Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

I had two miscarriages and one a week before mother's day naturally. My doctor told me to wait one cycle but RE said okay if it was a natural miscarriage.
clobo, we had sex and it felt..... different. not painful. Just different phyically. I think its cos we didnt do it the whole time i was pregnant as i was too scared! so maybe my body was like whooooah whats this lol!!!!

2nd time bk to normal tho :) yer we are doing it every two days so tonights the night hahahahaha :)

i was tempted to buy a ov test today but ive managed to restrain myself as i really dont want to over think it!

how is your bleeding? I waited until it had fully stopped (which i sd was 9 days after the mc - think).


Garnet - where do u think doctors stand if you had a natural MC at home, but after taking the first med management pill and then being asked to take the last pills just in case?

i think tbh doctors say 1 month, 3 months or 6 months incase you have emotional healing to do. Not sure after a d&c as perhaps that effects lining? i dont know.

i just know that we feel ready to NTNP :)

im taking pregnacare ones for conception - but thats all xxx
Hi girls hope u dont mind me joining, im going through my 2nd mmc at the moment :cry:, the 1st was in nov last yr :cry:
I opted for medical management 4 both of mine , this was a week gone tues and im still bleeding hoping it stops soon cos we really want 2 try again b4 af comes. Last time we waited for af but i dont think is really matters just really want 2 be a mammy. Big Hugs 2 every one:flower: xx

I think different doctors say different things. Some say wait for one cycle as then its easier to date the pregnancy but i have PCOS and long cycles so hard to date anyway!!!!

Aw Starlee and Garnet, im so sorry for your losses and that you have had to go through this twice. I hope you are doing ok and I feel your impatience, im like that too!

Im on cd 10 and think the bleeding is now just spotting, im temperature charting so hopefully that will tell me when i ovulate and hopefully start the :sex: next week!! Thanks First for the reassurance.

Im on the sanatogen multivit, folic acid and omega 3, i buy them when they are on offer as they are quite expensive!!

Does anyone else temp?? My chart is in my signature if anyone wants to stalk it, although its not very exciting at the moment!!!

Thanks for this thread!

I also just m/c naturally (no D&C) at 5 weeks 5 days. Bleeding is tampering off and going to take a HPT on Friday in the hopes that its negative. I want to start trying right away and my husband is supportive of whatever I want to do. He's been so great through all of this. :hugs:

I am still so sad, but I waited 10 months for my :bfp:...I am not sure how long I'll have to try for my next one. Plus, I was SO HAPPY for the 2 weeks I knew I was pregnant. I feel empty--I want the bloating/swollen boobs/nausea back. I don't want to take away from our loss, but by trying again I can focus on positive things.

I also read you can be even more fertile for a couple of months after a loss, so I am still taking my prenatal vitamin, B6/B12, and iron. Hopefully it'll happen again soon!!

Sorry to hear about your loss, it sounds like you have the right attitude, we all seem to be thinking the same on this thread. Yep its hard when you have been trying so long to think that it might take that long again ... im sure it wont though and i take great comfort in knowing now that it CAN happen, before i didnt know whether it ever would.

How cute is your pug!!! xxx
starlee -ur more than welcome!!! i hop ur bleeding stops soon hun xxx

clobo im not temping as trying to just do nothing and hope for best heehee :)

pug let us know when u get ur BFN hun. i checked mine again today and am defo getting BFN's - does that mean my HCG levels are 0-5? im sooooooooooo tempted to check ov.... but NOT going to!!!!! :)
Hi can I join in please? I had a natural MC this weekend and I really want to start TTC again ASAP and take advantage of any fertility boost. I pray this is the only time I ever need to be thinking about and wanting my HCG levels to fall so quickly. I'm so glad I've found you all, sorry you are all in here too :hugs:
Hi Mrs W, so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you are ok :hugs:

Join the impatient club, yes ive heard you are more fertile for a few months after a mc ... im taking a digi on saturday to see what mine says, i agree, its the only time i ever want to see a "not pregnant"!!

First, wish i didnt have to temp!! Kind of used to doing it now and my chart gives me something to obsess over!!

Im thinking of trying acupuncture, anyone had it before for TTC or anything else??

Hi can I join in please? I had a natural MC this weekend and I really want to start TTC again ASAP and take advantage of any fertility boost. I pray this is the only time I ever need to be thinking about and wanting my HCG levels to fall so quickly. I'm so glad I've found you all, sorry you are all in here too :hugs:

Welcome MrsW! :hugs: we can all support each other even if we dont get our wanted BFPs straight away. :flower:

mrsW i assume ur still bleeding atm if mc was weekend gone? is it still heavy? lots of love 2 u xxx
ooo i didnt know acupuncture was linked with TTC? mmm not really thought about it. Im actually having a spa day the tues before our wedding and my sis asked if i wanted one... but i said no! lol.

if you have it let us know as im curious what its like :)

im not sure now whether to temp or not. are there any other obvious signs of ovulation? as ive NEVER charted etc or paid much attention? we just bedded alot! :blush:
mrsW i assume ur still bleeding atm if mc was weekend gone? is it still heavy? lots of love 2 u xxx

I'm still bleeding a little, I probably had the most I'd had at all when I woke this morning, but they were having a right old dig around with the internal scan yesterday so I think that may have caused that, hopefully it sped it up a bit. I haven't been "soaking" pads as they think I should have been, and there isn't any "evidence of pregnancy" left in me, so they are presuming I have resorbed most of it :shrug: I think that physically, I have been "lucky" (wrong word, can't think of the right one) with this, as I also had no cramps, just a pain on my right side.
LOL I don't know how I've managed to quote myself there! I've never had acupuncture but from what I understand, I can only think it would be beneficial to ttc.

