Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Definitely frustrating but I can see the cute side :wink wink:

Yeah I have stuck to the small meals and seems to be doing the trick! And woohoo I have lost almost 3kgs since I have been home!!! I am definitely not eating junk when I go back to Melbourne and I am going to stay as active as I have been rather than sitting on the couch and doing nothing like I was there I am going to make sure I am always out somewhere with someone and will make sure I walk down the shops rather than drive.
It's such nice weather today hunter and I spent 2hrs this mornin outside. I shaved one of my 3 dogs lol I can only do one a day it kills my back it would take me 6hours to do all 3! I just left the back door open and hunter played in and out of the house. It's so nice this age I don't have to be all over him stressing what he's doing he's so much more aware of danger and things these last few weeks it's great!

If it works for you guys now that's great but it would be good to be comfortable with both of you doing it on your own just in case you are in a situation you might need to. It's very cute that you do it together though a real family affair :)

Aw you poor thing! Have you guys got a rocker? When ever hunter was really unsettled I just let him sleep in that he loved it and I got to sleep as well as long as he was strapped in. But not all babies like the rocker worth a try though. How are you feeling about the crying and no sleep? You seem a lot better about it when you write on here are you starting to get more comfortable and use to it? It's a hard thing to accept and get use to but the best thing to remember is it does end even if it doesn't feel like it at the time.
yayy good for you for losing a bit!! thats great! glad the little snacks throughout the day are doing the trick too with your MS...hope it stays that way! omg you're getting to close now!! i feel like your pregnancy is flying by! good idea trying to stay active i think you'll feel so much better doing that throughout your pregnancy

i bet its nice not having to worry about hunter so much and just letting him play while you get things done around the house or even just relax.

yeah I'm definitely getting more relaxed with this whole crying thing. I'm not breaking down and crying anymore about it at least lol. plus he seems to be giving us a few nights off a week from the crying! well at least 2 nights it seems, which is much better than every night. he didn't go to sleep again last night until 2am but he wasn't crying just cranky from being overtired i think. but he slept until 8:45! i couldn't believe it! josh woke up to work overtime at 7 and when he came in the room to give me a kiss i was like "what! he's sleeping!" lol it was great and i got to snooze a bit after that too. i made sure he didn't go back to sleep right away though in hopes he'll get to bed earlier tonight and he ended up staying awake until noon and is napping now.
yeah its definitely better to stay active I just need to make sure I don't get myself into there lifestyle again as they don't work and they are really lazy people all they do all day every day is sit on the couch and watch tv they don't do anything else! Both his mum and sister also have afternoon naps like every day even though they haven't done anything but sit on the couch and there is no chidren to take care of its so bad so I just need to make sure I don't join them lol. But if I make plans to do things constantly then we will be fine. I am thinking of putting stuff in my diary now so that its already pre planned and that way I kinda have a routine to keep me busy.

it is awesome about hunter loads les stressful!

that's great that you are more relaxed it doesn't take long to realise you aren't doing anything wrong that's just the baby and you learn to deal and accommodate even if its not ideal! Good little munchkin for sleeping so well last night its always good when you get that extra sleep you have been needing to!

Hunter didn't fricken go to sleep till 10:30 again last night after 3hrs of me trying I just gave in put him in my bed and let him twirl my hair 5 seconds later he was out cold! He was so clingy last night his poor cough was really bad and he has conjunctivitis so he was being a sook but he has woken in a good mood this morning so hopefully tonight might be easier.

