Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Yeah I am a mental heath nurse been doing it for 10 years now. It will look good on your interview to get into nursing if you have volunteered already. One of my friends is currently doing her access to nursing to do her midwifery training but they have said at uni that she will have to have some experience first not counting her 5 kids lol. Good luck hun. x
Okay I'm I'm spotting a lot. Yesterday was just a little. What's the deal? I don't think it's my :af: because of my temps. My mmc was 7/6 pretty much stopped bleeding after one week or so. Anyone else have this happen?
BDing can cause spotting, could it be that?

My temp went up today and when I took off the ovulation override I got solid crosshairs. I'm so chuffed, I feel like a weight has been taken off my shoulders. I've been symptom spotting already though lol! Had lots of cramping and lower back pain last night, but it's probably something else or just in my head.

I noticed a strange coincidence on my chat though - the due date it's given me for if I conceived this cycle is a year to the day after I found out about the last pregnancy. Hope thats a good omen. My birthday is on the 15th, so it looks like I'll be getting either AF or a BFP as a gift lol!
Baste I spotted all through last cycle since my mmc but had a definate drop in temp when af started. Bding can cause spotting as the cervix can still be sensitive.

Amanda so pleased for you hun its funny you day that coincidence as a few of the girls in one of my pal pregnancy threads all had either due dates the same or other significant events such as conceiving on the date they got their bfp etc. All of the ladies exept me and we know how my last ptwgnancy ended. Hope its a good sign. x
Just out of curiosity I put my dates in from lmp and my due date would be the day before I got my last bfp so if i ovulate on cd 15 I will have the same due date.... not going to happen as i usually ov cd 17-19.
It'd be really spooky if you O'd a couple of days earlier this time, after saying that wouldn't it? Although I just hope you catch that eggy, regardless of what date :)
Thanks it would be fate lol. Anything is possible after miscarriage as the majority of the time it does change your cycles. X
Amanda, yay for ovulation and you got some good :sex: in there too!! You can stop worrying about ovulating now and start symptom spotting instead!! :haha:

Debzie, good luck with this cycle, wont be long till you are back :sex: again trying to catch that eggy!! :dust:

As for me, Im 7 dpo and nice high temps although looking back at my previous non-preggo charts i do tend to have a peak in the middle of my cycle!! I am getting wierd pains in my uterus/ovary area though so hoping its a beany snuggling in!!

Your chart looks great Clobo. If your temps stay up there's a good chance there's a bean in there :)

I've been really crampy and bloated since yesterday but it must be something else because 4DPO is too early for implantation isn't it?

Im trying not to get too excited but yep i just need the temps to stay up now!!

The trouble is that its the progesterone that causes our symptoms like fatigue, bad skin, changes in uterus etc and we have high progesterone whether we are pregnant or not so thats no help :grr:

Once the beany has implanted (usually 7-10 dpo although can be earlier or later) it takes a few days to produce a significant level of HcG which then causes even more symptoms like the nausea, veiny boobs etc and by then we probably have already tested and know either way anyway!! Just Mother Nature teasing us yet again!!

Id say if the cramps continue for another day or so then it could possibly be implantation?? Mine are kinf od little stabbing pains on the right hand side ... what are yours like??

Yeah mother nature is a cow lol!

I've had a pulling sensation and just a contant general ache that gets a bit sharper now and again. It's low down on my belly so I know its not a bowel thing. They're not as sharp as AF cramps, but then I have endo too, so that probably makes my AF cramps worse.

It's the bloating that's bothering me most of all just now. I keep going to the toilet to try and pee away some of the bloat and just to have a few mins relief from the tightness of my work trousers.
CLOBO, I think your chart looks promising as well. FXD!! :dust:

ICKLE, the bloating was so bothersome to me as well. I think you have a really good chance that this is implantation symptoms.... Awesome. GL, FXD. :dust:

AFM, I am currently waiting to see if my temps are indicating AF is arriving or that OV is about to occur, I know things are a little different after a M/C so I am waiting for one or the other to let me know what we are about to do. The "donation" is on standby for Monday if it's OV, so, I wish the next couple of days would hurry and show!
Hi ladies, we :sex: last night and today I've still got positive opsk so we are :sex: again tonight :happydance:

Wish us luck:flower:
I agree mother nature is a cow......

