Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

I miscarried on June 2nd and we were NTNP and I've just found out I'm pregnant!!! So nervous now though. IS there anyway I can get a early scan? X
I miscarried on June 2nd and we were NTNP and I've just found out I'm pregnant!!! So nervous now though. IS there anyway I can get a early scan? X

:happydance: WOO HOO Congrats!

Have you contacted your dr yet? I know that my dr will be watching closely because of the mmc. I guess it really all depends on the risk and what your dr thinks.
Not a kindle, cos I asked him. Not an iPad cos it's too expensive (would love one though). We've already got a fancy dslr camera so I don't think it's that. Plus I probably wouldn't use it technically twice a day everyday. He kept saying technically but not sure what he meant by that. Its not a fertility monitor cos that would be a bit too depressing a present to get unless I'd asked for it specifically. I wondered if it was one of those Hoover robots that comes out and hoovers the house for you but no.

I can't think of anything it could be that I would use twice a day!

How did the test go Lola? I'm holding out until I've at least had my blood test on sat to confirm that I O'd. So hard already though!
I miscarried on June 2nd and we were NTNP and I've just found out I'm pregnant!!! So nervous now though. IS there anyway I can get a early scan? X for the scan it depends really on your epau. our trust do not routinely scan if you only have had 1-2 miscarriages and not before 7 weeks. I only managed to get an early scan last time as I was spotting. Good luck hun and wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months. x

Amanda your oh is one cruel man teasing you mine does exactly the same, I cannot think of what it is other then the suggestions already stated.

Lola hows the poas going I was having withdrawals so peed on an opk yesterday and it was stark white what did I expect though.

AFM I cannot believe I am still spotting, its more like beige CM now but still I wish it would stop already I am on cd 9.
Hi Ladies

Lola, what was the result you are keeping us all in suspense!!!!

Amanda, hmmm well i really dont know then, i was sure i had it when i said a kindle!! Doh!!

Em, Congratulations, really happy for you chick .... im giong to ring my FS when i find out again as they scanned me before and im going to ask if they will again. Mind you they cant really see anything till at least 6 weeks, how far along are you?? Id ring around and ask, otherwise if you are in the UK Babybond do private scans for about £100 and they are all around the country. Take care of yourself :hugs:

Debzie, urgh what a pain, hopefully it will stop soon, perhaps you had some retained products left which is why it has been heavier this time round?? Yes satisfy yourself and POAS with some OPKs!! Sexy times soon :sex:

AFM, im trying so hard not to SS but they are right there!! Argh!!!!

Clobo - just had a peek at your chart, you do have lots of good symptoms so far. I really hope this is your month after all the hassles you had after the m/c.

Emnoahjack - Congratulations! Sorry I missed your post earlier, I was using my phone.

Debzie - he really is cruel lol! He's usually quite good with presents, I just hope I like this one after all the build up lol! I really have no idea what it could be. I've tried to think what I do twice a day every day (or more if I want to apparently) but not necessarily at work and I keep drawing a blank. It's really helping with the 2ww though lol!
sorry guys I actually held out!! Now 8DPO keep forgetting to temp tho lol. I'm going away this weekend, do I take tests with me or will I actually hold out??? Hmmmmmmm x
Well done on holding out Lola, it's definitely a good thing given how early it is.

It depends where you're going I think. Would getting a BFN upset you enough that you don't enjoy the weekend? Are you likely to be drinking? Have you been having any symptoms? Maybe tell your DH to hide the tests so you can't pack them lol!
haha okay so just tested. I like to have a progression of test from 8Dpo if it is gonna be a bfp. But ofc It was a BFN lol. I think I won't take them with me this weekend?? Will I? Hopefully I'll just forget to pack them lol! Right off to buy my baby his first pair of real shoes, he took his first steps yesterday!!

Here's the vid of it, probably watch it on mute cos I am talking like a ****** lol
Ooh Lola that's a tough one - personally I'd say awit it out and leave them at homr so you don'y soil uoit holiday with an earltb BFN!

Ickle pand I am absolutely INTRIGUED by this present LOL :haha: I can't wait to find out! We are as excited as you are, haha!

AFM, well, strangeness this morning. TMI incoming!

