Anybody else with really long irregular cycles???

Aw I'm so glad you are feeling better! And finding things that are working!
Lol about the talking to him I use to do it all the time with hunter I think most mums do for one reason or another hehe. I still find myself doing in now and then saying not like you understand what I'm saying anyway lol. And seriously I think every first time mums house is a lit for the first few months. He'll hunter is almost 2 and it still is hard to keep it clean. I cleaned the lounge this afternoon and it is already destroyed!

We ended up going around to a friends place an had morning tea outside with little sandwiches, fruit and scones it was lovely, one of the kids is 6 months older than hunter and the other is only 10 weeks old but zeplin and hunter get along really well. It was such a nice day so besides hunters nap we were outside all day. But I overdid it a bit I think because I was feeling so much better and have now crumpled in a heap on the couch but its good because hunter is glued to the tv right now so I can rest without a fight!

Haha about the scales so true! And not really any ms at all anymore. I have my odd day where I get really nauseous or the very very odd day where I throw up. While I've been sick I have thrown up almost every day but I think that's from all the flem and the ridiculous amount of coughing. I definitely can't complain now though.

Wow I can't believe it has almost been a year sice that happened! It really does not feel like that long ago! I remember seeing photos of that when it was destroyed that is so unbelievably sad that its not burnt down! What a tragedy and alot of money lost! That is really really sad!

I am so torn about what to do after bubs is born if I have the c section. I will be in Melbourne for about 15 days anyway after the scheduled section but then I can't decide to come home or not. I really don't want to be away from mick but I also don't want to get home and not be able to cope on my own because hunter is constantly wanting to be picked up or something and I won't be able to. I also really don't want to be apart from mick at Christmas time with a new baby and hunters first proper Christmas. He said he will support me in what ever decision I make but I just can't decide. I think maybe its best if I wait and see how I feel after the section and how well I start to heal before I decide but I also want to feel like I have a plan. I was thinking of asking nicks sister to come home with us for a few weeks as she doesn't work and she is great with hunter but I don't think she would because of her partner being back home and he is very controlling as well as her hating spending time away from him. It's such a sucky situation!
honestly I think you should stay wherever you will have the most help. I could barely get out of bed the first week to get to chase fast enough when he would wake up. Josh would have to get him until i forced myself out of bed. 3 weeks later and I'm still having pain when i walk and am still taking motrin 3 times a day for it. you need all the help you can get, unless you end up having a quicker recovery then me than that'd be great! i was also swollen to the point my feet hurt so bad when i was walking from all the fluids, that didn't go away until almost 2 weeks after. is mick able to take any time off when the baby comes so you could stay at home with him until you feel a bit better? having micks sister come and help would be a good idea too. you shouldn't pick up hunter either, they told me no lifting anything heavier than the baby and also no driving for 2 weeks! just make sure whatever you decide you have the help you need.

im so happy its friday. 8 more hours and josh will be home for the weekend with me thank god. i cried again today when he left. i had such a good day yesterday and now i feel down again. i wonder if its still hormones and baby blues or if maybe i need some anxiety/depression medication. ill give it a couple more weeks i guess and see how i feel then. i start my birth control pills on sunday too so thats even more hormones going into my body!

aw sounds like you guys had a good time on your playdate! glad hunter got to run around and have a good time too. good you got to rest up on the couch too!

chase is tossing and turning about to wake up from his nap so ill ttys :hugs:
He can't take anymore time off unfortunately we just can't afford it :( it sucks so bad I wish he could. I am hoping his sister will be able to come but if not then it may be the hard choice staying in Melbourne :( I remember 2 days after hunter was born my feet swelled up so bad and I freaked out but with like 4lts of water a day it went in like 2 days but shit I had to pee a lot for it to go. It amazed me that you pee it out!!! I still think it is strange lol

Yay that's exciting for you to have josh home for the weekend now! Hopefully it will help ease how down your feeling. As much as the pill is a hormone it might help with balancing them fx! Hopefully you really start to feel better it must be awful feeling so sad :(

We are off to a ghetto party tonight lol I have no idea what to wear!!! I was going to get something while we were in Adelaide on the weekend but I was way to sick so I have to kinda pull something together at home! I really have no idea though! I do however know I am making a chocolate dipped strawberry fountain! Omg I can't wait I fricken love chocolate strawberries.

