Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

ttcmetalmom- wow. You've really been through it havent you? people dont have to cry to be able to mourn though hun, we all do it in our own way - which is what ur doing. xxx Cant believe ur ex hasnt been in contact - really awful :( xxx Its good ur trying again though - you WILL get a sticky bean! xxx
yes its horrible with each new name. although we start to feel better we never forget the rawness of a mc, and we always remember that even if we get pregnant again, it wont be with THAT baby. Every now and again i remember randomly and the pain is terrible. I really admire those who have been through it (esp a few times) but keep trying for that sticky bean.

i have such a good feeling for the ladies on this thread though - i really do. Cant wait for some more BFP announcements... i just KNOW some are on their way!!!

Slowly trying to catch up, been busy few days,
but this caught my eye, its so true, and I know what you mean, when for some reason think back to that day, my heart want to break all over again :nope:

I hope there are plenty more BFPs over the next few weeks xx
Hi All :wave:

Hope everyone is doing ok at their various stages of where we all are?? :hugs:

On the :sex: positions, wel i assume those that mean gravit pulls the :spermy: into the cervix (missionary, doggy etc) are better than those where they can just fall out (woman on top) .... i agree on the making sure you both "finish" the time i conceived we only did it twice and one of those was when Id bought a naughty maids outfit and a rabbit from Anne Summers!!!! Going to be getting that out again soon!!

Metalmom, aw mate, we all deal with things in our own way, I bawled my eyes out for days, then seemed fine for weeks and weeks and now every now and then things will remind me and ill get really upset again :hugs:

I too obsess over my chart, comparing it to others, looking through the galleries of OPKs and HPTs!! The amount of time ive wasted is unbelievable!!

Almost time for me to finish work then im off home to start my weekend!!

Hi ladies, mind if I join in? I think we might NTNP this month until AF arrives. I had my ERPC on the 4th July so I'm now on CD12. Got BFN about CD8. I wasn't sure whether to NTNP or not but my feeling is that if the conditions aren't right and my lining isn't good enough I won't get pregnant anyway, I might not even ov :) It took us 8 cycles the first time so I really don't want to waste time, you know?

Started OPKs yesterday and obviously negative, faint lines though. Will be interesting to keep doing them and see if I actually get a surge or not. Feels so weird to be doing OPKs and thinking about CM and all that again!

Baby dust to everyone and congrats to the BFPs! :flower:
Hi Elhaym

Aw chick im so sorry for your loss, I think we frequent some of the same journals/thread and i remember reading your posts before. :hugs:

I think we all find the same thing, after we have had a mc we need to feel like we are doing something to get closer to our new healthy baby and getting back to TTC is the best way of helping us to move on. Agree that the first month is good to NTNP as we dont know what our bodies are going to do. I really hope your body gets back to normal quickly.

If anyone wants to buy any OPKs etc from the internet I have a voucher code for 10% off at the following, just enter VMED at the checkout valid till Tuesday at midnight:

Big hugs ladies xxx
Hello all just been catching up.

Welcome miss c taylor and metalmom I agree it is sad that we join here but there is alot of support.

Hi there Elhayam how are you doing honey? I got got faint OPKS right from a week after my mmc then a positive one yesterday so I know I have LH in my system but to what good it will do I do not know.

I have started obsessing over my chart but I have always done that. Still do not really like looking at my BFP cycle thought as it gives me a lump in my throat at the moment.

On the subject of charts Glowstar I agree ov cd 21 fingers and toes crossed for you hun.

On the sexual positions score think the research tends to agree that missionary and doggy style are best but also if your OH to really pull back on his sperm reserves by having a good orgasm "gourmet sex" as quoted on the programme the great sperm race. Female orgasms to tend to draw the sperm up but also if you come first it changes the PH of your cervical fluid are makes it more sperm friendly so I say be greedy girls just to cover all angles.:rofl:

AFM I woke up this morning to EWCM but before everyone gets too excited I have started spotting again this afternoon with back ache and cramps so I guess I am still not finished bleeding and dam pregnancy tests are still the faintest of positives. Funny how I longed for a positive hpt now I hate that second line. :dohh:
yes its horrible with each new name. although we start to feel better we never forget the rawness of a mc, and we always remember that even if we get pregnant again, it wont be with THAT baby. Every now and again i remember randomly and the pain is terrible. I really admire those who have been through it (esp a few times) but keep trying for that sticky bean.

i have such a good feeling for the ladies on this thread though - i really do. Cant wait for some more BFP announcements... i just KNOW some are on their way!!!

Slowly trying to catch up, been busy few days,
but this caught my eye, its so true, and I know what you mean, when for some reason think back to that day, my heart want to break all over again :nope:

I hope there are plenty more BFPs over the next few weeks xx

I understand you so much..I had 2 mcs the last was 2 months and 2 days ago almost together Tinkerbelle2..I am still not over it. This second time made fall apart. Have you done some some tests for the causes of the miscarriages?
Morning all I feel so stupid, did another opkvthis morning and it was positive as the othet morning but negative on a night so I now think that they are detecting hcg not lh. Doh. My temps are still dropping abd i have started spotting again. Guess I'm not done bleeding just yet. Think my body is doing its best to regulate my hormones but I must still have some lining to shed and hcg in my system.

