When we had an xbox, it was me you would find sat on it for hours on end every day, haha. I didn't have a job and spent every waking hour playing it online!
Be honest with him and say "Oi, you, up, dressed, out" lol! They seem to understand smaller words!
As for bein prepared I don't think you can ever feel fully prepared.
I am extremely nervous as I have ok idea how I want to feed yet and know I will probably get flamed for not saying I'm all for breast feeding. Due to complications we don't live alone, we have a large house and we didn't want too leave it because it really is a big house and perfect for us, but too afford it we have to have lodgers, which makes breast feeding a little difficult. The lodgers don't interfere with us, and most of the time you don't know they are there but just couldn't whack my boob out and do what I have to do as it were.
I am going to try expressing I think but for that I need an electric pump and I haven't got one yet. £90 for a Tomme Tippee one!!
Things I'm still yet too get:
Maternity pads
Breast pads
Maternity briefs
Breast pump
Couple more cot sheets as I only have 2
Muslins as I only have pack of 3
Teddy bear for baby
Think that's it!
As for birth, haven't even thought about it, guess I should frlt.