Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Hi Tinker - i tested again today and got 1-2 weeks again. which is 3-4 doctors terms. By my calculations im 4 weeks 1 day today - so should it now have been 2-3 weeks (4-5 weeks doctors terms)?? im a bit worried now! I know CB arent 100% accurate but im all worried LOL

I finally gave in and did a ticker. I have got fed up of not having ANY excitement - just hoping i havent jinxed things!!!

My sore bbs have disappeared too... oh gosh, dont you jst hate reading so much into symptoms!!!!

Cloey - if it was a heavy bleed then no reason why it cant have been all of it. My periods are never very long anyway, my AF after MC was 3 days. so keep hope! Cant wait for an update tomo hun :) :) what time is ur scan? xx
Hi Kas :hugs:

Aw chick, really dont worry about getting 1-2 still, these things arent accurate and when you see the scale of hormone levels at different weeks the spread is huge so im sure nothing to worry about! And as for a ticker ... go for it ... after being so worried last time i think when i do gt preggo again im going to enjoy every minute of it so i think you should too!

Thanks mate, the witch returned earlier ... in full force so im hoping she is doing her worst on me and staying away from everyone else!! Scan is 11.30 tomorrow so fingers crossed!!

Look after yourself missus xxxx
Firstimer - I have read so many people getting freaked out by the conception date things. I really wouldn't test using them as it just seems like unneccesary worry. Saying that, if you keep testing with regular HPTs you might get scared if the line doesn't get darker. Sigh.

Fingers crossed this one sticks around.
oh firsttimer congrats! I wouldnt worry just test again in a few days time to see if its gone to the next one.. you're only one day and I would say those things have particularly fuzzy calculations as to what is 1,2,3 weeks etc. I'm still bleeding.. not very heavy but I kep reading stories of all these people who ovulate like 1 week after m/c... maybe ime to start getting in some bd?
haha i did just think to myself 'gosh - im only 1 day over 4 weeks' haha! a mc makes u paranoid unfortunately :( Thanks for the support though girls ;)

lola i would start trying again as soon as that bleeding stops - as after a mc you can OV at any point hun. Dont want to miss out :)

cloey - i will be thinking of you at 11:30am hun! make sure u update us! :flower:
I just joined today after finding this thread. I miscarried at 4.5 wks on June 29. We got pregnant our first month trying and were so very excited! Crazy how fast it can all change. Now we're not trying not preventing, then if I get AF this month we'll start trying again next month.

Just wanted to join in, I'm so sorry for all of your losses, but it helps to know others have gone through the same thing.
hi all

I am in same position - went for 12 week scan found baby had stopped growing at 7 weeks so miscarried naturally at home. Bleeding has now stopped and was just looking for some encouragement that it was ok to start trying again straight away and that they only say wait for first AF for dating purposes. After reading all your thoughts think we will also try NTNP this month and see how things go xx

Fingers crossed for you all xxxx
Hi Sushi and Tigger, I am so sorry to hear about your losses, its a horrible time but it will get easier .... time helps and also getting back to TTC helps too :hugs:

What are your stories??

I think most people NTNP for the first cycle, it makes sense, hopefully it wont be long till we get our BFPs again

Hi tiger and sushi.. I'm so sorry for your losses. It's so heartbreaking.. I'm still mourning and I don't know when this emotional pain will be over... I'm having to put on a happy front every day as my husbands teenage cousin is here staying with us... ahhh its so hard. And I have to email my family in NZ to tell them the bad news but I just don't know what to sa.. I've started the email so many times but keep giving up. I think Ill do it after my scan tomorrow .. maybe then I will feel ready to tell them.

Im praying for all of us to get our sticky BFPs very soon. I keep looking at pregnant people and thinking its so unfair, but then I remember that I don't know their story, it may have been easy or it may have been hard, and in the end I will be pregnant again soon, and get to have another baby. Love and hugs to you all xx
Hi Sushi and Tigger, I am so sorry to hear about your losses, its a horrible time but it will get easier .... time helps and also getting back to TTC helps too :hugs:

What are your stories??

I think most people NTNP for the first cycle, it makes sense, hopefully it wont be long till we get our BFPs again


Hi clobo

My story is that this was our first pregnancy i'm 25 OH is 24, we decided to start trying April after i came off microgynon in febraury. Got caught straight away and was so excited - everything was going so well and i had had no sickness etc then a few weeks agao i started to bleed so went straight to A&E. Ended up having an internal check which Dr said as my cervix was closed all should be ok woman can bleed in pregnancy so not to worry - they could not get me an earlier scan but my scan date was only a couple of days away anyway so all would be fine. When i went for my scan which i should have roughly been 11 weeks they scan me only to find baby had no heartbeat and was only measuring 7 weeks so i had started to miscarry. Had 2 weeks of hell first week lost a lot of blood and clots but started to ease second week and has now stopped thankfully. me and OH were really devastated we are so ready for a family it hurts but i guess we will get there hopefully soon.
We lit a chinese lantern saturday night to say goodbye to our little angel and as i said in earlier post got the all clear from hospital today so was trying to find out if ok to ttc straight away again fingers crossed.

