Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Thank you heavy heart this site has been amazing until now I've only been on the mc support and that really helped me. I thought I was going to wait for first af but decided to change my mind an ntnp I also promised myself I was not going to obsess just relax an see what happens but here I m a week down the line an already wanting answers I'm quite excited I'm feeling sick but know I could be letting myself in for a big disappointment! x big hugs x
Elhaym - yay for the +ve opk. Really chuffed for you. Just thought I haven't done one in a while. Might have to give it a go when I next go to the loo.

Clobo - I get hollywood's done too. They do get easier but they're so much nicer than shaving. Totally worth it!

Mskg - Welcome. Join in with our weird mix of serious talks and daftness :) The ladies here have helped me so much. Hope we can do the same for you.

AFM - My ovaries are hurting a lot tonight so I think O is def in the post. I think I'm going to buy a CBFM to help stop me obsessing over my chart as much as I have done this cycle.
mrskg i also feel exactly like you, i find myself thinking about it constantly but trying to be as relaxed as possible. My hubby thinks all his birthdays have come at once with all the :sex: haha. I find this place a huge support and i log in everyday to see how everyone is getting on. Hopefuly it wont be long till we both get our sticky beans!!! Ive decided that i wont be doing any testing till some time mid to late aug if i have had no af but i know thats going to be tough

big hugs to you to, here any time you want to chat :hugs:
I would have liked to try again tonight but feel to nauseous glad I never got my hubby's hopes up lol I'm also on everyday much better than Facebook lol I will try be strong and not test either I know from past it's just a waste of time but ordered 25 hpt today from eBay for £4 so can't promise I'm thinking I'll try wait till the 6th ha ha who am I kiddin but know that'd be sensible x fx for sticky beans x oh just noticed your from Edinburgh I'm just outside in Musselburgh small world eh! Big hugs to you too x
aw Iam from musselburgh aswell how strange is that!!! very small world. Iam trying to resist buying the tests so i cant test but iam sure i will cave in soon. I have my daughters birthday on the 7th aug so am tring to keep myself occupied with that hoping that i wont be long after that till testing time. Yes fingers toes and everything else crossed it will happen for us this month xxx:thumbup:
morning, I have not been able to access forum for a while, keeps going strange on me!
going to catch up, but I am starting to feel like a broken record as I say again, still no af and bfn on hpts :(
I feel like screaming!
Morning ladies

Welcome mrs kg I can remember you from the mc support forum... I found ou on the 20th July that I had a mmc my medical managment worked first time thank goodness soo sorry you had to go though all that. Hope you get your sticky bean very soon. x x

Elhaym whoo hoo for positive opk............ welcome to the tww.

Ickle and clobo I am poking your ovaries from afar (poke poke)

Tinkerbelle I would go to the docs see if they can give you some progesterone to kick start af or something I too would be going mad. With my last miscarriage af did not show for 8 weeks and that was bad enough really feel for you hun.

I am now just getting so inpatient, temps are too low to be pregnant and a drop like this usually signals af but she aint here yet. CM has all but gone and I have never ever had that I usually have sticky or creamy. Internet hpts are stark white not even a shadow to get half excited about. I know I am only 11dpo I just hate this bit arghhhhhhhhhhh. Sorry ladies rant over.
Hi all

MrsKg, so sorry for your loss, yes you'll get lots of support and also some nice chat and silliness on here!! :hugs:

Debzie, aw chick, yep i see what you mean on your chart, well its not too late, untill the witch shows you never know!! However if the witch does come then at least your mmc cycle has been a short one and hopefully the next one will be back to normal and hopefully be a successful one!! :hugs:

Tinker, have you been back to the doctors about kick starting your period??

Amanda, chick i feel your (ovulation) pain!! Mine are killing me, it hurts when i cough!! Hopefully yours waits a while till your OH gets back!

AFM, Im gutted that ive not ovulated yet, we've put in so much effort on the :sex: front and its probably not going to count and now husband will probably start to lose interest!! Hope the Hollywood doesnt lose its novelty too soon!! :flasher:

Lol thanks Debzie! I just had a look at your chart and it does look like AF's on the way. Hopefully she comes quick so you can move on to the next cycle asap.

Clobo - it's not fun having ovaries like bubble wrap is it? Lol! I wish I could take a pin and pop all those cysts.

I've just bought a CBFM and test sticks from ebay, so I'm prepared for next cycle. I'm really excited to start using it. I love gadgets lol!
Ooh exciting, i thought about that but i get on quite well with temping and im not supposed to be doing it or husband/specialist will tell me off!!

