be comfortable to have sex when he was around because I just felt gross but he is always around so we had to just get use to it. I hope that we can still keep some excitement now it's weird how we are so use to doing it all the same old way because we have to get it in quick before hunter wakes lol now he's older its getting better but now we will have this baby I just hope it's a good sleeper and we will never have to worry about it.
Its weird because hunter is at that age were he is starting to be curious of what's between mummy and daddies legs lol he tries to like both of us out of curiosity it's so weird but I guess all kids do it so I am scared if he ever walks in on us I know he wouldn't know what was going on but he would be curious haha oh the joys of having children lol.

I love these drives with mick it's the only real time we get to talk and interact because there is no tv or anything just us. Mick is a zombie at home so it's hard to ever get 2 words out of him so it's a nice change
hehehe thats awesome you guys pulled over and did that!! Its been so long since we've done something spontaneous like that. That sucks you guys couldn't finish though cause hunter woke up lol. I think Id be weirded out too at first with my kid being around, but their so young they really don't know. well hunters getting older now but when he was younger lol.

awe i really liked maddox! I know what you mean about people taking names! Ive always loved the name rhiley for a girl and that was what I was going to name my daughter whenever I had one. well my brother named his daughter rhiley last yr when they had their baby! errr i was so mad lol.

Yup it definitely feels like this part of my pregnancy is just dragging now. I feel like its just a waiting game and everyday i wake up I'm like i wonder if ill go into labor today! same with before i go to sleep. And every contraction and twinge i feel i start hoping it turns into something lol but nope. I have thought about laboring at home for awhile I'm just nervous because it being my first pregnancy i don't want to push it too far and i really don't know what I'm in for. But i don't want to freak out and just leave right away either and then sit in the hospital for hours in labor. I guess ill just play it by ear! doctors appointment tomorrow so hopefully I'm dilated more!

how did the rest of your drive go? i hope you're having a good time with your mom :hugs: and I'm glad you and mick had some good time to talk and spend together!!

Josh drove me nuts last night. He was out at the bar when i got home from work and of course he went walking around musikfest and I'm sure barhopped. he was trashed and called me to come pick him up from the bar and for some reason i was just sooo angry! All I could think was what if i went into labor right now and he's piss drunk, can't drive and stuck at the bar and i have to go pick HIM up. i was livid , and you can't even argue with him when he's drunk or explain anything to him because he gets so far out in left field its just pointless. He's still in bed now sleeping i hope he has a hangover and feels like crap :haha: lol I'm so mean
Lol yeah it was a bit of fun. It is definitely strange but you do get use to it or get creative lol.

Yeah it's really sucks when people steal your names. Even wedding spots a friend of mine asked me where we were getting married then booked the same venue a month before us so we had to change and then like a month before our wedding she postponed the wedding I was so angry it was perfect exactly what u wanted even down to the willow tree I always wanted to get married under a willow tree and she goes and does that to me.

I remember being the same way up until a few days before my due date and then I was just so sick of wondering and omg so sick of everyone asking me have you had the baby yet in pretty sure you would have been told by now.

Yeah the drive wasn't to bad hunters a bit of a cranky butt in the car these days so it was a but hectic. We are driving half the way again tonight after our appointments which will be good dont have to so the whole drive in one again I think we will break it up most of the time now it's heaps easier with hunter.

That would have annoyed me to you are so emotipnal and fed up at the end and the thought if being on your own because of uour partner being stupid kinda gets to you. I told mick no alcohol in the last 2 weeks for that reason if I went into labor while he was drink he wouldn't remember the birth of his first born. Men are so hopeless when it comes to that because nothing physically or emotionally changes with them there isn't as much importance to it. I argued with my dad a few times in my last 2 weeks as he kept trying to get mick to drinks with him. I see by Facebook that you were heading down to musikfest how was it? As many drunken idiots as you thought?