Well I hope your having a good day with chase I saw some photos just before on Facebook he has changed so much already lil cutie pie!
ghetto party? lol thats great! we used to have white trash parties when i lived in the flamingos in the lawn and you just throw your beer cans everywhere :haha: I'm not sure i could throw a ghetto outfit together anymore if i tried lol

so its has been sleeping for an hour now, and he didn't cry all night! i don't get it! I'm not complaining AT ALL, but i can't help but wonder if were in for it later :haha: do colic babies give a night off every once and a while? lol

he really has changed so much! his cheeks are starting to get chubby now i love it :)

lol that amazed me too that you pee it out! thats a lot of freakin pee! i think maybe it came out in sweat too? i just know i would sweat every night for a week after delivery i woke up soaked every morning lol

sorry mick can't take time off :( as much as it might suck to be in melbourne it might be the best thing for you unless his sister can hopefully help you

ahhh so tired! i should probably try and get some sleep while he does :sleep:
The ghetto party was great! We all had such a great time and the costumes were so good. I don't know if you have seen or not but omg one of my friends put a photo on Facebook of me and I look like a fucking whale!!!!! It is so not a good angle at all lol my neck chin and boobs all look like they join into 1 :( I was so embarrassed when she put it up there and then tagged me but oh we'll shit happened. Arrrggghhh I wanted to drink sooooo bad last night it sucked! I have not felt like a drink at all but last night I wish I could have. Everyone had such a good time they played drinking games and even made a slab of ice and carved a track and took shots from it. We also played pin the condom on the pimp lol at least I think it was pimp I can't remember. Michael won haha he is pretty good with coordination though. Even though I was pregnant I still had a ball and listed till midnight I was pretty proud of myself especially as ms has been awful the last 3 days!

That's great he slept so well! And I honestly am not to sure about colicky babies and nights off lol but I think it's like heartburn but for babies isn't it? If so I have heartburn even when I'm not pregnant and some days are better than others so it could be the same sort of thing. But colic can also just clear up on its own and quickly also let's hope for you and him that's the case!

Naw chubby cheeks on a baby are the best thing ever! There the best to kiss :)

I would say yes to the sweat but I never did I just peed a lot and huge amounts! That would not have been nice waking up sweaty every morning lol. I am going to get so much more swelling this time as my feet are already starting to swell if I stand for a long time :( but I am hoping now that I have started being more active again that will reduce! I seriously didn't realise how lazy I was being in Melbourne! I was in a bad rutt I have been so busy since I got home catching up with people playing with hunter and today 5hrs of house work!!!! I am exhausted now but it felt so good to be doing something with my days and being active!

Yeah definitely sucks but I guess we will just have to deal with it :( I am definitely going to ask her but I won't hold my breathe especially as she told me today they are trying for a baby so if she is pregnant I would say a definite no!

I hope you got some good sleep Hun and much needed I bet!
I hate nights like this where I am completely exhausted yet I had to much to do before I could get into bed so now I'm overtired! Pretty much as spins s we got into bed the boys fell asleep and both started snoring and mick soooo loud! Hunter is in our bed still while I'm sick I really can't be bothered getting up when feeling this shitty. I feel as though the antibiotics worked to a certain stage and now they have just stopped :( I think this may linger around for a while being pregnant and my immune system down but when we do god shopping on Friday I think I will get a whole heap of stuff for fruit and veg smoothies pack myself full of vitamins.