Mick frustrates me so much sometimes! When ever he comes home from night shift and I ask him to sit and eat breakfast with us its a huge hassle and I can only usually get like 40 minutes out of him before he says Im to tired I have to go to bed yet he is out at a friends for a bbq and its 2 hrs past when he usual goes to sleep and he is still not home gggrrrrr men and there priorities some times just really shit me!!!!
yeah its like pulling teeth trying to get men to understand anything! but when it comes to "their time" they just do whatever they please! i got mad at josh the other night...i really shouldn't have but he wanted to go watch the rest of the football game when he got out of work and have a drink and for some reason it just pissed me off so much. probably because i never ever leave the house so the fact that he gets too i guess really ticked me off lol

good idea on putting stuff in your diary, it'll give you more ideas too when your trying to figure out stuff to do when your there! thats crazy thats all they do is sit on the couch and nap and watch tv all day! id go insane and stir crazy if i did that all day long, but i can see how you would get into the same routine being around them!

well I'm about to go give chase a bath and "hopefully" get him settled down for bed lol yeah right! i hope hunter goes to sleep good for you tonight hun!
it is really hard for like the first year I reacon but maybe not that long for you as you will be going back to work but as long as you are at home with the baby it definitely feels like why should you get to go out without the baby and I don't! Its an awful way of thinking but really its just not far so as much as you feel bad for it you are the same as every other mum. I remember for like the first few months we were home mick still went out on shift change I actually use to give him a curfew lol but then I got over it but I felt it was so unfair!! I have to hand it to mick though even though he went out this morning and came home almost at lunch time he helped me hang out the washing went down the shop and got me and hunter lunch as well as played with hunter while I had a shower so he made up for it :) Only because I sent him a message last night telling him how much of a lazy person he has been lately and making no effort with me :hah:

omg yay go chase I bet that was so nice to have some good sleep and its such a proud moment I think when they do sleep or something like that.
Hunter has been down for an hour and half already now I did have to go in and resettle him after like 40 minutes but all I did was give him his dummy back tell him to lay down and put my hand on his bum he also fell asleep originally on his own I just sat on the end of his bed after half an hour of him playing games mind you lol I just really need to stick to it because it bloody works and then I get lazy! I wish we had of had him in his own bed for a few months before Melbourne because that threw me off so bad!
Anyway back to chase lol does he go down at all before 2 or is he wide awake fighting it? He must be so damn tired!!! A baby his age needs so much sleep the poor thing. I always think to myself why do they fight it they only end up more unhappy when they do lol.

well I hope he goes down ok for you and I am keeping my fx my son does the same for me lol.
Grrrrrr 2hrs and still not asleep I went out and closed the door he cried till he threw up!!! I so just want to sit and cry I'm so tired!
I think I might get him up at 6:30 tomorrow even though I will be crazy tired at least hopefully he will be tired tomorrow night as we have been getting up at 8:30/9:30 which is really late!
oh nooo! i know its hard but you're right you have to keep at it! and don't feel bad if you need to have him sleep in your bed every once and need to keep your sanity too and its not going to go perfect every single night until he really starts to get used to it more i think. I think thats a good idea to get up early too, it sucks but if you think it'll help then id go for it

glad Mick helped you out today! I also had some words with josh lol. My best friends coming into town from florida and staying with me monday-wednesday so i wanted the house to be clean or at least clean enough because its been such a mess and i told josh i wanted to get it done today so what does he do? sleeps until 11 while i was up with the baby at 5:30 (i let him sleep) and then he was up at 8:45 for the day. while josh snored away until 11 and i couldn't get anything done until he got up. then i walked around cleaning and cleaning and he didn't even try and lend a hand until he heard me huffing and puffing around lol. well i really over did it and now I'm in tons of pain and I'm limping around the house...he makes a joke about sex and i was like yeah maybe when you start helping me out around the house i can't do everything myself and take care of a baby while you get to sleep! plus I'm not recovered at walking around in pain and you just act like i should be fully recovered and feeling great and like i don't need help! sorry i just rambled and it probably didn't make much sense lol. oh and i also called him lazy haha

chase went to sleep at 10 last night! he did wake up at 12:30 for a feed and then again at 5:30 but went right back to sleep both times! and he hasn't cried in 2 days! well see how it goes tonight...if we get 3 days in a row of no crying i might feel good about saying his colic is getting better. i switched his bottles 2 days ago too and thats when he stopped crying so i really wonder if there was too much air in the other ones i was using ! well see tonight!! he's also starting to be much more content when he wakes up instead of crying right away (unless he's hungry or dirty diaper). he looks at the toys dangling and is starting to coo at them!!
It definitely worked!! We got up at 6:30 he went down for his nap at 12 and it only took a few minute with no fighting at all I actually didn't even realize he was asleep until I heard him snoring because I don't look at him so he knows it's not time to play. Then down for bed at 7:35 and it only took 6 minutes no fighting no hair twirling nothing it was awesome! I will be sticking with this for sure!!!

