Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Hello ladies

I introduced myself a while back but have been awol for a while. Its three weeks since my mmc was diagnosed and three weeks tomorrow since I lost via medical management. I am still spotting and bleeding on and off and have the faintest line on the ICs. I really want to start ttc asap but OH has other ideas he wants to wait. In the mean time I have started temping and my temps are dropping nicely. We will just have to wait and see once the spotting stops.

LolaAnne I too have decided to loose some wait in the mean time I piles it on when I was pregnant. Have lost all that I put on now so am going to keep trying and get back to a healthy BMI so to reduce another risk factor. I am also going to get fit too, have allready started doing some low impact aerobics and walking. Agin just waiting until I stop spotting to go swimming again.

HI Glowie how was the hols, long time no see? x

Oh and BIG congratulations firsttimer. x
Hi All

Wendy, aw chick a chemical is hard isn’t is, you were almost there but ive been thinking with my mc that its because things just weren’t right and so the earlier things ended the better really. I wouldn’t worry too much if its just spotting, its just the extra lining that you built up coming out most likely. Keep an eye on it though and make sure you ring them back if anything changes :hugs:

Tigger, wow lucky thing falling preggers first time, that’s a very good signand im sure it will happen again for you soon and you have age on your side too, you’ll be announcing a BFP in no time! Chinese lantern is a fabulous idea. I had a hideous 6 weeks of bleeding and pain which finally finished and it was such a relief!!

Glow, Hi :wave: wow you really have been through it, its amazing how every mc is different isn’t it, im sorry that you had to go through all of that on top of the emotional pain of your loss. Good luck with NTNP and soon you will start your next cycle and be back to TTC again, it really does help the grief as well.

Lola, Im hoping for some increased fertility too, I desperately need it, we’ve been trying for 18 months now and I need it to happen soon!! Good idea on being productive, the weeks will fly by :plane:

Tinker, what a nightmare, mine took about 10 weeks and that’s mainly because I have PCOS, I think 7-8 weeks can be normal, id ring and get a second opinion, I really feel your pain on the waiting! :hugs:

Debzie, sounds like you might be NTNP this cycle too?? I think its sensible to do that and then start properly the following cycle, our bodies go through so much, it wont be long and if everything is doing what it should be then that’s good news. Good luck with the weight loss too :hugs:

Amanda, how are you chick??

Kas, how is our resident preggo???

As for me, the scan this morning showed my lining is all fine, im surprised enough came out really but hey ho, even I could see the difference to the last scan!! So back on the clomid tonight cd5-9 and Ben is on red alert for some :sex:

Clobo - so glad to hear your scan went well. I thank my lucky stars that I didn't have to go through, what you did physically. You're a very strong woman!

I've been keeping up to date with this thread but not had much to add. I'm currently 7DPO and have been carrying on with my new agnus castus regime since I O'd 10 days earlier last cycle. I've been feeling some pressure in my ovary area so hopefully things are getting ready to get started. I've got some FRER OPK's that my mum's workmate gave to me since she's pregnant so I'm going to start using them either tonight or tomorrow. DH is away for a week from next weekend so I'm hoping that I O before he goes so that we can get in as much BDing as possible lol!

I'm feeling really positive about this cycle - so hopefully that's a good omen. It's funny how I've had 2 sisters (they're are sisters, not my sisters) announce their pregnancies on facebook this week and they both got me down a little since they're younger than me but hearing about people on here getting BFP's doesn't, I'm genuinely happy and it gives me hope that it'll be me with the BFP sometime soon.
Clobo - so glad to hear your scan went well. I thank my lucky stars that I didn't have to go through, what you did physically. You're a very strong woman!

I've been keeping up to date with this thread but not had much to add. I'm currently 7DPO and have been carrying on with my new agnus castus regime since I O'd 10 days earlier last cycle. I've been feeling some pressure in my ovary area so hopefully things are getting ready to get started. I've got some FRER OPK's that my mum's workmate gave to me since she's pregnant so I'm going to start using them either tonight or tomorrow. DH is away for a week from next weekend so I'm hoping that I O before he goes so that we can get in as much BDing as possible lol!

I'm feeling really positive about this cycle - so hopefully that's a good omen. It's funny how I've had 2 sisters (they're are sisters, not my sisters) announce their pregnancies on facebook this week and they both got me down a little since they're younger than me but hearing about people on here getting BFP's doesn't, I'm genuinely happy and it gives me hope that it'll be me with the BFP sometime soon.

