Hey jess, I have pcos as well. I only had one opk on my first month of clomid (this month) and I think it was around day 15. I never did ovulate on my own to know when I usually would. Are they even doing the 21 day blood work for you?
Thats interesting, I was not told anything about cylces being changed at all. Ive been on a 28 day cycle since Jan this year so maybe they didnt tell me because I've become regular? This is confusing. I think Im a bit flustered today. Failing a little at staying positive. I had some cramping yesterday. So im guessing af will be on time this month. I really want someone to invent this FFW button! Lol. I hate waiting and hate even more depending on other people to give me answers, how are you doing Sarah??
Hi Jess, I can't see your pictures (might be because I'm on my iPad) but I have definitely read lots of stories where people have ovulated late (CD21+) and got pregnant!
Went for my my scan today (CD 15) and it was bad news...my follicles haven't grown at all, in fact, according to the nurses measurements, they have shrunk! But that might have been the measurements being slightly off. I'm guttedI have to go back on Tuesday so that they can check them again but I'm not holding out any hope. And to top it all off, tomorrow (Friday) is my birthday. I'm supposed to be celebrating with my family but I just want to crawl in to bed and sleep for a week