Well Ian going to try and sleep now Hun ttys
Hope your doing well lovely and chase is starting to settle! Just thought I would come on and have a whinge lol. I am just over feeling like shit! This is 2 weeks now I have been sick and I don't feel like I am better :( and today I don't know I just don't feel right I have drank so much water yet I have only peed twice today that's right twice and it's 5pm here! My head is pounding and if I stand for more than 5 minutes I feel all light headed and weak I don't know what is going on :( I got up to cook dinner before and couldn't even stand long enough to cut the damn chicken. The last 3 days I have not been able to eat at all something is up I reacon. I have also been getting really sharp pains in my uterus which aren't Braxton hicks but not contractions but they are really painful they don't build or anything I will just get a random really bad pain probably just round liagament and I am being a sook lol. I think I will mention this all to my dr next week at my appointment I am soooo paranoid about gd but my blood sugars are usually on a really low scale anyway so when I have bad eating days it pretty much just puts me at a normal level lol. My mil and fil both have diabetes so I checked my bloods while I was in Melbourne and they were great but still doesn't mean my test will come back normal fx it does though!
I always feel so bad on days like today because I just sit on the couch and poor hunter gets so bored. I did I outside and sit down while be played for a while which stopped him from having a meltdown lol I just want mick to hurry up and come home! Still another 2hrs!!!!
aw I'm sorry you're feeling like such shit :( i wonder if its the amos making you feel that way. you said you can't really eat anything, and if you don't eat on antibiotics it can make your body feel funny, usually it affects your stomach and makes you nauseas though. i would try making yourself eat before you take them and see if that helps unless you already are doing that. Good you checked your sugars and they came back good, I'm sure you'll pass your test...when is it? has to be soon right? and whinge away anytime you'd like lol:)

sounds like you had a great time at the ghetto party! i know how you feel about the drinking, i was never a big drinker but i craved beer the entire time i was pregnant. could've been because i was around it everyday at work. couple more weeks and you can have a drink! well sorta I'm sure you're breastfeeding but in between? I'm not sure how all that works!

so chase gave us a night off from screaming on friday! but he came back with a vengeance sat from 10-1 and last night from 10-1 lol. but both nights he didn't fall asleep until 2, woke up at 8 and ate and fell right back to sleep until 11/12. its 11:20 here and he's still asleep. so as much as the crying is frustrating he's at least sleeping good at night once he finally goes down that is. we got him some gas drops hoping that would help but he still screamed at night but he's passing his gas better it seems! he's going to be a month old soon i can't believe it! as for colicky babies they don't really know what causes it. some people think its related to reflux, some people think it has to do with an underdeveloped digestive system which is why they call it the "fourth trimester" and say it ends by the 3rd month. some people think its gas. nobody really knows :shrug: i just don't get if its any of those things why does it only happen at one time during the day? granted some serious colicky babies cry 24/7 but most are 3 hours a day around the same time
When I came off the pill my cycles were 32-42 days and it was so frustrating. I got pg ony third cycle and I did whatever I could to max my chances - used preseed, a clearblue fertility monitor, dh and I both took maca and he took zinc and wore loose, cotton boxers. We also dtd in good old missionary position just before bed so I just fell asleep straight away and kept tbe little swimmers in there.
I think I may have just been really exhausted from all the house work and not eating as much as normal I also was out at that party the Saturday night and got hardly any sleep. I was fine today got up and did loads lol played with hunter outside as well as his learning for his speech which he is getting amazing at! One of the activities is puzzles and he is getting so good. He is also starting to tell me things he wants like cheese and nana (banana) I'm so proud of him.

Yeah no drinking while breastfeeding :( not for the first few months until my supply is really established then I could just pump and dump and give him presumed through a bottle or formula but my god its so not worth it with how engorged your boobs get it is complete agony! I still have 1 drink though and feed which is fine. I just won't till he is about 4-5 months old. But it's not like I have to wait a lifetime it's a sma price to pay I guess.

Oh wow I didn't know they didn't know the cause. I always found anything that was bothering hunter to give it a week for something to work the same as our bodies I guess. At least he is getting some gas out now the poor thing, I know as an adult it hurts like hell when you have trapped wind :( and your right as much as he is having those crying fits your still getting a good 6hrs straight and then another 3 that's pretty good. Are you sleeping when he goes back down at 8 or don't feel like you need it?

