Anyone else due towards end of March?

Zoey mine did that the other day and scared me when I realized that neither were moving around. It took a few hours of trying things... I ate ice cubes, layed on my side, walked around... finally I got in the tub and they moved.
I'm sure everything is ok and he is just having a lazy day but i would defo mention at hospital tomorrow!

I have a question have any of your kicks been really sore? I cant remember them ever hurting in last pregnancy. Also tonight i was bathing my DS and had to kneel on the floor with bump between knees to get comfy but while down i got a really painful sharpe pain under my bump at both side lasted about a minute and i couldnt get up.

Has anyone suffered from this? Xx
Good luck Zoey, sending lots of good vibes your way!!! :hugs:
Hope all is ok zoey- if you really aren't feeling anything and it's been a long time I would give the hospital a call now x
Loz kicks are normally strong but ok though this week I've had a few times where I think he has twisted head or something else right on my cervix and omg I've had to stop what I was doing and grab onto something - it was not a nice feeling
He has kicked once and I noticed what I think was hiccups when I laid on my side but I'm so worried about the cord being wrapped or something.

I'm definitely telling midwife tomorrow, even if he picks up dramatically between now and then
He has kicked once and I noticed what I think was hiccups when I laid on my side but I'm so worried about the cord being wrapped or something.

I'm definitely telling midwife tomorrow, even if he picks up dramatically between now and then

I hope all is well!!! :hugs: I know I've gone for a day or two without feeling movements except a few BH and hardness where I can tell she is sitting. Pretty sure she has her back to my belly at those times. She also is very inactive if I am active. Let us know what you find out!
It's horrible feeling this worried. I'm drinking a cold drink but still nothing. It's more worrying because we have the same routine every night, the very second I get into bed and lay down, he becomes active, I get loads of kicks and movement, but tonight absolutely nothing atall. I've pressed my belly to try and encourage a response, had a hot shower, drinking a cold drink now but still nothing. Even tried eating maltesers to give him a sugar rush!
It's horrible feeling this worried. I'm drinking a cold drink but still nothing. It's more worrying because we have the same routine every night, the very second I get into bed and lay down, he becomes active, I get loads of kicks and movement, but tonight absolutely nothing atall. I've pressed my belly to try and encourage a response, had a hot shower, drinking a cold drink now but still nothing. Even tried eating maltesers to give him a sugar rush!

if i were you i would call in right now instead of waiting. also dont worry bc I had something similar happen a week or two ago...i drank cold water and laid down and usually she would go crazy but i barely got one or two kicks out of her. the next mornign i had breakfast---another time she goes nuts, and nothing. so i called and went in. she was dancing like crazy inside on the ultrasound but for some reason i couldnt feel it. the dr said my placenta is up front and that may have been cushioning her kicks.but she also told me not to wait around next time and to call the minute i feel a difference in movement.

dont wait for tomorrow. i am sure everythign is fine, but its always better to be safe
It's horrible feeling this worried. I'm drinking a cold drink but still nothing. It's more worrying because we have the same routine every night, the very second I get into bed and lay down, he becomes active, I get loads of kicks and movement, but tonight absolutely nothing atall. I've pressed my belly to try and encourage a response, had a hot shower, drinking a cold drink now but still nothing. Even tried eating maltesers to give him a sugar rush!

if i were you i would call in right now instead of waiting. also dont worry bc I had something similar happen a week or two ago...i drank cold water and laid down and usually she would go crazy but i barely got one or two kicks out of her. the next mornign i had breakfast---another time she goes nuts, and nothing. so i called and went in. she was dancing like crazy inside on the ultrasound but for some reason i couldnt feel it. the dr said my placenta is up front and that may have been cushioning her kicks.but she also told me not to wait around next time and to call the minute i feel a difference in movement.

dont wait for tomorrow. i am sure everythign is fine, but its always better to be safe

My placenta is also up front, however this has never made a difference before.
My midwife is absolutely terrible, she won't give out her number and instead gives the number for the midwife section at local
Hospital, which is closed now, and the only other number she has given me is the out of hours which she told me never to ring unless I'm in labour! So short of going to A&E, there is nothing else I can do.

I really don't want to go to A&E if I feel I can avoid it, but they say you should be able to count 10 kicks in two hours and I've felt something like 5/6 in the past day....

He's definitely alive (sounds morbid sorry), but I'm worried about the decrease in movement.
I'm going to try a couple more things and if still nothing then I'll take myself to A&E
I find a hot shower usually gets baby moving (especially if I sit down in the shower lol) also I find baby moves more when I eat something different rather then just sugary or cold.
Hope baby moves for you soon ♡
Do you have a doppler zoey?

That's weird your midwife would be so hard to get ahold of.

My doctor even wants me to call if I have 4 BH in 1 hour which I dont call because I have them all the time LOL he would never get sleep!
My placenta is also up front, however this has never made a difference before.
My midwife is absolutely terrible, she won't give out her number and instead gives the number for the midwife section at local
Hospital, which is closed now, and the only other number she has given me is the out of hours which she told me never to ring unless I'm in labour! So short of going to A&E, there is nothing else I can do.

I really don't want to go to A&E if I feel I can avoid it, but they say you should be able to count 10 kicks in two hours and I've felt something like 5/6 in the past day....