We are on our way home now after a long day of appointments!! Hunter has gone down on the waiting list for his kidney operation which I know it had to happen but it makes me sad. It's only key hole so he will be fine just a bit sore. It's also going to be hard considering baby #2 will only be 2 months out and it's hours of waiting around the hospital! It also kinda sucks because we would have only been back 3-4 weeks from Melbourne before we have to go on another trip to Adelaide and we will have to stay there for at least 4 days so money wise it's not going to be greatest but oh well it's whats best got hunter so we have to do it.
We had a great time in Adelaide we took mum and scott to hahndorf yesterday it's a German town in the hills it was really nice they had some amazing things there! We ate at an all you can eat buffet which was a bad choice lol it was pretty terrible. And omg we got stuck in our lift at the hotel!!! When we got in and it was going down it was making really weird noises and then my stepdad thought it was a funny idea to jump and then it stopped obviously to early for our stop and the doors wouldn't open so I pushed to button to go up a level and it went up and then it was fine at our stop the next time but god damn it was scary!!! I was so annoyed that he jumped and made it worse I am so clostifibic so that sucked!!!!
Hunters talking so much more now! In the last 2 days he has said tickle tickle and birdies so in the last sorta 2 weeks that's 6 new words which I am so pleased with means his speech therapy is working :) it's so nice to hear him talk we have gone so long with no talking its just so enjoyable to watch him excelling now I am one proud and happy mama :happydance:
Oh I would've been so mad if my friend stole my wedding spot!! especially if she specifically asked you where you were getting married and then took it! id be pissed!

thats great you guys had a good time! A german town sounds like a lot of fun...I bet they have some great beer! not that you would know right now lol. Belgium/german beer is my favorite. Hoegarden is the first drink Im going to have when I finally get to have one! Ive craved beer this entire pregnancy its so weird! lol about almost getting stuck in the elevator!! i would've been terrified being pregnant and stuck in that! Even now going in an elevator i think about what i would do if it got stuck and i went into labor or something! and definitely doesn't help that your clostrifobic!

aww yayy for Hunter learning new words! I'm so happy his speech classes are helping him thats so great!! I can see how you'd be so proud :) aw sorry Hunter went down on the waiting list :( thats a long time to wait until february isn't it??

and yup told Josh today no more drinking until the baby comes. Its only when I'm not around that he doesn't know how to stop himself. If I'm with him he never really gets sloppy like that. and he definitely had a hangover the next day haha.

musikfest was fun! we walked around for a good hour and a half but it didn't do much of anything except cause some massive BH and sore legs :nope: it was still nice though. we both got food down there and then i had really bad gas pains all night :blush: they woke me up from my sleep i thought i was having contractions and then realized it wasn't that hahaha. I was also really nauseas last night too it was really weird I'm not sure why or where that came from but i definitely felt like i was going to puke!

so i know i said my appointment was today but luckily i looked at the paper and its tomorrow ! would've went in there for no good reason! i hope I'm dilated more!!!
We aren't really friends anymore she wasn't a very nice person!

It was really lovely and yes no beer for me lol but they had some great stein glasses and mugs!
I have craved cider heaps especially now that the weather is really nice!!
Yeah not a good time about the elevator lol and god that would suck if you ever get stuck and went into labor you would freak the f out big time lol.

He is just such a little sponge these days picking up everything we say its great!
February isn't to bad for a wait he wanted December but I said that's when I'm due so they changed it to February for me. It will be sad to see him go under again he was so upset and disoriented last time it made me really sad!!

Boys always let lose when the misses is there I don't think there isn't a make out there that doesn't go that lol but a good thing you told him no more drinking not just for your sake but his he would never forgive himself for not remembering the Birth of his first born or even not being there but I don't think they think of that stuff at the time.

I'm glad you had a good time at musikfest even if it didn't do anything it would have been nice to get out and do something. Gas pains are the worst!!!!! I never had them with hunter but I can definitely sympathise with you this time lol it is rather unpleasant you poor thing!