The other thing I have been wondering is I'm taking agbus fastidious to hopefully regulate my cycle could this be prolonging my bleeding. it also works by increasing LH so to improve progesterone levels maybe its not suiting me?
Hey debzie, nice to see you :hi: I usually ov around CD16/17 so it will be interesting to see when it happens this month (if it does at all!) Though the cycle where I actually got pregnant I ov'd on the classic CD14!

I'm still spotting slightly which is doing my head in but we started BD a couple of nights ago because I just couldn't wait, hadn't done it since a while before the mc and I really needed it. I have been getting BFNs though so surely the spotting will stop soon? :shrug:
Debzie.......sorry the hcg is taking so long to leave your system, it's sad but frustrating at the same time :nope: Hopefully your body will regulate soon and you'll be able to get back to BD'ing :hugs:

Elhaym - I had a D&C and BFP cycle ovulated on day 10 (normally 13-15) and I ov'd on CD21. So your might not be to far away. I suppose we have been NTNP to and just trying to get this cycle over with so we can move on and TTC properly :thumbup:
Thanks Glowstar, that sounds about right, it'll probably be delayed by at least a week (I got my first BFN about a week after ERPC).

Ha, we both ov'd early on our BFP cycle - those eggs are sneaky buggers aren't they? Good job I was doing SMEP that month so I didn't miss it :haha:

I agree about wanting to get this cycle out of the way - at least doing OPKs and stuff is something to occupy my mind otherwise I'd be going mad just waiting! x

I feel like that too, taking temps and doing OPKs makes you feel in control of something and at least you are doing something!! It makes me feel a lot better especially in the first few weeks till you can start the serious :sex:

My body tried to ovulate and didnt on my BFP cycle and then it tried and did, luckily we had :sex: a couple of times and caught it!! Always the way, happens when you least expect it!!

The time will fly by and you will be back to TTC properly with me and the others!! :hugs:

I really cannot wait for this bit to be over too ladies. We are still bding even though i am still spotting to be honest I am feeling really horney (soz tmi) must be my hormones. Spotting has tapered off to tinged cm again but I am now having ovulation pains in my left side really bad. Will see what my temps do. Did a hpt with fmu and it was a real squinter if a second line on a wondfo and negative on a onestep 10 miu typical eh?
Yeah, at least you feel like you are doing something to help, plus you can slowly watch your body get back to normal as it were. The human body really is amazing :)

How long have you been TTC Clobo? :hugs:

edit - OMG debzie I know! We hadn't bd'd since before my MC and over the last week I have gotten so horny, I am also spotting a bit but no way could I wait any longer :haha: so we started BD a couple of nights ago. As well as satisfying my sex drive it was also nice to have some closeness with OH after the horrible couple of weeks we have had. Hope you ov soon chick :flower:
Debzie, increased sex drive is a sign of ovulation apparently so could be a good sign if you are feeling ov pain too?? Good luck!!

Ive been TTC for almost 2 years now, took a while to be diagnosed with PCOS and finally saw a specialist last november who started me on the clomid, took two rounds and nothing then stopped to go on the waiting list for a laparoscopy and then fell pregnant naturally .... i think its maybe one of the reasons i had a mc, my body needs that extra help of the clomid to work prooperly, the specialist said it helps so many different things!! So technically i fell pregnant the 3rd time of trying as all the other times were complete stabs in the dark as i didnt know what was going on with my body, it just took a long time to get there .... hopefully now we know what we are doing it wont take as long this time!!

Keep up all the :sex: xxx
Hi Ladies,

Hubby and i are another couple who aren't waiting to try again. It has been a week and the bleeding has gone so now just waiting for a pos opk, i think we might just end up :sex: every second day until i get af or a bfp. PLease keep your fingers crossed for me.
Good luck Mrs Crabsticke!! I like your plan!! :sex: xxx
Hi MrsCrabsticke, good luck, hope you get a BFP :thumbup:

Wow Clobo you have been through a lot, I hope you're not waiting too long this time! Are you back on clomid again? xx
I had a really weird call from the hosp and she said my hcg had gone DOWN to 13.2. Which would be good but I swear the first call she said my HCG was 6.something. I must have misheard and the first time she said 16 instead of 6. Hubby took the last call so I couldn't clarify. Hmm. Oh well. Still getting faint positives.

Welcome mrs crabsticke sounds like you have the same plan as us!!

Clobo I was diagnosed with PCOS and my ovaries were riddled with cysts and were very bad sizes. They did mention that pregnancy does wonders for most people with PCOS, and on my scan last week my ovaries were almost normal! I was amazed, so hopefuly they will stay that way until we carry a pregnancy to term again.

I find it weird that my HCG levels aren't 0 yet I've stpped bleeding - where des all the stuff go? I wish I was a doctor!! x
I wish we could see inside our bodies!! Aw chick PCOS is awful isn't it! Yep even things like my skin cleared up when I was pregnant!!

Aw chick why not ring them back and put your mind at rest, the levs will go down quickly now :hugs:

Elhaym, yes I took my fifth tablet today, so treating myself to a few vinos tonight then in baby making mode!!

Soon we will all have our babies :baby: yay!!


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