Anyone else panicing about having a giant baby


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
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So bit of history
My 1st was 5lbs2
My 2nd was 7lb
My 3rd was 7lbs2
As my babies are clearly getting bigger I'm petrified of giving birth to a giant baby next !
My husband is one of 5 and except 1 they were all over 9 lbs I was born at 7lbs 14 I'm so scared because although my bump is measuring small I have low amounts of waters and baby is in my pelvis 2-3/5ths engaged at 30 weeks my baby was estimated at weighing 3 lbs
Can anyone reassure me or put my nerves at rest about having a big baby ? Xx
I was born at over 8lbs., and didn't destroy my mom, so even if this one is bigger, I'm sure you'll be okay!

I went in for a growth scan in week 37 because my midwife thought baby was measuring small (her guess was 5.5lbs.) and it turned out he was closer to 7.2lbs. And at my appointment a week later, she said he'd had a noticeable growth spurt. So I'm in the same boat you are -- a bit terrified that I'm going to give birth to a monster, haha.

But we'll be fine!
I know I suppose it's just I really don't want a big baby , sounds awful but when I had my first he was a baby and tiny and he was tiny for what felt like forever but my girls both just seemed like toddlers after a month or so i just don't want to totally miss the baby stage by having a giant baby , I know that sounds really awful , i feel terrible for thinking like that but I just really loved my boy being tiny for so long Yano ? X
My DD was 9lbs 1oz and it only took 20 mins to get her out. Now at about 37 weeks I was told she's probably 7-8 lbs already and measuring 38 weeks. I just don't want her to be 10 but it is what it is. It didn't hurt and I only had a small tear which I didn't feel.
Lol girl all yours are smaller then all of mine. Mine were 8lb 4oz, 9lb and 8lb 5oz. I actually found my 9 pounder was the easiest to birth. His labour was magic, i only had a handful of really strong contractions and pushed him out in 8 minutes. I tore with my 1st so thought id tear again but nope! Went home 6 hours after i felt great!
DH and i aren't big people so im not sure why i make such big babies. Im hoping to have at least a 7-8 pound one this time only because i fell like big babies dont stay little for long.
Don't worry your babies aren't big at all!! My dd was born 8.4 at 38 weeks!
Bigger babies aren't necessarily harder to birth. Most babies regardless of weight have the same-ish sized head, which is the hardest and most painful part to birth. It doesn't make much difference if they have fat sausage bodies or skinny little bodies, since the body just slides out once the head/shoulders are out. Most of my friends who have had small babies found the birth much more difficult than their bigger babies, maybe gravity helps a bit more with a big baby!
My DD was born at 10lbs 1oz. But she was born via EMCS due to "failure to progress" I am absolutely petrified this one will be massive and cause me to have to have another emcs seeing as I am aiming for a vbac.

However all my sister's babies were born at 8+ lbs, and all was fine and good.
My boy was estimated 4lbs at 32 weeks. Everyone thought he was going to be so big because my tummy was so big. He was born 7lbs 8 ounces at 39 weeks.
My dd1 was 8lb14 dd2 7lb13 and ds was 9lb13, he was definitely the easiest to push out (though dd2 was only 47 mins start to finish) pain was the same pushing him out as it was the girls xxx
Yeah I am 5ft 1 so not exactly tall. My twins were premature and born weighing 4lb 6oz and 4lb 2.5oz at 34+1 weeks. This baby was estimated at 5lb 2oz at 32+3 weeks. Measuring on 90th line on my personalised growth chart. If baby stays following that line it will possible be around 9lb at 40 weeks but baby was measuring around the 50th at 20 weeks, 75th at 28+3 weeks and 90th at 32+3 so dreading this next scan. If baby shoots up even higher they will start talking section which I want to avoid. My twins were emergency section and this will be my last baby.
Thanks guys you've calmed my nerves slightly I'm so excited for him to be here now think I'm just over thinking and panicing over nothing really xx
Oh that's scary twinmum , well I hope for your sake baby goes natural for you , I'm tiny myself , only 5ft3 and a uk size 4-6 (normally ) I don't even want to think about a section scares the hell outta me ! My sil just had her first via csec and I can barely deal with a blood test , induction is bad enough , my last baby no one believed I was in labours or the first 24 hours then they finally done the labour test and had to induce then told me I wasn't progressing and had to go to the ward o told them I was they wouldn't listen and finally they were teaching a trainee and checked my contractions trying to show him the difference and finally realised I was I fact having real contractions and I had her an hour later , I'm hoping so badly I don't get that again ��
I know I suppose it's just I really don't want a big baby , sounds awful but when I had my first he was a baby and tiny and he was tiny for what felt like forever but my girls both just seemed like toddlers after a month or so i just don't want to totally miss the baby stage by having a giant baby , I know that sounds really awful , i feel terrible for thinking like that but I just really loved my boy being tiny for so long Yano ? X

I totally relate to this. I want my baby to be tiny for as long as possible especially as he/she might be our last one. My DS was 8lbs 1 and five days early so I'm a bit worried about giving birth to a giant baby as well!
Wow that is a big baby ! Was it normal delivery ? My pelvis keeps moving out of place so it's difficult for me to have a big baby that sits right and my first snapped the bottom of my spine because my cervix is totally backward and didn't come forward enough when he started coming down
And willow Thankyou for making me feel normal instead of a mean crazy cow , it would just be so nice to have another 5 pounder but I have a feeling he'll be more like an 8-9er :(
My first was 6lbs 4.5oz and small babies run in my family, but I had a feeling my 2nd was going to be bigger. I brought it up to my dr multiple times even contemplated faking reduced movement in hopes of getting a scan, but ultimately decided it wouldn't change my plans, and my dr kept brushing me off so I just went with it. I went into labor at 40+2 which was earlier than my first and gained less weight but she still weighed a whopping 8lbs 11.5oz! My fears were right, but I still managed a totally natural unmedicated water birth and surprisingly recovered quicker than I did with my first. If it would have been my fist baby i think I would have been in trouble, but with a few babies on ur belt I wouldn't be too worried. Our bodies are capable of some amazing things!
Wow that is a big baby ! Was it normal delivery ? My pelvis keeps moving out of place so it's difficult for me to have a big baby that sits right and my first snapped the bottom of my spine because my cervix is totally backward and didn't come forward enough when he started coming down
And willow Thankyou for making me feel normal instead of a mean crazy cow , it would just be so nice to have another 5 pounder but I have a feeling he'll be more like an 8-9er :(

It was a normal delivery and as we already had an inkling that he was big, I had an epidural early on. At one point it looked like his shoulders were stuck but the two midwives managed to get him out. Left my poor husband a bit shaken watching that though!

I have gestational diabetes with this baby and have a feeling she is close to 9lbs.
My baby was 9lb 3oz. Doesn't mean he wasn't a cute newborn for less amount of time than a smaller baby. My delivery was bad but that was absolutely nothing to do with his weight. When it comes to it, if you do have a "big" baby (I don't see a huge increase in weight patterns) you won't care at all.
I am 4ft 10 inches and I had a 10 pound 2 onz baby and he was my first VBAC my second baby :flower: I did not tear either getting him out

The rest of my babies were 8 lbs 9 onzs to 7 pounds 15 that was my last baby he was my smallest

but this baby is estimated at 8 pounds at 36 weeks so looking at 9 pounds at induction as they wont let me go any further, I am not worried about size I just want baby to engage in to my pelvis :happydance:

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