Anyone else in the 4-5 week range?

Hey ladies!

Sorry to hear about the spotting Texas, but glad everything seems ok. It seems so common! It's good you've got the doppler so you can have a listen! Based on my scans, I'm two days behind you, so we're pretty close! Once I get my 12 week scan, I'm gonna change my ticker. I love your photos btw, they're lovely! Especially the verse from Samuel, it speaks about how long you've waited for your baby!

ImReady any word on your scan? My next one is in a couple of weeks too. That's good your starting to feel a bit better, hope it's onwards and upwards for you! I'd thought I was starting to feel a bit better, but the nausea seems to have come back a bit, I wasn't feeling great at all at the weekend. I'm hoping it's not too long til I'm feeling better again, bring on 2nd tri!

Dini, hope you're feeling better now? Are you back at work? That's horrible having to deal with being sick and the pregnancy! Have you had any word about your scan? Hope you're rested and feeling better xx

10 weeks and counting and for me! We're getting there slowly ladies. Anyone else feel like their tummy's changed quite a bit already?! Xx
Love your pictures Texas, absolutely lovely!! I also love the verse, was thinking about using that myself but we aren't doing pics for the reveal, at least not of each other. So glad you can find the heartbeat, it's such a great feeling!

July, I am feeling better thank you just a naggy cough and congestion. My scan is October 9th. And I can't wait! I'm still nervous as I'm sure all women are at first but if all is well we will finally announce to the rest of the family.

I can't say my tummy has changed but I'm definitely bloated right now, I can't stand jeans at all and I feel so fat. I do feel a lot of pressure and some twinges in my lower belly. Today I had the worst round ligament pain! We were on our way to get something to eat and I laughed at something DH's brother said and it hurt so bad, then we went to get out of the car and I couldn't stand up, it took my breath away!! My husband just shook his head and said "She's pregnant" lol, what a dork.
Hello ladies

Texas those pictures look lovely what a creative way to tell your loved ones! I'm sorry about the spotting I hope all is well now and ur feeling better.

I had my appointment yesterday with my Gp she said the baby is meseauring at 12 mm! The scan I had done in September still had been sent to my dr so I went to the clinic to get the results, the baby measured normal at 7 weeks and the heartbeat was 145 bpm I think that is normal? I have to take get results back to my dr today. I do have a cyst on my left ovary but I'm hoping that is normal as well. I have read that many woman envelop cysts so I think I'm ok. I'm hoping to go for my 12 week scan in the next week or so. I also had a friend lend me a Doppler I think im regretting a reading of 176 to 180 but not 100% about to use it lol and I don't think it a very high end one either.

Hope everyone is doing well!
The doppler a don't always read accurately so I always count as well. Mine is always 170's-180's even at 12w4d. My NT scan is tomorrow so we will see what it is then. I can't wait to see baby now that it will actually look a bit like a baby. Imready, how far are you now?
Dini hope your scan went well today! Thinking of you.

Hope you're all doing ok! It's nice to start having more appointments, isn't it. I've got a week to wait til my scan! Although, I kid you not, with the size of my tummy, I feel like I should be further on!
Scan went great!! I'll post a pic when I get home. Baby was very active and sucking its thumb! All measurements were normal, but of course have to wait for blood work to come back. Baby did measure a bit bigger at 13w2d so that would put me at April 14th but I'm sticking with the current date until my next appt to see what they say. She said they allow up to 2 days for error on either side of the date but she's guess I was most likely 13wk today.

Either way our baby is just cute as can be!
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Here are a few pics of baby, looks like its sucking its thumb..awww!!

Texas are you still around and doing okay? Been a while since we've seen you around. Hope all is well.
Hello ladies
I believe my doppler is just old lol it's borrowed from a friend. I will be purchasing my own very soon.

Dini those pics are adorable I'm so glad your scan went so well. Too cute your little bean is sucking his/her thumb. Did you get the heat beat at is scan as well.

July how did your scan go? I hope all is well and you have pictures soon.

I have my NT scan on Thursday so excited I can't wait to get the first pictures of our little bean. I am getting a better ready on the doppler and can hear a strong beat I just try not to look at the reading it jumps all over the place but stays between 160 and 205 lol so I hope that is good lol. I'm also feeling much more like my self still have to pee every 5 minutes and heartburn is brutal but I have returned to work and that feels good.
Wishing everyone good luck with their coming scans and appointments. Hope everyone is starting to feel human again lol Texas how are you feeling? And when is your NT scan?
Lovely pictures Dini! ImReady my scan is tomorrow too! Can't wait.