Sooooo my sex drive has definitely come back! Twice in the last 4 days and holy crap it's been good lol. I have just decided to be more comfortable in myself and it has been way better. There is definitely times throughout it that I can feel my giant belly on him or what ever but I just acknowledge it and move on lol,
I also put hunter down in his own bed tonight and omg took me 2hrs to get him to sleep I ended up getting so frustrated I shit the door but stayed sitting in the chair next to his bed and not talking to him or touching him and he eventually put himself to sleep after talking away to his teddies for a good hour of that lol. The first hour I let him twirl my hair and what not and I just got sick of it. It was so much better letting him go to sleep without touching him. He was being so cheeky though because I yelled at him he kept laying down and pretending to go to sleep and then would slowly turn his head around after like 10 minutes and see if I was looking and as soon as I would say sleep he would go back to pretending lol it was kinda cute now that I think of it but damn annoying at the time!

How's your incision going? I hope it healing better now!
I asked my sil in law today if she would come to roxby for the 2 weeks that mick would be back and work and she didn't seem to interested! I hate how family are like that at times. If I didn't have any children and no job I would definitely do it. Grrrrrr makes me so angry.

How much longer until you go back to work? And how are you feeling about the thought of leaving chase? It must be such a hard decision :(

Well I best get some sleep but hopefully hunter doesn't wake tonight :) wishful thinking with it being his first night back in his room lol but I can only hope. Xx
lol so cute what hunter did! I'm sure that had to be frustrating at the time though but hearing you say it i was laughing when i read it lol. thats great he put himself to sleep though...hes come so far from not even sleeping in his own bed to this its amazing! and same with his speech, so glad to hear he's doing so well with it ! you have to be so proud :)

yeah no cure for colic unfortunately! i might try this stuff called colic calm, i think its drops too but i want to do some more research on it first before i get it, I've heard it works wonders though but who knows!

yeah we both definitely go back to sleep after his 6 hour sleep. me and josh have always been big sleepers and we get really cranky if we don't have enough lol. you should see us in the middle of the night! i swear we hate each other in our minds that were both up. usually one of us gets a bottle while the other changes the diaper. then i usually feed him and josh rocks him to sleep. we should really take turns so one of us can sleep but i think we both still just feel bad that the other one is getting up lol.

i have no clue when I'm going back to work yet. if i had a regular delivery id say i would be going back in a month, but now i just don't see that happening. i think ill end up taking the full 12 weeks...if not longer because i know my job would let me take longer if i needed too, plus their losing a lot of bartenders, some quit some fired, so they definitely need me back for the holidays! its going to be really weird leaving chase but it'll only be 2 days that we would need a sitter. josh has weekends off and ill take monday tues wed only thursday and friday well need him to be watched

the incision is good but it still hurts. its not even the incision that hurts anymore its the skin around it and i think the numbness of the skin that really feels weird and bothers me too. my pants rub on it and its just irritating. I've also been having weird cramps the past couple days I'm not sure if its still afterpains of my uterus shrinking or the birth control pills i started taking 3 days ago :shrug:

thats shitty about your SIL! i would totally go help too especially with no kids and no job! i think it'd be fun ! do you think its her husband thats not letting her go? i know you mentioned he's kind of controlling. i used to be in a controlling relationship like that, always felt like i was walking on eggshells...ugh never again!

when do you go for your GD test by the way? has to be soon right?

chase has been eating like a champ all day. think its a 4week growth spurt? he had almost 6 ounces last night at his first wake up! then we he woke up again he had another 6 within a 2 hour period. then it was little snacks here and there throughout the day. it was so weird lol i never knew how much to make for him! and he wasn't napping either, only had 2 half hour naps and then a bunch of doze offs in my arms lol so i basically held him all day but thats okay i was enjoying the cuddling

hope all is going well on your end and that you're feeling better
Definitely proud! He went down today for his nap and tried for my hair but I just said to him your a big boy now you don't need mummies hair you can have your lion and he grabbed his lion rolled over and in 2 seconds was snoring, it's amazing how far he has come and I am so over the moon that its happening before pheonix has come along and just being able to communicate with him more is great he really understand everything I am saying and he can tell me what it is he wants so much more! It's awesome I am really starting to enjoy this toddler stage other than the constant boundary pushing lol I don't mind so much at home because he knows what he can and can't do but when we are out omg he is into everything!

