Anybody get pregnant after Hysteroscopy to remove polyp/fibroid/lap to unblock tubes?

hey girls hope you dont mind me joining in?

i had a lap/dye and hysteroscopy yesterday. The dr said that they couldnt find a R/tube and the R/ovary was small. There was some endo behind my L/ovary but that was removed and everything else was fine. do you ladies think that this will have a big impact on me conceiving? i am trying to stay positive but cant help but feel low about the news. Also i am in alot of pain today but nowhere near as bad as yesterday!

Any help would be massivley appreciated :flower:
Wannabeprego, thanks for sharing. Just went in to dr. And found 3 or 4 polyps they'll remove. Good news is everything else (and they did every test) was good, so hopefully this will fix it. If my math is right, you had some success after?
goodness this was a long time ago. But good news ladies, it took us 6 1/2 months after the operation and we are not finally expecting. good luck to all of you ladies and :dust:
Congrats laustiredttc! Hoping for an easy 9mos for you!
Thanks hun, its been such a long road already :) its great that they removed the polyps. Here is wishing you good luck for the road ahead :dust:
I don't know whether I should be happy (they found something treatable!) or nervous. Thank you for pushing me more toward the happy end :)
hey hun please dont be worried. When i had mine they told me i was born with only one tube on the left, my left ovary and a non functional right ovary. Plus they said i had a low amh and also i had some endometriosis behind my left ovary which they also removed. I truly believe that we would still be ttc if we had not had this operation. Its all good from here huni so now you can have lots of fun :sex: lots and lots of luck. Just think now that they know what it was you have even more of a chance getting your :bfp: now :hugs:
Thank you laustiredttc, your story is very comforting :)

I know this thread is old, so I'm going to try rejuvenate it. I'll try to blend the scientific with the personal, and would be happy to share, sympathize, wait together... Hopefully it will help someone else. But at the least it will be a release valve for me.

On a personal note, I'm in my mid 30s in relatively good health. A couple of years ago, I had some general body aches. After repeatedly telling my doctor it was not fibromyalgia or pscyhosomatic, they finally diagnosed me with polycythemia, a rare condition where you have too many red blood cells. After 1 year ttc (well part ntnc), I had some spotting. Implantation, I hoped, but no. A while later they confirmed endometrial polyps. Turns out this could account for the polycythemia. Fertility-wise, other than the polyps and I mildly raised TSH level (3.3), DH and I have excellent fertility profiles.

I have a hysteroscopy, polypectomy, and D&C for 9/9/2013. After reading about it, I wish we could just do it today. But doctor says it is best to wait for next month. If he said jump, I would ask how high, so we wait. Who knows, this month could work. With well over 1 year ttc, I have my doubts. But I did have an HSG which is supposed to help the odds.

I geeked out on scientific papers about hysteroscopy yesterday. I feel that this is definitely the next step for us. I love my doctor and have utmost faith in him, but I have an analytical mind and needed to see the science for myself.

In case anyone is in the same boat, here's what I've learned:

average age range for patients with polyps- mid 30s

chance of complication- 1-2%, vast majority were minor complications

chance of recurrence- maximum 5%. This was a smaller study, and some studies showed recurrence rates as low as 1%)

proportion of participants that became pregnant after procedure- on the low end, one study said 40 (this was a group with multiple failed IVFs and on average 6+ years of ttc), on the high end, 78%!!! Now the studies differ on whether the participants differed with whether they tried the natural way, IUI, or IVF, follow-up times were different, etc.
I'd say that 60% is likely to be accurate.

If anyone wants the references, I've listed them and even have a write up (please ask!).

Between the findings and what I've heard on the boards, I feel hope again and my aim here is to share this hope with anybody feeling lost. I will follow up regularly and report my successes and my set backs.

Baby dust to all
Thank you laustiredttc, your story is very comforting :)

I know this thread is old, so I'm going to try rejuvenate it. I'll try to blend the scientific with the personal, and would be happy to share, sympathize, wait together... Hopefully it will help someone else. But at the least it will be a release valve for me.

On a personal note, I'm in my mid 30s in relatively good health. A couple of years ago, I had some general body aches. After repeatedly telling my doctor it was not fibromyalgia or pscyhosomatic, they finally diagnosed me with polycythemia, a rare condition where you have too many red blood cells. After 1 year ttc (well part ntnc), I had some spotting. Implantation, I hoped, but no. A while later they confirmed endometrial polyps. Turns out this could account for the polycythemia. Fertility-wise, other than the polyps and I mildly raised TSH level (3.3), DH and I have excellent fertility profiles.

I have a hysteroscopy, polypectomy, and D&C for 9/9/2013. After reading about it, I wish we could just do it today. But doctor says it is best to wait for next month. If he said jump, I would ask how high, so we wait. Who knows, this month could work. With well over 1 year ttc, I have my doubts. But I did have an HSG which is supposed to help the odds.