I know, mine feel HUGE, loads of watery/eggy cm today and cant reach cervix, hopefully ill get a big dip tomorrow!! Wonder if husband will put out tonight for the 4th time in a row!!! Think ive tired him out ... he's out drinking tomorrow night though, boo!!

I WILL catch that eggy!!! xxx
Hi ladies, I stopped bleeding Sunday/Monday and I have been feeling frisky, we have DTD Sunday and yesterday, do you think I could be ovulating? It's been just over 2 weeks since my natural MC. I have achey BBs and had twinges last night. Felt sick this morning and have got a spot on my face that I got when I was pregnant last time :shrug: so confused with my body right now :wacko: Might go do an opk and see what it says :blush:
Hi Meachy, id do an OPK although if you have already ovulated or are ovulating nw it would probably show negative as they are usually positive the day or so before you ovulate. Worth a go though. Dont expect this cycle to be back to normal necessarily though. Keep up the :sex: just in case though! I get spots before ovulation and sore boobs after, these are all good sign!!

Clobo - Well if he won't put out tonight, then try again in the morning before he's awake enough to put up a fight. That's what I do lol!

Meachy - ditto what Clobo said. I get the same ov symptoms as her too :)
well the spotting has started again sorry but this post is going to be tmi...........

Its really watery brown when I wipe and when I was checking my cervix I found a lump of "stuff" similar to when I was passing placenta tissue after the miscarriage, it was brown almost black, did not pull apart like a you think its stuff still left over? or maybe just a clot?

Then again I was thinking maybe it just the start of AF. The first af after my last miscarriage started with spotting.

Amanda, usually I get ben at night when he is sleepy, I'll give it a go otherwise I'll try the morning!!

Debzie, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a bit of retained products, hopefully now it's come out your period will flow freely. I had leftover products and it sounds similar. you'll be all clear for next cycle now!!

This is my favorite thread, everyone is so supportive of eachother and we can all just be open. Good news, sad news, goofiness, we got it all. We should keep this going even after we all get our BFP's and through the whole nine months. Speaking of BFP's: How's Kas? Anyone hear from her? Her possitive energy always keeps me going.

Clobo, let me know when you do decide to test and I will test the same day all though I believe we are on quite a time difference or at least I think we are. It's 9:28 am here right now. Maybe we are good luck for eachother and we all have that sticky bean before too long.
Debzie it's probably just a bit of blood and old tissue, could be that AF is starting and it's just allowed it to come through. Shouldn't be anything to worry about :hugs:

Just got another lovely dark OPK that went positive in about 20 seconds - BD'd last night and will BD tonight but then can't tomorrow so hope that will be enough! Loads of EWCM and I am horny as anything sorry to say so today is O day I think! :happydance:
Thanks ladies, got cramps like mad just wish I would start bleeding or something least then I can start again lol. Then I think I must not have that much lining to shed given the fact I only stopped spotting for 6 days at the most since the mmc. With a bit of luck mother nature will be kind to me. (for once)

Wayhay Elhaym I hope and pray you catch that egg. Fingers and toes crossed for you.

Mama I too love this thread its been a life line at a really difficult time. Yeah we should stick together.
Heavy heart lol very small! I will try *not to know there is point just now as implantation won't have finished x

Debzie thank you hope you are keeping ok *x baby dust all round x

Clobo thank you x

Meachy i have exact same symptoms totally confused too lol glad to know my symptoms not in my head

Do you guys think it's possible to ovulate 10 days after end of mc? I'm now 17 days since mc I've been looking at my symptoms as implantation but on reading posts could it be ovulation no cm though but did last wk. I feel like I did when pregnant last time had these symtoms 2 wk's before bfp. Today been having short sharp pains in right ovary *still feel nauseous and got 4 spots on my chin! Are these signs of ovulation as well as implantation? aaargh why can't I just be patient lol x :shrug:
Mrskg you sound like me......I am so impatient at the moment.

It is possible to ovulate 10 days after but without a positive opk or temping it is very hard to tell for definite. Cervical mucus is a good sign BUT a woman can have several patches of fertile mucus in one cycle especially after miscarriage as the body tries its hardest to regulate things again.

In the last two weeks since I think I ovulated I too have had weird ovulation pains, when I went to the docs she said that it can sometimes be down to a build of of fluid in the fallopian tubes that the body is pushing out.

I hope that you did and you caught that egg........ baby dust to you too. x

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