Hopefully if your happy with these drops they work there magic and you he can start being a happy bub :)

Lol about the great work you guys are doing together its great that you are working as a team so well even if you are cranky. When hunter was first born mick and I would take it in turns but then when we got home it was all me with the hours mick does :(
That will be great for you guys money wise only having to do daycare 2 days a week it's great when you have a work schedule that you can work around it like that.

That really sucks about your incision but I have heard it can take a while to go back to normal and a bit longer for you I would say as you had the infection but its only been 4 weeks yeah? I still had cramps for about 6 weeks of after pains with hunter. Are you still bleeding? I am so not looking forward to that part! I hated the bleeding although mine was more like spotting by 4 weeks.

Yeah I definitely think it has to do with her partner he wouldn't be to happy with her being away for such a long time and she is really clingy as well I would say because of the controlling side of him more so though. It really sucks but I suppose we will just have to see how we go when it comes to it.
I go for my gd test a week today I will be 28 and 3 days then and will finally start getting bulk billed thank god!

Yeah he probably is going through a growth spurt it's a huge indicator when they do the snack feeds, it's not so nice when there bf and they do the snak feeds when they are having a growth spurt you feel like they are on your boob all day every day lol.

Had a lovely day today with my friend with the new bubs well not so new now lol but its been so nice with all the good weather sitting outside and playing outside with hunter. It's also so much better now that he understand how to get down stair and things I am not so on edge all the time that he is going to fall.

Have you been getting out much or having many visitors?
yeah its not even daycare well just be taking him to joshs parents house! I'm not really sure how i feel about daycare yet, at least not with him being so little maybe when he's a bit older. but then i feel like its a waste to go to work if I'm just paying for daycare on top of it.

yup still bleeding! its getting to that light brown/white stage though unless I'm on my feet for awhile then i still see some red blood but its definitely a lot less than it was so hopefully it'll be done soon. and then I'm sure ill get my period lol. makes me feel better you still had cramps for that long, everything I've read online says the cramps should be gone after a week. i didn't even feel cramps until this past week.

still getting visitors but not too many anymore thankfully. there were some times i just wanted to relax and felt like people were just constantly coming over and it was a little overwhelming for me and i noticed chases colic got worse the more we were out or the more people that were around him. i don't really get out too much but i try to leave in the mornings and go get coffee or something just to have some me time or we will all take a trip to the grocery store or something.

wow thats great how hunter did in bed again!! he didn't even fight it or fake sleep tonight! thats awesome ! and you're right couldn't be more perfect timing with phoenix coming soon! its gonna be so less stressful for you when he's here now !

glad you had a nice time again with you're friend! and yeah it must be a relief for you not having to constantly watch him on stairs and whatnot anymore! whats the weather like there for you guys? is it warm? its starting to get chilly here especially at night, i hate it! stupid question but once it gets real cold what should i dress chase in to sleep at night? right now he goes in a sleep and either we swaddle him or put a light blanket (only doing the blanket right now because he's in a bassinet thats attached to the pack n play and its on a bit of an upward angle and i only put it on the bottom half of him). I have a couple of the sleep bags i think they're called? the all in one things with the zipper lol but what should he wear underneath it?
aarrggghh im so not looking forward to bleeding I hated that and no one told me you bleed for ages either lol not till I was close to the end!

its good that you are getting out but I could imagine it must be hard with the colic and your incision!

