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Anyone else just got a BFP?

Wooohooo I've been stalkin for an update!!!! Xx
Ysaaay all my heart!
So glad your "blog" has a heartbeat lol

Any anybody named there "mini bump yet? Me and SO have been calling ours coconut/ the name we will be using if it's a girl!
I'm so happy for you myheart xx
I got enough done with the house to appease myself for a few days. :haha:
Hi ladies! I am back on the BFP train! :) It was really bizarre, me and other half not really been trying and waiting to see when it happens and it happened so quickly. 2 months of really talking about it. I took a test when i realised i was late, BFN.. Then i was out in the sun and came up in a massive rash over my chest like prickly heat. My partners mum rang my partner to say I had got to be pregnant as she had the same thing when she was in Spain when she was pregnant with my partners brother. So must have been a week after the 2nd test i did one and it was a BFP! I hate to admit she was right lol, we haven't really seen eye to eye in the past and sure as hell she was gloating after we told her. 'Told you i was right,' blah blah. Over the last 3-4 weeks i have gone to doctors for ECG, bloods.. I have my following appointment at 10:10am today so im hoping they will tell me before they tell me :p Then get my referral over to the midwives. December/January baby..<3

I'm so excited i could scream but i keep thinking about birth already lol going to be a long haul pregnancy if i am thinking about that again already LOL.

Looking forward to sharing our pregnancy journeys. I've already started getting a small amount of heartburn and im only 3-4 weeks! This is how i knew with both my girls too, strange isnt it. Brilliant pregnancies with them, no sickness, didn't even know i was pregnant except my tummy getting bigger!

Soo saw the mw today, everythings great but my bmi is 31 so need to keep an eye on how much im putting on ... apparently i should have self refered to Early pregnancy but no one said so ive phoned them today and they have squeezed me in for a scan tomorrow morning! Ahhh im excited and terrified all at once lol xxxx
Hi ladies! I am back on the BFP train! :) It was really bizarre, me and other half not really been trying and waiting to see when it happens and it happened so quickly. 2 months of really talking about it. I took a test when i realised i was late, BFN.. Then i was out in the sun and came up in a massive rash over my chest like prickly heat. My partners mum rang my partner to say I had got to be pregnant as she had the same thing when she was in Spain when she was pregnant with my partners brother. So must have been a week after the 2nd test i did one and it was a BFP! I hate to admit she was right lol, we haven't really seen eye to eye in the past and sure as hell she was gloating after we told her. 'Told you i was right,' blah blah. Over the last 3-4 weeks i have gone to doctors for ECG, bloods.. I have my following appointment at 10:10am today so im hoping they will tell me before they tell me :p Then get my referral over to the midwives. December/January baby..<3

I'm so excited i could scream but i keep thinking about birth already lol going to be a long haul pregnancy if i am thinking about that again already LOL.

Looking forward to sharing our pregnancy journeys. I've already started getting a small amount of heartburn and im only 3-4 weeks! This is how i knew with both my girls too, strange isnt it. Brilliant pregnancies with them, no sickness, didn't even know i was pregnant except my tummy getting bigger!


Welcome hun!!
Soo saw the mw today, everythings great but my bmi is 31 so need to keep an eye on how much im putting on ... apparently i should have self refered to Early pregnancy but no one said so ive phoned them today and they have squeezed me in for a scan tomorrow morning! Ahhh im excited and terrified all at once lol xxxx

fab news hun! Looking forward to seeing baby!
Ohh that's great aw1990!! Looking forward to your update tomorrow then!!

Congratulations Aimee!!

Myheart how are you feeling hun? :cloud9: Did they book you in for your next scan?

I had a quick go on my doppler today but couldn't find anything, will try again in a few days. Found one of my babies at 7w (ds2) but the others (ds1, Ds3 and 2 x angels) all at 8w onwards :flower:

Almost booked a place for NIPT today, baby bond near me do it. Its a lot of money but could be well worth to know. May have to deflate the price slightly so hubby doesn't go spare!
I'm sure I'll come back high risk for downs/trisomies anyway when the NHS screen me, due to my age (40) and previous confirmed chromosome related losses (2) I wouldn't really want the amino tho.
Anyone else doing NIPT?
I'm ok hun, feeling rough but nothing i can't handle lol!

Me and hubby was discussing this last night, it's £400 at our local babyvision, I really don't know what to do.
I'm tempted to get a doppler, I've never had one, I don't know whether it will stress me more having one.

No other scan booked yet, dating will come in the post, I will have a private one around 9-10 weeks I think.
At my appointment today the doctor never said anything about me being pregnant so it must not have showed up in my bloods at the time. I said to her before i left that i was pregnant, so did all the norm wee sample etc. Confirmed with them now so next is the midwives! x
Hey ladies, sorry I've been quiet!

Myheart I am SO glad you saw Blobby's heartbeat (and anyone else I missed congratulating)

Aimee, congrats!

Morning sickness is finally getting me :nope: same as last pregnancy, it's a bit delayed but hitting hard. I've barely been able to eat. Had a very strong craving for a specific breakfast sandwich, bought all the ingredients and happily ate one for breakfast two days in a row and fought off the desire to eat it for lunch and dinner... then I got up 10min early before work to make one, and as soon as it was assembled it was so. gross. Disgusting. I spent all day trying to eat it and threw it away around 2-3 PM :rofl:
Hi everyone! We just got our BFP on Easter Sunday, and had a dating scan done Wednesday. We are 8 weeks and 3 days, with a EDD of 11/27/17.

Congrats ladies and I hope everyone has been feeling ok!
Also feeling rough over here. Took me till nearly 1pm today to feel remotely human :haha:
Congrats Aimee and Lipra!

Aw1990, glad it went good I am sure tomorrow will be exciting!!

Dan-o I think it's called something different here where I am at but I am guessing that's the blood test?? I had it done last pregnancy, I was high risk but wouldn't do amnio either. It gave me a lot of info but still ended up with a genetic issue with one twin. I wont find out until my 12wk NT scan if they will have me do that again, I am kind of waiting to see if they will put me as high risk again or not. I don't think I'll do it though unless its requested. Insurance only covered it if requested from OB.
Congratulations Lirpa!&#128522; wow already 8 weeks you've skipped the worst part already.

I'm really not sure whether to get any of the screening done as last time I just had the SIPS test and it came back high risk, I didn't want the amnio so I was so stressed for the rest of pregnancy.
That's what I want to avoid sunny. I'd rather just know and plan!

Koi was it more complicated because you were having twins? I imagine it would be hard to find and test twin DNA. A singleton must be much more straight forward to find in your blood, especially if a boy. Did they diagnose your little ones genetics before birth then?

Over here you have to got private for it as out healthcare system only does NT scan and a blood hormone, then amino. x

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