Lol pregnancy is the worst isnt it!! I turned up to my speech therapy appointment last Thursday but it was actually Wednesday and I just never turned up lol I have made sure I remembered it was tomorrow this week so I don't embarrass myself again :haha:

I hate when we go to Adelaide it puts hunter so out of wack with sleeping and eating. Tonight he refused to way dinner. He ended up falling asleep at 4:30 till 6 and now it's 9:30 and the little bugger won't go to sleep do I have sent him out to mick he is on shift change so he has to try and stay up tonight to get ready for night shift tomorrow. So I have the whole bed to myself watching a movie and don't have to worry about putting the kid to sleep :) pretty wrapped with that!!

Well I best be off to get myself some sleep and try to get rid of this headache. Hope all is good Hun and give that boy a stern wording to its time to come out lol.

Oh and look at these blocks my cousin had made for hunter they are just so adorable :)

I can't wait to see how the ones look that I am getting made for my friend.
awww love the blocks so cute!!!! I have one of those also that a friend made but its 10x smaller...looks more like something i could hang on the christmas tree lol.

hahaha so funny about showing up to speech therapy on the wrong day :haha: totally something i would do!! damn pregnancy brain!!

hope you got some good sleep and mick got hunter to bed for you!! i bet it was nice to just hang out in bed and watch a movie !

nothing new to report from my doctors appointment except i really liked the doctor i saw today! (i see different ones everytime i go there). It was a guy this time and normally I'm not too fond of the guy i prefer a women doctor but he was really nice and actually took time to sit down and look through all my notes and talk to me about things. he said babys measuring 2 weeks behind but he's been consistently measuring 2 weeks behind so he's not worried about growth he just thinks ill be having a smaller baby. he asked why i got a cervical exam last week and i told him they asked me if i wanted to be checked so i said yes :shrug: he said normally they don't check unless theirs contractions (which there were) or if the patient asks. i was like oh ok ... so i didn't get checked today even though he would've if i wanted? i dunno. lol I'm going to make sure to be checked next week though since it'll be 2 days before my due date !!! eeeeek! he even felt to make sure baby was still head down and tried determining what position he was in. The other doctors never really took the time to do all that so it made me really happy i hope i get him to deliver chase!!

I've been sleeping horribly the past 2 nights. Nausea kept me up all night again last night. so weird that its coming back and only when I'm trying to sleep i don't get it. this waiting game sucks!!!

how is everything going with you? do you have another scan coming up soon to determine the sex for sure?
I know I can't wait to get them when we get to Melbourne!!
I like the idea of little ones as well they would be super cute!!!

Well I was having a great sleep until mick comes running in because he was covered in vomit and so was the couch and hunter. I'm not to sure what he thought I could do because the site of it alone made me dry reach so just went back to bed and he brought hunter in when he was showered and fell asleep straight away the poor thing there was so much vomit!!

Aw I love that feeling of really trusting and feeling comfortable with your doctor. I find it so amazing how different it is every where you go. Like we don't get pelvic exams until you are a week over due at my hospital. From 34-36 weeks onwards they check the position of baby making sure it's head down or engaged.
I hope that you do get him in labor it will make it so much easier for you more relaxed, but if not fx the one you get is also amazing. Will you only have a doctor when your about to start pushing and a mw the rest of the time?
I didn't get a doctor at all until I was being stitches up I just had a mw but I don't know if that's because he shot out or it was a normal labor so the mw delivered. I loooovvveee my mw jess though I couldn't have asked for anyone better :)
Not long to go now Hun you are on the home stretch! And yes chase may be measuring 2 weeks behind but there is a plus side to that he will be smaller to push out lol. This baby is measuring on schedule so I am hoping for another one in the 7pounds fx!

That's no good at all about the nausea I want to say its a good sign which it really is for labor but you just never know and I don't want to be putting false hope out there.
But some people there ms does come back at the end of pregnancy also it would be much better for you f it was during the day because at least you would get a good nights sleep!