weather is awesome here at the moment in the high 20s most of the time but with a nice cool breeze! I use to dress hunter in a singlet and then a onesie with a sleeping bag and a blanket tucked around him and under the mattress. But it doesn't get anywhere near as cold her as it does where you guys are lol. What temp does it get to at night there?
normal temps from december through february are about 20 degrees at night and 30s during the day. sometimes it can go down to 15 and rarely but it does happen well get negative degree weather, ugh I'm not looking forward to it! obviously well have heat on in the house though so he can't possibly get that that cold

yeah the bleeding sucks. i just wanna have sex already lol. bleedings almost done but now i have to wait for birth control pill to kick in! josh told me he was having dreams about doing it last night hahaha poor guy

chase is waking up from his nap ill ttys! hope all is well!
wow I just converted that temp and that's cold lol yeah we don't get anywhere near that cold but in saying that we also don't have heating in our houses well most anyway in Roxby. I would say if you have the heating on he should be fine, You will know if he is to hot or cold anyway as he will wake a lot during the night more than usual when it gets to that time. Its all learning but you pick it up pretty fast.

lol about the sex its funny how quickly your sex drive can come back so quickly although with bf mine didn't at all in the first 2 months.
The poor men they have to give up a bit also hey funny that he is having dreams :)

I had a really shit night last night ms has been so bad the last 4 days kicking me in the butt bit time again :( when I was at hunters speech therapy yesterday when Karen was talking to me I just wanted to tell her to shut up so bad because every time I opened my mouth it would go watery and I had to stop myself from throwing up all over her table lol and then last night sooooo sick again and today about an hour after breakfast really had to concentrate on not throwing up it sucks! I really thought I was done with it all especially now that I am eating better but it seems the better I eat the worse the morning sickness is which is strange! I have also had the runs for like a week I don't know what is going on there but have had the most upset belly. I just wish my body would take well to this pregnancy I had such a better pregnancy with hunter its bullshit.

I have kept the house so clean since sunday and the one day that I don't feel well and mick got up early after night shift the house is trashed! I said to him please don't be so lazy and clean up after yourself and I thought that after last night me being so sick he would have cleaned up a bit after dinner before work but no when I went out to get some water before bed there was shit everywhere he hadn't even scraped the plates there was food all over the bench and the left over food was still on a plate uncovered made me soooo damn angry! I said to him he is shit at being supportive while I am pregnant lol I feel awful saying those things but its true. rant over!!

I feel as though all I am doing lately is whinging which I know I am but god I am just over it all, over feeling like shit, over being tired and I think the whole c section and being away from home for so long has really got me down I just cant wait for it all to be over and we can be home with phoenix and hunter and know that we don't have to go back to Melbourne for the whole year.
ohhh i so know how you feel about mick not cleaning up after himself! josh does the same fact he doesn't clean at all! i havnt said anything lately but me holding it in ill probably blow up on him sooner or later. its hard enough for me to keep up with the baby and myself let alone the housework its so just don't get it and i don't think they ever will!

can't believe your MS came back again!! not fair! hopefully it clears up again for you! lol about wanting to tell karen to shut up! i hate that watery mouth feeling its the worst!! I've also had the runs the past few days and my stomachs been really bothering me...i think it might be the BC pills affecting my stomach a bit I'm not really sure though.

how long do these growth spurts last for? chase was awake almost all evening besides 20 minute naps here and there and just eating like every hour! he also is starting to go to bed later and later. last night we didn't get him down till after 2am! any suggestions on how to change that? he was doing so good going to bed at 10 every night and then slowly he made his way till 2am :dohh:
Lol it's so true I don't think they ever will! My dad on the other hand the does the cleaning and the cooking in his house hold as well as work full time he is one of a kind though.

I know really really shot about the ms I have been finding it hard to eat during the day again :( I am still forcing myself but know what comes after it and it sucks lol. That is no good about your stomach! Have you ever had a reaction like that from the pill before?