I geeked out on scientific papers about hysteroscopy yesterday. I feel that this is definitely the next step for us. I love my doctor and have utmost faith in him, but I have an analytical mind and needed to see the science for myself.

In case anyone is in the same boat, here's what I've learned:

average age range for patients with polyps- mid 30s

chance of complication- 1-2%, vast majority were minor complications

chance of recurrence- maximum 5%. This was a smaller study, and some studies showed recurrence rates as low as 1%)

proportion of participants that became pregnant after procedure- on the low end, one study said 40 (this was a group with multiple failed IVFs and on average 6+ years of ttc), on the high end, 78%!!! Now the studies differ on whether the participants differed with whether they tried the natural way, IUI, or IVF, follow-up times were different, etc.
I'd say that 60% is likely to be accurate.

If anyone wants the references, I've listed them and even have a write up (please ask!).

Between the findings and what I've heard on the boards, I feel hope again and my aim here is to share this hope with anybody feeling lost. I will follow up regularly and report my successes and my set backs.

Baby dust to all

Hi xanzaba! Good luck with your hysterocopy/polypectomy/d&c next month. I've read a lot of studies on the procedure as well, and it really does seem to do the trick for some women.

I had a hysteroscopy and polypectomny in June, in conjunction with my laparoscopy. My polyp was very small, but it had caused my lining to be extra thick and the inside of my uterus looked extremely red and irritated. I think I may have had a d&c done as well looking at the before and after pics and the amount of bleeding I experienced post procedure.

I am on my second cycle of trying after those procedures. I am hopeful, but at the same time, I've been trying for almost two years now, so I am realistic at the same time. When I got the bfn the month afterward, I was a quite despondent, but now I realize it could be that my body was still healing and that my lining was too thin after all the bleeding I experienced the month before. The studies are very reassuring though and I find myself reviewing them often.
Thank you, Calidreaming, for your story. I'm glad that I'm not the only one geeking out on here!

How was the procedure/recovery for you? Did they give you the happy gas? How long did it take until you were you up and about?

Good luck with your adventure- hope to hear some good news soon!
Since I had a laparoscopy too, I was put under general anesthesia. But even with all the procedures I had done, the recovery was not bad at all, but I did feel a lot slower. I wasn't in a lot of pain and stopped taking the pain meds two days afterward because they were making me really sleepy and I hated feeling slow and groggy. I remember the first week, I was most concerned with staying off of the incisions, and I was getting up gingerly to keep from using my abs. I took a week off from work. The second week was better, but I still felt slow. It was a gradual improvement.

I was moving around really slowly for the first week and had to get up gingerly. I started trying to walk again 3-4 days after the surgery. I didn't even feel up to attempting to run like I usually do until two weeks after, and during the middle of my run and I had to go back to walking. I think it took about 3-4 weeks before I started to feel like I had before the surgery.

I was really surprised by the amount of bleeding I had after the surgery. I had bleeding for about 2-3 days afterward that was a little heavier than my normal periods--which are usually pretty moderate flow. I thought the bleeding was over with, but then when AF came 2 weeks later, I bled pretty heavily for 5 days (my periods are usually less than 3 days with only moderately heavy bleeding on the first day and light to moderate flow the rest of the days. We had even attempted to TTC that cycle because I O'ed a week after the lap, but once AF came I realized my body was in no way ready for pregnancy that soon! I'm not sure if the bleeding was from the lap or from the

Now I'm just hoping that it's a matter of time because the only thing left for us to do is IVF, which we can't afford.
29 days to go until surgery. 3 dpo and starting to feel some tww symptoms this month. I never realized how much I wanted a BFP until I started imagining all these symptoms each month. So far, my tww symptoms are:

2dpo- pressure in lower abdomen (different than O pains, which were on left side, this is central). Also, nausea in early evening.
3dpo- same pressure and bbs seem to have grown a bit

Now I know this is too early to have symptoms caused by progesterone, but there are many things we don't know, such as what symptoms early pregnancy factor causes. Could also be wishful thinking, or denial that surgery will actually occur. Did have an HSG this month which is supposed to boost fertility. Will try not to be too tww obsessed... will probably fail :)
Hey ladies hope its all going well!

Xanzaba, i totally love all of the stats, reserach etc... sometimes i felt as if i knew more than some of the nurses, docs etc... as i had done that much research on the different types of fertility. Will be lurking in here hun counting down the days till your op with ya :)

Hey Cali, its great to see you in here :thumbup: How long has been since your ops hun?

It took us just over 6 months after our op to get our bfp, i think my body needed that time to readjust itself in order to be ready.

Hoping you dont mind me lurking in here girls to see how you all get on :hugs:
Hi laus! I had my surgery in June so I'm in my second cycle of trying this time. I am relieved to hear that it took you six months afterward to conceive. How were your periods after your surgery? Were you really anxious when you got bfns on times you tried after the surgery? I am feeling pretty hopeless right now.