I am good still having nausea lots but haven't thrown up in a few days which is great! Getting really tired lately though but I think that may be down to my iron levels so I will have those checked.
It feels so strange it's micks first night back on nights and hunter is in his own bed so I am all alone in my bed! I battled with myself for a good half an hour on my head on one hand just put hunter in your bed micks on nights there's no harm and you will have some company but then on the other side no kirstie just put the kid in his bed you will never get him settled properly if you don't :haha: I sound like a crazy lady but I am glad that side b won and he is in his own bed I need to stick to it and he needs to start getting use to it otherwise baby will be here and all 4 of us will be in our room! It's more me that has to be disciplined as well as mick more than hunter because he will go down fine in his bed but I'm the one who gives in after the 3rd wake and brings him into our bed and micks the big softy who doesn't want him in his own bed at all lol but I have lots of faith that we can do it and he will be sleeping great by the time baby comes!

We leave for Melbourne a week today and micks mum bought hunter a bed for when we are there so I will have a bed next to him but he will be in his own bed so that will make it easier for me to be getting him into a routine in his own bed while I'm gone because I won't have to actually get out of bed to help settle him I just have to sit up lol so I am quite looking forward to that. My sister keeps mentioning putting a mattress on the floor in hunters room and I sleep in there till he transitions but I am not comfortable with that then that means mick and I don't sleep in the same bed for who knows could be months but in saying that my sister and her husband haven't slept in the same bed for almost 4 years because of co sleeping. They have bought another king single that is in the oldest 3 1/2 sons room where her husband sleep and her and the baby sleep in her bed so when she talks about it she says mine and clays or xavier and bens room I find it so strange. I mean that is there choice and I wouldn't never judge her for it but I don't know how she does it I couldn't not sleep in the same bed as my husband for that long!

We will hopefully be getting a scan next week when we go to Melbourne I am thinking of just paying the $150 and having a private gender scan where you get the cd and what not because its between 80-90 for a scan in Melbourne anyway and $180 I think it was for my one here and I got $80 back so it's only a bit extra and you also get to go back for free if they can't see it on the day.

We had speak therapy today and hunter had said a few more words tickle tickle, birdy and bye so Karen was wrapped and said he is doing amazing. She said all I have to do is 20 minutes every day where I sit down with him and play learning games and keep his attention the whole time and he will just keep on excelling so when I go to Melbourne I am going to buy some cheap toys or even go to a second hand shop and get some cheap toys and start doing that with him. I will do it at home before we go as well but I don't have alot of the kind f toys she uses as he was never interested in them so I have to just use what I can here. He has a lot more patience for her though lol.

Well with hunter asleep and mick not home I am off to sleep early I am so tired!!! Xx
Well that didn't last long :( hunter woke hysterical and was sick again he must have an upset belly or something because today he was crying heaps either that or a sore throat and that's what's causing it because he was making this funny notice with his younger out which looked like it was his throat that was sore. I don't bloody know its one thing after another with this kid he has always been such a sick baby I hope the next isn't like this.
Ill have to take a pic of the blocks my friend made for me and post them on here too so you can see them :)

it is strange how different the hospitals are here from around the world! even the girls on the august thread were getting sweeps from 37 weeks on...and they have had like 3 of them already to help bring on labor! my doctor never mentioned anything about a sweep ever and they really don't push labor in general it doesn't seem. As far as midwives go i won't have a midwife at all. Its all doctors in the hospital. Im not too sure if ill have 1 doctor the whole time or multiple ones :shrug: no idea how it works lol.

ohh no sorry about hunter! I love how you went back to bed though after mick came in with puke all over him haha, i would've done the same i can't even stomach my dogs puke right now for some reason and usually that stuff doesn't bother me at all. As far as Hunter goes, I wonder why he gets sick so much? :(

I agree though you should stick it out with hunter sleeping in his own room so when the second baby is here you don't have the whole family in you're room hehe. although it'd be cute!! I agree i think its crazy your sister and hubby don't sleep in the same room! why don't they just get a co-sleeper or put the baby in the same room as them? so they can still sleep in bed with each other. I wouldn't be able to do that for so long! Thats a good idea that micks mom bought hunter the mattress for melbourne!! he can still sleep in the same room but understand the idea of separate beds! thats awesome!

