Anyone else in the 4-5 week range?

Just dropping in to say hi to you ladies! I've been looking in now and again to see how everyone is doing. Dini that's wonderful news about the heart beat!

I'm kinda struggling with this nausea if I'm honest. Like I said, so many women will have it so much worse than me, but I feel like I'm only just coping. The last two nights on the way home from work, I've been so close to vomiting. I was nearly crying today, cos there was nowhere to pull over. Anyway, sorry to be a moan, I know I have no right (I know many women would give their right arm to be pregnant), but I'm just struggling a bit.

Time for an early night I think! Hope you ladies are all well and coping xxx
Dini that's awesome you found the heartbeat!!!

ImReady... the out of nowhere cravings are definitely horrible lol... I want a Mcdonalds hamburger SO bad... they're so horrible, but I just want one.

July28th... it's definitely hard right now. I threw a fit the other day because of how miserable I was... then had to remind myself how long it took us to get here, and how so many other women would kill to be here. I think we have a right to whine a little though ;)
It's okay to whine as long as we remember how wonderful it is to finally be here.

I feel pretty good so far today, just a but of dizziness that has gone away. Can't wait I be done at work though. Hope you all have a great day and feel better soon!!
Cravings are killing me right now! For the first time in my life I spend 2 whole days thinking about. Jr. Chicken from McDonald's and I hate McDonald's! Finally caved I was so sad :( but I had to it was killing me.
July28 don't feel bad! Some of these symptoms are horrid and you have the right to moan and complain at least people are understanding because your pregnant. Yes there are many woman who would trade anything to be pregnant and probably welcome the constant nauseas, that doesn't mean it's fun or that you should be expected to enjoy it! Take comfort in knowing it will pass and soon we won't be able to see our feet and that is what we will be complaint about lol. Hope everyone is doing well. Dini have your symptoms returned how are you feeling? Texas I hope you are feeling better as well!
Imready, thanks for asking, I feel pretty good. The sore boobs are back but not terrible, and the dizziness hits once in a whole but otherwise I feel decent. Fatigue comes and goes but i can't complain too much.

Hey I've been craving Wendy's and fries and I'm not a fast food person at all!!

Hope you all are doing okay. Ill check back tomorrow!
Hello everyone
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.
Dini I hear you the only thing that has been constant is e heartburn I feel like my throat is always burning no matter what I eat. It's driving me crazy,:wacko:
Texas I hope you feel better also how's the nausea holding up?
July how are you feeling I hope a little better?
Hope everyone is doing ok and holding up well! We are almost through the first trimester I hear it gets better in the second fingers crossed! :thumbup:
Hi there! I'm doing pretty well, minus the sore throat and body aches that have decided to plague me today. Being sick stinks since all I can take is Tylenol.

I've been able to pick baby up on the Doppler consistently every morning now and today it was even strong enough that the machine read the rate, around 176. Today was the first time DH heard it in person.

I'll be so glad to get this trimester over with!!!
Thanks ladies for all the support, I really was feeling miserable last week. Since then it's been getting a bit more manageable, still feeling quesy, but just not as bad. My boobs aren't hurting as much now either. So I'm hoping that the placenta is beginning to take over, and that things might get better.

What a shame Dini you're not feeling well! It's really horrible when you weren't feeling great in the first place. Hope you get better soon xx

I don't think I've had any cravings as such, but now that you ladies have said it, a mcdonalds burger doesn't sound too bad!

When do you ladies have your 12 week scan? Mine is October 16th, still feels like ages away!

Hope you're all doing ok xx
HI girls!

Dini, I'm sorry you're sick... hope you get to feeling better quickly!

ImReadyBaby have you tried Tums? My doctor said it's the only antacids I can take.

July28th, glad your symptoms are more manageable now. Every appt feels like it's forever away. We're having a private scan done on Sept. 30 because we want to announce the next day on my birthday. Then my next appt is Oct 6 and my doctor will book the next scan then.

We have been on vacation in South Texas (beaches) since last Wednesday. It was nice and relaxing, but my vomiting/nausea and dizziness started acting up again 2 days ago, so we came home a day early yesterday. *Sigh* it's all worth it though.
Thanks Texas! Glad you got to enjoy some of your time away! Was the weather nice?

I bet you can't wait for your scan!! I think we will wait till our next one to really announce. I'll schedule it at my appt Thursday for hopefully the following week so the first weekend in October we can announce. I'm getting restless!!

Can I just say that I love listening to baby on my Doppler? I used it twice today, usually only once but it's getting easier to find it so it's tempting. I'll take a break the next two days as I work, and can't always find it at night.

