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Anyone else just got a BFP?

Good morning ladies! The new test where they extract baby's DNA from your blood is pretty neat. My auntie found out the gender of each of her girls at only 9 weeks with that test. It couldn't warn her the younger ones was going to be born with full body birthmarks and a moderate umbilical hernia though. She had to have her skin laser treated for months!!! So scary. It looks normal now though so worth it I guess?

I've got my ultrasound in three hours!
Wow exciting!!!! Good luck Hun, can't wait for your update!!!

Wonder if it's the same test, because the minimum they do it is 10 weeks here. As far as I know the test runs a basic profile on the DNA so they can check for additional strands or missing ones and diagnose any common trisomies, monosomies, or triploidy etc. Wouldn't be possible to show up any physical quirk like a birthmark or hernia tho, and I imagine a mosaic for something may not show up either. Great they have laser treated. My niece has a mole the size of a plate on her back but they won't do anything for it!
Thank you!!! Yeah they had to pay out of pocket for the laser treatments. It was only possible because of their financial situation. The hernia they won't operate on until she's 5.. I don't really understand why
OMG!! I'm so excited, I just found baby on the doppler!!! :wohoo: I tried to record it but every time I picked up my phone I lost it again lol!
It was very faint and my own heartbeat and belly gurgling kept drowning it out :haha: will try again soon, now I know where it's hiding :)

Wrap my middle boy had an umbilical hernia but it's fine now he's 4 he just has an out-ie lol. If he gets heavy I guess it could cause issues.
Thanks Marge. I'm in the waiting room now. So excited.

Dan-o that's so cool you found the heartbeat!!! My midwife said they're not usually able to find it until 10-12 weeks. Your babies must have super strong hearts :haha:

The umbilical hernia is hereditary, I have one too and most of my aunts and uncles. Usually they don't "pop" or tear until teenage years or later, this was the first baby to be born with it, doctors say because her mum was 42
Good luck wrap!

I've known a few ppl to get the testing here. I'm not sure if it's routine or not in US now or if it's just if you're older or there are concerns. I don't remember them doing anything with Lydia but I was adamant I wanted to be team yellow.

I'm tired. And a bit nauseous.
You ladies are lovely.

Yay dan-o glad you found Baby's heartbeat! Too awesome.
One baby, correctly located, with a flickering heartbeat!

Also I vomited this morning. Twice.


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Awwww so cute wrap!! Congrats!! :cloud9: although vomiting.. not so cute :haha: reassuring tho!

Yeah it would be a whole lot easier to find at 10-12w that's for sure :p:
My MW couldn't even find mine at 16w last time!! (I'd been listening since 8w :haha:)

Never knew that about the hernia, it's always been a non issue with his doctors so far, strange!
Maybe that why he has one then, and a birthmark, I was 36 when I had him. I'm screwed this time then as I'll be almost 41 lol. It's hard when your babies come so much later than planned!
Oh my gawwwsh, I just put my sports bra on and can only just do it up :shock:
Yay for baby and amazing for the doppmer dan!! I tried mine yest bit with no luck! I'll try every few days, was same with my mw i showed her where baby was at 16weeks as id been listening for weeks by then too lol

So had my scan today baby was measuring a little small at 6+4 but its not accurate this early so im not worried and had a nice healthy hb xxx
Fab news aw!!! Deffo not accurate my boys were all behind at 6w but measured ahead by 12-13w!
Congrats Aileen! So happy for you!!!

I'm glad to hear babies a bit behind can catch up. My bean measures 6+1 today, should have been 7w by LMP, 6+3 by when I thiiiink I ovulated
My older two were 4mm and 3mm at 6+1 and my youngest 2mm at 5+6, which put me behind with them all. By 8 weeks they were spot on and the NT scan at 12w put me ahead to 13w with all 3. I had a full 10 day discrepancy on one of them! My ovulation was within a 24 hour window as I was follicle tracking with ultrasound and using OPK, so I knew it was the scans not my dates!
I've managed to eat a frozen bean and cheese burrito and it hasn't made me one bit nauseous:haha:
My baby must like burritos! And not even the really tasty kind, just blandness.
Baby measured 7mm today which she put as 6+4, which would mean i got a positive test at 3weeks exactly .. possible but not likely so i think im more around 7weeks xxxx
I often get a positive at CD21 so it's definitely a possibility!! (I only know this as I usually start POAS at about 6dpo lol :haha: ) I think a few mm either way as well, ultrasound is always a bit tricky!

Mmmmm burrito ��
I should state that I didn't eat the burrito frozen, although that what my post makes it sound like lol. It was heated up, but was frozen before. And it was eaten without issue and I still feel pretty good! It's very nice.
Lol you never know a frozen burrito is not questionable when it comes to being pregnant 😝

Yay wrapunzle that's a cute little bean!

Dan-o They did not pick up any issues with the boys on the blood test. It is a bit less reliable with twins and it's not sent to a regular database it goes against a specific data set for twins. My one twin was fine the other had trachea-esophageal-fistula with other random things. That was not picked up and it's 50/50 as to wether it was a genetic code mess up or hereditary (though no known cases in our family history, but I don't have much of my history to begin with). It will definitely give you more info on risks for trisomies and other common things. The thing with them though is it's all based off of data so it's not 100% reliable but it's the most accurate your going to be able to get if no amino. That's how my perinatal specialist explained it to me.

I am in the states as far as I know it's not something that's done unless NT scan shows something and your sent to a specialist who basically gives the options of the DNA blood test or amino.

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