They can last a few weeks unfortunately but definitely sounds like a growth spurt. I would say try and get some sort of a routine in place say at 7 every night give him a bath a baby massage read him some books or sing him some songs feed him and put him to sleep it will take a week or so but he will see that as time to go to bed it just takes them as while. Do you use a dummy? I really hope he starts sleeping for you Hun there is nothing worse than sleep deprivation and it's not good for him to be going to bed so late either not saying your doing the right thing he just is in a rutt and you guys need to find something that works for you all but the routine should help babies love consistency.
well i got him in bed by 9 and then he woke up 20 minutes later :dohh: lol now he's been sleeping again for about a half hour and its almost 11:30 so crossing my fingers he stays asleep! I've been trying to do a bedtime routine but his naps are so all over the place so its hard to do it at the same time everynight. ill start including baths in his nighttime routine soon but right now i feel more comfortable giving him baths with josh so he can hold him and i can wash him. I'm too scared to do it by myself right now haha. his colic also seems to be getting a little better, at least it has been the past 3 nights so far! he gets fussy but he's not screaming for hours on end so I'm praying that its easing up a bit. oh and we do use a dummy but not very often. he didn't seem to like them much at first but he's starting to a little bit more now. i like that he doesn't rely on them though

i don't really remember ever having a reaction like this to the pill before but its been a long time since I've been on any kind of birth control so i don't really remember. for all i know it could just be part of my recovery from the section but i dunno.

your dad must be one of a kind! lol i think my dad only cleans up in fear of my mom yelling at him :haha:

ugh that sucks having to force yourself to eat especially knowing you're just going to puke it up later :sick: really hope it gets better for you soon hun
Aw that's cute that you are still scared to bath him they are so small and fragile aren't they! You should start trying to do it but when josh is there and just have him as a back up next to you in case you get scared or uncomfortable you will be surprised how easy it is. Does josh bath him on his own or do you always do it together?
It is good that he doesn't rely on it I still haven't decided if we will use dummies or not it depend son how well he soothes but I won't use one during the night I don't think as it's so annoying every time it falls out of there mouth they cry! Hunter is completely obsessed with his dummy which I hate! When I was in Melbourne they just constantly put it in his mouth and he has become so damn attached to it I have had to start hiding them! I think I am going to have to be a bit more stern when I am in Melbourne with things like nap time and how I get home to sleep and when I do and don't want him to have the dummy because they tend to just do what they want and it's frustrating!

It very well could be all part of your recovery your hormones are doing crazy things at the moment trying to go back to normal after being pregnant and then the hormones and chemicals that are released after labor and when you milk comes in there is some much craziness going on in your body it took me like 6 months to feel normal again I use to get horrible nausea every time I bf because of the hormone surges it sucked.

I think it could also be that men from that era aren't as lazy either lol they work a lot harder (well most) and there values and morals are completely different to men of today. This sounds silly but I would love to live back in the horse and cart days lol

Well I threw up this morning within like 5 minutes of eating breakfast :( but I have been lightly snacking through the day rather than having breakfast and lunch I had a yogurt and half a banana and then some orange and some Turkish bread pieces with low fat dip and cheese lol and i haven't felt sick at all. I have also been drinking a lot more water today I have been struggling with that so I put it in the freezer today to make it super cold and it's been heaps easier to stomach it.

I am currently in the battle zone with hunter lol he just wants to play today and not sleep! He keeps taking his dummy out handing it to me them asking for it back then pretending to go to sleep grrr I wish he would just lay in his bed and sleep lol but I know it is going to take time.
ahahaa hunter makes me laugh :) he really likes to push his boundaries when it comes to bedtime/naptime lol its cute (to me) frustrating for you I'm sure.

no good to throwing up your breakfast :nope: maybe the little snacks throughout the day will be better for you than full meals. and yes definitely do the freezing cold water! thats the only way i could drink enough when i was prego otherwise i wanted nothing to do with it

josh doesn't bathe him on his own...we just do it together. he holds him up and i wash him lol. thats a good idea though i should really get used to doing it by myself!

so we had a horrible night last night. chase cried from like 12:30-2:30ish...didnt fall asleep until 3:30 it was the worst. josh let me sleep through most of his cries which was nice because i was really exhausted from the night before. I'm really hoping it doesn't happen again tonight, at least not that late because josh picked up an overtime shift from 8am-3 so we both need some sleep!

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