They need to be told once in a while. It's as if they just get use to you doing everything and it doesn't even cross there mind to lend a hand! You need to be careful also Hun don't over do it whip his ass into shape lol. I said the same to mick today about I have been so good at keeping the house clean and haven't asked him to do anything and he has just been flying under the radar I love it when he knows I'm right because he just does what ever I ask without questioning it.
Lol ot but when he came home yesterday morning he was going to wake me up to get booze from in the house so he needed me to unlock the door but he said when he came to the window to wake me all he could hear was me snoring he said it was so loud haha so he just left me and he said I must have been tired how loud I was snoring. How embarrassing I hope people couldn't hear me walking last at school time :haha:

Yayyyy go chase that is awesome Hun, if it is the bottle it crazy how something so small can make such a huge difference. It's great it's all a part of learning what works I truly hope this is the fixer and you start to get your sleep Back and not be so stressed about your poor little bub. Going from 2-10 for going down time is awesome!

Pheonix has been soooo quiet the last few days I have been kinda worried because there is like 4hr stints where he doesn't move at all. But when I recorded them they were ok they are light than usual but I have my appointment Wednesday so I think I will just mention it. He has always been more quiet than what hunter was but definitely not this quiet. I feel like I have worried so much more this time. I think because of the placenta but it's frustrating being worried lol. I am feeling more positive though heaps more positive. I started a positive thread in third tri and I am not feeling as awful about being pregnant it's helped me think of the good things about being pregnant and how appreciative I am that I was able to fall pregnant again.

I wrote of the above before I went to sleep. Hunter went 4hrs without waking and when he woke he went back to sleep really easy which was awesome but now I am wide awake with really really bad ms and weird cramps :( this baby is not having a good time in my body what is going on!!!!
heyy!! so sorry I've been so busy! my best friend came into town from florida on monday so we've been running around and doing things and she has a 5 year old too so its been a little crazy here! it was so nice to see her and have her help. she adored chase and took him off my hands a lot too. she also helped me to try and get a feeding schedule in place too and its kind of been working! so chase is eating 4oz now every 3-4 hours...goal is 4 hours unless he obviously gets hungry. at nighttime he seems to drink 6oz though which is crazy he's getting so big! she even got him to go to sleep on his own one night! she literally fed him burped him and set him down in his bassinet...and i was just waiting for him to start screaming and he just fell asleep! i really couldn't believe it lol. of course he woke up like a half hour later because he doesn't want to officially go to sleep until 2am everynight but thats okay well get there. we went to a beautiful park near my house too with a creek and she took some newborn pics for me I'm excited to see how they turn out!

hows phoenix doing? you said you weren't feeling him much has that changed or did you go to the doctor at all to get him checked out to be safe? i hope everythings okay with him!

and how about you? hows your MS been ? have you been able to keep food down?

im glad getting up at 6:30 worked!! have you been doing that every day now?

again sorry i havnt replied in a couple days!! ill ttys!!
No that's ok I knew your friend was coming so I didn't expect to hear from you while she was there :) it would have been so nice to has someone there that has a kid I bet it made you feel more comfortable about what your doing! That's great she helped you out with a feeding schedule it will definitely help babies love routine! How exciting about the photos! I can't wait to see some when you get them back!
How is chase going with the screaming has he still settled down?