Anyway i have waffled on far to much lol how about you?

Sushimama - welcome to our thread and im so sorry for ur loss hun. Going thru a MC is one of the hardest things in the world, but the support you will find here really helps. I hope u start to slowly feel better x Im still not 100% okay after he last mc but it does get better. Im lucky enough to have just got my BFP but i wont relax until i get MS, a good scan, a heartbeat etc - in fact i prob wont enjoy it until the baby is here :( A MC does that.

Tiggeroo - fingers crossed for ur BFP... have fun NTNP and then actively trying.. it can be a lot of fun haha :)

Lolaann - dont do the email until your ready. and remember u dont need to say much as they will understand :hugs:
I also know what u mean about seeing pregnant women. an old school friend just gave birth and a bit of me is jealous - but as u say, i dont know her story xx
Hi Ladies....Can I join as this seems like a lovely positive thread with loads of BFP's after losses :hugs:

I'm 40 and MC on 17th June 2011 at 6 weeks. We had been trying for 8 cycles. I ended up having to have an emergency D&C with a blood transfusion in the early hours of 18th June as they couldn't stop the bleeding and I was literally bleeding to death :nope:
Anyway, fast forward and starting to feel better and we decided not to wait for AF and just NTNP this cycle and see what happens :shrug:
I hope it's not going to take 8 cycles again :nope: but I was still getting +hpt's a week or so after D&C as my HCG was almost 20,000 day before M/C.
It's all out of my system now and pretty sure I have ovulated this cycle, although I've only just started temping again mid cycle so really don't have a clue!! I 'think' I'm in the TWW so will wait and see.
Good luck to all those ladies TTCAL :hugs::hugs::flower:
Welcome glowstar. Wow scary about your nonstop bleeding, I'm so sorry that must have been beyond terrifying. I hope the "increased fertility" after m/cing everyone mentions is true and you can catch the egg this cycle! I'm so sorry for your loss. Glad you are starting to feel better xxx

I've decided to use this "in between time" where I dunno what my cycle is doing to lose some weight. In the 5 weeks I was preg I put on too much :(
Thanks Lola, sorry for your loss, it's a truly awful experience. I do feel that starting to think about ttc again is def making me feel better and more positive. I'm hoping the supposed increased fertility is TRUE!! I'm 41 in January so hoping for a sticky bean very soon. Xxxx
tiger and sushi so sorry to read of your loses and glowstar so so sorry to hear of your experience so scary :(
I briefly spoke to doc yesterday, but he brushed me off claiming It can take 12 weeks for cycle to restart so to give him a call mid/end august if it has not started, this is torture waiting, oh well!
Tigeroo - I love the lantern idea. Beautiful.

Sorry for your loss - I really really want a BFP very soon. Think I may have missed O date this month as temps have gine high, but trying to be kind to myself as m.c was only just over week ago.
Hi mrsmax, I don't think you have missed o. Not with sticky cm. I think temps can be a bit random after mc.
tinker - thats really rubbish. 12 weeks??? my doc told me to call if i got to 8 weeks and that 4-6weeks is the average? well if you get too stressed u cud always get another opinion. I guess after a MC anything can happen?! So try not to worry. I hope it comes for u soon hun xxxx

glowstar - gosh uve had it tough! Really hope u get ur BFP soon :)
Hi girls,

I have just been reading this thread and thought i would join you if thats ok.

I had a chemical last month on the 29th June. I am still bleeding. Albeit mostly spotting. It seems to stop and start a bit. I called the EPU yesterday morning because it had gone from nothing to spotting to a little bit more(like the end of af). I was told i just had to let it run its course. Later in the day it stopped again and went back to spotting but with pain. I called them again to be told that it was probably ovulation and that i should take an OPK test and it could mean that i a am very fertile. Very helpful, NOT. At the very least i thought they would have asked me to come in and get an ultrasound but apparently to them a chemical is more like a late period. I am very angry.

We decided because of the bleeding to NTNP this month so i didnt bother doing and OPK as it would defeat the purpose. Would love a BFP but i doubt that it will happen this month.

Hi Wendy - sorry for your loss but welcome to this thread x I really hope the pain/bleeding goes soon - its so tough when u dont get the support you need or the advice you want from professionals. Its good that they dont sound too worrried tho so try to relax (hard i know) and let nature take its course. NTNP can be fun - and then you can go full steam ahead next month :dance: GOOD LUCK ;)

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