anyone 2dpo?

Hey girls
9dpo and I'm really moody - but that may not mean anything and dh would probably say it's no different from normal in the week before AF!

Slightly weird thing - about 6dpo I had a weird flutter quite low down and to the left, but didn't think much of it. Then the following day had some mild twinges in exactly the same place. Then yesterday evening had about 9 or 10 sharp stabbing pains, in the same place again, lasted about 3 minutes in total. Today the odd mild twinge again, but yesterday was really sudden and noticeable. Definitely not my mind playing tricks as it was real pain (not too severe, but sharp enough to make me change position!) - but then again it could be anything! No spotting or anything as I've noticed, but we've got orange loo paper at the moment which is not really conducive to spotting these things!

Cutie - hopefully your temp dip is a good sign!

Will test tomorrow morning early - but not getting too hopeful as it's still fairly early and I still don't trust the ICs too much - used the same brand for OPK and never got a really strong line - but I'm so sure I O'd as I can really feel it every month at the same time.
Ooh that sounds really good! Perhaps that pain was some type of implantation?? I wouldn't worry about not seeing spotting - implantation spotting is rare and most people don't get any. It sounds like it could be very good news for you!

I'm going to test tomorrow too, but as you said I won't be totally disappointed if not because it really is too early. It's not over until the witch shows her face! Good luck!
hey girls i am still debating on testing tomorrow but i am also 9dpo and getting inpatient!!!
the stabbing pain sounds promising for implantation ive heard lots of woman say that and then go on to get there bfp good luck for you both tomorow xxx
Hi girls

Thanks for the good luck Claire - sadly it didn't work this time as got BFN when I tested this morning! But it is still fairly early I guess, or maybe it's just not my month! I'll probably just wait till AF due now.

I hope Cutie has better news!

Hi SecondJoy - don't want to encourage you to test if you'd prefer to exercise some willpower and wait - but if I were you I'd probably go for it! Hope it's good news for you too.

Well I tested this morning and also got :bfn:. Surprisingly I'm not that upset by it, I think either I've convinced myself it's too early or I've convinced myself it's not going to happen this month. My temp did go back up today, so I guess that's a good sign. AF is due on Thursday, so I should know soon enough! I'm going to try to resist testing anymore until Thursday morning.

Belle, I don't think you're necessarily out for the month - 10dpo is very early.

TTCsecondjoy, let us know how it goes for you if you decide to test!
Sorry about your single line Cutie - but glad you're not letting it get you down! We're all still in with a chance, so roll on Thursday - or Friday or Saturday - so that we can get on with things one way or the other!
sorry to hear that Claire - how are you feeling? We're not finished for this month yet - the more i read, the more i realise that the bfp comes later than 10dpo for most girls
aww im feeling crappy my boobs are hurting so much and my mood is sky rocketing south! how r u?
Hi Claire, so sorry to hear of your BFN, but I agree with Belle, we are too early to get discouraged yet. Sore boobs and moodiness are positive signs, so I think you've definitely still got a shot. I don't have any symptoms at all, except acne, which I always have before AF, so I don't think this is it for me. On a positive note, I have bloodwork scheduled for Friday morning, so hopefully that will lend some insight into PCOS or some other thing that could be causing my menstrual/ttc issues. It isn't over until AF shows, so good luck girls!
I'm ok thanks Claire, trying to concentrate on other things but as you know it's not easy!

Sorry to hear you're feeling awful - I really hope you feel better soon. Even just to know one way or the other would be something! We're not out for this month yet.

I was in a foul mood on Sunday (cross with the world), and then last night was just miserable and tearful, and then this morning I found myself singing in the kitchen, even though I used up my last HPT this morning just for another BFN, and obsessed over what I reckon was an evap line that no one else would have even been able to see.

I keep reading about people's sore boobs and creamy cm and feel a bit left out because I have neither! CM no different from normal - if anything a bit less than normal. The only thing I have had for a couple of days now is backache just like AF cramps - although don't normally get this until after the witch has arrived.

How are you Cutie? Best of luck with your bloodwork on Fri - hope you get some helpful answers - if you don't get your BFP beforehand that is!
belle, you know most women dont actually get any syptoms until waaay after there missed period around 6 weeks, i have had cremay cm for 8 days but got another BFN today on clearblue so i still think im out. My boobs hurt though but this is just normal for me before AF it will wear of tomorow if its a average cycle. Dopnt be discouraged by the lack of symptoms becuause i bet the month you get your BFP you were convinced that AF was coming as normal. Keep ya chin up hun xx

Cutie - i didnt know you had PCOS i hope the bloodwork goes well for you hun xxx

and as for me ive had a blazing row with OH as he wont do a sperm sample for the doctor he always said he had super sperm to match his super ego! now i guess the possibilty of it not being so super isnt going down very well. Im not speaking to him anyway i would do anything for him and he knows how important this is for me and yet he just shrugs it of like nothing. And my PMT is just making me hate him more so i just dont want to speak to him at the minute.
I agree about lack of symptoms - plenty of folks don't have them until after missed AF. Belle, are you sure it was an evap? I've never had one, so I don't know what they look like. Any chance it could have been a faint BFP?