Yeah the movement is heaps better he got the hiccups for the first time last night! He has really woken up and become more lively I think he is just a sleepier baby than what hunter was. I had my gd rest on Wednesday and my anti d shot and she asked me how I had been feeling so I told her about everything and she said it sounded like I was having false contractions which is the same as Braxton hicks I'm pretty sure but I still don't think it felt the same as what I felt with hunter, she also scanned me and he is still head down and quite head down but he is still soft and loose but yeah far down lol. It also looked to me on the scan like my placenta has moved up because usually his head is resting on it but when she scanned it looked as though it finished just before his neck but she said she couldn't tell but I am keeping positive about it! I really dislike her though I find her so rude and just treat me like a regular patient de Wendy made it so much more personal. The nurse there as well was a bitch granted mick was being a bit annoying but the room was a bit small and we had the pram and hunter in there and he kept grabbing her stand and putting it on the floor and she was cracking the shits so bad so I made mick put it on the bed then mick just helped himself to a ball out of a box on the floor lol well she wasn't happy about that at all and told mick you should take him out and put him in the play pen but mick just ignored her when we left I said mick you were a bit rude and he was like he is a little kid she didn't have to make such a big fuss he wasn't disturbing her and he didn't break anything and he was right she didn't have to be such a bitch but at the same time it's not a place for kids to be playing. I just don't really like that drs they are really stuck up and make you feel uncomfortable and unsupported I wish dr Wendy would come back. Oh and my dr asked me for my blood results from Melbourne and I told her I tried to get them but my gp has to ring and they will fax or email them to you and she's like oh don't worry about it as long as they were normal. But then she asked me again at this appointment and then acted all shitty and was like well how am I suppose to know what the results were but grrr it frustrated me because I already told her she had to ring and then the nurse was like oh what's your blood group she hasn't wrote it down and I told her I also have a cars in my wallet with it because I am a negative blood group and I told her the dr has it down in her notes anyway. And then I was at the desk waiting to sign for the appointment and I could get the nurse and the dr having a bitch about me quite loudly to!!! People just infuriate me! I am so glad I only have one more appointment with her!

Yeah I am good ms is still there but most only at night which sucks because it takes me ages to get to sleep and then wakes me up in the middle of the night as well as heartburn and nightmares! I am fine to keep food down its just the constant nausea and not feeling like I want to eat. The nausea is worse than the actual vomiting I think.

Still doing the 6:30 wake up although this morning we slept in till just after 7 but the last 2 days I have been so tired so I don't care lol. We are still struggling with him sleeping he will have a really good day and then days like yesterday he would only go down for 40 minutes for his day nap and then would fall asleep and as soon as I left the room would cry and the other night he woke 4 times in the space of an hour and a half because I was sick last night he just came into bed with is and slept through the night the little bugger! I just wish he would do that in his own bed! But I think maybe his bed is uncomfortable the springs are really close to the surface so tonight I am going to fold a quilt and put it under his sheet and hopefully it's more comfortable for him
ugh what a bitchy nurse! you'd think in their line of work they'd be a little bit more understanding and caring instead of just acting like your just another patient. i feel that way too about almost every doctor i see too, its like they just don't care! then why are you in this field? go find another job if you hate it so much. err it makes me mad. and then it ruins your experience also. and hunter a little boy so for her to get mad is just ridiculous to me! and for her to tell you guys to take your son out of the room and leave him in the playpen ! mick may have come off rude but i probably would've done the same thing if i was in his shoes. but on a good note I'm glad it looks like your placenta is moving up! i hope it keeps going so you can have a vaginal birth! awww phoenix got hiccups!! i miss feeling them inside of me! whenever chase hiccups i lay him on my chest and sometimes pretend he's still in my belly doing it haha I'm so lame.

