Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Well i think i am going bonkers, i had a pos opk two weeks ago and i don't know if it was a real opk or not but these past couple of days my (.)(.) have been killing me today more than anything and the tiredness this past week ugh. Either i am going to ovulate soon or i don't know.

Don't want to get my hopes up for anything but i can't help myself.
MrsC have you taken a hpt? Opks pick up LH as well as HCG? You could be up the duff lady???????
I know someone who drank and smoked their whole pregnancy, it bothered me to no end. I gave up smoking when I decided to TTC, I have a hard enough time sustaining a pregnancy without all of the other worries. I do have trouble giving up coffee though and that scares me.

So happy for all of the good news on here lately. Maybe we will all be preggers by the end of Aug. Then we can continue to share our symptoms, worries and ultra sound pics. Oh how exciting would it be to all have babies so close together. My Fingers and toes are crossed for all of us and lots of baby dust to all.
Ok ladies sorry for the 'me' post but I desperatly need your help.

Had some really awful cramps last night and a bit of light spotting, only when wiped, never made it on knickers.
Freaked so oh took me to a&e at 10pm. At 1.00am they took my beta which was 5600 (wouldn't give me exact figure) so from Fridays result still doubling every 42 hours.
They wouldn't let me come home because I mentioned ovary pain. Never slept all night and they took me for a scan at 2.00pm. All she could see was gestational sac so she did internal and same. According to FF I should be exactly 5 weeks today so that seems about right to only see that. They also said they could see cysts on both ovaries.
Some Dr just came to see me and said NO SAC!!! But me and oh saw it!!! Sonographer showed it to us!! Saying they want to do another D&C!! She also said my hcg is low for 5 weeks!!! It's not, the chart is even on the wall in the EAPU!! She then went away to speak to her senior then came back and said they might want to do keyhole and wait till tomorrow.
I just feel they are jumping the gun!! The sac plus my hcg does not indicate ectopic. I am still in hospital and they won't let me out!
aw glowstar you must be out your mind right now i wish i could do something to make it all better:hugs: Iam no doctor but it does seem they are jumping the gun especialy when you saw the sac yourself, you know your own body and sometimes these doctors do jump the gun, your just another name in a long line of women that they see every day. If your not comfortable with them making thses decisions so quickly demand they wait and re test and re scan so that you know for sure yourself. aw please let us know how you get on when you can, you will be in my thoughts all the time

wishing you all the luck and that your bean is sticking in there :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Glowstar: they can not force you to stay but you may be better off staying for a bit. Do NOT let them do anything you are not comfortable with. Tell them you have options and that you are opting to wait it out. Follow your heart and don't let them change your mind. You are in my thoughts and I am keeping my Fx for you. Praying your lil bean sticks it out in there and a H&H 9! Keep us updated please...
Oh glowie i really can't understand why they are moving so quickly. With my first mmc I went for a scan and they just saw two tiny sacs so I had to go back a week later. I cant understand it. I agree you should syand your ground and ask to give this pregnancy a chance. Unless they can give you a life or death reason not to. God I will say it again you dont do things by halfs do you. Srnding hugs and have a call on that guardian angel of yours. x x
I think it depends on the person. I MC April of last year. I was 6 wks at the time. Honestly, I never wanted to try again. The loss of my child was so devastating to me. It's been really hard for me. The thought of ever miscarrying again frightens me. As time passed, we are ready to try again. I am still quite nervous though. But if you are ready, then I say go for it.

Glow, aw you poor thing, i think its right to stay where you are though just in case but i would make them rescan you and retest tomorrow. Ectopics dont usually have doubling betas and you are right a scan this early would only show a sac. Cysts on ovaries can be common, ladies with PCOS often have lots of them and its not always a cause for concern. I really hope they are more caring towards you and make sure they are very thorough :hugs:

Mrs C, sometimes ladies with PCOS get "false" ovulation, i get it, my body tried to ovulate, doesnt and then tries again a few days later, do you usually ovulate early on??

Amanda, thanks mate, i really hope so too!! Yes you usually ovulate 12-36 hours after a +ve OPK, I know you cant this time round but usually you would :sex: for the day or so after ovulation in case you catch the eggy on its way down!!

