anyone else starting clomid next month, or can share their clomid experiences?

Lemonade sorry to hear that. Keep hoping, you never know!

I went for my scan today and they found an 18mm follicle but lining is only 5mm so he said if I don't get pg to get rescanned again next month. If the lining is thin again I'll go on to another med. I'm a bit worried that even if do get pg with the thin lining it'll be a chemcial but nothing I can do about it now.

I'm so happy my body actually responded, I've only had a mild headache and been a bit weepy so I got off lightly. No positive OPK yet but hopefuly that means a day or two to get some BD in.
One step at a time LoveCakes!! Any good news is good news right? Im sick of crying about these things so I try to find something positive for everything I find out :) Not so easy but it does help.

I called my clinic today, my blood work came back that I ovulated on my first round of clomid!! I am soo happy! I was so scared about this drug, and I had no side effects on it so im really greatful we get to stay at the same dose :) I dont think im pregnant this month, I think af started today. I am early though, by a few days I guess. But thats ok to I think. Makes this month a 27 day cycle. Lots of cramps today really sore :( But I dont find the uteris sore? Usually I get achy the week before, like hurts to go over bumps in the vehicle but nothing this month. Good thing maybe? Who knows! Im just super happy I got some results! :D
Congrats steph! Brilliant news, hopefully now its just a matter of time.maybe try opks next cycle to help with timing, worked for me :)
Steph that's fantastic about the ovualtion! You're not out yet remeber. I have to say too you have such a lovely attitude to this :)

Jess how are things with you?

Sarah is your scan this Monday or next? Hope you're feeling better and OH s looking after you :)

I'm varying between wanting ovulation to hold off a day or two to thicken up my lining and wanting to see the +ve OPK just in case the follicle doesn't actually pop. I know just how impatient I'm being but I've waited two years for our first 'real' cycle so still getting the hang of it lol
My scan is next monday...can't wait!
So tired still....just feel off. Thankfully no nausea tho.
Today I had to have a sleep in they afternoon. I work a 45 hr week but spoke with dh and going to move back to 37 hrs, I don't want to be working those long says when I'm pregnant. I only opted to do longer hours to get more money while I had no family so happy that I'm in a position that I can cut back again.
Sarah that sounds like a good idea, you need more rest now :)

I had a line half as dark as the control on an OPK. I know it's not positive but I've never had anything better than a stark white line so hoping to try again tonight and watch the progression!
Still no O yet here! My temp has not raised and I'm not getting as dark or darker lines yet on my OPKs. Maybe I won't O on this dose of Clomid and my Dr. will up my prescription, that's what I'm feeling will happen here. I do feel things in my uterus, dull cramps, and twice I had sharp pains, enough to say ow! that made me think either a egg released or a cyst did. So that makes me sure that it is working but I don't think it's working well enough yet. I'm holding out to CD26, maybe CD29 if I feel positively about it, and then I'll take Provera and try again.

That's awesome Lovecakes on the OPKs!!!! Fingers crossed!

Good luck on the scan Monday Ss83!!
Hi ladies, can I join :) Im on my first cycle of clomid 2-6. I had a scan and the lining was so thin that specialist said I could start clomid that day. I have not ovulated since stopping BC 9 months ago. I've read good things about clomid so fingers crossed. I have a scan booked for the 27th Aug to check follicles and lining :)
Aw :( did they say they won't grow? Sometimes I hear if they haven't grown by CD15, they'll ask you to come back on CD21. Happy early birthday!

Thank you for the reassurance on late ovulaters like me! Maybe you will ovulate late?

Thanks everyone. You ladies are the best - I'm so glad I have somewhere to come and talk about the Clomid process :) my birthday wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Jess - I asked the nurse if they would grow, but the nurses never make predictions or decisions; she said "they might" but she doesn't know (not her fault, nobody knows I guess). Fingers crossed you O soon too :)

Lovecakes - that's great that you have an 18mm follicle. My clinic considers anything over 17mm as mature!

Steph - that's brilliant news! Hope it's not AF, but if it is, it looks good for next cycle :)

SS - not long until your scan now, so excited to hear about it! :)

Welcome MummyDonz! Hope Clomid is kind to you :)
Thanks girls, one week tomorrow....been feeling a bit tearful today worrying if everything will be just seems too good to be true, first ovulation and got my bfp I guess after ttc for so long you you just can't get your head around actually being pregnant finally.
Was watching one born every minute to cheer myself up!
I'm sure it will be fine. Once you are ovulating there is no reason why you shouldn't have a successful pregnancy. I love One Born Every Minute too! :)
Aww Sarah don't worry, you are as likely to be as ok as all the women who get pg on their first try. I'll be thinking of you on Monday. Are you off for the bank holiday, or do you get different Scottish ones?

I can't bear One Born Every minute, the screaming freaks me out!

Jess, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, what CD are you on now?

Hi MummyDonz, you must have a great Dr if they put you on Clomid so quickly, hopefully it'll be what works for you.

I've hopefully added pics of my OPKs. What do you all think, I think I have gotten my first ever OPK+ but I'm not sure I just want it so hard I'm seeing it! I've had 2 days of EWCM too, not loads but it's there. Hubby is struggling though today. We went to see a friend who is due on Thursday and has an 18month year old. Hope is a painfull thing and this is our first cycle for 18months that we believe it is even possible.


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We have different hols but not sure if it's a public hol or not as I just get them lumped in as part of my annual leave so I lose track! Me and dh are both working, I'll pick him up and we'll go together at 1045 am and told our bosses we wont be back til after lunch. Hopefully if everything is okay we can go for a nice lunch together..otherwise...well I don't want to think about it but doubt I'll be able to face going back to work. Positive thinking'll be fine..

Look like positive opks to me, get bding! Good luck! Are you getting cd21 bloods to confirm ovulation?
That looks positive to me, LoveCakes! Good luck!

That sounds like a good plan for the scan day, SS - I'm sure a nice lunch would be perfect after seeing your baby for the first time :)
Thanks lemonade. I need to stop looking at the Internet and these forums...just read if you have nausea you're much less likely to miscarry...I have no morning sickness at all....agghhh....and then read a post on here where someone had an early scan and was fine and then discocered she'd miscarried at the 12 week scan. I need to stop reading this stuff!!!
Positive thinking....positive thinking....
Sarah, think of it this way, at least you'll get a scan where you get to keep your pants on! You'll be no use in work all afternoon you'll be looking at the pic :hugs:

No, no 21 day bloods, just pg or AF.
Lovecakes - those look positive to me! GL :dust:

Sarah - stop reading Dr. Google, it's just going to worry and upset you and you DON't need that right now :hugs:
Thanks everyone..I is evil...
But no..don't get to keep my pants on, another internal ultrasound as it's so! Lol.
Aww Sarah don't worry, you are as likely to be as ok as all the women who get pg on their first try. I'll be thinking of you on Monday. Are you off for the bank holiday, or do you get different Scottish ones?

I can't bear One Born Every minute, the screaming freaks me out!

Jess, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, what CD are you on now?

Hi MummyDonz, you must have a great Dr if they put you on Clomid so quickly, hopefully it'll be what works for you.

I've hopefully added pics of my OPKs. What do you all think, I think I have gotten my first ever OPK+ but I'm not sure I just want it so hard I'm seeing it! I've had 2 days of EWCM too, not loads but it's there. Hubby is struggling though today. We went to see a friend who is due on Thursday and has an 18month year old. Hope is a painfull thing and this is our first cycle for 18months that we believe it is even possible.

Hi, I work at a private hospital so this is probably why he was happy to start clomid after 9 months.

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