anyone else awaiting their af to resume?

I am awaiting a peroid, Im not bf, although still waiting lol, I had one 5 weeks ago, was due thursday last week, providing all went back to normal right away and still waiting, all last week I was cramping and nothing, Im cramping today now too, but so far still nothing.....
I've been bf'ing for almost a year & not had af. I want to get pg with no 2 and have been doing opt's for a while (and the odd hpt!) but they're all negative :-( I keep getting cramps, loads of cm but still no af. The last couple of weeks I've had acne & mood swings so I'm hoping that means something. Katie has 3 feeds a day & hasn't fed during the night for months but still nothing. I've just ordered some MACA which is herbal & safe to take when bf'ing, it encourages yr body to produce the LH hormone & thus release an egg, and also gives you more energy & a higher sex drive! Bring on the eggies!

i am about to google maca - but could you tell me what it is pls?
i gave up bfing 4 weeks ago - no af since although i have been having cramping since my lochia stopped, so nothing new there :(
i hate this waiting game of when my fertility will kick back into gear! feels like the body ive known is no longer doing what it should!hehe
oh well, i must be patient, i guess!
I've been bf'ing for almost a year & not had af. I want to get pg with no 2 and have been doing opt's for a while (and the odd hpt!) but they're all negative :-( I keep getting cramps, loads of cm but still no af. The last couple of weeks I've had acne & mood swings so I'm hoping that means something. Katie has 3 feeds a day & hasn't fed during the night for months but still nothing. I've just ordered some MACA which is herbal & safe to take when bf'ing, it encourages yr body to produce the LH hormone & thus release an egg, and also gives you more energy & a higher sex drive! Bring on the eggies!

what's MACA? and I'm willing to try anything that will increase my sex drive... or more to the point, give me one in the first place, lol!!!!!
I have only just found out about it myself so am not a fountain of knowledge on it, but from what I understand, it's actually a food that you can take in either capsule or powder form. It's safe to take when breastfeeding, and can be taken by men & women. Amongst other things, it gives you energy, increases sex drive, improves men's sperm & helps with women's menstrual cycles - so helps regulate an irregular cycle, or in our case it can help to 'start' a cycle. It isn't putting any artificial hormones into yr body, but it encourages yr body to produce natural hormones, for example the lutenising hormone which is what yr body needs to produce to release an egg. It also increases cervical mucus.

Here are some useful links - (this is on a particular brand but has some useful info in it)

The girl that told me about it has just got her :bfp: and has only just stopped bf'ing.

I got mine off Ebay - there are loads of sellers selling it. I didn't know this before I ordered it, but it's best to go with an organic one. I am gonna be taking capsules. I'm not 100% sure yet as I'm waiting to hear back from the user that recommended it, but I think she said I should take 2 a day to start and then increase it to 4 a day. If you take it in powder form (you have to mix it with fruit juice/smoothies) there is a lot more mg in one teaspoon that in a capsule.

I think mine arrived today as I have a card from the post office so I will let you know if I start to feel any different when I start it!
Af showed up for me yesterday, now that has put me on a 39 day cycle, so not sure if thats my cycle now or if my body is still settling down after having my dd. Guess ill find out on my next cycle. Those still waiting i hope something works for you soon.
Ladies a quick note about maca, please read this especially all the comments after. I experimented with maca myself before last baby. I foolishly took full dose twicw a day straight away, it first of all gave me a great boost then the cramps, spams and extreme!! confusion kicked in, I would fing myself turning in circles in the kitchen saying out loud to myself 'Mmm, mmm why am I in here, why am I in here?' and I was honestly unable to stop turnuing in curcles and rocling. Quite scary when you are in charge of the kids.

So research and start low!! See how a 1/4 of the recommended dose affects you for a few weeks then bulid up gradually.
Ladies a quick note about maca, please read this especially all the comments after. I experimented with maca myself before last baby. I foolishly took full dose twicw a day straight away, it first of all gave me a great boost then the cramps, spams and extreme!! confusion kicked in, I would fing myself turning in circles in the kitchen saying out loud to myself 'Mmm, mmm why am I in here, why am I in here?' and I was honestly unable to stop turnuing in curcles and rocling. Quite scary when you are in charge of the kids.

So research and start low!! See how a 1/4 of the recommended dose affects you for a few weeks then bulid up gradually.

scarey! im glad you posted this warning...its always best to start on a low dose and increase but i guess the excitement of it all can sometimes overide logic.
Ladies a quick note about maca, please read this especially all the comments after. I experimented with maca myself before last baby. I foolishly took full dose twicw a day straight away, it first of all gave me a great boost then the cramps, spams and extreme!! confusion kicked in, I would fing myself turning in circles in the kitchen saying out loud to myself 'Mmm, mmm why am I in here, why am I in here?' and I was honestly unable to stop turnuing in curcles and rocling. Quite scary when you are in charge of the kids.

So research and start low!! See how a 1/4 of the recommended dose affects you for a few weeks then bulid up gradually.

