Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?


Having a bit of a day of it! DH left at 7.30 am this morning on his trip to India. The kids have been running me ragged today. DD got annoyed with DS2 in the car on the way home from church this morning and there was a full scale fight, with both crying loudly in the back seat, and DS1 in the front seat shouting loudly at DD to leave her brother alone. I nearly crashed with the stress, not helped by the fact DD was sitting behind me and flailing around madly hitting the back of my seat! Then when I got home I realised she had opened the fridge this morning and eaten uncooked the pizza I had bought for their tea tonight. Shopping gets delivered on Monday mornings, so although I was able to cobble together enough for them to eat this evening, I think I am going hungry tonight. To cap it all, I've just had an email from DD's head to say there was an accident at school on Friday when DD stood up suddenly while her teacher was bending over, and bashed the teacher very hard under the chin. The teacher will be off sick now for several week according to the email (I assume she might have broken her jaw ) and my babysitter has just phoned to let me down for Thursday when she was going to have the youngest two so I could take DS1 for his grading at karate. He's worried he will have to miss it now, and the opportunity only comes round once every 6 months. AND I've still got another whole week (and a day) of the 2ww to go....

But my bodyguard is due to arrive in an hour and a half, so that's not going to be embarrassing at all obviously!
ok emum, i wish i wasn't pregnant now!!!! :haha: that all sounds like a nightmare :hugs::hugs: and sorry funny in a black sense of humour way. Did you mean your DD ate a whole raw pizza?! :saywhat: Hmm if the teacher broke her jaw wouldn't your DD be more injured? These teachers ey? Don't they get enough holidays as it is, enough already with the guilt trip. How soon can you get the children into bed so you can chill out!!!! :hugs::hugs:
I hope your bodygaurd is hunky and takes your mind of everything! :haha:
oh emum, it sounds like a rubbish day but I must admit your story did make me smile a little. I could just see me, my sister and brother all doing the same when I was a child while my mum was trying to keep her cool and failing.

I don't understand the email from your school. Fair enough the head had to mention that your DD might have hurt herself but saying the teacher will be off is just wrong. It implies guilt/intent and could make you feel guilty when it was just an accident. I hate people that do that.

I hope you manage to get to the sons karate, is there a friend that could help you out for and hour or so?
Oh emum, what a crappy day!
Did your dd really eat a raw pizza?! Did you manage to rustle something up for tea then?
I don't understand about the school incident, surely if the teacher was that hurt something would've been said straightaway on Friday when it happened? :shrug:
Loz, that site is pretty amazing! Maybe I'll have a prod around and see what I find:blush:

Random question - does anyone elses oh take wellman conception? Have they mentioned it tasting funny? I told Kev he must be imagining the taste cos my prenatals don't taste of anything, but he assures me they really taste disgusting and leave a nasty aftertaste :shrug:

My Kev has been moaning about the horrible taste but I thought he was just being a baby! He refused to take them when he was ill because he was sure they were making him worse lol!

Emum - you're having such a rough time of it just now. I hope things start to go easier on you soon xx

AFM - I'm tired tonight. Had to hobble round tesco to get some food because the cupboards were bare lol! Got heaps of housework that's not been done but it'll just have to wait lol!
Oh Emum what a day. It sounds like you could do with a nanny for a week not a bodyguard! I can't believe your daughter ate a raw pizza!! And I agree with pink, I think the letter from the school was unfair. I think you need a very large glass of wine.
Thanks for the mumps info Fil and pink. I'm obviously concerned about Edie because I don't want her to be poorly. They have 2 mmr vaccines, one at 13 months and 1 at 3. So she is only 50% immune. And I'm worried OH gets it as he has never had it and doesn't think he has been immunised. I thought it could be dangerous for men and leave them infertile? Also worried about the risk if by chance I am pregnant. I'm probably worrying for nothing though. It's also that my stepson could well catch it off her and we have him twice a week.
Thanks everyone.

First things first, Mrs Miggins, as you have already had a pregnancy, you will have been tested for immunity, whether you knew it or not, and if you hadn't been immune would have been advised to get the MMR after your baby was born. So you don't need to worry about the possibility of being pregnant. For your DH I would suggest an urgent trip to his GP tomorrow. The incubation period for mumps is 2-3 weeks and I don't know whether an MMR now might protect him. I know it works for chicken pox though, so worth a try. And Edie hopefully will be fine as she's at least had the first MMR. Did she spend a lot of time with your SD on Friday or was she mostly in bed?

AFM. Yes bodyguard is a woman and isn't here yet so can't tell you more. Yes, DD really did eat an uncooked pizza, but the base was part baked so not as gross as it sounds. The headteacher is a good friend, and I am also Chair of Governors at the school, so I'm not surprised he told me. I don't think he would have told another parent if the same thing happened. From what I can gather, the teacher whacked her chin very hard against the top of DD's head so I can understand it would have done the teacher quite a lot of damage, and DD none at all.

