Anyone else in the 4-5 week range?

I've decided to try to schedule the private scan the week before Thanksgiving so I'd be around 18 weeks then, should be able to tell if baby co-operates! I can't wait, but seems so far away lol. I think I'll call today after I look at DH and I's schedules.

DH has been driving me crazy lately, we don't see each other much as we have been working opposite days, I think I messed up this month when I scheduled and thought the days I scheduled myself were his days to work as well but it's not. He is depressed and moody and angry and all he does is sleep and complain he doesn't feel good. I can't take much more. I told him he needs to get out of his funk soon. He had no comment, I asked him if he was overwhelmed or anxious about the baby since we are finally where we can start to actually think we are really having this baby and he just said "I don't know, I don't want to talk about it" and went to bed, an hour earlier than usual. All he does is sleep, and it seems he's worse around me. I don't know what to do to help him. But I want to share this pregnancy, not do it on my own. He was so excited and sweet and for the last few weeks he's been like this, always blames it on not feeling good, and Iguarantee you it's in his head. He gets like this, when he is nervous or frustrated he gets headaches and stomach aches and he can't handle them because he's a wuss lol. His little brother and his mom are the same way.

Any advice girls??

On a happy note, I got cleared by the MW to get a massage, from any licensed therapist and I have one today! Should temporarily make me feel better.
Dini I can't wait until your scan! Yay!!

I'm sorry to hear that. My DH has been going through something similar... it's only been for the last 4-5 days though. Being really quiet, and passive aggressive. He finally admitted he's just starting to feel how real this is and he's worried about being ready. He's always been a worrier though. Has your DH always been a worrier? Someone who has to feel like they are completely prepared? I'm sure he'll come out of it soon.

Ooohh I can't wait to get a massage again! Let us know how it goes!
Thanks Texas. I hope he comes out of it. He is a worrier and he's always been anxious so I'm hoping that's all it is. I mean this is a big deal and a big change and its real. Not something you can ever go back on. I'm scared as well but more prepared I'm sure.

On a happy note my new doppler came in and found baby right away! I love that sound! Still hard to believe there is a growing baby in there lol.
:hugs: I think it hits the men in weird ways. Especially if they're the anxious type like our DHs. Mine has a hard time expressing emotions, so big things usually manifest in this way.

That's awesome! Right now, there's isn't a better sound in the world!

Well girls... I was diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage yesterday. It's a fairly small one though, they're not worried about it getting in the way and separating the placenta... especially since baby is about to go through a growth spurt.

I woke up Friday, about 1am to a gush of blood... when the gush was over I didn't bleed anymore. I immediately checked on Nugget with the doppler and picked up that 165bpm right away. I saw a perinatal specialist yesterday morning for a Level II ultrasound and that's when they found the hematoma. Baby was measuring exactly 13w6d yesterday, which matches up with me being 14 weeks today. Growing and moving around all over the place. I have been bleeding today as well, but am in touch with the doctor and they say it's to be expected. I will be closely monitored, and am on bed rest for the weekend.

We did have some good come out of the whole situation, though! When they were performing the ultrasound yesterday baby turned in the perfect way and gave us a "money shot"... the sonographer said, "Oh goodness! Were you wanting to know what you're having?" I said, "Yes, we do... but that's pretty obvious. Is that a....?" Sonographer giggled and said, "Yes, that would be a penis!" SO looks like we are team :blue: We will have it confirmed at the follow up ultrasound 2 weeks from yesterday, though.
Texas so sorry for your bleeding but it sounds like just a hitch in the road! And congrats on your baby boy!! How fun!!
Hello ladies
Texas I'm goad to here you're wifi is back up and running I live on the Internet and hate losing signal. I also use it a lot for work so that sets me behind. Also I'm sorry to hear about the bleeding hopefully everything works out im sure it will be just fine :) so happy to hear that. You got to find out the sex though I can't find out until the first week of dec which seems ages away. I really want to know and I never was much in the way of patience lol.

