Anybody get pregnant after Hysteroscopy to remove polyp/fibroid/lap to unblock tubes?

I remember my mum telling me my aunty had polyps before having them removed, a while later she got preg. I don't think there is anything definitive that would cause polyps hun or increase their risk. Did you say that you have had your estrogen levels checked? Sometimes an excess of the hormone can promote polyps to grow so might be a good idea to check them. Also i would def ask your doctor more about your TSH levels as i have heard that this could possibly have an affect on fertility as some doctors even say that having a TSH level of between 1-2 is the ideal for women being able to normalize.
I only have a limited knowledge on this so please don't take this as gospel hun :hugs:

The doc did check estrogen and it was normal. The only thing off is the TSH. It's been in the 3 range for a bit. They're going to do a full thyroid panel and see if I have Hashimoto's. Hopefully figuring out what is going on with my thyroid and the hysteroscopy will do the trick.

Had a bit of a set back today and lost my brave face. :nope: I decided to call the doc to schedule the pre-op and the surgery. When the assistant answered, I couldn't speak. She was very friendly and understanding about my choking up. When I put the phone down, I realized I was shaking so hard my glass of water was sloshing all over the place. Spilt water, of all things, sent me into a sobbing fit.

The next thing on my list was the DMV. DH decided to come with me to get his license renewed as well. After a surprisingly efficient, friendly and short DMV experience, we stopped at a mall for lunch and to return some items. Well, my darling, darling DH had me cracking up pointing out the most eccentric clothes/furniture and guessing where one might wear/put them. I was crying with laughter by the end of shopping.
Yeah, choking up happens sometimes when TTC. I've broken down a couple of times on the phone and at appointments. Embarassing, but I guess all those negative emotions have to come out sometime. Your dh is a dear for cheering you up afterward!
ah bless huni, Cali is right TTC is such an emotional rollercoaster that the emotions we have tend to come out when we least expect them. Its better out than in huni :hugs:

Where would we be as well without are amazing dh, they always come through for us :)
I know the doctor said polyps reduce your chance of implantation, so I'm trying not to get excited. But my chest is aching! For 3 or 4 days now, I only have one or two bras I can wear, and the cups are a bit snug. Plus, yesterday I ate anything that wasn't nailed down. For lunch I had asian noodles, when it came out I thought- "That is a huge plate of noodles" and after I thought "Well, there were a ton a vegetables in there".

eeeek that was the only thing i noticed hun too. very slightly sore and veiny boobs but only very slightly for me, fx this is it for you huni :dust:
I hope you get your bfp xanzaba. Remember, polyps only reduce your chances of implantations, they don't take you out of the game entirely so you still have a shot. I am pretty sure I had my polyp when I got pregnant the first time around. It took me 8 months but it eventually happened.
Thanks, ladies, for all the support. Really wanted to test today, but woke up in the middle of the night to pee. Oh well, I'll increase chance of BFP by waiting one more day.
Well, after having loads of symptoms this month, there was a day where it just stopped. AF showed her nasty head yesterday and I am okay with it. I'm pretty sure something happened (good) but there was just a failure to implant (going to get fixed with the polypectomy). After seeing doctor, DH is aware of needing to take care of himself (drink less, watch blood sugar- he's a type 1 diabetic). There have been other months where symptoms began and then just stopped, so I am thinking that the polypectomy is going to be a good thing.

I have a pre-op appointment on Thursday. So glad the time has slipped by so fast! Vacation followed by busy time at work. I am going to be going to post-op appointment before I know it.
Sorry AF came but so glad to see you're still optimistic. The research on the success rates after polypectomy really are encouraging.
Thanks Calidreaming! My odds will be good and I'm not worried. I was talking to my mother the other day and she was saying if it wasn't meant to be, it's not meant to be. I began thinking, DH and I have a pretty good life, and I love my work. Somehow this whole thing becomes larger than life and I couldn't see beyond the next TWW. I think it will be good to take a break. I'm going to try to get back in better shape in the meantime and concentrate on work and friends and me.
Hi Girls. Researched to the point of not being able to do anything else. Can any of you give me information on what next to expect. We love our Dr and staff but not knowing all the questions it seems that we are not being told all the information that we need to know. Its like we can not learn enough about any and all of this. TTC for two years plus. Had all the tests mid 30's and all tested fine. DH is good but a little lower then average, he had varicoceles surgery ouch to correct over heating. His numbers increased and is good. We decided with info to do ICSI, again on the eve of hopefully reaching our goals another test is recommended they have suspicion of uterine polyps, another delay do we retest or go for the OP hysteroscope. They said rather then put me through OP HYst not knowing for certain wait for next period and do retesting. If it does not show then we just continue on schedule, if not then go on BC pills to keep lining thin and do the OP HYST. Nervous! but I had to do it they said it would make it much more risky to conceive, implant and to carry full term without a miscarriage if they were not removed. So I did it, about a week ago. Nervous, Dr nurses were all very nice did not like the anesthesiologist cold short and made my DH feel like he was invisible. Dr spoke after with DH told him everything went well showed him pictures (I want a copy) Told him removed polyps ?2 and polypy type material sections? Is this material the start of new polyps? They did not see any of this material in the saline sonogram? Dr said I now have a beautiful clean uterus and that we were now good to proceed. Our question is How long till we have sex and TTC? How soon can we do ICSI transfer and that it will be the best time and soonest possible with the best chances of success? (With only small polyps and polypy material removed and having had only moderate bleeding the first day after OP that diminished to non within three days). Thank you for any information that anyone can confirm from first hand experience. Thank you, Praying
I had a hysteroscopy and a lap and my doctor put no restrictions on sex afterward. On my discharge sheet she said I could resume all activities after I felt up to it. I stopped bleeding a little more than two days afterward, and we started dtd again about 4-5 days afterward because I wanted to catch ovulation. I got a bfn that cycle but I had no complications from having resumed TTC that early.

