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Anyone else just got a BFP?

I'm so dang nauseous. I hoped I wouldn't have hypermesis again this pregnancy but it's not looking so promising. And the exhaustion. :(
Is anyone else breaking out like they just hit puberty again?! Seriously, between my chin and my back (specifically my right shoulder, oddly enough) it is soooooo bad!!!
Yes!! I always break out during early pregnancy. It sucks so bad but it's even a warning symptom for me - I started breaking out right around implantation. It's getting a little better as I'm at 6.5 weeks but I do get zits way more when I'm pregnant than when I'm not.
Sorry Silas :hugs: I hope it clears up and doesn't become full on hg

Schindle, I've had tiny hormonal breakouts along my jawline and shoulder/neck but not too bad. When one does throb a bit I have these little dot bandaids that suck the pus right out. Very awesome lol.
Yes I'm breaking out too! I had it pretty bad last time too for the first few weeks, hopefully gone soon!
Wrapunzel those bandaids do sound awesome! I normally use tea tree oil but wasn't sure if it's safe I know some essential oils aren't.

Oh no Silas hopefully not hg for you 😕
TTO is safe 😇 I make my own "acne roll on" with TTO, frankincense, lavender, witch hazel, and argan oil.
Wow yes I have the awful skin too, it's dry yet breaking out. I'm 40 with the skin of a teenager lol :haha:

Is my ticker going backwards? How can I only be 7 weeks, I swear I've been pregnant at least 6 months :haha:

Got my next scan a week today, can't wait!

Myheart, one more sleep until yours!! Who else is having a peek this week?
Me me, I get to see on Friday! Have an apartment showing today too
I hope everyone is doing well!!

I ve had a busy and exhausting weekend. I didn't end up going in the rest of the day there was no more blood and now even with my zofran I have bad bits of MS. I did a lot that week plus the scan so I think maybe something just got irritated. I'll have my next scan on the 28th.

I haven't gone through all of the pages but did notice a few new people, congrats to you all. Wrapunzle, wow that's a lot of bump so early!!!
I'm going to try my best to conquer this nausea and clean my freaking house. I've got older kids at school and took my littlest to daycare just so I can clean uninterrupted. About to start. (Mostly laundry sorting) ...wish me luck :haha:
I'm going to try my best to conquer this nausea and clean my freaking house. I've got older kids at school and took my littlest to daycare just so I can clean uninterrupted. About to start. (Mostly laundry sorting) ...wish me luck :haha:

Good luck :haha:

Just got my 12 week scan date today - June 1st. Seems so long away :dohh:
Had my midwife appointment today. Something thats obviously been introduced since i was pregnant with my son in 2014 is a carbon monoxide tester, had to breathe into like you would a breathalizer. Thankfully passed that with flying colours lol!
I've woken up with a full blown cold and a sore throat, feel very rough, I think I feel sick but my sore throat is far worse, I've not got time to be ill :nope:

Same here. My throat has been killing me and o think I'm getting a cold lol not good!


I hope everybody is ok. I haven't had any breakouts im quite lucky with my skin. I had cramping for the very first time yesterday which was good because I actually felt pregnant for an hour or so! When I'm back in the UK I need to tell the midwife etc my 12 week should be between 5-12th june:happydance: can't wait but it seems so far away!
I just got my first scan date too, May 29th! It's so far away! My midwife had told me I would have a 7 week scan and I got excited and now I have to wait :(
Ohh sunny that's disappointing:( glad you have a date to countdown though xx

Myheart, good luck for your scan later today sweetie!! Try and blag a piccy!!

So exciting isn't it Sasha?!! I usually get more symptoms kick in around 6 weeks as well xx

Laura, I forgot about that! I had to do it last time even though I'm a non smoker. I guess they don't take your word for it any more :haha: great you've had you MW appt tho, is it still a big load of paperwork?

Silas how did you get on? I had a bad day yesterday, got dinner cooked and the kids into bed and that was about it lol :haha:

Koi mines next week as well, can't wait!!

Wrap how did the apartment showing go? Was it yours or one you are looking at?
Hope your scan went great myheart!
Sorry ive not been a around guys ive just got no energy at all!

Ive got the mw tomorrow so hopefully get a scan date lol
Dan its a horrible amount of paper work isnt it, ive sat and wrote a list of kids DOB, weigts, gestations etc as my brains like mush and i get all confused when asked under pressure lol xxx
Good luck with the scan my heart!

Silas did you get to clean at all?? I feel as though it's an impossible task!

Lauraloo I've not heard that before how interesting, things seem so different depending on where you live.

Sunny sorry you didn't get a 7 week scan hopefully the time will fly by, it's always hard to wait for them!! Same for you Natasha, hope it flys by but you have a countdown which is good!

Dan-o it's going to be a long week now that it's getting close!!! I am sure your getting 😊

Wrapunzle I hope your doing well and everything went smoothly for the apartment!

I am home with a sick toddler and a crazy toddler, think I've picked up what the one has. I've got an awful sore throat and feel beat I just want to sleep 😴 not getting anything done..

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