$150 for a scan definitely isn't that bad!! i think its about that much around here too to do the same :happydance: can't wait to hear about it!!

awww hunter said more words!!! yayy!!! thats such good news!! :ninja: :haha:

well 3 more days of work for me and I'm on mat leave! i can't freaking wait!! we were busy tonight and it went quick which was nice so i hope the next 3 days go quick too. I don't think i could survive anymore work after this week is over honestly I'm in too much pain by the end of the night. Still slept like crap last night. I toss and turn all night though from hip pain and back pain and cramps its horrible. I hope I don't have to go much longer like this!! I just want him here already!
Yeah it is really strange. I don't really understand the whole sweeps at 37 weeks the body will what it will do in it's own time I don't think the whole exams are bad to check for dilation but sweeps just confuse me that early! How annoying if you were getting sweep from 37 weeks and I hear they can be painful and you still went 2 weeks over that would suck!!!

I think he gets sick because he was on antibiotics for so long so he has a low immune system and not only that he is developing new allergies all the time so I think that we will have this to deal with until his kidney is out and until we figure out all his allergies.

I don't think she likes having the baby in the bed with the husband and he also would wake up when the baby would wake so he would just sleep out on the couch at first. Mick sleeps through hunters crying sometimes for an hour or 2 lol but either way I still wouldn't kick him out of the bed.

I don't know if we will be able to afford the scan now as mick woke up today with what we think is chicken pox and has to have time off work he has an appointment tomorrow to have it checked out to see if it is but he might have to wait till Monday for the blood results so that means 4 days on shit pay! I am hoping that we go tomorrow and they say they think its just a reaction to something and he can go to work tomorrow night! It sucks because me and hunter can't touch him or go near him really just in case it's something bad. He hardly ever gets sick but when he does he gets something really bad.

Yay that's so exciting 3 more days you must be wrapped!!!
But well done to you for working as long as you did!!! You are such a trooper.
It will be so nice for you to relax for a week before your due date. Arrrrggghhh the hip pain is awful I remember the last 2 weeks for me were so painful there was several nights I woke up crying just so frustrated of being in pain and uncomfortable. I hope for you also that he comes on time so you don't have to wait to much longer!! I bet you can't wait it's just an amazing feeling seeing them in person. That first moment you see there face is just so priceless and the amount of love that completely takes over you is incredible.

Afm: I have had a crap night between micks possible chicken pox and hunter being upset because he can't go near mick and is confused and he has really bad nappy rash so is irritated by that lol. But I am feeling really good my belly i feel like is starting to look like an actually belly rather than fat and baby is starting to move around alot more its so lovely.
Everyone in Melbourne keeps messaging me saying how excited they are about us coming I can't wait either the days are just flying by thank god!

I also have my first appointment a week on Monday at the hospital which is a bit executing also not that we really do much in that appointment anyway but still exciting.
Hunter is back in his bed again tonight so lets hope it's a good night lol I really hope I can get him to stay the whole night in here tonight as we bought him a night light so he doesn't get so scared when he wakes up. He is really afraid of his door being closed though but he goes walk abouts if we don't lol.

Yay hunter is doing so well in his bed tonight I think he is going to last the whole night in there! He went down at 9:20 and then woke at 12:30 and then at 2:40 and he has been settling really easy. I think the night light is helping. I think he will wake another 2 times before we have to get up for the day but 4 wakes and staying in his bed all night omg I will be wrapped I will definitely be buying him something for praise tomorrow he is really started to understand that omg so excited!!!!

