Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

hi ladies

hope everyone and bumps are well

bethsbooboo - im pregnant with my third, still very early so im still nervous but with my first two i breast fed both till they were a year old,it is possible, just takes time to get use too, same as pregnancy but you can do it:thumbup:

capel - congrats on the scan:happydance:

not much happening here, sugars are a bit higherthen i want, when did everyones lows start kicking in
Hi, This is my first baby, I was diagnosed type 1 3 weeks ago and am being induced next week at 37 weeks. I'm on insulin with each meal and one overnight but my sugars are still so high, always around 7/8 before breakfast and sometimes as high as 10 after lunch, I am really watching what I'm eating and finding it so disheartening when I think my levels will be low then they are high. I had a growth scan at 33 + 2 and baby was 6lb 5oz and another at 35 + 2 where baby was 8lb 11oz. The consultants told me baby will have to go to special care as its sugar levels will be low after receiving my high levels for so long, I wanted to breastfeed but i'm not sure if that will be possible now?
I'm still trying to get my head around the fact i'm type 1, the consultant says its unlikely to be gestational as my fasting level at my GTT was 8.1 and 2 hours later was 20 and aparantly with gestational its not that high.

Hey Bethsbooboo, being told you have type 1 diabetes is so hard, but being told whilst preggers must be even harder.
I was diagnosed 8 years ago and first few months had a real hard time getting the sugars to be perfect. To be honest, I've only just mastered it!! During my first year, my morning sugars were ALWAYS high. My doc then suggested I change when I inject my long acting insulin (which I don't know if you're on) and since then the mornings have been perfect. Also I don't know if you carb count or not. I used to carb count (never worked to be honest and a massive hassle) and now, I just inject a fixed amount every day. I eat the same meals really so I've managed to figure out how many units I need to get a good reading 1 to 2 hours later.

As far as I know breastfeeding is not a problem so hopefully you'll be fine.

I hope your bubba doesn't need to stay in special care for long and everything goes well!!
Capel - CONGRATS on the healthy heart scan!! What a relief it must be!!

How's everyone else doing? I went to my diabetic antenatal last week and was so proud of my amazing sugar control. Even the docs were proud and called me model patient and all. I KNEW I shouldn't have been so proud - I keep getting highs now!!
Hi, This is my first baby, I was diagnosed type 1 3 weeks ago and am being induced next week at 37 weeks. I'm on insulin with each meal and one overnight but my sugars are still so high, always around 7/8 before breakfast and sometimes as high as 10 after lunch, I am really watching what I'm eating and finding it so disheartening when I think my levels will be low then they are high. I had a growth scan at 33 + 2 and baby was 6lb 5oz and another at 35 + 2 where baby was 8lb 11oz. The consultants told me baby will have to go to special care as its sugar levels will be low after receiving my high levels for so long, I wanted to breastfeed but i'm not sure if that will be possible now?
I'm still trying to get my head around the fact i'm type 1, the consultant says its unlikely to be gestational as my fasting level at my GTT was 8.1 and 2 hours later was 20 and aparantly with gestational its not that high.

Hi hun

Dont let the consultant tell you your baby HAS to go to special care because that is not always the case.

with my first pregnancy, i was induced at 37 weeks due to rising levels of protein in my urine. anyway baby was born at 8 lbs 11oz. Yeah i hadnt had the best control over my pregnancy and i wouldnt class 10 as really high. Mine were a lot worse than that. My little one was checked at birth and she was something like 3.8 and then a few times afterwards at regular intervals and it was the same or a little higher. So what your consultant says is not always true, My baby didnt have to go into special care but yes it was a possibliilty. breast feeding is possible, you will just need more snacks before hand.

good luck hun xxx
I agree with Lincolngirl. My son was born at 38 weeks after an induction(which btw is standard I am told) and was 8lb 2oz( Yet at my 36 week growth scan they told me he was already measuring over but I didnt have brilliant control during that pregnancy and his sugars were fine from what I can remember tho he did end up in the scbu as his temp was low and needing warming up. So please dont let them scare you! x x x

I am back up the hops this afternoon annoyingly. Was only there last week but they dont want to leave me 3 weeks till my next appointment(when I have my 12 weeks Scan) so have just gotta 'pop in' for a chat and to look at my bloods...Grrrrr!!!!

Sugars are going OK, nothing too high(mainly between 4-9) which I am happier about now, the Consultant said they are consistant and that was the main thing even tho pre meals they can often be above the target range...But hey ho!