Heavy, keep that chin up chick, i know what you mean about the pregnant woman smoking, when i had my mc all clear scan i came out to see a heavily pregnant girl chain smoking ... i really wanted to smack her!

clobo ha yes the thought of giving every pregnant smoking machine a good smack sounds good to me!! i suppose some people never have a loss or just dont think about it, doesn't take more that a few brain cells though to realise what harm you can cause the baby. I also have a "friend" 6mths pregnant who chain smokes,she thinks the risks are blown out of proportion!! I haven't seen her since my mc i feel too angry towards her. She happily called me today to tell me how her hospital appointment went and all about the birth plan:growlmad: i made my excuses and cut her off. Insensitive cow was how i was feeling!!

I miscarried about 2 weeks ago, and I only bled for about 5-6 days. I have been checking the CM and after 1 day at dry, it seems to have gone back to "normal" which is extra amount for me. My levels dropped from about 1000+ to 240 last Friday morning and I assume they have continued to drop. The doc said there is no reason that we could not try again at my next ovulation. There was no reason that they could pinpoint that I MC. After discussion we decided as we have a daughter, that we would try again immediately.

We are planning on temping and using OPKs beginning this weekend (I have been temping since the MC), because my cycle is already irregularly irregular. I have AF every other month, but ovulate monthly... strange but true. So if this keeps up, we are looking to begin again (let the OPKS tell it) in mid-August. I am wondering about other ladies experiences that began TTC after a MC?????

Mine was a "missed" MC as the baby measured 8w2d and they didn't catch the situation until I began to bleed at 9w6d....

(7/28/11 -CD #9)
Welcome Mrsmm24

Following my first mmc my cycles did not return for 8 weeks e
We ntnp that cycle. Fell pregnant 3 cycles later just to have another mmc. I began temping after the main bleeding had stoped ovulated 8 days after i usually do but no luck did not think i had much hope as i spotted throughout. Af has arrived again today so here's to another cycle. Good luck hun.
Hi MrsMM24, im so sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: I think it you want to start TTC right away then why not, its all up to the individuals circumstances.

I had a mega long cycle after my mc but I have PCOS so that was fairly normal for me!

Good luck :dust:
Ladies, thanks for all your kind words, means a lot. Xx

7Mm fluid sac, in uterine. Which from what I can gather is right for 5 weeks. Nothing else seen, no yolk sac etc.
Thickening of uterine lining 7mm.

But, they can't see my right ovary as 7cm mass covering it!! So saying that you can get a seudo sac?? And still be ectopic. Of course mass on ovary could be a cyst that's been there all along :/ progesterone getting checked. Told nurse tonight I am in no way going to theatre until another beta done and another scan. Xx
Good on you Glow, I hope you are ok, I know it wont be easy but make sure you get some rest chick xxx
aw glowstar iam glad to here that they arent rushing you into anything you dont want and that they are checking everything more detailed.
Ur in my thoughts :hugs::hugs::hugs: really wishing you all the best xx
Glow - glad you're standing up for yourself but hate that you're having to go through this. Keep us posted, we're all thinking of you xx

I did another OPK tonight, it's about the same darkness as last night. Maybe O will hold off until the weekend :)
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I found out that I had lost my baby around 7-8 wks at my 9 wk appt (7/5/11). I didn't have a d&c but had cytotec inserted by my dr and passed everything within one week. After the bleeding stopped my DH and I started BDing and hopefully we'll conceive again soon. Dealing with the emotions of losing our baby has been so difficult at times but I'm very thankful to have found support from you ladies.

Lots of sticky dust to you.

Mrs C, sometimes ladies with PCOS get "false" ovulation, i get it, my body tried to ovulate, doesnt and then tries again a few days later, do you usually ovulate early on??


Thanks for your reply, i have been checked for PCOS and i do have a few fribriods but they say not enough or PCOS. I have been testing with opks for the past couple of weeks and haven't had another positive yet i did a hpt a week ad a bit ago to see if i had any hcg left in me and it was very neg.

I have never really monitored after a mc so i don't know if early ovulation is normal for me.

so i guess ill just have to wait and see. I might go grab some more hpt's and see what i get. I will keep testing with opk's and see if i get another positive.
Glow glad you stood your ground and they are not just rushing in. Been thinking about you keep us posted. X

Welcome bastegrrl. Sorry for your loss and welcome.

With some opks I never got a positive just a fade in and out I think some cycles I had a short surge.

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