I don't have any experience with IVF but from what I've read they almost always immediately resume with IVF after polypectomies. I think when you're trying naturally, it may take some time to build the lining back for some women but with IVF they give you drugs to do that so it doesn't matter.
Hi Praying- sounds like you're doing well! Haven't had the polypectomy yet so I don't know what it'll be like. My doctor said that he recommends taking birth control pills, so I assume that it would be 3-4 weeks after surgery.

Sounds like we have a similar course. I'm mid-30s with everything else on track. Hope that you will keep us updated on your journey.

Also, did you have general anaesthesia? I'm trying to figure out what to expect...
Hi Praying- sounds like you're doing well! Haven't had the polypectomy yet so I don't know what it'll be like. My doctor said that he recommends taking birth control pills, so I assume that it would be 3-4 weeks after surgery.

Sounds like we have a similar course. I'm mid-30s with everything else on track. Hope that you will keep us updated on your journey.

Also, did you have general anaesthesia? I'm trying to figure out what to expect...
Hi xanzaba- I had general anaesthesia. The anaestheoligist the hospital used we did not like, cold and brief, he made my DH feel as if he wasn't even there, that infuriated both of us. As far as how it went for me I knew nothing till it was done. I woke up groggy, normal for this, discharge like a heavy cycle, more discomfort then pain, for me something like a heavy period. The only pain meds I took was while I was still in the recovery room. They gave me a script that DH had filled for me but never really needed it. I did take one extra strength regular over the counter tylenol the first night. Three days and all spotting stopped. This morning I got what feels like gas pains again, but nothing horrible. My Dr has me on BC pills at least till tomorrow when we see her for post op and consult? She told us that we would only be maybe two weeks behind what we initially wanted in timing. We are worried cause for a year and a half it has been a rollercoaster ride that has been really tough, worries, concerns, emotions, not knowing at times if what all this is doing to both of us, our lives, our health, our finances and the billing oh my God we have never seen a billing disaster that this has been, between the insurance co which for us covers very little and the providers it is so ambiguous that we don't know with out asking what anything is and what was or not paid, this is the last thing we need to go through with all this. Everytime we get over the current problem another one comes up. My DH trys to be strong for me us, he does everything he can, he works long hours and comes home and still wants to do everything and anything for me, but it has gotten to the point that both of us have times that we cannot control our emotions and we break down and cry uncontrolably at any time for unknown reasons making us sometimes think and question is all this really worth having children? Well the answer is YES a hundred thousand million times YES. We soon will be married for three years we dated for a long time and knew each other for more then ten years b4 we got married and good or bad we did not live together. We discussed many things in those years and on our wedding day we knew each other better then we knew ourselves. The long courtship was not planned life just sometimes makes things happen. My point is we discussed children family and what we both wanted our lives together to bring us to. We both come from large families. We promised each other at least five children health and finances permitting. Now we wonder if all the times I missed or was late for my period was because of these polyps? Prior to TTC my periods were always on time 28 days like clock work but sometings heavy and more painfull then others. Back to what to expect beyond what I said above for me if I had to do it again I would have no second thoughts about it, for me it really was not bad, tired, mild to moderate discomfort, some crampiing, not much bleeding, mild blooting. We all are different and each case is different and depends on so many things, but now having been through it and both I and DH researching this to the point that it was all that we did, I feel that if you go to a specialist that does these things all the time it shouldn't be all that bad. Tomorrow We get I hope the word on when we can proceed, Oh Please Dear God let us all finially start having the families we all are wanting to have. Sorry about this long post but this whole thing has really taken over our entire lives. Just maybe after going through all this it will amke raising our children like a party LOL.
I had a hysteroscopy and a lap and my doctor put no restrictions on sex afterward. On my discharge sheet she said I could resume all activities after I felt up to it. I stopped bleeding a little more than two days afterward, and we started dtd again about 4-5 days afterward because I wanted to catch ovulation. I got a bfn that cycle but I had no complications from having resumed TTC that early.

I don't have any experience with IVF but from what I've read they almost always immediately resume with IVF after polypectomies. I think when you're trying naturally, it may take some time to build the lining back for some women but with IVF they give you drugs to do that so it doesn't matter.
Hi Calidreaming- Wow that is great for you. My Dr told me nothing till at least tomorrow which will be a week since my operation and all I had was a hysteroscopy to remove uterine polyps and polypy matterial. I hope that you are right about meds will make it that we can proceed right away with out risking anything. I am still concerned about that though because Dr wants me to continue BC pills at least till she sees us tomorrow?
It is great news that you had no complications from TTC right after your operation. We hope that you too will have great news with your next cycle.
Hello Pray- sounds like it was well worth it, finances notwithstanding! On a serious note, it sounds like we are pretty similar in our ttcing.

I think this is(for me, was for you) the thing to do and hope you will keep us in the loop with your recovery.

During the surgery I want to know nothing, so no local anaesthetic. This might sound weird to say, but I've had wisdom teeth with and without global anaesthetic and thought the recovery was easier after global. Have a pre-op on Thursday, surgery on the 9th. Will let you know how it goes!
Have my pre-op this morning. Set my alarm so I wouldn't oversleep, but was up at 5:30 without help.

Don't know why, but I am getting really nervous for pre-op appointment. Could barely think of anything else once they called to confirm the appointment. I'm sure everything will be okay. Just wish this was already done and over and I was on the other side looking back. Waiting a month is tough!

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