Anyone else counting down to April 1st?

Mom- I hope your doing well, and it's not always easy with in laws! (Or actual siblings for that fact lol)

I had my tests yesterday and meet with the cardiologist tomorrow. I'll definitely let everyone know. Feeling positive right now. The only thing the tech said is my heart beat was definitely irregular ??? We will see!
Aww thankyou i actually feel ok today. Just resting up but no pain etc. so hopefully it's all going to go well. Actually was in more pain before the surgery i would constantly have a pain like something was pulling nipple back & would get stabbing pain. Now it feels ok so i'm thinking them cutting the milk ducts & releasing them has helped.
Saw the cardiologist. I so have an out of rhythm heart but everything else looks good. I'm allowed to walk and exercise again! I have to wear a monitor to see how frequent the extra beats are just so she can get a better picture, and a stress test after the baby comes. I'm allowed to walk extra so I'm happy!
That's great news Diddy & hopefully it all regulates very soon x
Great news Diddy!
Hope everyone is good :) My 20 week scan is now booked for the 20th Dec!! 2 weeks to go :)
Hey ladies

I'm glad that your surgery went well Mom2Sam and that your appointment with the Cardiologist went good Diddy.

MolGold and Diddy when are you guys going to find out the sex.

Afm I'm back at ttc full force. I took a nice and much needed semi-break. Lol Now I've started back with the temping etc. I'm definitely looking forward to my next cycle.

Mummy how are you?

Kell time is really flying
I'm good thanks, time seems to be going slow now lol still 14week left :p been feeling bit fed up last day or two though, life seems to be the same thing each day with no excitement or anything and iv done a lot of thinking recently and i just feel like I should move on with my life, try get out there and find a nice guy etc. Iv come to the point where I just feel like what's the point? Oh keeps changing his mind about everything, one min he will say no I didn't do that, next he will say I don't know then says well if she says I did then I did. I don't think I said either other week wen he was suppressed to enter a plea it was cancelled because they found more evidence so the whole process restarted where he had to be 're arrested etc they found some pics on his phone apparently which they could identify as in the house we was supposed to live together in. Hes rang me 3 times lately n left me answer phone how he loves n misses us and listening to it I felt nothing just what's the point because he's never gonna see me Beth or baby once he's convicted. Anyway sorry for my rant just fed up now.
Aw, AF sucks.. sorry Mzhwd!

I cant find out the gender legally here in India. I am hoping the doc slips in a hint :) Anyhow DH is bent on it being a surprise :|
I should be able to find out December 23rd as long as it cooperates! I wanted to not know, but my husband wants to know badly lol :)
Molgold surprise would be nice.. I'm just too impatient though & here your given a choice so i wanted to know lol so i could start proper baby shopping either boy themed or girl. But i guess it can all be done after too

Diddy wow that's not long

Mzwid yay to ttc again i'l be joining you next month hopefully. I have my appointment on 16th this month to see if healing process is all going well & i'l prob go pill all being well after next af

Mummy i think maybe you've lost trust in him & completely understandable.. I sometimes think i love you to men means something different to what we think of it.. He's obviously upset you to a point you are thinking your done with him & i think any decision you make will be right one.. You deserve better than the stress he is causing x
Molgold surprise would be nice.. I'm just too impatient though & here your given a choice so i wanted to know lol so i could start proper baby shopping either boy themed or girl. But i guess it can all be done after too

Diddy wow that's not long

Mzwid yay to ttc again i'l be joining you next month hopefully. I have my appointment on 16th this month to see if healing process is all going well & i'l prob go pill all being well after next af

Mummy i think maybe you've lost trust in him & completely understandable.. I sometimes think i love you to men means something different to what we think of it.. He's obviously upset you to a point you are thinking your done with him & i think any decision you make will be right one.. You deserve better than the stress he is causing x

How long til ur ttc again now mom :p

I wander if right now deep down all he cares about is keeping a hold of me because he has nothing else, no future etc I spent two days feeling low about it all and I text his mum and said look Jon is goin av get used to me being with another guy because iv no intentions of staying single any more my life will go on. Only thing she replied was that's understandable but she still wants to see me so I think she's getting attached to me because she shows no interest in baby at all the whole time other than buying a pram which might I add she kept at her house so I think she too doing it to keep hold of me and it ain't going to work. :p lol I dnt expect it will b easy finding Mr right with two kids but we shall see :D
Mummy your a strong woman & i've no doubt you will find mr right in the mean while you have your babies to enjoy for life & good family around. It does sound like thier trying to keep a hold of you but you have to do what's best for you right now. I sincerely wish you all the best x

Afm i have my post op appointment this coming Tuesday where they'l check if it's all healing ok, remove bandage etc think then i'm discharged from them if i have any problem after that back to gp. Hopefully everythings healing well. After op she did mention takes about 2 weeks for external healing as she has put fast absorbing stitches on outside but could take 4-6 weeks for the internal ones to dissolve & for it to heal. So will be 2 weeks tommorow. I'm thinking i should wait another 3/4 weeks before going off pill i really want to know it's all ok no infection etc & fully healed before i start trying. I've ordered my opks etc so i'm all ready from my side lol pain got worse this past week like they'd said. Not intense but definitely there & it's slowing down again hopefully healing now
Dh & ds have been poorly too with stomach bug so had ds off school most of last week & now dh has had it since yesterday house full of poorly people here lol no fun

How are you ladies doing.
Oh not good mom hope everyone gets better soon hugs.

I'm currently going insane dd being naughty from boredom every day she cnt go bk to nursery til Jan :p

Is everyone sorted for Xmas?
Sickness and flu has been going around like crazy. So far I'm doing well, my husbands been sick but getting better. With my job I am around sick people it seems like all the time. I had a woman throw up in front of my two weeks ago, which in turn made me sick...but more situational than feeling sick.

8 days till my scan!
Mummy she at that age too where they constantly want entertaining mines made it a habbit of saying 'i'm bored everytime i'm cooking or doing something.

I'm muslim so dont really celebrate all festivities but i do cook a nice xmas lunch for dh & ds or my sis invites us for xmas dinner to hers & we get kids pressies but this year i'l be cooking at home & i've got ds few pressies toys, books, warm onesies & new dvds & 2 ps games x

Diddy what job do you do? 8 days till your scan woohoo x

I went for my post op check up today & dressing is off she said it's all healed well on outside so everything looks fine. Was funny though because as she took the dressing off she said 'oh hello! I looked down & nipple looks twice as big as it was lol but she said still swollen yet will go down. Anyway i told her we want to ttc & what does she advise how long to wait. She said everything looks good so you can start teying straight away obviously depending on my comfort & how i feel. So i think i will start trying after next af which is due in 2 weeks. If discomfort has settled by then which i'm hoping it will have (at moment just a little bit swelling & slight discomfort) woohoo i'm so happy all that is behind me now

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