He's definitely alive (sounds morbid sorry), but I'm worried about the decrease in movement.
I'm going to try a couple more things and if still nothing then I'll take myself to A&E

for a little more peace of mind: it may not have made a difference before bc the placenta was not as "big and juicy," as my dr put it. and secondly, he could be in a different position now which makes the combination of the placenta being upfront and him being in a different position more likely to effect how many movements you feel.

that said, your midwife sounds terrible...and i wouldnt care what she said about the after hours number. you are paying her to care for you during preg and labor and she needs to do her job. If i were you I would call. and if nothing else, then def do go to the hospital. the things is, even if god forbid something is wrong, if doctors can correct it early on it may cause no harm, whereas waiting can make an easily fixable situation [god forbid] devastating. so dont worry about being polite right now or annoying anyone---you do what is best for you and your baby
Zoey *hugs* Did you try drinking cold water and lying down for awhile? That works really well for me. Your midwife sounds awful! Hope things get better!

As an update, my friend ended up having an infection so they had to deliver the baby, and at that stage it's too early for a baby to survive. I can't imagine how devastating it must be to go through all that. This is her first, and she is newly married. Please keep her family in your prayers.

My Doctor said the exact same thing, but I mean if they aren't painful I think its fairly normal (especially when you have two bundled up in there! lol)
Id probably only call if they were painful or really uncomfortable (like take your breath away kinda of deal)

Waiting @ I am so sorry to hear that :( I have no idea how that must feel and I am so sorry she and her OH have to go through all of this.
Zoey: Sounds like your midwife is awesome. Does she not realise us pregnant women worry about every little/lack of movement and want to make sure its ok? My midwife has given me 5 numbers, so I can always get in contact with someone. She said just go through the list if its an emergency or your worried and someone will see you.

As others have said though he might be having a quiet time. This one has days of barely moving, then makes up for it. She had the most active day ever yesterday and at that point I just wanted her out as it can get pretty uncomfortable.

Wanting: I'm sorry to hear about your friend :( I can't imagine what she's going through. My only advise is be there when she wants you there. She may feel jealous that your still pregnant and that she had to loose her baby, however I know others which were fine, so depends from person to person.
I fell asleep last night with phone in my hand, I was so tired.

He's still giving me the very odd kick but I am 99% he must have turned and his back must be against my belly because my belly has gone almost flat and turning over in bed/getting up is nowhere near as muh of a struggle as it has been, Infact, I feel not pregnant atall! I've got midwife soon so will be stressing to her how worried I am. Yes I have a Doppler but I don't use it for reassurance cos it can't prove things such as cord wrapped etc.

I hope he turns back i really do. I would rather feel him booting me than be this upset and worried.

Thanks everyone.

Waiting - my journal friend had to go through something similar, she had to give birth due to defects with baby and it really hit her hard but seems that with the right support she feels like she can cope. I hope your friend has plenty of support. Xx
Hope the midwife appt goes well Zoey, I don't really use my doppler for reassurance as such but baby seems to really dislike it so as mean as it sounds, if s/he's been quiet for a while, I'll use it to provoke some movement!
So sorry for your friend waiting, what a tragic thing to have to go through :-(

Had my 28 week appt this morning and am measuring exactly for my dates which is reassuring (they had been worrying that my daughter was only just on the 6th centile when she was born so poss referral to consultant if I'd been small today) and she thinks baby is head down at the moment. Obviously there's still lots of time and space to move around but again, last time she was breech from 28 wks onwards so I was anxious to know this time around!
@ Zoey I hope your midwife appt today goes well and she can give you some reassurance that your LO is ok in there. Got my fingers crossed everything is fine for you and LO is just having some quiet time.
It seems like whatever movement goes on we worry, I was worrying the other night for the opposite reason, my girlie has always had a pretty regular movement pattern but the last few nights she has been going nuts! She was moving really rapidly and making these weird shaking like movements that felt like little seizures lasting for a few seconds at a time, it felt so frantic that I was getting paranoid that she was distressed or something and had got tangled in the cord :shrug:
I am seeing my midwife for my 28 week check on Monday so will be asking her if this sounds normal as it sure feels strange!

@ Waiting, so sorry to hear your friend is going through this, I can't even imagine how she must be feeling. I hope all her family and friends will be there to support her at this time.

Stupid question ladies, how will I know if I am having BH? I have times where my bump kind of hardens, doesn't hurt or anything, would that be what that is? Am FTM so have no experience to go on! :wacko:
Stupid question ladies, how will I know if I am having BH? I have times where my bump kind of hardens, doesn't hurt or anything, would that be what that is? Am FTM so have no experience to go on! :wacko:

the way I knew was that whenevr I went shopping or was on my feet, I would feel this pulling/tightening of my belly---at first I didnt know what it was because [i am so dumb] I thought contractions are felt in your vagina lol. I didnt know they are felt on your tummy. then I randomly thought " this bh?" so I asked my sister what braxton hicks feels like and sure enough thats what it was. I would say its somewhere in between mild pain and discomfort. It feels uncomfortable but at times it can be very very mildly painful.

zoey: keep us posted! best of luck today

waiting: that is terrible :( so sorry to hear. I cant even imagine :(

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