So we went to the doctors and its apparently not chicken pox but he doesn't know what it is. So he is on antibiotics and cream but we have to go back tomorrow if it hasn't started to clear up by tomorrow we have to go back and then drive out of town to get a different cream that we can't get here!!!!
It sucks so bad it hasn't gotten any better and it keeps spreading! Work told mick he isn't aloud back till he is completely cleared so I think we will be leaving for Melbourne Sunday. I have brown out with what I think is my dermatitis all over my arms and legs! At first I thought it was what mick has but it looks completely different and with lathering up on my creams the redness came out within like 5 minutes although I still have the rash. Hunter will be sleeping with me tonight he has come up with spots on his belly so want him close by just in case but I think his might be his allergies also.

It was so nice here today 28c so we set up hunters little blow up pool with warm water and he had a ball! I love watching him play around in warm weather!

It's 11pm here and I am knackered between micks skin sites, hunters nappy rash teething and what ever his fits are and my allergies I am exhausted! I have been having the constantly apply cream to us all for all different things which is why I think my arms flared, I can't wait for it all to be over!!!
oh geez that sounds horrible whats going on with all the rashes! did Mick have chicken pox when he was little? because he shouldn't get them twice. If he did have chicken pox , then theres a chance that he might have shingles which is like the adult version of chicken pox. did they say anything about shingles by any chance? I heard it was horrible when you get it, so itchy :( i really hope you and Hunter are just having allergies and not something worse or whatever it is that Mick has! i hope you all feel better soon :hugs:

thats awesome hunter did so well in his bed!! only 4 wakes sounds like a huge improvement and the fact that he's settling down right away after a wake is great too! so glad to hear that! maybe the night light is helping ! :)

and that definitely makes sense since he was on antibiotics for so long he couldn't develop the immune system that he needed. i hope when he gets his kidney out things start to get better, poor little guy !

I think I may have just had a contraction! like a real one! lol. It felt like the cramps I've been getting but a tiny bit stronger and it lasted for almost a minute. I actually had to sort of breathe through it a little bit! Im not getting my hopes up but definitely going to start timing if i get another one! It kind of felt like gas in a way too, but no gas came out once the contraction stopped? hmmmm

Im so excited tomorrow is my last day of work finally!! I've been looking forward to this day for so long lol. we actually got pretty busy tonight so i didn't stop moving all night, which was nice to pass the time but i was in so much pain the last hour of work. people always say walking helps the baby come but if that was the case i should've had him last week already with all the walking i do at work! lol.

aww so exciting about your appointment! is it just the normal check heartbeat and your blood pressure and whatnot? my appointments on tuesday , 2 days before my due date. I wonder if they set up an induction date or if they'll just make me wait !

well no more contractions since that last one. but its only been 8 minutes to be fair haha. it was probably just gas but ill keep you posted if anything more happens! starting to feel a little nauseas though so i might go lay down and try and get some sleep! ill ttys !
Well it's turns out mick has scabies and it has spread to me!!! The dr said the only thing we could have got it from would be a hotel from the last week which makes me feel sick that they obviously didn't clean the room or sheets properly :( so we are now on our way to Melbourne because mick isn't aloud back at work for the rest of the swing and we have to go out of town to get the cream anyway.

Yeah I was pretty wrapped with how well he did even though he was in my bed last night just because we didn't know what the rashes were or anything and I was worried I didn't even want mick to sleep on the couch because I didn't want him to be alone lol.

Ooooooooo about the contraction!!! Hopefully it's not long now! I had contractions for a while the day before I went into labor so fx the same happens for you. It is like something is strangling your stomach kinda lol I can't really remember the small ones though.

God I bet you are over the moon about that I know I would be!!!! You poor thing being in pain but serious champ for sticking it out this long!!
Lol I walked every since day even the day I went into labor and I was 6 days over.

