Hi girls
I tested on a cb digi this morning and got a Pregnant 3+! So I'm feeling a little bit happier now and reassured. I originally said my EDD was 2nd Jan - that was from one online calculator, but FF is telling me it's 3rd Jan, so I think I'll go with that as it's based on my chart!
My symptoms are:
- bigger, heavier, veiny boobs that have sort of changed shape! They ache on and off, but are not really sore to touch unless I press hard!
- Hungry most of the time, and in the middle of the night, feel really stuffed after I eat for about 20 minutes, then hungry again!
- Sleepy, sluggish
- Achy hips and thighs in the evenings
- Dull pain and twinges in hips, a bit like ovulation pain (but both sides!)
- Peeing all the time - I am trying to drink a bit more but the peeing is still excessive!
- Gone off sweet stuff which is very unusual for me - it doesn't make me feel ill, I'd just much rather have something salty!
Hope you're all doing ok - have a lovely weekend!