Ickle - I feel like that about other people's BFPs. Jealous of friends BFPS but over the moon for my BNB friends. I guess that is cause we all know what we have been through - whereas we dont neccesraily know the struggles of people in the realworld - or, if they are like most of my friends, they all get pregnant in the first 3-4 months (I know cause most ofthem say). However, I know 2 friends in the "realworld" who are struggling ttc and I would be genuinely excited for them and their BFPs would give me hope, same as a BFP on here would.

So strange how we all talk so easily on these forums but sometimes say nothing to the people closest to us in RW!!! :dohh:
Hi girls,

I have just been reading this thread and thought i would join you if thats ok.

I had a chemical last month on the 29th June. I am still bleeding. Albeit mostly spotting. It seems to stop and start a bit. I called the EPU yesterday morning because it had gone from nothing to spotting to a little bit more(like the end of af). I was told i just had to let it run its course. Later in the day it stopped again and went back to spotting but with pain. I called them again to be told that it was probably ovulation and that i should take an OPK test and it could mean that i a am very fertile. Very helpful, NOT. At the very least i thought they would have asked me to come in and get an ultrasound but apparently to them a chemical is more like a late period. I am very angry.

We decided because of the bleeding to NTNP this month so i didnt bother doing and OPK as it would defeat the purpose. Would love a BFP but i doubt that it will happen this month.


Wendy - I had a chemical 2 days after you on 1st July. Was so sad, especially as we had been ttc 13 months. :cry: I bled for 7 days with an extra day spotting, but I passed a massive clot on the 2nd day :)blush:). It does seem a long time to be bleeding from a chemical - I would call them back if you are still bleeding in a couple of days.

I was lucky and my dh rang the doctor for me who was sympathetic. Maybe change your doctor if you can next time - a chemical is still a pregnancy right - egg and sperm still met. I guess unless you have been through it, no one can really understand :hugs:
Yeah it's much easier to say how we're feeling when we're hiding behind a screen lol! I think it's good for us though, because we're not bottling things up and we're able to be in contact with people who actually understand.
Yeah it's much easier to say how we're feeling when we're hiding behind a screen lol! I think it's good for us though, because we're not bottling things up and we're able to be in contact with people who actually understand.

Defintely! I would have gone insane this last year without BNB!!!
CLOEY - thats fantastic! yay! :dance: now get AT IT! HEHE
AMANDA - you will get your BFP soon hun xxx

i would have gone nuts too if it wasnt for BB forum. Often the only person u can talk to in the real world is ur partner; but its hard because they are grieving / going thru it too. The support on this forum is immense :)

as for me im fine today thank you, no changereally - just all seems a little unreal. I just finished my conception vitimins so ive gone and bought myself some pregnacare pregnancy ones.... its scary buying stuff because after having had a MC you feel like everything is tempting fate :(

anyway ladies - im soooo excited to see who will be next to get their BFP! i dont know why but i just have this feeling that there will be some soon?! :dance:

I know, its been a really hard four months but im through the other side now and im due some good news so im going to think positive and do everything i can to help myself!!

Kas, i dont mean this the way its going to sounds and im sure everything is goign to be fine with you this time ... but i think we worry about all of these things and think we are tempting fate but if something is going to go wrong then its not because of anything we have done and to be honest i dont think i would have been less upset if i hadnt bought maternity trousers and tummy oil etc .... so next time im going to try and enjoy it more .... i know its easier said than done but try not to worry chick, make the most of it :hugs:

Yep, same here, its so nice to be able to be totally honest with people and also feel like you are helping others ... its been a total godsend!!

Ive had 3 friends outside BnB announce their pregnancies in the last week and i have to admit to feeling happier for the girl who has been trying 3 years and had two mc than the girl who tried 3 months and had no problems .... i would never ever say this to them but thats way it is ... i dont think they are more deserving of it but the easier ones just serve to remind me what a struggle ive had and makes me feel sad and a little jealous!

We will all get there in the end!!!

I think it's so strange how much doctors range in what they tell all of us to expect after a miscarriage. Granted, each woman is different, but some people are told go ahead and start trying right away again because of increased fertility, while others are told in can take 12 weeks? Seems so strange.