It's my introduction appointment to the hospital so paperwork, normal check and we talk about what kind of labor and things and I'm pretty sure I have bloods done.
They didn't even consider an induction for me until I was like 4 days over lol but things run pretty different over there

Boo to no more contractions but hopefully you had a good sleep and the nausea went away! Come on baby chase everyone is getting very impatient lol.
scabies :dohh: ohh noo! does hunter have it too?? i can't believe a hotel would allow something like that to happen and not clean well! id be calling and freaking if i were you! can it do any harm to the baby? i hope not!!

sounds like a fun checkup...i hate bloodwork so much!! the initial bloodwork for me was the worst, they took like 8 tubes of blood it was horrible! hope everything else looks good with you and the baby though!

yeah no more contractions, just that 1 :( at least i know what the real ones feel like though instead of just the cramps and BH I've been having constantly. after feeling it though i can tell I'm in for a world of pain lol.

yeah i kinda feel like a champ working so long lol. all my regular guests are like why are you still here! haha but its better than being at home bored and waiting for weeks until the baby comes! the nausea went away and i actually slept pretty good last night besides peeing every hour so i was happy

hope your drive to melbourne is going good!!
oh and I had a dream last night that i was pregnant again and Chase wasn't even born yet!!!!
Not to sure if hunter has it but we have to do him with the cream as well just to be safe.
No harm towards the baby at all but speaking of baby I lost part of my mucus plug today which I did when I was pregnant with hunter and it just grew back but afterwards I had pink spotting so I am going to keep an eye on it and go to the drs if it hasn't stopped by the time we get to Melbourne.

I have had that many blood tests over my lifetime they don't faze me anymore I just can't get them in my right arm anymore because I get really bad lumps and bruising I think because I have had so many needle drips blood tests lol.

Yeah they are very different to Braxton hicks hey! Hopefully you don't have to wait to long for it to really start!
It is very painful but it ends and honestly as soon as you see that precious baby I'm not even kidding you it's as if it never happened! As long as you keep control of yourself and don't let yourself lose it and give into the pain you will be fine. I found that everytime I let the pain scare me or start to consume me it was much much worse I had to say to myself several times pull yourself together breathe and stop losing it lol there was a lot of battling with myself but it really does take over completely if you let it.

Yeah there is not a lot if women who would work that close to being due but it is the best thing for your body to keep active it helps chase weigh down and ripen your cervix. Most of my friends that didn't do anything ended up with a c section as they just stayed in bed and rest until they were induced and it's not good for you, don't get me wrong sometimes a c section still happens even with doing all the right things but the chances are alot less. The one thing I will say is don't let me induce you to early unless its safer for you and chase because your chances if having a c section are 20% higher than if you go into labor naturally as hard as it is I would wait till your 10 days over if you want a less chance but that is just me lol I don't want to force my opinions on you because every labor and pregnancy is completely different and although I say what I did you get very well still be no where near having a c being induced to early it's different for every :)
Glad you got some sleep Hun apart from the peeing lol. That has actually eased up for me at the moment by tim not going to lie if it wakes me up I go back to sleep until I am about to wet myself because I am sick of getting up :haha:

Drive is good not as bad as I thought it would be, hunter is being so well behaved no tantrums at all! He slept the whole way last night and then this morning he watched a movie had a snack and then a nap and now is watching another movie so I am really happy so far :)

Lol to your dream that is sooo strange! It's funny the things you dream while pregnant hey! All those hormones make your mind do some crazy things.

We are about 7 and a half hrs from Melbourne now so hopefully it goes fast! I am just about to have a nap as I have been driving since 6:30 this morning and its now 11:30 so mick has taken over and hunter is wrapped up in you story and will probably have a nap also.

Ttys Hun xx
Well we made it here safe and sound!! I hope all is well your way! It's midnight here now so I am going to try and get some sleep. Hopefully the next thing I hear from you is your in labor lol

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