Firsttimer, was your angel due in December? your name seems familiar?
Hi First (do you have a real name??)

Here is a link to a really good site although if you fell pregnant the first time then you probably will have no problems again and wont need to worry for a while. Ill let you know though, im willing to try anything at this point!!

As for temping it really helped me as i have PCOS and long nirregular cycles so no idea when to do it :sex:!! So I started temping and my first chart on clomid was perfect for a normal cycle so i know temping works for me, then i did a natural cycle and thought i ovulated on cd 18 but actually didnt and then did on cd 27 (see my chart in my signature) so its lucky i temped or i would have missed it!!!! Its easy, you get a 2 decimal place thermo, sign up to fertility friend and temp and check your cervix and cervical mucus every day, the website will do the rest!!

Just before and during ovulation you should have a high, soft, open cervix, egg white or watery cervical mucus and a dip in temp followed by a big rise caused by the progesterone build up at ovulation. Also i get ovulation pains and then sore boobs .... i have seriously learnt so much about my body in the last few months!!

I am temping expert now! so if you give it go and need any help then im your girl!!

Mrs W, im so glad that its happened quickly for you and you had no pain, mine was the worst pain ive ever felt, i guess you were a little earlier than me and yes your body probably absorbed some of it. I hope it stops soon, i think its a big milestone to stop bleeding and get on with your next cycle.

Hi First (do you have a real name??)

Here is a link to a really good site although if you fell pregnant the first time then you probably will have no problems again and wont need to worry for a while. Ill let you know though, im willing to try anything at this point!!

As for temping it really helped me as i have PCOS and long nirregular cycles so no idea when to do it :sex:!! So I started temping and my first chart on clomid was perfect for a normal cycle so i know temping works for me, then i did a natural cycle and thought i ovulated on cd 18 but actually didnt and then did on cd 27 (see my chart in my signature) so its lucky i temped or i would have missed it!!!! Its easy, you get a 2 decimal place thermo, sign up to fertility friend and temp and check your cervix and cervical mucus every day, the website will do the rest!!

Just before and during ovulation you should have a high, soft, open cervix, egg white or watery cervical mucus and a dip in temp followed by a big rise caused by the progesterone build up at ovulation. Also i get ovulation pains and then sore boobs .... i have seriously learnt so much about my body in the last few months!!

I am temping expert now! so if you give it go and need any help then im your girl!!

Mrs W, im so glad that its happened quickly for you and you had no pain, mine was the worst pain ive ever felt, i guess you were a little earlier than me and yes your body probably absorbed some of it. I hope it stops soon, i think its a big milestone to stop bleeding and get on with your next cycle.


Hi Clobo, I'm sorry you had so much pain :hugs: I am finding the positive points of this situation and I am grateful, I was anticipating the pain and that was bad enough. I'm trying to take it easy with the obsessive TTC but where would I find that sort of thermometer? Do you have a link to one? x
How long have you been TTC?? Love the name Max for your little boy!

Are you in the UK? Boots sell them, in the same place as the HPTs etc although they are £15 as they come with a booklet and cover etc that you dont need if you use fertility friend. I think you can get them online though cheaper, it kind of has to be a 2 dp one as sometimes the shifts in temp can be quite small.

Yes we all have to be positive, i have to say all the ladies on this thread are really positive, you are a lovely bunch, thanks First for starting the thread xxx

mrs.w - yer wud have been december! maybe we spoke in first tri :)

clobo my real name is Kas :) nice to meet you all haha :)

not sure i would be very good at temping as sounds like u need to keep it up lol. I got pregnant first time. We started trying in march and got pregnant in march.

My cycles were regular - BUT they were 37 days long. so nooooo idea what i should expect now, as i ear a MC can change things! I think i will just look out for the signs of OV which youve mentioned.

how do you know if you havea soft cervix tho???? do you literally (TMI IM SORRY) stick a finger up??? sorrryyyyyy!! Thats sooooo crude! sorry :blush:
Hi Kas, mine is Cloey but Clobo is fine!!

Well i wouldnt worry about temping and all that malarky just yet then, you probably ovulate between about cd 21 and 25 as your luteal phase (bit after ovulation) is usually between 12 and 16 days long. However ive heard also that a mc can mess you up a little cycle wise ..... perhaps just :sex: every other day from cd 16 onwards and thats your fertile time.

Yes cervix is low, hard and closed after period ... the softens, opens and rises up to ovulation a and then goes back to being closed, lower and firmer after ovulation ..... yep (TMI) you literally stick a CLEAN finger up and have a feel, its a little difficult to tell at first but after doing it for a while you'll get the hang of it. When your finger comes out is when to look at your mucus and see what consistence it is.

Its a glamourous job isnt it!!!!

How long have you been TTC?? Love the name Max for your little boy!

Are you in the UK? Boots sell them, in the same place as the HPTs etc although they are £15 as they come with a booklet and cover etc that you dont need if you use fertility friend. I think you can get them online though cheaper, it kind of has to be a 2 dp one as sometimes the shifts in temp can be quite small.

Yes we all have to be positive, i have to say all the ladies on this thread are really positive, you are a lovely bunch, thanks First for starting the thread xxx


I have to say I think this was just the second month of actively BD around OV, so not long really. I really want to try and not obsess but as we feel just one more child would complete our family, I'm seeing that I have a new chance of getting excited and wondering if I'm pg, and all that again. I have to admit it was only yesterday they we were still worried about an ectopic so my feelings are a bit all over the place ATM apologies if this is a load of waffle.

Thanks, Max is great, yesterday morning before my hospital appt, he sat on my lap and said mum, mum, mum, he's never done that before, he so knows what has been going on. If you ladies are still trying for your first, I can only imagine how much harder it is for you, it is worth all this and more though :hugs::hugs:

And yes I'm in UK x

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