I don't have PCOS for sure - the gyno thinks that's probably what it is, based on bloodwork I had done, but she referred me to the endocrinologist for more detailed bloodwork (that's what is on Friday), and then depending what that says I'll have a scan to confirm/deny PCOS. I was feeling very weepy this morning, I just don't feel like this is it for me. :(

Claire, I'm so sorry about your row with OH. I think all men think their sperm is super sperm, but he should be more understanding that it has taken this long. If he's so sure he's fine, he wouldn't be scared to have a test done to confirm it! Maybe once you've both calmed a little you could try discussing it with him again, being sure to say you're sure he's probably fine but that the docs won't investigate you further until they're sure he's fine first. I hope you two can patch things up soon, because you might need a little more support around this time of the month (whether it's good or bad news, hopefully good!).
cutie - aw well at least your moving forward to finding out if you have PCOS or not if it is they may perscribe clomid or sumthing like that for you. So sorry your feeling down in the dumps hun hugz

Yea i know all men think they have super sperm and he probs has, its me with only 1 god damn ovary! I go into my owne little shell at this time of the month and i come out of it around day 5 or y new cycle i dont ask for support from my OH i just go quiet and withdrawn he carnt stand talking about TCC for more than 30 seconds beccasue it bores him. We have 1 daughter and although he would like another its not he bee all and end all for him he would certainly never get down about it. Unfortunalty he is just a selfish bloke who really doesnt think of anyone but himself and our daughter.
Thanks Claire and you're right I'm thinking about it way too early - I guess I'm just trying to find something to defy the bright white test sticks I'm getting!

Sorry you've had a row - these things always seem to happen to top it all off when we're feeling crap! We're only in our first month ttc but i already stupidly asked my dh one day if he reckoned his sperm were fit and healthy and plentiful... he joked and said yeah they were all whizzy and had sat nav - but i could tell he didn't really like the question! (like he'd know the answer anyway!!) I think they see it as some kind of threat to their masculinity - but they don't always seem to understand quite how important it is to us or how much we think and worry about it. Men have this uncanny ability to block things out or pretend like they're not important.

Give each other some space and he'll probably come round to the idea when he's calmed down. Without being mean to your oh or mine or anyone's, I think we girls have to be the strong ones in situations like these and help the men along the road a bit like they're children themselves - he's probably just scared of the results and scared of feeling less of a man, so he needs reassurance and to feel like he's a big man who can handle this silly test! I get this all the time with my dh (not to do with ttc, but other things) and I used to find it really frustrating and unfair - why should I always have to be the strong one when I'm scared too and I need support? But now I just try and get on with it. As women we're emotionally much stronger (although they seem to be completely unbothered by stuff, there's nothing strong about just ignoring things), and we're better at supporting and encouraging and making other people feel more secure and confident! So play to your strengths - try and act happy and 'normal' as if you've forgotten all about his stubbornness. He'll be feeling guilty as men brood over things and he won't just have brushed it off deep down. The more normal and relaxed you act (hard with PMT, I know, but give it a go!), the more he'll feel like he's being a bit unreasonable. Work on making him feel confident and secure and a big man - and then in a few days when things have smoothed over, find a good time to bring it up gently again.

Omg listen to me going on, I sound like a marriage counsellor! I don't mean to sound patronising - this is just how I've learnt to deal with dh's paddies and I read a lot of books!! And I still haven't learnt that well...

Good luck and hope you get it sorted out soon x
Great idea from Cutie about telling him that the docs won't look further at you till they've CONFIRMED the FINE QUALITY of his sperm! (frame it positively!) And you could say that you don't want to push him to do it if he's not comfortable, and it should be his decision - but it just seems to be a sensible thing to do. Then he won't feel too pressured and will feel like he's in control and making the decision himself because he's sensible.
Amateur psychology rocks!

Well between the three of us we're so understanding and convincing that I'm half way out the door to get my sperm checked.

Oh but just remembered I haven't got any. Good job too - and aren't you relieved? It sounds like such a huge responsibility and brings up so many issues for the poor guys... aren't we lucky we only have ovaries (1 or 2!) and tubes and follicles and eggs and a uterus and only have to keep everything warm and cosy for 9 months. I have no idea how we'd cope with sperm. :winkwink::winkwink:
lol, we're so lucky! You just made me laugh aloud here at work. :)

On a more serious note, that was great advice Belle! I too have mentioned it to my OH and he didn't seem to like the idea either, but I'm hoping he will go if we get to that point. I think you are exactly right about us needing to be the strong one (how unfair) and it would be best if somehow you could convince him it was his idea or his decision to go. I know this is easier said than done - best of luck to you hun!

Well on a ttc note, I had a tiny bit of brown spotting, only on the tissue, when I went to the restroom this morning. I haven't had anymore since then, but I think that means the witch is on her way early. I hope you two have better luck!
Glad I made someone smile today! I don't mean to make light of something that can be really upsetting and frustrating, but sometimes I despair over what we go through because of our OHs antics and attitudes - and I have to giggle about it or I'd get so angry! Can you imagine if they had to cope with AF every month (or however often we're 'lucky' enough to get the visit?!) Doesn't bear thinking about!

Yes Cutie, pretty sure it was an evap line - didn't appear until after about 20mins and I could barely see it and it was colourless as far as i could tell. Your spotting might not be the witch on her way - I hope not, and sorry you were feeling sad this morning. At least if they do say that it's PCOS then you'll have some answers and you can start working on ways to help - maybe clomid like Claire says.

DH phoned earlier and told me his friend's wife has just given birth to their 3rd baby (not a planned one!) I hope it's all of our turns soon...


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