Wendyk we miscarried the same day- how far along were you? I'm so sorry you're still bleeding, I didn't start to feel any better until after the bleeding stopped so I know that must be very hard.

Glowstar hoping for a very sticky bean for you and all the rest of us SOON!

Firstimer how are you feeling? I know when we conceive again I'll be very nervous until we see the heartbeat etc.
Sushi - I think they tell us we're safe to try again straight away (well after the bleeding stops) but every woman is different in how long it takes her body to get over a m/c so it might take 12 weeks to start ovulating again. I think there is no standard answer so that's why the doctors tell us different things.
hi wendy welcome. sorry epu is not being helpful :( really sorry for your loss.

hi debzie well done on losing the weight im really really struggling. my jeans are so tight i think im gonna give myself a UTI lol!!

Clobo yay for a good scan :)

I too had my scan this morning and she said everything was fine. My lining is 4.8mm ... so I guess it has some more building up to do. They did my bloods and are going to call tomorrow. Also I will prob go back in on thurs to do more.. so they are being quite proactive which is nice.
Do I count the day I started bleeding as CD1?
Darn I haven't been temping. Going to start TOMORROW.
I totally feel the same way about peoples BFP anouncements too! So far the reading I've done on why some drs tell us to wait is:

If you have a d&C or similar its so your lining can do a natural shed and make sure there is no retained products of conception left

so they can date the preg accurately (silly as scans are supposed to be more accurate)

and "just because" or "so your hormones can regulate".

Personaly I just want to concieve asap.... I'm so gutted we were really going for a close age gap and I just want it so badly. In the back of my mind I'm worried that It might increase the risk of having another miscarriage and I don't know emotionally how I would handle that at all. I do know that if we had another miscarriage I would give myself time to have a period though.
Lola-ann - yeah the first day of bleeding is CD1.

I'm a firm believer that if you're body's not ready after a m/c, it won't ovulate or your lining won't be thick enough for implantation. A second miscarriage is just that, it's not down to trying again too soon or any number of other things that you might feel you did wrong.
Well after my 5th miscarriage i got a bfp 6 weeks later with my daughter.

Because of that i am trying again after i finally passed the sac of my blighted ovum last week.

Like some people, i just feel if my body is ready it will get pregnant. And although you have had a miscarriage you are still "more fertile" IYKWIM? Like you are more fertile post labour. That is my unscientific and not proven theory anyway!
Hi ladies i had my second mc on june 17th and have been spotting since so what day would be considered as cd1? hcg was at 22 on july 1st...on july 8th there was still a faint faint positive on a dr's pregnancy test...but she said it was probably at 7, just taking a while to go down...i am NTNP either this month and am waiting for the spotting to stop before i DTD...
Hi there

Im so sorry to hear you have had two losses :hugs:

I think most peoples cycles are a bit wierd (if not a lot wierd) straight after a mc so i wouldnt worry too much about what to class as cd1, perhaps use the 9th July??

Good luck with your NTNP and :dust: for your sticky baby xxxx
good morning everyone, had a call regarding my bloods and my HCG was at 6.6 yesterday so 4 days after starting to spot/bleed. Going to have another test tomorrow .. hopefully will be at 0 or close to it. Also have stopped bleeding completely now, here's my chart
My Ovulation Chart

So CD5 today. We are just going to BD every 2 days from here in. and I'm going to try and temp although I already forgot to do it this morning - but I did make it to the gym finally! Yay!

Oh man I didn't get round to emailing my parents and they called me this morning so I told them on the phone, I wish I had done it in an email as it was so hard... at least everyone knows now though I guess.
Hi Lola

Im having a bad morning, ive just found something i did wrong at work and it might cost us £8k ... arrrgghhhh!!!!

So we are just one day apart then!! Cycle buddies!! Yep we are going with the lots of :sex:, its one of the things we can control i guess!!

Like you say, at least your parents know now and im sure they were sad for you and very supportive, they will just look forward to hearing more good news now!

Put your chart on your signature and we can stalk it for you!!

i had a mc on 24th june and i was advised to wait a month before trying again but i just couldnt do it. I brought some cheapo ovulation tests off ebay and i ovulated later than usual but we have been trying anyway. Hopefully fingers crossed i get pregnant. :happydance:

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