Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Glowstar - I cant begin to imagine what you are going through. It sounds like you are doing all the right things - stand your ground and dont let them force you into a decision without giving you ALL the facts. Massive hugs.

Welcome all the newbies - sorry for you losses.

Smoking pregnant people!!! Argh - dont get me started. One of my best friends who is a nurse for chrisake smoked all through her pregnancy and is smoking now he is born. I burst in to tears when she called to say she was pregnant (by mistake - make up sex with her boyfriend) and was finding giving up smoking such an ordeal that she wasnt going to bother - as it would be stressful for the baby!!!!!!!


I am 11DPO and got a BFN today :(
Mrs max dont give up its still early to get a bfp....fingers crossed for you. x
Hey ladies - just checking in!

Glow - i will be watching for your update, there is no reaason why everything wont be ok from from ive read??

Cloey - where are u at now? tww or ttc?

newbies - so sorry for your losses :hugs:

afm - im ok, stilllllllll no real symptoms so still not relaxed. Scan on monday. I cant imagine being given good news so going in prepared for the worst. Will be 7 weeks on monday. Yesterday when i went to the loo there was the tiniest amount of brown tinged gunk. NO blood though.. so hoping for the best.

Hi All

Glow, how are you today? Any more news chick??

Kas, yay glad you are ok, dont worry about your scan, it will come round quickly, try and enjoy your weekend and im sure all will be fine, spotting is very common too :hugs:

Bastetgrrrl, welcome, so sorry you had to join us but yes you'll get lots of support here!

Amanda, get him in the sack as soon as he gets home and :sex:

MrsMax, naughty for testing early, so sorry for your BFN but its early days so dont lose hope :dust:

MrsC, yep waiting and seeing is sometimes the best way, annoying but you'll figure it out in the end, id keep up the :sex: every other day just in case.

As for me, I got my crosshairs although i think i ovulated a day or two later than it says as its got me before my +ve OPK and before the ewcm!! Ill see what happens in the next few days i think!!!

Glowstar wow I am keeping my fingers crossed, well done for standing your ground, what a nightmare :hugs:

Good luck to everyone O'ing! Let's hope there are some BFPs in the making as we speak xx
Same to you missus!! If i did ovulate a day after you then we are the same. TWW buddies!! Good luck chick, we can all keep each other sane!!

Hmm now I am panicking I might not have O'd yet because I don't have sore nipples which I always get at 1 or 2 DPO for about 4/5 days :( Wondering if I had a surge but my body didn't manage to ovulate. Didn't BD last night either so I hope I didn't O later and missed it! Though even if I O'd a day later than I thought I still BD'd 2 days before and 1 day before so that's not too bad..

sorry for the garbled rantings just bloody confused! :D

Put a link to your chart on here so we can see?? I sometimes get sore nips and sometimes not, think mine depends on whether im on clomid or not, also sometimes i get ovulation pains after Ovulation and not other times. Dont panic too much, get another :sex: in later if you can just in case.

The other thing to consider elhaym is if your boobs have not gone back to normal yet following the miscarriage? Mine did not hurt as much post ov as usual. X
That's a good point debzie, thanks!

Clobo I don't temp so don't have a proper chart I just put OPKs, CM and symptoms on it so I can't confirm ovulation. I'll try and BD later and hopefully that will cover it, typical we couldn't last night! xx
Hi ladies.....just a quick note to let you know I am out of hospital. Progesterone test today came back as 116 which is indicative of a uterine pregnancy especially as they saw the sac too. One of the Drs still thinks my Beta of 5600+ was low for 4+6...I CANNOT find anything anywhere that verifies that is low because every HCG chart I can find in the world says it's completely normal :shrug:

Another Beta test tomorrow and scan booked for 19th for 'today' I am still pregnant :wacko:
Glow glad you checked in so pleased to hear that. How's the spotting? X
Hi Girls

Glow, sounds like each peice of news you get is actually quite encouraging, hold on chick and good luck for your tests tomorrow :hugs: its good that you are allowed to go home, its always more comfy in your own bed.

Hope everyone else is ok xxx
@Glowstar - hopefully everything works out just fine and that you have nothing to worry about. Your levels don't sound low to me either.
Glow - so glad to hear that everything is going ok so far. Take it easy and let us know how things are going.

DH and I had a massive row late last night. It's all fine now but I was up until it was day light, so didn't temp. I did do an OPK this morning though and another one tonight and it look like I'm having a surge :) Going to jump on DH the minute he gets home tomorrow in the hope that we might catch the eggy.

I've attached a photo of my OPK series so far
Good luck Amanda. Funnily enough must be something withhormonrs I usually fight more with oh round about the time i ov.
He started this one Debzie because he was tired and grumpy. Bloody men lol!

Looks like I still have a small chance of being in this month. Looking forward to testing in the morning. This cycle has been so up and down, I'll be glad when it's over lol
Ah the grumpy tired man not a pretty sight. My oh works away from home so I don't get to see many of his moods. Makes things more difficult when ttc.

It's a bugger when you ov late I envy women who ov on cd 10 they can all but have a cycle over and done with by the time many of us are getting round to ovulate. Wondwr what this last mmc has done to my cycles. Mines not too bad I used ov cd 17-19. Good luck hun. x
I had an 84 day cycle once, that was NOT fun!!

Yes Amanda they look good opks jump on him tomorrow!! I think you have to have a few disagreements in a relationship, keeps you both on your toes!! Inever go to bed without making up tho!!


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