i agree the nausea is horrible...i never threw up during my pregnancy but i think i would've felt better if i did rather than deal with the nausea. sorry your still getting it i really hope you don't have to deal with it the rest of your pregnancy

i think if you stick to the 6:30 wake up it'll really help him once he starts to get used to it...but what do i know i can't even get my baby to bed before 2am :haha:

yeah chase is still doing good with the screaming! he was really cranky yesterday all day but it looked like his belly was hurting him. he would scream anytime i put him down too when i "thought" he fell asleep for a nap lol so i had to hold him all day. we just changed his formula on tuesday to enfamil gentlease and his poops have been so much softer since. with the other formula it was dark green and pasty and thick. once he actually had a hard little pebble come out so i know he was definitely constipated and having a hard time getting it out so hoping this formula helps a bit. i think he was cranky yesterday too because i forgot to put the gas drops in his bottles a couple of times so i really need to make sure i do that from now on too. otherwise he's doing great. he's been smiling at least once a day ! usually in the morning for some reason but then thats it for the day! i hope they start to come more often soon because its such a good feeling to see them smile!!
well so much for a feeding schedule...pretty sure chase is going through another growth spurt! snacking again...hungry every 2 hours...i make a 4 oz bottle and he eats 3oz or i make less and he wants more! or he falls asleep after every ounce lol grrr
Yeah I definitely don't blame him either it wasn't till I was telling my sil about it today that I realized just how rude she was being. I know yay about my placenta I am so hoping it all works out good and I haven't heard back from my dr about my blood tests which means my gd test came back fine but I think I will wait till Monday just to be sure and if she doesn't call by then then I am definitely in the clear!!
Lol it's definitely not lame about the hiccups I use to miss feeling hunter in my belly but I don't think I will this time lol.

I have a feeling I am going to it just seems to be getting worse and worse!!! I couldn't even keep breakfast down this morning :( but at least it's not as bad as what it was!! I will just have to get over it and deal with it.

Lol I hope so although today was really screwed up he had a half hour nap at 1 and then fell asleep for half hour at 6:20 so needless to say we are sat in bed watching a movie because there is no way he will be asleep before 10:30 now! And newborns are shocking. I remember with hunter the night before we were leaving to come back home he was 9 days old and he wouldn't go to sleep! He didn't end up going down for his longest stint till 1 they just need help getting there body clock right. And think about it you were always working and active at night time and sleeping during the day with your shifts so he maybe on your clock!! Haha that would be cute :)

That sounds great about the formula the poor thing must have such a belly ache! Hopefully this makes a huge difference!
It doesn't get any easier with constipation though lol hunter was constipated the last two days he has been straining and straining and nothing came out until finally today omg he didn't the biggest poo it would have even hurt me to push that out lol. It's because he won't eat veggies if he just bloody are them he would be fine!
It's so easy to forget things with a newborn there is so much to remember any added little thing can be easily swept aside. The amount of times that I forgot to give hunter his antibiotics is unbelievable lol. I use to start writing it down in my phone as a reminder or up in the fridge with dinner he must have it and that helped a lot. And 4 weeks they sure do have a growth spurt by the way so it's possible.

It was our footy grand final today so we spent the day at my sil and had a BBQ it was we partners bday as well and his footy team win it was such a good day for him but sad because there was no one other than me Simone and his mum there to caveats his birthday I felt sorry for him. They have 2 big dogs and poor hunter got bowled over so many times today because he tries to chase them. He has a nice bruise and cut on his head from one of the stacks lol but he still plays with them well one of them the other is still a puppy but a big dog so she gets to excited the older one is way better with him and he is not afraid of him he lovvveeeessss dogs though it's so nice to watch him play outside with our dogs but they are small ones and he gets a bit aggressive lol he likes to bite there ears and tails eeeeww I wouldn't want to!
And omg I have to show you this the difference from when I was pregnant with hunter and now pheonix

Hunter 27+3

Pheonix 28+3 I think

But I think my belly looked so much bigger because I was skinnier back then. That singlet I have on in the hunter hoot doesn't fit me now. :(
oh wow what a difference! your belly is definitely smaller carrying phoenix! thats so crazy how different it can be! especially since i heard you get bigger quicker with the second! you look great by the way.

aww poor hunter getting knocked down ! they're fearless though aren't they? its even scared to chase around a big dog let alone bite their ears and tails :haha: thats nice you guys had a good time at the BBQ though!