Still have my fingers crossed for all you ladies post ovulation.

Good luck meachy.

Nothing new with me except I got a telephone call today from the community support worker who works with the midwives ( our trust send these workers out to your home when your 16 weeks to discuss breastfeeding, smoking cessation healthy diet etc) She started the phone call with how many weeks pregnant are you I replied I miscarried 6 weeks ago thanks for the reminder. I know it was awful but arghhhhh. Spent the rest of the day feeling like sh1t.
Aw Debzie :hug: I don't blame you for being snappy with her. You don't need a reminder like that when you're least expecting it.

OT - but why do they wait until you're 16 weeks along to speak about smoking cessation and healthy diet?? Surely they should tell you this stuff straight away? Bloody NHS!

Meachy - enjoy the BDing lol!

I've been feeling crap all evening - lots of cramps, bloating and nausea. It's probably just the progesterone which is a good thing I suppose but I wish I didn't get these pg symptoms. DH ran me a bath and I stayed in it for over 2 hours while I read a Marian Keyes book (love her!) lol!
ohhh debzie how awful :(
im very sick at the moment so I think my temp this morning was really affected, was waking all night with a fever etc :< I just hope this doesn't affect my chances of getting a BFP this month :(

Meachy have fun tonight xx

Clobo I've had 2 little stabbing pains on the right hand side too... who knows x

ohh ickle pand that bath sounds like bliss... I'm terrified of our bath haha
Thanks ladies don't know why they wait yntil 16 weeks but thats when these community support workers get involved in the pregnancy. They were late ringing anyway would have been 17 weeks yesterday. Wouldn't care but just after i miscarried I saw my midwife who cancelled all my appointments. Guess they don't communicate with their support workers.

Amanda I get loads of pregnancy symptoms in the tww its soul destroying some months.

Lola so sorry your feeling unwell hun hope you feel better soon. X
Hi all

Lola, hope you are feeling better today?? :hugs:

Debzie, aw thats awful, communication really is bad in general i think when it comes to things like that. I had a scan letter for what would have been my 12 week scan but Ben hid it and cancelled it for me and only told me afterwards bless him :friends:

How is everyone else doing?? Glow, did you get the results of your last blood tests??

AFM, im really trying not to make too much of my symptoms but I do seem to have all the usual things, bit od sickyness, tiredness etc. Temps are nice and high they just need to stay up! Its going to be very hard waiting to test/witch another 9 days!!

Clobo - you're going to wait 9 days? You're stronger than me, I'd be testing tomorrow if I was 8DPO lol!

Lola - hope you're feeling better soon hun.

AFM - I was really nauseous last night. I had to eat to try and help. Decided just to have a couple of slices of bread and butter and my mouth was really watering at the thought of the butter. It wasn't even real butter, just Flora light lol!

That helped but DH had a shower before bed and put on deoderant afterwards like he always does. He raised up his arm and the smell (that I normally love) brought on the nausea again so bad that I had to sit up in bed for 5 minutes until my stomach calmed down.

I've been cramping and gassy again this morning but not as bad as yesterday. I'd gladly suffer all this if I was pregnant but it's just a pain in the arse at the moment lol!
hi ladies hope your all doing well today, i'am fed up waiting already i'am actualy going out my mind :wacko:. I woke up several times through the night with the same dream that i'am holding this new born baby up close, its dressed all in white so no idea what sex it is and its up over my shoulder so i cant see its face but the touch of its new skin and super soft hair is so real to my fingers and that new baby smell!! I think i have officialy lost the plot, didnt matter what i did as soon as i fell asleep the same dream then id wake up still with baby smell up my beak.

Anyone else feeling like their loosing it??? or iam i athe only one haha

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