Dini I'm sorry it hear your dh is being cranky, that must be hard. As Texas said everything could just be sinking in and he's having a hard time adjusting. Mine seems to be just fine his normal self lol he's also extremly excited as he didn't think he could have kids so this is a dream com true and he's just happy about though whole situation. He was super stressed in the begining and we fought a bit but he's doing much better now that he realized we have months before the little bean is here lol

I hope everyone is still doing great and can't wait to hear updates on the next set of scans! :happydance:
Hi girls. Hope you all are well!

DH was better for the last several days and I thought today would be good because its our first day off together in 3 weeks and I woke up to him making bacon and eggs and all was good until he decided to look on craigslist for trucks which we can't afford and now he's all mopey and cranky and did his usual and said "I have a headache" and took a nap. He makes me soooo mad. So I've unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, did and folded laundry and cleaned up his breakfast mess, clipped the dogs nails and cleaned up the hallway where my one cat pees on pee pads and always misses. And he has done nothing and won't get up. We had plans to be at his parents for trick or treat night tonight and maybe do dinner but he won't get off the couch and hasn't showered yet.

I could go alone and I may but it's so frustrating!! He wants a stupid truck and I want him to have one because my Jeep simply isn't going to be safe for a baby as it's lifted with big mud tires and is at a high risk to roll if in an accident but I can't sell it yet and don't want to, I love it and worked so hard for it. We just don't have the money to buy anything right now, we have two car payments for at least 2 more years so we'd have to pay cash and we have medical bills and work that needs done to the house and my Jeep. We agreed in two years when my Jeep is paid for we could get him a nice truck but now he want's it NOW! He's such a child sometimes. I guess we will have to save up money and buy him some cheap truck to get him off my back and that will take all the money we will have and that is not how I want to start this child's life, us penniless and fighting about money, but all we do is fight about saving money for a truck. He won't even let me buy new furniture that we really need as ours is hideous and torn up from cats because it would cut into the little bit of savings we have for a stupid truck!!!

Ugh, sorry for the rant, I swear he needs to grow up. This is about the only problem I have with him that just infuriates me!!
Hello ladies
Ugh soo I have developed carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand. Apparently very common during pregnancy I am also a pastry chef so that doesn't not help in the slightest lol. It's the worst first thing in the morning which makes my 5 am mornings that much worse :(

Dini I hope things have worked out with you And your hubby fighting about money is the worst. We went thorough that last year when I lost my job it was very hard. We got over it but it some time and constant reminders on my behalf that we just didn't have the money to do the things we were accustomed to. It was a blessing in disguise though as now we know how to budget that much better. I really hope. Things are better.

July we haven't heard from you in awhile how are things going with y have you booked your next scan yet?

Texas how are you feeling? Is everything going well with you?

Is everyone going to find out the sex? We get find out dec 6th it seems like forever form now. I can't wait! I'm so excited!
Hope everyone is doing well

DH and I are doing much better right now. It will come up again, if I could just keep him off of Craigslist we'd be fine lol. We actually talked about me going part time when baby comes, but the biggest problem isn't that we can't get by with the reduction of income, we could manage, but the HUGE increase in insurance cost is going to be awful!! If I go part time to cover just myself it will cost me three times what I'm paying now and for him to add the baby to his (mine will be way too much) it will cost us another $220/mo. Between the extra insurance cost and my reduction in income we'd lose about $800/mo or more. I think we could swing it if we were very very careful. I can always pick up an extra shift each pay period to make up for some of it.

Part-time for me would be two 12 hour shifts per week, which would enable me to work around his schedule so one of us would be home with baby almost all the time except certain weekends when we both are required to work. It's something to think about.

