Hi all,
I cannot quite believe I am writing this after reading so many of them over the past few months, but our baby girl has arrived into the world and did so in style picking Christmas Day!!
My contractions started Christmas Eve, around lunch time while my husband and I were in Tesco. They weren't very painful at this stage and were not regular enough to do much about. That evening as has become tradition when Christmas is spent in Wales not Ireland ( we alternate years as my husband is Irish) we spent the afternoon/evening at my sisters with my family and she had made a beautiful meal.
The contractions started to get slightly stronger and more regular as the evening went on (about 9 minutes apart by around half 7pm). We left there at about 8 and I only live about a 2 minute walk away. By about 9pm and after a bath to try and ease the pain, they were more painful and between 6 and 9 minutes apart.
I phoned the hospital who said to come in once the contractions were 3 minutes apart or I was unable to cope with the pain. I tried to have a bit of a sleep thinking if it was labour I may be glad of that. Within minutes of getting into bed a contraction came and it was very painful and after that they were about 3/4 minutes apart. I kept feeling the need to poo(sorry if tmi) and the last time I went to the toilet to poo at about 12 I heard an almighty gush and it was my waters.
We decided to head to the hospital and I was examined at 1am and was 6cm dilated.
My gorgeous baby girl was the first baby born on Christmas Day weighing 6 lbs 12 and I somehow pushed her into the world with no pain relief.
I am still very sore, but can't feel it when I look at her!