How much were you taking at each dose? Was it in capsule or powder form? :hugs:
Ladies a quick note about maca, please read this especially all the comments after. I experimented with maca myself before last baby. I foolishly took full dose twicw a day straight away, it first of all gave me a great boost then the cramps, spams and extreme!! confusion kicked in, I would fing myself turning in circles in the kitchen saying out loud to myself 'Mmm, mmm why am I in here, why am I in here?' and I was honestly unable to stop turnuing in curcles and rocling. Quite scary when you are in charge of the kids.

So research and start low!! See how a 1/4 of the recommended dose affects you for a few weeks then bulid up gradually.

Oooh, thanks for that. I will be doing some research for sure. Thankyou!
Ladies a quick note about maca, please read this especially all the comments after. I experimented with maca myself before last baby. I foolishly took full dose twicw a day straight away, it first of all gave me a great boost then the cramps, spams and extreme!! confusion kicked in, I would fing myself turning in circles in the kitchen saying out loud to myself 'Mmm, mmm why am I in here, why am I in here?' and I was honestly unable to stop turnuing in curcles and rocling. Quite scary when you are in charge of the kids.

So research and start low!! See how a 1/4 of the recommended dose affects you for a few weeks then bulid up gradually.

scarey! im glad you posted this warning...its always best to start on a low dose and increase but i guess the excitement of it all can sometimes overide logic.

This was most definately me! I thought 'Its natural, what harm can it do!' Especially when its anti-depressant effects kicked in ( I wasn't even depressed, so this turned me into Mary Poppins!)

I bought the Green Origins brand, 500mg per tablet. The bottle recommended 1-2 tablets, 2-3 times per day, so I probably worked myself upto a full dose within a week, silly. I would say to start at 1/2 a tablet, twice a day and look out for all side affects good and bad before increasing.

If we have a few ladies giving it a try maybe we should have a maca thread so we can keep an eye out for side effects good and bad? I'll admit looking at my little bottle in front of me the boosting side effects were good enough for me to be tempted to have another very, very reduced rate go later on.

BTW this didn't help return AF for me, just caused stomach problems which I ended up getting investigated at the Dr's before I put 2 & 2 together and found the culprit. But it may help libido, can't remember if it did for me, but any mood lifter, which this is, would probably help.
Just wanted to let you ladies know that after a week of taking maca I have just got my first positive opt since Katie was conceived :happydance:
af came to me christmas day after having LO on 21.11.09.but after section was advised not to ttc for a year!! i've waited 9mths and its plenty long enough!!!!time to start again...came off bcp and am waiting for af to show any day now!!! i dont want to get my hopes up yet but if no show by tomo i'll get a test!!! :happydance:
oooohhhh, I think I may have just got my period back??? Sorry if that's TMI, but yeah, if it is, then woo-hoo! :)
Still nothing here. Was looking at taking chasteberry/agnus castus but it says not to take after you ovulate but if you're not using opks how would you know you definitely ovulated? Totally confused so not going to go there. Back drinking raspberry leaf tea though as that's supposed to help things in general and I had a box or so left over from pregnancy. Just hating this limbo!
I O'd within a week of starting maca and af arrived this week :hugs:
I've started TW Abigail 3 days ago. Planning on continuing with demand BFing for as long as she wants it. Wonder how long the reduction in feeds will take until an egg or AF can be persuaded to make an appearance?
we started BLW when harry was 5 1/2 months old... AF appeared (I think- it was like 2 days of spotting, so not 100% sure, lol) at 10 months 5 days. I think it really is different for everyone though...
I too started BLW with Katie at 5.5mths old & af only came for me this week, Katie is almost 13mths
I'm still waiting for anything to happen at nearly 14months. Had EWCM and a 'cycle' of CM since about May when I returned to work which has continued but no AF and no BFP. I have been roughly checking cervical position and CM the last week or two but have yet to see EWCM for a while. Theakston eats tonnes more than he used to but only since he turned a year old. It seems everytime we take a step forward we take 4 back. We got down to just one morning and one evening feed last week and then the last 2-3 days he's gotten up for 2 night feeds, added another morning one, and an afternoon one. Really frustated but not going to push him. The threshold is meant to be different for everyone. Some people get nothing until they wean, or even up to a year after they've weaned (seriously!!!) but the majority get it back when introducing solids or a dramatic feed drop.
For all those bf mums here's my tried and tested method for being able to conceive whilst still pretty much fully breastfeeding. All I find I have to do is to drop night feeds for around 4 nights in a row between the hours of 10pm and 6am, longer if possible. This acts almost like a missed pill to the body allowing the hormones to drop enough to trigger the start of a cycle, if your lucky in about 2 weeks after your 1st night off you should be ovulating. You can then resume night feeds with your little one after the 4 nights. I pump off a bottle in the day, moring is best for me as they are full up! and use it that night. Hope this helps someone.

A little update for the above! I've just had 4 nights with little Mae off the booby for around 9 hrs each night, sooo with a bit of luck I will have done enough to strt things off again! I will let you know of any signs of ov, then I'll know for sure about the timings:thumbup:

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