Anyone due end of November, early December????

Thank you baby feva. :) how is your little one doing?

We had a nice New Year's Eve, we had a tale away and I had a glass of wine, my husband a beer and then we had a glass of champagne that was there since my 30th in June and we were pregnant then.
It was really nice to be able to celebrate together. :)))
That sounds lovely, glad you had a nice eve!

I'm having trouble feeding my bub today.. She's having half her bottle, sitting up for a burp then refusing the rest of her feed despite acting hungry.. Not sure what to do? I changed her bottle & I've offered her water n I'm gettin the same crying reaction.

She's not been too well last couple of days, bit of a cough n cold, I dunno if that might be why, just not really sure what to do next

Hope evrybody is well :)

Ah jadey, it is so worrying when they won't eat and more so when you don't know why. :(
As you say though it could be because she is feeling under the weather with her cold.

How much is she taking?
Maybe keep an eye on it and speak to a midwife if you're still concerned. Xxx
I think she's taking enough, she had 3oz of both of the bottles she didn't wanna go back to but usually has 5oz a feed. She's drunk a little more this eve but might mention it to the health visitor 2mz because I wanna go get her weighed, so I'll see if they have any advice to offer I suppose

I think its more that she's usually such a good eater that the minute she don't want as much, I'm starting to worry. Its probably mainly to do with her being a little under the weather!

Its horrible this time of year for bugs n colds and everything. My little Caseys already had a couple of ear infections and she's got a cough atm

OH nipped to asda earlier and came back with a pack of triple choc muffins! What a treat! Must get on a diet soon though.. Hehe

Ah love her!! I think you're right, it's once things are different to the norm you worry.

Freya has gone from tking 3oz to about 1 and a half. I am not too worried as she is taking that amount every two hours rather than every four but I will all to the midwife too when we next see her to make sure she is string enough. It is a constant worry isn't it being a mum!! Lol.
I am tired today as she woke every two hours for a feed and wouldn't settle after 5am. It is great at moment as my husband is off work and so is such a wonderful help through the night and day. Will be hard when he goes back to work.

When is he back to work? I am finding it tough with the two girls when I've had little sleep and OH is at work.. Just need to get into a proper routine really in time, I think that'll help

Have you taken little one out anywhere yet?

He is back a week Tuesday, so we still have all of next week.

I bet you find it tough with the two, especially before a routine is established.
Does your oh work just in the week?

We have, a few times. I felt if was important to get Freya used to being out in pram and different places as well as me so when my husband is back in work I feel confident to do such things on my own.
Have you gone far? Xxxx
Yeah OH works mon- fri, so we've got evenings and weekends together.

I've had a couple of little wanders with the buggy but mainly go places in the car. Love getting out n about!

Just got in from OHs parents. Had dinner over there, so that was nice. But hayleys slept loooads today! So probs in for a long night..

Are you having a nice weekend?

I live getting out and about with Freya too. :)
We visited my Bampa today and he met Freya, we had a lovely day. She slept loads too!! She still is, so I think it'll be a long night.... May catch you on here later! Hehe.

What are your plans tomorrow?
Got to bed at 12.30 n she was up at half 3 & half 6, but only for about 40mins a time so not too bad! She was up for the day at 9.30 but my other little princess got up at 7.30 today. Luckily OH sorted out her breakfast so I got a little lie in with Hayley.

No plans at all today, just gonna relax as much as possible I think, I can drive again next week :) I've missed it so much!

Do you have any plans for the day?

Ah that isn't too bad at all. :)
Sounds like a nice day too, relaxing family time.... Did you enjoy?

We had two sets of visitors which was lovely. My mam text to ask if we wanted a chicken dinner and rather than take a plate from them, we went to them (they only live a street away) and had food and spent a few hours there with them. It was really nice and unplanned. :)
Freya slept the whole time we were there!!! Hehe.

Aw that sounds really lovely, glad you had a nice time :) we had a really relaxin day, great way to end the week!

Going to try n book hayleys 6 week check 2mz, she'll be 6 weeks weds, can't believe how quick that's gone!!

Glad you had a relaxing time too. :)

Freya was weighed today by the health visitor. She was 6 pounds 12 born and weighed 6 15 today. She is two weeks old tomorrow and they are really pleased with her. :)

Time is flying isn't it!!
Aww bless her, she must be tinsy! But blimey do they grow quick.. Hayleys outgrown newborn clothes now and is in 0-3. Couldn't book her 6week check until the 25th so got a little bit of a wait. Might go to baby clinic thursday day afternoon, see what little chunk weighs now.

I've just ordered a single MAM bottle online to see if it'll help with the excessive amounts of dribbley milk she produces every feed due to her tongue tie.. If it makes a dramatic difference then that'd be great, but didn't wanna go buying a whole new set in case it makes no difference whatsoever!! Using Tommee Tippee closer to nature bottles currently. Hope feeding is going well for you

She looks tiny!! She has a really small head (as I do) and I think that makes her look smaller. She is very dainty looking, like a little doll.

Ah i hope they work for you, let me know.
Feeding is going well thank you, she is taking a little bit more this week and sleeping for a little bit longer which is great and hopefully means that she is establishing a bit if a routine.

That's good to hear! Its amazing how much you appreciate the extra hour or so of unbroken sleep when you have a new baby, lol

Hayley had been rather unsettled throughout the whole day yesterday, but just went 7hours through the night without a bottle! I was amazed looking at the time just now.

Caseys back at nursery today, and I can drive again! Might actually be able to get some bits round the house done today.. Hehe

It really does!! Four hours of straight sleep feels amazing after it being every two!

How did Caseys first day back at nursery go?
Hope you're ok.

Freya had her hearing test today and passed with no concerns which is good news. :)
Yeah really good, she had a great time :)

Brilliant news about Freyas hearing test going well! Hayley had hers while we were still in hosp actually, all ok, so that's good.

Got little chunk weighed today, she's now 11lb 6oz! That MAM bottle I ordered worked brilliantly for the dribbling issue, so I've ordered a bunch of bigger bottles plus size 2 teats as I think ill need them soon. Can't WAIT for them to come. I've been making a bunch of feeds in the TT bottles and re-sterilising and transfering milk into the MAM bottle everytime as its SO much better, so I'm pleased about that.

Friday already tomorrow! This week is flying by..

Thank you chick! That's good that Hayley passed gets too. It's nice not to have anything to worry about with important tests like that.

How old is Hayley now?

That's great news about the bottles, I'm really pleased. :)

Do you have any plans this weekend? Xxxx
Hayleys just over 6 weeks now! Literally don't know where the time is going

Erm, no no plans as yet, be nice to just chill out with the family

What you up to the weekend


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