Afm, yes we are finding out the gender. Our scan is Nov. 19th. Not too far off now. I can almost say next week lol. :haha:

17 weeks for me tomorrow. Seems like it's moving a bit faster. Felt baby move for sure this morning, it was still light but felt like a ball rolling around. Can't wait for a real kick, oh and a bump lol. I can feel and see it a bit when I lay down but thanks to the several inches of "fluff" over my belly you can't see it when I'm standing. I took a side profile pic today and compared it with my 12 week one and I think I look smaller now lol.
Hey ladies,

How are you all? Sorry I've not managed to write the past while, I've never seemed to manage to find the time to write a proper response. I've been popping in and seeing how you ladies are doing!

Dini, really sorry you and dh have been going through a hard time. How are things now? Money worries can be difficult. My dh does spend quite a bit of time looking online at cars. He loves them, whereas for me, it's not really important. Sometimes I would get stressed out, feeling like we needed to buy a better car, for him. But, I think from what he's said, it's just a way of dreaming. He would love a better car now, but he knows it's not realistic.

It is a big thing to get used to the idea we're gonna be parents, even though some of us have waited what felt like a long time for it. We're both really excited and happy, but definitely nervous too. Hope your dh manages to talk about how he's feeling, and he manages to get over his tiredness and headaches.

Texas, sorry to hear about your bleed, that must have been scary! It really is horrible when you think something's wrong. It must be comforting to have the doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat. Glad to hear they're not worried though. Not too long til your follow up scan now? Are you still on bed rest? Hope everything sorts itself out soon. Congrats on team blue! That must be so exciting to have found out!

ImReady sorry to hear about your hand! 5am mornings sound tough. Is it likely to stay that way for the rest of the pregnancy? My scan is Dec 10th, so looks like I'll be last! It seems like forever waiting though doesn't it! We're going to find out the sex!

Hope you're all having a good weekend! I'm doing ok, feeling a lot better now! I feel like my tummy (and boobs!) are huge, and feel quite self conscious about it. The midwife measured my bump a few weeks ago, and she said I was already measuring a few weeks ahead. I'm looking forward to my scan too, cos I've been still thinking about the bleed from weeks ago. At my last scan, I realised, they didn't tell me what had happened to the bleed, and it just makes me a teeny bit anxious. I've not got a doppler, but the mw did find the hb at my last appointment. So, just waiting now, and growing out of all my clothes at the rate of knots! X
Hi girls!!

Hope everyone is doing well! All the babies growing and healthy!

Dini, how is your DH doing? I hope he's doing better. 2 days until you find out the gender! So exciting!

Hey July! Good to hear from you! I hear you about the growing... I had to go buy new winter clothes. I'm sure if there was any change for the worse with the bleed they surely would have said something? When is your next scan? Dec 10th?

My sch is just about completely cleared up. Doctor said what was left was just barely detectable. So happy! My little man is somersaulting around as I type this, lol. The movements aren't super strong yet, they kind of tickle!

We did confirm at our ultrasound last week... he is indeed still very much a boy! We are naming him Waylon Joshua... my husband's middle name is Joshua and he has always gone by Josh.

Can't wait to find out pink or blue for y'all! :winkwink:
Texas I love the name!! I think it's perfect!! Waylon is a very strong name.

My gender scan is tomorrow but I found out today at my appt because the mw couldn't find the heartbeat on the Doppler. I was really scared until I got into the scan room and saw that heart beating!

So we are officially team :blue:

DH wasn't with me so I'm keeping it a secret from him because I don't want to take it away from him. I'll tell him tomorrow I knew and I feel bad for finding out without him but I just had to since she offered and I had just been so scared.

I think we settled on the first name of Blaze. It was my great great grandfathers name who I believe died in the late 1800's or early 1900's. I'm leaning toward Anthony as a middle name but I'm letting DH chose that since the first name was all my choice he just happened to like it.

Oh and DH seems to be doing better about some things and he even put the flooring down in the babies room last weekend and he's never done anything like it and I think its gorgeous! I'm so happy with it. It's going to be the nicest room in the house when it's done lol.
Oh, congrats Dini!!!!!!!! :happydance: That's so awesome!