I am 9 DPO and firstly have lots of pale yellow CM - normal for me after O, but it's usually thick and creamy but this is thin and like milk if that makes sense? ALSO, I had a streak of brown CM this morning - I never get spotting days before AF except when I had a BFP - but also I looked and there was a tiny bit of... stuff? Possibly tissue? It was solid, anyway. So now I don't know what to think, is AF starting early, was it just a bit of leftover stuff etc. I know to take all these symptoms with a pinch of salt as its only the first cycle after mc and things could just be acting a bit weird.

Oh well, will find out in a week I guess!
Oh didn't see the vid till after I posted, bless him that's adorable! :D

It's my friends little boy's 1st birthday party tomorrow and he has just started taking steps, it's just too cute! xx
Aw I can't see the video at work Lola. I'll have a look when I get home though.

Elhaym - I wonder if that was IB? Fingers crossed! Are you planning to test or just going to wait for AF?

I'm dying to test already but I know it's not worth it. I've been having sharp pains on my right side since last night. Not too sore but just annoying. Hope that it's because there's a baby implanting on that side lol!
ohh Elhaym does sound like IB! I think I'm going to be a good girl and leave all my tests at home. Gonna be sooooo disappointed on Mon if its BFN tho lol xx
CLOBO, how are you doing today?

KAS, the avatar IS super cute! How are you feeling today?

EMN, CONGRATS!!! Relax yourself, take your vitamins, and like BASTE mentioned, call your dr, they will likely see you quicker due to the timing. My doc said to give a call asap. :dust:

ICKLE, I am excited to hear the results of your bloods this Saturday! :dust:

LOLA, I agree it depends on the type of trip, you don't want to ruin the trip with a bad mood if you keep seeing bfn, as it is still early. I think IMMEDIATELY after you return, take the test!!! :dust: Enjoy your trio!!!

ELHAYM, definitely strange, but not so strange if it is IB, which is what I am leaning towards!!! FXD!!! :dust:

Well ladies, I am on CD17, and this morning, there was the faintest pink line that I've seen on my OPKs in the last 6 mos. I checked the wife's eyes, because I am sure I have line eye :haha: and she said she sees a very faint line. I am HOPING this means that thre is OV this weekend. My temps aren't moving however, so I don't know. Tonight when I test again, we will change "donation' delivery date to Sunday if need be, otherwise, if it is still faint we will just keep the 9am Mon morning delivery. What do you think??? :dust:
Lola, aw mate, well its still very early, hmmm id leave them at home too, by moonday you will be 11 dpo and thats still early so you have loads of time!! Lush video by the way, Reuben is such a cute name and bless him toddling all over the place!! Did you get some nice new shoes!??

MrsMM, chick Ive just read the bit about checking with the Wife and realised that you are married to a lady and that you are using a donor, wow ive read the start of your journal and its really interesting, there we are all going on about getting our blokes to have :sex: with us and you had the added trouble of having to find a donor, brlliant news that you have though. i really hope that you have good news again soon chick :hugs:

Amanda, your symptoms sound promising, if it is implantation then its not worth testing for at least 3 days, hold on tight chick it wont be long!!

Elhaym, happy birthday to your little one for tomorrow!! so what symptoms have you got chick??

AFM, Im doing ok thanks :hugs: loads of symptoms today, bleeding gums when i brushed, stuffy nose, tired, stabbing pains ... im starting to think its just my body playing tricks though, damned progesterone :grr:

Sorry not my little one he's my friend's! :D

No real symptoms. Not sure if I feel v mild twinging and cramps now and again. Just that bit of brown CM this morning! Your symptoms sound good, I know what you mean about your body playing tricks though I have been caught out by symptoms before :D FX'd it's pregnancy and not just progesterone!
I am so excited for you ladies due to test soon!!! Clobo your chart looks awesome xx
I am so excited for you ladies due to test soon!!! Clobo your chart looks awesome xx

How have you been keeping??? was worried i hadn't seen you posting for awhile. Hope your keeping well and everything is good and healthy with your baby :hugs:
GLOWSTAR, nice to see you. How are you? We have been thinking about you. :wave: :hugs:
well night night to all you ladies all over the lands, so tired i can hardly keep my eyes open so there will be no sexy time tonight:sleep::sleep::sleep:. Looking foward to big cuddles though when dh gets in from work round midnight.

Hope you all well and iam sending tuns and heaps :dust: to you all xx

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