lol i should probably start writing things down too! especially things like remembering to take my BC pill at the same time everyday :dohh: i only miss it by like an hour or so sometimes but still! no way i want to get pregnant right now! can't have sex yet anyways still bleeding!

oh man did we have a hell of a night last night! throughout the day chase pooped like 4 times...and he was farting alllllll day long. the poor thing was crying in pain he was farting so much! we didn't understand because he was doing so good with the new formula...well 1am came around and i got him into bed, i was so excited. nope! 1:20 he was up screaming so i fed him again since he only took a little bit before he fell asleep. still crying and crying. it was colicky crying till he was purple though i could tell his tummy was really hurting him. 3 o'clock came around we thought we finally got him to sleep (we gave up putting him in his bassinet he laid in bed with us which he seems to be doing a lot more lately). well 3:30 he wakes back up because now he's hungry again! finally get him to bed by 4/4:30 and he slept for about 3 hrs and was up again. luckily passed back out until 10:30 but that was by far the worst night we've had so far with sleep. i told josh i was putting the gas drops in all his bottles so we figured maybe ithe gas formula with the gas drops was causing him to poop and fart too much now? i dunno but we havnt put them in all day and he's been very content without them. also I'm thinking maybe the new formula was just clearing him out from all the built up gas that he did have? sorry if none of this made sense and i was rambling lol

oh check out the newborn pics on my Facebook! my friend taryn tagged me in them if you can find them!
I know such a huge difference! But hunter was also a lot bigger than this bubs as well. I remember by like 32 weeks I think it was he was already 5lbs I don't think this baby is even close to that lol.

Yeah they are so fearless he is a little more hesitant around them now like tonight we went to feed them as sil is away and everytime Larry got a bit excited hunter would say don't don't lol so cute

Lol I am the worst I always have to write everything down I swear baby brain never goes away with the exhaustion stress and sleep deprivation that a newborn can cause it just doesn't go lol. Hopefully the bleeding stops soon enough but my me told me some people bleed for like 8 weeks :( is it bad bleeding or just spotting? God I couldn't even look at mick anyway for like 3 months lol
I asked mick tonight what it looked like when hunter came out and he was eating ice cream he wasn't to happy and I said what it was that bad was it, his reply "well it's not exactly a pretty site" haha I asked him if he would look again with Phoenix and he said probably but not something he really wants to talk about lol. I remember whole I was pushing he was saying it looked like it was going to come out of my bum.

Aw you poor things. It's so awful for him that he is in so much pain and so hard for you guys with no sleep and him crying all the time. Hopefully once his belly settles to the formula he starts to settle and yeah maybe it could have been an overload of the gas formula and drops and have him a belly ache from getting to much out lol poor bugger. It's all a learning game with your first though I seriously think it takes a good 6 months to really know every cue. There's nothing that can be given for colic is there?

Yeas I saw the photos they are so lovely! I think he is such a perfect blend of you and josh like you can really see the both of you in him.

Omg phoenix moves around sooo much more now! I don't know if maybe my placenta has moved and that's why I can feel it more or what but the last sort of 5 days he has been going crazy!
I leave for Melbourne again in 2 weeks! It has come around sooo fast! I have been busy as anything at home trying to get everything packed and ready and setting up Phoenix's room washed all his clothes sorted them into size and put them all away. Stacked up with all the newborn things I will need. Moved stuff around in his room lol I have been going to town but I have to because the next time I will be back here will be with him! Such a crazy thought!!!
I can't remember if I mentioned already but my capsule I used for hunter fits in my new pram because they are the same brand but I wasn't sure so I googled it so I can have hunter in the bottom and Phoenix in the capsule in the beginning it's going to be great! I have no idea how we are going to fit everything in the car though there is the pram with the 2 seats then I will put the capsule in before we leave plus our little calico portable bed for when we are visiting people, suitcase god and so much more it's going to be damn squishy!!!