I've been feeling pretty horrible again the past few days. I threw up yesterday (for the first time I shouldn't complain!) and my tummy was just sore all day. I was so frustrated, thinking I should be getting better by now! But, so far since I got up today, I think I feel a bit better. So, here's hoping.

How are you girls feeling? X
Good luck at your scans girls!!

My bloodwork came back today and all looks great! The risk of trisomy 13&18 was less than 1:10,000 and for downs it was 1:5669 which she said is about the risk for a 20 year old and at my age it's usually about 1:400 so all great news!
That's good news Dini! Must be good to get the results.

The scan was amazing!! Quite a wow seeing the baby looking like a baby! And funnily enough, they put me back forward to exactly where I thought I had been, to 13 weeks 2 days! So, happy days.

ImReady hope the scan went ok for you. And Texas hope you're doing ok!

Night ladies xx
Hello ladies
Oh July I'm so happy your scan went well! It's amazing seeing the little person inside you!

My scan was great our little bean would stop dancing around lol the tech actually laughed and said we have one active little baby! He also waved to us it was so sweet and if course I burst into tears, of joy of course but my hubby just looked at me like I lost my mind! Lol he is still understanding the hormones :) I also did my blood work and am waiting for the results but we got fantastic pictures which almost make up for not getting any at 7 week scan.
I'm going to post pics I want any guess on gender I think it's. A boy!


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Yay for good scans girls!!!

It's such an amazing thing to see what was a blob is now human looking and watching them move about is so neat!

Adorable pics!! I have no guess as I'm no good at that but sure is cute!
I just announced the pregnancy on Facebook. It feels kinda funny, I suddenly realised (after I had posted!) that I remember when we were trying, and I was reading in ltttc, scan photos on Facebook were one of the things that really hurt people dealing with fertility problems. Suddenly feel really conscious that I might just have done that. Hmm xx

How are you ladies? I think I'm almost beginning to feel a bit better most of the day! Very excited! X
Thx dini we were so happy to see him move around and I'm glad to have the pictures now I've shown everyone!

July I'm still waiting to post my announcement on Facebook but I don't think you should feel bad. This is your moment to bask in the glory of being with child and people should be happy for you as you would be for anyone that has finally been able to conceive after trying. Negativity is never needed in life and especially when you are trying to be positive and stress free for your little peanut! Just enjoy your little baby and try not to worry.

Texas I hope everything is well with you. When is your next scan? Hope to hear form you soon.
I stopped using fb because of all the talk of babies and scans and all things related to pregnancy because after 4 years of ttc it really got to me. I am one of those people who was hurt but I never thought anyone was doing it on purpose, I knew it was my problem for letting it get to me which is why I stayed away. I still plan to post on fb soon but I won't be posting weekly updates or anything as that can really hurt. I have friends on fb who are struggling with infertility and all I can do is hope maybe our story can encourage them not to give up and believe I'm miracles. You should get to enjoy your moment! We all should!
Hey girls!!!!

I was just reading and catching up on everyone! Sorry I've been MIA.

We had some horrible storms here that knocked out our power for 3 days, and our wifi hadn't been working every since... and my phone will not let me post on BnB for some reason. Wifi is back up, though! I've been such a zombie anyway up until this last week, so there wasn't much to offer!

I'm glad everyone is doing so well!! I love the scan pictures. We had our last scan this past Friday at 13 weeks... baby would NOT cooperate and kept turning away lol. We have booked our gender ultrasound for Friday November 7th... can't wait!

How is everyone's energy level? I'm still going to bed early, but feel like I've got a little more energy during the day.
Glad to hear from you Texas!

I'm so jealous your gender scan is so soon! I know I won't get mine with the OB until end of November but we may book a private one a few weeks into November. I want to announce at thanksgiving.

I'm glad your power and everything is back up! That must have been such a pain!
Dini, that's what we did. Our private sonographer has a 99.9% accuracy rate starting at 15weeks, so we're going in a 16weeks to see. If she's not sure, we definitely won't announce yet.

ImReady... I don't see a nub on your ultrasounds, but if I had to guess based on skull theory I would say boy!
Thanks Dini and ImReady for your opinions on the Facebook post, it was really helpful. It is a difficult one I guess. That's the only time I'll mention it on Facebook until baby is here. I did feel a bit bad, but hopefully any hurt won't last.

Yay for gender scans! Mine isn't until almost 21 weeks I think! It seems a bit late. I've been guessing though, I think girl! I guess we'll find out how good these theories are when we have our next scans! Anyone else got any guesses on gender?!

Texas glad to see you back! Hope the storms didn't cause too much damage xx

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