Wish me luck trying to sleep tonight with this nasty cold, I'm so congested now and can't quit sneezing!
Hello ladies
Oh dini I'm sorry to hear your so sick i had a sinus cold a few weeks ago it was horrible couldn't take anything for it! I hope you feel better soon. If i had a doppler i would use it all day everyday im seriously considering getting myself one just so i can hear my little bean!

July I'm glad to hear your feeling a little better. My boobs are sore on and off too but mostly late at night or if i lay my stomach in my sleep i wake up right away they hurt so bad! Im hoping the placenta has started taking iver as well.

Texas I'm sorry to hear that you had to cut your vacation so short but i hope you feel better soon! Im afraid to take tums or tylenol until the second trimester! My dr said it was safe to but about weeks ago i took a tums and a tylenol and i had spotting later that day I'm pretty sure it was from the transvaginal ultrasound but better safe than sorry i think. But i think i may have found my saving grace ALMoNDS they work like a charm plus super healthy! So fingers crossed they continue to work until i can get something to help!

Wishing everyone healthy happy weeks ahead!
Hi girls!!

I am still miserable with this cold, somehow made it through work yesterday but stayed home today, by the end of the day it was obvious I pushed myself too hard. I have been using Tylenol. I didn't want to but had a fever and I figure that's safer than a fever for baby. Also now I think I have an ear infection, so I'm going to see my regular doctor today if I can get in.

My next OB appt is tomorrow and I can't wait for that! Something about it feels like a milestone ya know? Ill schedule my NT scan the. As well. Hoping to have it next week or the week after. Next week works better with my schedule but it'll be early, I'll be 11w on Saturday.
Dini, how did your appt go today? Can't wait to hear when your NT scan is!

I just ordered a doppler. The sonoline b... I read reviews and it seemed like a good one for early detection. It will be here Saturday, I'll be exactly 10 weeks then.

ImReady... that's good that almonds work for you. Weird, they always gave me heartburn before I got pregnant so I haven't even touched them yet.
Dini, how did your appt go today? Can't wait to hear when your NT scan is!

I just ordered a doppler. The sonoline b... I read reviews and it seemed like a good one for early detection. It will be here Saturday, I'll be exactly 10 weeks then.

ImReady... that's good that almonds work for you. Weird, they always gave me heartburn before I got pregnant so I haven't even touched them yet.

My appt went well, found the heartbeat right away nice and strong! She said "well there is a real live peanut in there". Made me giggle lol.

I guess they use a specialist for the NT scans and they will call me in a few days to schedule my scan. Probably won't happen next week but during the 12th week so still not far off. Just can't wait to see baby again!
Oh haha I forgot, you will live the Doppler! That's the one I have and I love it!! Can't wait for you to try it!
Hi ladies
I also am looking at the sonoline b I hear good things I think I may order one as well!

Dini I'm so glad your appointment went well and the heartbeat is strong that's so exciting I can't wait to hear my little bean! I'm not sure when that is as I'm still with my Gp until February when I have my first ob appointment! I think I may have another scan in a few weeks though so that's exciting!

Texas I know the almonds are a weird remedy but so far they have been working when nothing else has although I think the placenta is starting to take over because the heartburn is starting to slow down which is great I can't wait until I can eat without fear of heartburn lol

July28 how are you? I hope all is well and your feeling better. Keep us posted.
Imready, the sonoline b is what I have and I love it. It never gets old! I had a long day at work today and when I came home I listened for a minute and it made me feel so good and totally changed my mood. It's just nice at this point being able to hear it since I can't feel it or see it.
Hope everyone had a good weekend! The postal service didn't try to redeliver my doppler yesterday, so I own't get it until tomorrow. I was so upset DH had to take me out for Mexican food to cheer me up lol.

Well my little sister used my camera to take our pregnancy announcement pictures today... I edited them, and here are a few. What do ya'll think?

As long as everything goes well at our soon on Tuesday, which I know it will, we will be announcing that evening or Wednesday.


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What a Monday already!

I went to the bathroom around 3am and had some pink spotting when I wiped. Couldn't really sleep, and by the time I called my dr @ 8 I hadn't had any since. I was having some mild cramps, so it did have me worried just a teeny bit.

The doctor seems to think I just over exerted myself over the weekend... oh, and too much sex lol. :haha: I'm home from work on bed rest orders today, but he said I'm good to go for the rest of the week... just no sex, lifting, or exertion until my appt next week.

I did get my doppler in, and I have found nugget's heartbeat twice now! SO relieved! Just like I read on some reviews, the bpm read out is a little off, as the screen said 152, but when counting the heart rate was about 175 bpm. I did read 175 was in the normal range for 10 weeks. I LOVE having the ability to listen to nugget whenever I want!

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