I can't believe chase is already what 6 weeks old?? Time has just flown!! Does he smile yet?
Have you tried the bathing alone yet?

Haha we are laid in bed and hunter and I are watching cars mick starts snoring so hunter reaches over and slaps him in the face :Haha: so funny!
well so much for that new formula...i already switched him back to the old one! no more done listening to other people that tell me to do things with him! poor guy was in so much pain! his colic came back and it was awful. he had us up saturday until 3am...woke back up at 4 just crying in pain. sunday same thing happened! I was worried switching right back how it would affect his belly but he is great now! no colic again and he's content besides the gas which is just something he will need to grow out of i think theres nothing we can do about it. i felt like such a bad mommy watching him go though that again and listening to other people and what they said i should do. never again! following my own instincts from now on...lesson learned don't fix what isn't broken! i know people were just trying to help but i was actually mad at them (in my head) for talking me into switching which is stupid but i was lol. everything is better now though and id rather him have gas then cry for 3 hours until 3am!

last night i got him into bed at 9:45! he slept until 12:30 and ate and went right back to sleep until 5:00 and then right back to sleep again until 8:30! i kept him up for a little bit to make sure he stays on this schedule! i got him into bed again tonight at 9:45 but he woke up at like 10:30 i think for a cuddle so i rocked him back to sleep and its 11:15 now and still sleeping. i have a feeling hell be waking up soon to eat but this is much better than 2/3am!!

so happy you said you can see both of us in chase!! in the beginning everybody just kept saying how much he looked like Josh...and he did.. but finally people are starting to see me in him too now :)

lmao about Mick watching him come out! josh said it was really gross watching me in labor when they would check me and just globs of blood would come pouring out when they pulled their hands out :haha: and me being on all fours was probably not a pretty sight to see either! I'm sure its even worse when the head is coming out! initially i told josh i didn't even want him looking down there but its amazing how much you just don't give a shit who sees lol

thats awesome that phoenix is moving around more! i hope your right and that means your placenta moved up more!! i can't believe your leaving back to melbourne already! and that when you go home phoenix will be here! and your 30 weeks already! your pregnancy has seriously flown by! are you having fun getting phoenix's room together and clothes sorted and everything?? stupid question but what is a capsule? is that what you guys call a car seat? lol. thats what i got from it but I'm really not sure :blush: if so thats awesome that it fits in the pram!

yup chase is 6 weeks old already! so crazy! he's just starting to smile! about a week ago he started with 1 or 2 smiles in the morning and now its pretty much every morning! and then this afternoon i put him in the changer to change his diaper and i started tickling his belly and he smiled real big a couple times! and then he did it again the next time! it was so cute and so amazing to see him smile and happy it felt great :)

lol about hunter smacking him in the face! can he come over and do that to josh too? :haha: omg that reminds me! at night when chase wakes up to feed , ill feed him and josh will rock him to sleep. well that saturday when he was up until 4am and we finally got him down josh was snoring so loud i tried waking him up and telling him to roll over and he goes "uh huh" and starts rocking his arm like the baby was in there. and i said no josh the babys asleep can you please roll over so i don't have to hear you snore! and he did the same thing..his arm started swinging...i couldn't help but laugh it was so cute i just rolled over and put the blanket over my ear lol
It is so hard with a baby people are constantly trying to give you advice even when it is not needed or you have not asked for it. And yes most if the time they are trying to help but for some reason when people have babies they suddenly become an expert on every aspect! I have had a baby but I am not in any denial that all babies are different and I like to give advice but not suggest things I rather say things like this is what worked for us but your baby could be completely different or ask things like if babies not sleeping what do you think it could be and then advise on what they think it is rather than say oh maybe it's this maybe it's that lol well I hope I do anyway that's how I feel I do things. It is very overwhelming to become a mum and I know for myself when I had hunter those 10 days that I was in Melbourne I hated everyone was constantly telling me what I was or wasn't doing right and that I should be doing this or that and my mum even went as far as to grab my boob and put it in hunters mouth to help me latch I almost lost it so many times I hated it!!!! This time I will be telling everyone to just back the f up lol.
It's great that you have found your feet though and sticking to what you think is best after all you are his mum you have the strongest connection to him and you know his queues better than anyway so all you have to do is trust yourself and everything will work out great! I'm so glad that the routine is starting I work now that you have switched back and this formula is what he needs it's also a bit of a proud moment to I think as you know what was right for him and had the courage to trust yourself so well done mumma!
And amazing for he sleeping! Lol so cute all they need sometimes is a cuddle just to know your still there I think :) as I am so jealous :haha:

Haha yep labor changes everything about how you think about things once that pain starts nothing else matters no amount of blood wears or anything for people to see lol it is like they say you leave your dignity at the door.
Speaking of labor how is your belly going? Healing ok?

It's been sad on one hand seeing up everything as it's all hunters old stuff and makes me realize how much he has grown up but so nice and exciting as well that I am get in ready for his arrival :) and I know 30 weeks it really has flown by it feels like only a few months ago I found out. Was pregnant not almost 7!
I capsule is this
And a car seat for us is this
The capsule you can take out without taking the base out where as the car seat you wod have to take everything out. Is it the same for you?

Aw it's so damn cute when they start to smile and giggle such a nice feeling :) I love watching them grow it's so rewarding

Hahahaha that is so funny! It's amazing what they can do in there sleep! There have been times where I have tried to wake mick for the snoring reason and he starts patting hunters bum lol cute but I still end up frustrated because seriously he snores so unbelievably loud!

So I have decided I have given up on hunter and his bed and just accepting that for now he is in iur bed at night. He sleeps through the night and doesn't need any kind of attention to go to sleep we just say goodnight and he goes off to sleep. I am way to pregnant and tired to keep getting up to him and the few days that I did it even though I know it would be better the longer I did it I was seriously way to exhausted we needed to start earlier! I will still sleep with him in his bed at michaels mums as his bed is right next to ours so he will most likely sleep through the night in there anyway. Out bed is so big I don't even feel him unless he puts his feet in my face lol. But I am happy to just go with the flow. I am sad that he won't be in his own bed but happy that I have come to peace with my decision for now. I also think it will be easier when he is talking and communicating more so I can tell him that mummy is just next door and know that he can communicate and tell me he understands but for now all he has is crying because he doesn't talk. So in that note look at how him and mick fell asleep tonight
So damn cute!

I don't know what is going on! I suffer from dermis is but the last few days I have had this rash which started on my hands and forearms and it's like a red bumpy sore but itchy rash and now it has spread to my sides of my hips inner thighs and a bit on my face. I thought pupps at first but apparently it's only in a first time pregnancy so I have no idea what it is but it is driving me mental! I am going to mention it in next weeks appointment but my dr is so shit I think she will just say oh it's just a normal pregnancy symptom! Grrrr she makes me so angry. Oh and I haven't heard back about my gd test and it's been a week so I would say all is good yay!!!!
ohhh okay...yeah our car seats you can take out of the base also so we just leave the base in the car all the time and keep the car seat in the house so if we need the stroller we just snap it right into there so i guess its the same thing! I'm not sure they make car seats here anymore without the removable base at least i didn't see any when i was doing my registry.

aww so cute how their sleeping! good you feel confident about your decision just keeping hunter in bed with you. if it makes it easier for you right now then its probably be best because you really need to get some good sleep right now while your pregnant! you can always work on it again when phoenix is here!

i didn't know pupps was only a first time pregnancy thing. joshs sister had it really bad when she was pregnant she said it was horrible...hopefully its not it for you! maybe our just having an allergic reaction to something. id definitely mention it to your doctor though!

belly is doing good...almost all the stitches and glue are gone thank god and I'm really starting to feel much better. I'm still in pain and taking motrin but i can manage through it now I'm not limping around the house when i do too much lol.

ahh wanted to write more but chase is waking up from his nap ill write back more later!

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