Am foreswearing the wine for the next week just in case we have been lucky, though otherwise it would be good. Have succumbed though to the lure of a Dominos pizza and some diet coke, which was yum! Just thinking I should tidy up some toys now in case the bodyguard breaks her neck on nighttime patrol.
Oh no emum, nothing is going your way at all at the moment. It all sounds very stressful, I hope you didn't mind me seeing the funny side, it just sounded like something out of a film! I hope things turn around sharpish for you soon. x x
OH ran me a surprise bath bless him so I was gone for a bit. I know what he is after later :sex:

Lolo I just take boots conception support, OH takes nothing- he eats super healthy so I'm not even going to try and supplement it. It might taste foul it depends what is in it. Tell him don't be silly, and make him eat a mint imperial after, that will sort the aftertaste. They contain actual peppermint oil, and is settling to the digestion.

Mrs Miggins please get your DH to see a doctor, there may well be nothing to worry about but you cant just not worry based on possibly not having to worry, if you know what I mean. Peace of mind and a reassurance from a doctor is a good thing! Here is some mumps info a quick google revealed (had to google something I have been away from the computer for an hour and was in withdrawals)

Oh Emum :hugs::flow: super huge group forum hug for you, what a day! That teacher is a wimp in my opinion, not to mention silly- all teachers should know that evasion reflexes are an absolute must when dealing with kids! I hope you and your bodyguard get on well, I'm trying to imagine having a bodyguard and I just cant picture it, except for OH of course. My kids raid my whole downstairs if they manage to get down here before one of us does. Fridge, cupboards, fruitbowl, youngest once snook downstairs at what must have been before 5 am and devoured a whole dozen fairy cakes I had made. Was really hard to be cross when he's looking up at you all covered in cake saying 'you make the best cakes mummy' I tell you, he really does know how to creep round me when I'm trying to be cross.

I had spotting after I poked my cervix abit. red-pink, not the brown like at the end of my recent AF. Normal for when cervix has been prodded? Or just hormone related? Your opinions would be helpful here, as I am a cervix prodding newbie.
Thanks Emum and Loz. I feel better now.
Well, that's the X factor over with for another year. What in the name of Versace was Tulisa wearing?? Looking forward to the Strictly final next week.
Sorry Loz, can't help you with the cervix fiddling. I have never been anywhere near my cervix. I am a wimp.
I'm a wimp when it comes to that aswell Mrs Miggins, so much so that they had to morphine me slightly just to be able to check my cervix at the hospital after the medical. They tried first without morphine and I freaked right out. However, I find that I am not such a wimp about that place when its my own finger! TMI alert: Heres what I did, I used my middle finger as its my longest, but still just under 3 inches long, and I could just about reach. It didn;t hurt but did feel a little tender when I pressed it. I did this lying down relaxed in the same position as if it was a smear test, and I made sure I relaxed first. Afterwards, I was super exited that I managed to reach it! Now starts the learning of its variations.
Nah, still don't think I'm going there. Super emotional tonight. Just cried seeing footage of Amy Winehouse with her mum.
Currently inhaling chocolate.
....and the most horrendous plummeting temp. Best get stocked up on tampax. :-(
Morning all.
One temp doesn't mean AF Mrs Miggins, it could be implantation :) I've been emotional all cycle, welling up at everything!

AFM - Another BFN today. Boobs are still really sore and still cramping. Temps almost always rise at 10DPO but today they're almost the same as yesterday so who knows lol!
Morning girls,

Ickle and mrs migg :dust: :dust: being emotional sounds like a good sign, let's hope it's pregnancy and not pmt :dust:

Loz, i'm not a cervix checker either and I can't abide smears or anything like that, i find it painful and awful uncomfortable

emum, hope your night was uneventful and your bodygaurd did a good job!

I'm off to the gp this morning. I want to get all my drugs on prescription and i want the 'teg' clotting result back from st mary's pronto in case i need to go on any more aspirin.

Have a nice day everyone, think it's a cold one again!
Good luck this morning at the GP, Filipenko.

A big dip at 10dpo can be a good sign Mrs Miggins if your luteal phase is usually around 14 days or longer. If it comes back up tomorrow, you will have nothing to worry about.

Bodyguard was lovely, but a bit scary. Part of me almost wished the guys from Monday would try to break in, because she was definitely up for giving them a bit of a going over if they did :haha:
ohhhh it's cold! Not allowed the heating on during the day, too expensive. Brrrrrrrrr.

Glad you had a scary bodyguard emum and it was uneventful. Hope your day is better today. :hugs: Lock that fridge!

Fingers crossed for you mrs migg! :dust: :dust:

afm - no nightmares, no dreams, no cramps!! :yipee:

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