Hello ladies,
Sorry I am so late on my baby girl's birth announcement. So here is a brief summary of my story, in case you don't remember. Hubby had 2 kids with ex and decided he would have a V. 4 years later, I came in the picture, never being a Mommy before, I wanted to have that experience. So, 6 years post V... he had the reversal.. without anesthesia at a cheap doc in the box in Oklahoma for $1500... who was INCREDIBLE (Dr. WIlson)! That was March 7th of 2011. Sept 2012 I was diagnosed with Non-hodgkins lymphoma. dec 2011 began treatments. Jan 2013 BFP, miscarried at 6 weeks. Told in March I needed different cancer treatments that would be harmful to my fertility. oncologist set up an appt for IVF consult the following week. that Thursday morning, I took a test at about 4 am, (gotta have that first morning urine!

) and it was negative. well, so I thought... I looked really hard at that test a couple of hours later and saw what almost looked like a line, with one eye squinted in the sunlight. stared at that test, all the way to to the infertility specialists office. made arrangements to begin IVF that month. got home, took another test, just to see if anything would show up. IT DID! March 2013, another BFP!!! i took tests everyday for 19 days straight to watch that line get darker and darker. (thanks to early-pregnancy-test.net for the cheap tests that worked great) I waited for treatments. Had my baby girl 4 weeks early on November 2nd, edd was Nov 30th (she was absolutely PERFECT, 5 lbs 15 oz, 18.5 in long, nursed great, no breathing problems, pushed her out in 10 minutes, eeks, the hemorrhoids were horrid for weeks. *her heart rate was in the 60's the entire 10 minutes due to compression, she HAD TO COME OUT, thank GOD for the mirror so I could tell a productive push!), to test for growth of cancer, and luckily my immune system suppressed growth during my entire pregnancy. I got to breast fed for 4 months, stored up as much milk as I could, and started treatments last Monday. Kizely Eleizabeth Jo is my little inspiration and such a miracle baby. God is so good! She is such a great baby! I will have treatments through June and we will start trying again for another baby at the beginning of next year!
At her 4 month check up she was 13 lbs 4 oz, 24.5 in, and 41 cm around her head.