I know there are so many women who fall pregnant immediately after the lap/hysteroscopy, but I agree, I do think it takes some women more time to heal. My first period after the surgery was a killer, and while my second one was much better, I had terrible 2ww symptoms. This 2ww I have felt surprisingly good and energetic and haven't had any symptoms at all. I guess my hormones are back where they're supposed to be.
Hi Calidreaming- where are you on your 2ww? If it helps, we can keep each other company. I also understand if that's not what you need to do right now.

It's been a rollercoaster for me, that's for sure. The first month trying I was convinced it took. There have been a few months where I couldn't believe AF showed up, including last December, when everything looked bleak. Have you done clomid or IUI? I haven't been there yet, but I heard they are less expensive.
Xanzaba, I'm 5 dpo today. Wow, we're really close cycle wise. I'm doing clomid/bravelle/HCG trigger and timed intercourse, and my two previous cycles I had tons of symptoms but this one I feel completely normal. We're not doing IUI to keep costs down since the RE told me it probably wouldn't increase our chances that much. So the only thing I have to pay for are the drugs and those are only around $200 a month whereas I'd have to pay over $1000 per cycle for IUI.

Rollercoaster ride is a perfect way of describing TTC. I've also had those months where I was convinced I was pregnant and so crushed when it didn't happen. Last cycle was like that, and I even had gotten a positive OPK at 12 dpo (I was too chicken to use a hpt). AF have the nerve to be a day late to make things even worse.
Ugh, hate AF! I remember the first time I realized that AF meant one less chance to get pregnant. It made me so sad. We started trying a month later. I've never been pregnant and starting to worry I may never be...

Our cycles are pretty close! I'm at either 3 or 4 dpo depending upon if I start from temp peak or last EWCM. With the heat and air conditioning my temps are more erratic than usual.

I hope you get your BFP this month :)
Laustiredttc- the more the merrier, and especially with that baby dust all over you! How are you getting on with your pregnancy?

General question- do either of you ladies know what causes polyps/increases the risk? A few years back, my TSH was in a nice healthy range (1.7). For the past 2 years, my TSH has been high (3 +), borderline hypothyroid, but has never gotten to 4. Last appointment it was 3.3, highest ever. Does thyroid disease increase odds of polyps? My current doc is going to test me again at pre-op and if it is above 3 is going to put me on hormones. My last doctor (GP) said it 3.2 was good, and wouldn't even repeat the test.
Hey Cali, my periods were a bit off after the surgery being heavy then light. I even bled in two cycles were i ovulated? Then one month for the first time ever since ttc i am 98% certain i didn't even ovulate, a first for me. So i started to think that maybe the op had even messed up my body but then i realized that my body just needed some time to heal itself. The endo was removed and my body was responding to that. So i guess i'm saying to give it a bit of time and see what happens then. :hugs:

Hey xanzaba, cheers hun. I don't really like going in the first or sec tri forums.

I remember my mum telling me my aunty had polyps before having them removed, a while later she got preg. I don't think there is anything definitive that would cause polyps hun or increase their risk. Did you say that you have had your estrogen levels checked? Sometimes an excess of the hormone can promote polyps to grow so might be a good idea to check them. Also i would def ask your doctor more about your TSH levels as i have heard that this could possibly have an affect on fertility as some doctors even say that having a TSH level of between 1-2 is the ideal for women being able to normalize.
I only have a limited knowledge on this so please don't take this as gospel hun :hugs:
Hey Cali, my periods were a bit off after the surgery being heavy then light. I even bled in two cycles were i ovulated? Then one month for the first time ever since ttc i am 98% certain i didn't even ovulate, a first for me. So i started to think that maybe the op had even messed up my body but then i realized that my body just needed some time to heal itself. The endo was removed and my body was responding to that. So i guess i'm saying to give it a bit of time and see what happens then. :hugs:

Hey xanzaba, cheers hun. I don't really like going in the first or sec tri forums.

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I was afraid the op had messed me up too! I can understand why you don't like the pregnancy forums. It must be quite an adjustment after dealing with TTC so long.

Laustiredttc- the more the merrier, and especially with that baby dust all over you! How are you getting on with your pregnancy?

General question- do either of you ladies know what causes polyps/increases the risk? A few years back, my TSH was in a nice healthy range (1.7). For the past 2 years, my TSH has been high (3 +), borderline hypothyroid, but has never gotten to 4. Last appointment it was 3.3, highest ever. Does thyroid disease increase odds of polyps? My current doc is going to test me again at pre-op and if it is above 3 is going to put me on hormones. My last doctor (GP) said it 3.2 was good, and wouldn't even repeat the test.

I agree with Lau. No one really knows what causes polyps, but they do grow from excess estrogen so they think that may be a cause. My estrogen was completely normal, so I have no idea why a got a polyp. I know it was there years before I got pregnant. I think it may have grown while I was pregnant and caused the problems I am experiencing now. My TSH was on the low side at .5, but I was told not to worry about it. I wonder if that caused it to form.

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