I love the name!! And I love that it has family significance for you as well.

DH wasn't with me when I found out the gender either for my emergency ultrasound. He was okay with it though, I'm sure your DH will be.

I'm glad he is doing better! Awesome about the floors! I'm having such a hard time picking out the floors I want in the nursery.
We went with a really pretty Pergo laminate called natural maple and its light in color and had the texture and look of hardwood.

Tomorrow I think we will go look at paint swatches to figure out what other colors to put in his room. It's painted green kind of the color of green apples and I don't really want to change it but it is kinda bright. I figured we could do some accent colors.
Well baby boy didn't cooperate much, but after some bouncing on a ball and coughing got him to show his boy parts, however he was so snuggled up against the placenta we couldn't get any good 3d face shots so she is letting me come back in 2 weeks. On the plus side, he'll be bigger and we may get better shots. Here are the two good pics we got.
Those are amazing pics still Dini! Glad to hear things are better with your dh!

Great news about the sch for you too Texas!

Well I'm at the airport, and we're away on holiday for two weeks! We booked it before I fell pregnant, but very much looking forward to it!

Hope all you ladies are keeping well, and nice to hear some names! Blaze and Waylon are lovely! Xx
Hello ladies

Dini I'm so glad you were able to find out the sex and that all is well with your little bean.

I also love bith the names dini ano Texas have picked they are lovely.

I have been a bit of a basket case these last few days. I have a older doppler an dhave never been able to get a good reading on the heartbeat. But fir the past few days I'm feeling very confused to what I am hearing, I never go by the reading in the screen. I hear a lot if whooshing and I find the heartbeat it sounds very fast and strong but not at all like a horse galloping which is what Im tod it should sound like, am I just hearing my own? Can anyone tell me what there's sound like? I have an appointment with my Dr on mon but she doesn't even no how to use a doppler never mind trying to find the heartbeat. I don't see a ob until February, but I have a scan on dec 4 th. I haven't had any bleeding and only slight cramp like pain which I think is only ligament pain. I feel like I'm losing my mind and I don't feel very pregnant either!

How is everyone else feeling now that we have entered the second trimester? I hope I'm not the only one feeling better!
It's hard isn't it ImReady! I'm feeling a lot better, still get little bits of nausea now and again, but nothing like before! I just feel fat! I think I'm quite round already.

I don't even have a doppler, so I do get nervous, not knowing what's going on, but I guess all we can do is try to relax and enjoy it, but I do know that's easier said than done!

No bleeding either, so I'm just taking that as a good sign. And I'm having very mild cramps too, which as far as I can figure out is ligament pain too.

Hope you don't go crazy waiting before the 4th December! I've got until the 10th of December, so we can wait together! X
Thx july it really is nerve racking! lol
I feel like I won't feel completly assured until my little bean is safely here and I can hold him and look at him! April feels like a million years away lol. I have put the doppler away it's only causing me stress and like I said it's older so it probably doesn't work that great.

I'm really happy their things are going well with you and have a great time on your vacation you deserve it. :happydance::happydance:

Dini and Texas how are you guys feeling? I hope all is well with you both! Congrats again on team blue I hope I will be joining you in the next few weeks! :hugs:
July have fun on vacation! So jealous lol.

Imready, my baby's heartbeat rarely sounded like a horse but more like a train, and if what you hear is fast it's likely baby. Try using a clock or watch to count it, that's what I do because he never holds still long enough for the machine to get a good reading and my placenta is anterior so sometimes he sounds so far away lol.

Afm, I'm good just wishing I could sleep. I have to be at work early in the morning so I have to be up before 5am and I think that's why I am not tired.

DH seems to have a sore throat. He's been getting sick more often than he used to, I think it's his job. He is exposed to the weather a lot and with it going from very cold to spring like in two days he seems to be feeling pretty lousy. I really hope I don't catch it as I get sick easy. I also hope he feels better soon, I hate that he doesn't feel well.

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