Hope everyone is doing ok?? x
P.S Regarding breastfeeding.....I couldnt do it? Just made me sooooo poorly. I was going down to 1.3 after Jay only just started sucking. So had to nip that in the bud(xcuse the pun lol) sharpish! But I know alot of diabetics who manage just fine. Guess I was just unlucky....
Thanks ladies, hearing your stories has made me feel a bit better, I go weekly to see the consultant and every time they say how bad my sugars are etc so I think that's been making me worry. I am 28 I don't know when people are usually diagnosed? I'm on the long acting insulin at night as well, I've been having it before bed, around 11pm, is that right? They said to me to have a snack but I really don't feel like eating at that time and my sugars are high in the morning so would it be best to snack late or not?
Thanks ladies, hearing your stories has made me feel a bit better, I go weekly to see the consultant and every time they say how bad my sugars are etc so I think that's been making me worry. I am 28 I don't know when people are usually diagnosed? I'm on the long acting insulin at night as well, I've been having it before bed, around 11pm, is that right? They said to me to have a snack but I really don't feel like eating at that time and my sugars are high in the morning so would it be best to snack late or not?

You could be waking up with highs as you went low overnight? If you wake up for a wee in the middle of the night, check and see the result. I used to wake up with highs and it used to help me to have like a bowl of cereal or even a glass of milk before bed but I also hated snacking at night. I now inject the lantus in the morning and it's made a lot of difference but each person reacts differently.

Don't let the docs worry you. Stress can cause mayhem on the sugar level as well. I was diagnosed when I was 20. I know someone else who was diagnosed at your age not too long ago.
Just a quick update as been to see diabetic midwife this arvo and to my surprise in 5 weeks my hba1c has gone from 11.2 to now 8.4 :0) x
Just a quick update as been to see diabetic midwife this arvo and to my surprise in 5 weeks my hba1c has gone from 11.2 to now 8.4 :0) x

That's brilliant. And how often are you having app? I had every week for the first 13 weeks and now every two weeks.
Every 1-2 weeks at the mo! Very annoying especially with trying to juggle childcare for my son! X
Jaybear well done for getting your levels lowered!!

Quick question to the ladies who already have children born whilst diabetic - were they normal or csection? How long did they keep you in and how long was bubba under observation?

My MW hasn't really discussed any of this, nor if I will be induced earlier etc. Got an appointment on the 5th so I'll bring it up.

I was induced at 38 weeks(standard at my hosp for any diabetic) had a 11 hr labour but got to 9cms and my sons head was the wrong way so couldn't deliver so I was rushed for an emergency section! During labour I was put on an insulin drip and monitored my own sugars(which I was not impressed about doing whilst in agony lol)...
Once Jayden was born his sugar levels were checked, given the once over and bought over to me! He was then able to stay with me but had his sugars checked every few hours
Also I was kept in 3 days after so my total hospital stay = 6 days URGH....But that was cos of the section! X
My first baby was born 12 hours after an induction at 38 weeks - they used ventouse in the end. She spent one night in NICU for low sugar levels.

My second daughter was born by emergency C-section 10 hours after an induction (also at 38 weeks) as her heart rate was dropping too much during contractions. She spent 4 nights in the NICU as they battled to get her sugars stabilised - they tried to keep her out of the NICU at first but her levels weren't coming up on the formula so she needed a drip and dextrose. Having longer in the NICU was actually better in the end as my first daughter still struggled quite a bit after she was released - I battled with her having a diarrhea, jaundice and being very tired all the time (possibly sugars) whereas my second daughter has been very healthy since coming home.

I spent three nights in hospital with my first daughter (the 3rd night was because of the jaundice - we get 2 nights with a vaginal delivery) and 4 nights with my second (the 4th night was because they hadn't releaased her yet and I was breastfeeding - we get 3 nights with a C-section)
Caleb was born by c-section due to pre-e at 36 weeks. I didnt know about what was going to happen before this they always said i would find out the next time. I was in hospital for 5 days but that was through choice as caleb was still on specail care and they kept saying he was coming to my room but in the end I had to go home.xx
well done on bha1c jaybear xx
Jaybear well done for getting your levels lowered!!

Quick question to the ladies who already have children born whilst diabetic - were they normal or csection? How long did they keep you in and how long was bubba under observation?

My MW hasn't really discussed any of this, nor if I will be induced earlier etc. Got an appointment on the 5th so I'll bring it up.


My little girl was born by c-section. I was induced due to rising protein levels in my urine. All was going normally until she got stuck so it was an emergency section. I had her early hours of sunday morning and went home on the tuesday. They did want to keep me in an extra day as i kept hypoing but i wanted to be at home as something bad happened at the hospital and i justb wanted to be out of there!!! So i discharged myself and my daughter!

She was under observation for a few hours but that was it.
The worst thing I hated was no one knows how to treat a hypo properly. I suffered a mini bad one and after them trying hyostop which oh told them wouldnt work they finally decided to put me on glucose drip after 5 mins of deciding what to do. I know they cant know everything but surely a bit of knowledge would help xx sorry just a little rant xx
Thanks all 4 the info. just preparing myself!

Pink23 I know what u mean about hypos treatment. my friend recently got admitted due to UTI. she had a packet of chocolate buttons but hypoed few mins later but nurse wouldn't treat it saying the buttons would do the job. until of course she lost consciousness n had 2 go on drip.

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